167 research outputs found

    Exploring the Potential of 3D Visualization Techniques for Usage in Collaborative Design

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    Best practice for collaborative design demands good interaction between its collaborators. The capacity to share common knowledge about design models at hand is a basic requirement. With current advancing technologies gathering collective knowledge is more straightforward, as the dialog between experts can be supported better. The potential for 3D visualization techniques to become the right support tool for collaborative design is explored. Special attention is put on the possible usage for remote collaboration. The opportunities for current state-of-the-art visualization techniques from stereoscopic vision to holographic displays are researched. A classification of the various systems is explored with respect to their tangible usage for augmented reality. Appropriate interaction methods can be selected based on the usage scenario

    HOLOGRAPHICS: Combining Holograms with Interactive Computer Graphics

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    Among all imaging techniques that have been invented throughout the last decades, computer graphics is one of the most successful tools today. Many areas in science, entertainment, education, and engineering would be unimaginable without the aid of 2D or 3D computer graphics. The reason for this success story might be its interactivity, which is an important property that is still not provided efficiently by competing technologies – such as holography. While optical holography and digital holography are limited to presenting a non-interactive content, electroholography or computer generated holograms (CGH) facilitate the computer-based generation and display of holograms at interactive rates [2,3,29,30]. Holographic fringes can be computed by either rendering multiple perspective images, then combining them into a stereogram [4], or simulating the optical interference and calculating the interference pattern [5]. Once computed, such a system dynamically visualizes the fringes with a holographic display. Since creating an electrohologram requires processing, transmitting, and storing a massive amount of data, today’s computer technology still sets the limits for electroholography. To overcome some of these performance issues, advanced reduction and compression methods have been developed that create truly interactive electroholograms. Unfortunately, most of these holograms are relatively small, low resolution, and cover only a small color spectrum. However, recent advances in consumer graphics hardware may reveal potential acceleration possibilities that can overcome these limitations [6]. In parallel to the development of computer graphics and despite their non-interactivity, optical and digital holography have created new fields, including interferometry, copy protection, data storage, holographic optical elements, and display holograms. Especially display holography has conquered several application domains. Museum exhibits often use optical holograms because they can present 3D objects with almost no loss in visual quality. In contrast to most stereoscopic or autostereoscopic graphics displays, holographic images can provide all depth cues—perspective, binocular disparity, motion parallax, convergence, and accommodation—and theoretically can be viewed simultaneously from an unlimited number of positions. Displaying artifacts virtually removes the need to build physical replicas of the original objects. In addition, optical holograms can be used to make engineering, medical, dental, archaeological, and other recordings—for teaching, training, experimentation and documentation. Archaeologists, for example, use optical holograms to archive and investigate ancient artifacts [7,8]. Scientists can use hologram copies to perform their research without having access to the original artifacts or settling for inaccurate replicas. Optical holograms can store a massive amount of information on a thin holographic emulsion. This technology can record and reconstruct a 3D scene with almost no loss in quality. Natural color holographic silver halide emulsion with grain sizes of 8nm is today’s state-of-the-art [14]. Today, computer graphics and raster displays offer a megapixel resolution and the interactive rendering of megabytes of data. Optical holograms, however, provide a terapixel resolution and are able to present an information content in the range of terabytes in real-time. Both are dimensions that will not be reached by computer graphics and conventional displays within the next years – even if Moore’s law proves to hold in future. Obviously, one has to make a decision between interactivity and quality when choosing a display technology for a particular application. While some applications require high visual realism and real-time presentation (that cannot be provided by computer graphics), others depend on user interaction (which is not possible with optical and digital holograms). Consequently, holography and computer graphics are being used as tools to solve individual research, engineering, and presentation problems within several domains. Up until today, however, these tools have been applied separately. The intention of the project which is summarized in this chapter is to combine both technologies to create a powerful tool for science, industry and education. This has been referred to as HoloGraphics. Several possibilities have been investigated that allow merging computer generated graphics and holograms [1]. The goal is to combine the advantages of conventional holograms (i.e. extremely high visual quality and realism, support for all depth queues and for multiple observers at no computational cost, space efficiency, etc.) with the advantages of today’s computer graphics capabilities (i.e. interactivity, real-time rendering, simulation and animation, stereoscopic and autostereoscopic presentation, etc.). The results of these investigations are presented in this chapter

    Direct View Rendering with Head Tracking Feedback for 3D Video Calling

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    When participants engage in a video call, discrepancies between the viewing direction from which a participant views other participants and the displayed view of the other participants can lead to a less than satisfactory experience. This disclosure describes techniques to select a subset of available cameras based on head and/or eye movements of participants in a video call to render a corresponding direct view. Cameras capture images of a viewing user that is viewing a display on which a 3D video of a second user (e.g., generated from images captured by a subset of a plurality of cameras) is displayed. Per techniques of this disclosure, with user permission, the head and/or eye movements of the viewing user are tracked based on the captured images of the viewing user. Relationship between the tracked movements of the viewing user and a view of the display of the device is determined. The view of the first display is then updated to render a 3D video based on a subset of individual cameras of a second user’s device that match the movement (which corresponds to an updated viewing position) of the viewing user. The view on the first display is updated to show the second user from a corresponding perspective. The techniques can provide a more accurate experience during a three-dimensional (3D) video conference. Suitable techniques such as machine learning can be utilized to predict the user’s movement and adjust the view accordingly

    Augmented Reality for Restoration/Reconstruction of Artefacts with Artistic or Historical Value

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    The artistic or historical value of a structure, such as a monument, a mosaic, a painting or, generally speaking, an artefact, arises from the novelty and the development it represents in a certain field and in a certain time of the human activity. The more faithfully the structure preserves its original status, the greater its artistic and historical value is. For this reason it is fundamental to preserve its original condition, maintaining it as genuine as possible over the time. Nevertheless the preservation of a structure cannot be always possible (for traumatic events as wars can occur), or has not always been realized, simply for negligence, incompetence, or even guilty unwillingness. So, unfortunately, nowadays the status of a not irrelevant number of such structures can range from bad to even catastrophic. In such a frame the current technology furnishes a fundamental help for reconstruction/restoration purposes, so to bring back a structure to its original historical value and condition. Among the modern facilities, new possibilities arise from the Augmented Reality (AR) tools, which combine the virtual reality (VR) settings with real physical materials and instruments. The idea is to realize a virtual reconstruction/restoration before materially acting on the structure itself. In this way main advantages are obtained among which: the manpower and machine power are utilized only in the last phase of the reconstruction; potential damages/abrasions of some parts of the structure are avoided during the cataloguing phase; it is possible to precisely define the forms and dimensions of the eventually missing pieces, etc. Actually the virtual reconstruction/restoration can be even improved taking advantages of the AR, which furnish lots of added informative parameters, which can be even fundamental under specific circumstances. So we want here detail the AR application to restore and reconstruct the structures with artistic and/or historical valu

    Three-dimensional media for mobile devices

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper aims at providing an overview of the core technologies enabling the delivery of 3-D Media to next-generation mobile devices. To succeed in the design of the corresponding system, a profound knowledge about the human visual system and the visual cues that form the perception of depth, combined with understanding of the user requirements for designing user experience for mobile 3-D media, are required. These aspects are addressed first and related with the critical parts of the generic system within a novel user-centered research framework. Next-generation mobile devices are characterized through their portable 3-D displays, as those are considered critical for enabling a genuine 3-D experience on mobiles. Quality of 3-D content is emphasized as the most important factor for the adoption of the new technology. Quality is characterized through the most typical, 3-D-specific visual artifacts on portable 3-D displays and through subjective tests addressing the acceptance and satisfaction of different 3-D video representation, coding, and transmission methods. An emphasis is put on 3-D video broadcast over digital video broadcasting-handheld (DVB-H) in order to illustrate the importance of the joint source-channel optimization of 3-D video for its efficient compression and robust transmission over error-prone channels. The comparative results obtained identify the best coding and transmission approaches and enlighten the interaction between video quality and depth perception along with the influence of the context of media use. Finally, the paper speculates on the role and place of 3-D multimedia mobile devices in the future internet continuum involving the users in cocreation and refining of rich 3-D media content

    Roadmap on 3D integral imaging: Sensing, processing, and display

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    This Roadmap article on three-dimensional integral imaging provides an overview of some of the research activities in the field of integral imaging. The article discusses various aspects of the field including sensing of 3D scenes, processing of captured information, and 3D display and visualization of information. The paper consists of a series of 15 sections from the experts presenting various aspects of the field on sensing, processing, displays, augmented reality, microscopy, object recognition, and other applications. Each section represents the vision of its author to describe the progress, potential, vision, and challenging issues in this field

    Natural user interfaces and autostereoscopy for learning in dentistry

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    [ES] En este trabajo de fín de máster, presentamos el desarrollo de un "juego serio" que combina autoestereoscopía e interfaces naturales de usuario en un entorno de educación superior. Para nuestro conocimiento, es la primera vez que una aplicaci on de estas caracter sticas es desarrollada y probada. Hemos desarrollado un juego que puede trabajar en dos modos, con un fondo real o con un fondo neutro. En los dos modos, dos manos virtuales se situan superpuestas a las manos del usuario en la pantalla. En el modo real las manos del avatar se situan encima de las manos del usuario, y el usuario puede ver el resto de su cuerpo. En el modo neutro, los usuarios saben donde estan situadas las manos gracias a las manos virutales, ya que no pueden ver su propio cuerpo. Nuestra hipótesis inicial era que, ya que el fondo real ofrece mas ayudas de la posición del usuario que el fondo neutro, habrá diferencias estadísticas significativas en el conocimiento adquirido por los usuarios. Treinta y tres estudiantes de odontología probaron el sistema. Los estudiantes estaban divididos en dos grupos para probar los dos sistemas. Realizamos un estudio para corroborar nuestra hipótesis. Hicimos un análisis estadistico de los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas. En los resultados obtuvimos que los usuarios aumentaban su conocimiento sobre el tópico del juego (morfología dental), y el incremento de conocimiento en los dos grupos fue muy similar. La mayoria de los usuarios preferían el fondo neutro ya que este fondo les distraía menos de la actividad que estaban realizando. Como conclusión final, el juego ha tenido una buena aceptación entre los estudiantes y los profesores, quienes nos recomendaron seguir trabajando en la aplicación y desarrollar nuevos sistemas sobre aprendizaje dental[EN] In this thesis, we present the development of a new ¿serious¿ game that combines autostereoscopy and NUI for dental learning in higher education. To our knowledge, this is the first time a game of these characteristics has been presented. We developed a NUI game that can work in two modes, with a real background and with a neutral background. In the two modes, two avatar hands appear in the position where the users¿ hands are. In the real-background mode, the avatar hands are over the hands of the user, and the users can see the rest of their own body. In the neutral background mode, the users know their hand position from the avatar hands. Our hypothesis was that since the real-world background o ers more cues than the neutral background for a more e ective NUI, there would be a statistically signi cant improvement in knowledge. We tested the systems with thirty-three dentistry students. The students had divided in two groups to test the two systems. We carried out a study to test our hypothesis. We perform a statistical analysis of the results obtained in the tests. We obtained that the users increased their knowledge about the topic of the game (teeth morphology), and the increment of knowledge in both (real-world and neutral background) systems was similar. Most of the users preferred the neutral background for a dental application because it disturbed them less than the real-world background. As a final conclusion, the game has been well received by students and professors who recommend us to continue working in the system and to develop new applications about learning in dentistry.Rodríguez Andrés, D. (2013). Natural user interfaces and autostereoscopy for learning in dentistry. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/36150Archivo delegad

    HOLOGRAPHICS: Combining Holograms with Interactive Computer Graphics

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    Among all imaging techniques that have been invented throughout the last decades, computer graphics is one of the most successful tools today. Many areas in science, entertainment, education, and engineering would be unimaginable without the aid of 2D or 3D computer graphics. The reason for this success story might be its interactivity, which is an important property that is still not provided efficiently by competing technologies – such as holography. While optical holography and digital holography are limited to presenting a non-interactive content, electroholography or computer generated holograms (CGH) facilitate the computer-based generation and display of holograms at interactive rates [2,3,29,30]. Holographic fringes can be computed by either rendering multiple perspective images, then combining them into a stereogram [4], or simulating the optical interference and calculating the interference pattern [5]. Once computed, such a system dynamically visualizes the fringes with a holographic display. Since creating an electrohologram requires processing, transmitting, and storing a massive amount of data, today’s computer technology still sets the limits for electroholography. To overcome some of these performance issues, advanced reduction and compression methods have been developed that create truly interactive electroholograms. Unfortunately, most of these holograms are relatively small, low resolution, and cover only a small color spectrum. However, recent advances in consumer graphics hardware may reveal potential acceleration possibilities that can overcome these limitations [6]. In parallel to the development of computer graphics and despite their non-interactivity, optical and digital holography have created new fields, including interferometry, copy protection, data storage, holographic optical elements, and display holograms. Especially display holography has conquered several application domains. Museum exhibits often use optical holograms because they can present 3D objects with almost no loss in visual quality. In contrast to most stereoscopic or autostereoscopic graphics displays, holographic images can provide all depth cues—perspective, binocular disparity, motion parallax, convergence, and accommodation—and theoretically can be viewed simultaneously from an unlimited number of positions. Displaying artifacts virtually removes the need to build physical replicas of the original objects. In addition, optical holograms can be used to make engineering, medical, dental, archaeological, and other recordings—for teaching, training, experimentation and documentation. Archaeologists, for example, use optical holograms to archive and investigate ancient artifacts [7,8]. Scientists can use hologram copies to perform their research without having access to the original artifacts or settling for inaccurate replicas. Optical holograms can store a massive amount of information on a thin holographic emulsion. This technology can record and reconstruct a 3D scene with almost no loss in quality. Natural color holographic silver halide emulsion with grain sizes of 8nm is today’s state-of-the-art [14]. Today, computer graphics and raster displays offer a megapixel resolution and the interactive rendering of megabytes of data. Optical holograms, however, provide a terapixel resolution and are able to present an information content in the range of terabytes in real-time. Both are dimensions that will not be reached by computer graphics and conventional displays within the next years – even if Moore’s law proves to hold in future. Obviously, one has to make a decision between interactivity and quality when choosing a display technology for a particular application. While some applications require high visual realism and real-time presentation (that cannot be provided by computer graphics), others depend on user interaction (which is not possible with optical and digital holograms). Consequently, holography and computer graphics are being used as tools to solve individual research, engineering, and presentation problems within several domains. Up until today, however, these tools have been applied separately. The intention of the project which is summarized in this chapter is to combine both technologies to create a powerful tool for science, industry and education. This has been referred to as HoloGraphics. Several possibilities have been investigated that allow merging computer generated graphics and holograms [1]. The goal is to combine the advantages of conventional holograms (i.e. extremely high visual quality and realism, support for all depth queues and for multiple observers at no computational cost, space efficiency, etc.) with the advantages of today’s computer graphics capabilities (i.e. interactivity, real-time rendering, simulation and animation, stereoscopic and autostereoscopic presentation, etc.). The results of these investigations are presented in this chapter

    Situated Displays in Telecommunication

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    In face to face conversation, numerous cues of attention, eye contact, and gaze direction provide important channels of information. These channels create cues that include turn taking, establish a sense of engagement, and indicate the focus of conversation. However, some subtleties of gaze can be lost in common videoconferencing systems, because the single perspective view of the camera doesn't preserve the spatial characteristics of the face to face situation. In particular, in group conferencing, the `Mona Lisa effect' makes all observers feel that they are looked at when the remote participant looks at the camera. In this thesis, we present designs and evaluations of four novel situated teleconferencing systems, which aim to improve the teleconferencing experience. Firstly, we demonstrate the effectiveness of a spherical video telepresence system in that it allows a single observer at multiple viewpoints to accurately judge where the remote user is placing their gaze. Secondly, we demonstrate the gaze-preserving capability of a cylindrical video telepresence system, but for multiple observers at multiple viewpoints. Thirdly, we demonstrated the further improvement of a random hole autostereoscopic multiview telepresence system in conveying gaze by adding stereoscopic cues. Lastly, we investigate the influence of display type and viewing angle on how people place their trust during avatar-mediated interaction. The results show the spherical avatar telepresence system has the ability to be viewed qualitatively similarly from all angles and demonstrate how trust can be altered depending on how one views the avatar. Together these demonstrations motivate the further study of novel display configurations and suggest parameters for the design of future teleconferencing systems
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