1,947 research outputs found

    Estaciones de ferrocarril patrimoniales: pérdida de identidad y conversión en "no lugares"

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    Ponencia presentada a Session 7: Redes sociofísicas en el planeamiento urbano / Urban social and physical networksLa propuesta que planteo parte de algunas de las cuestiones fundamentales que motivaron mi tesis doctoral: ¿Por qué se interviene de forma mutilante, insensible y desgarradora en estaciones de ferrocarril históricas españolas consideradas patrimonio; catalogadas y protegidas con los máximos niveles de protección que establece la legislación vigente? ¿Por qué se acepta todo tipo de intervencionismo con calma y normalidad? ¿Tiene relevancia real y social este patrimonio? ¿Pueden amarse en el contexto actual en el que vivimos los edificios de "paso"? Vivimos una constante desaparición del patrimonio industrial, una pérdida en definitiva de fragmentos de nuestro pasado reciente. Las estaciones de ferrocarril históricas españolas con sus particularidades respecto al diseño arquitectónico, al espacio, a su relación con el lugar redefinido constantemente pudiendo ser considerado incluso como un "no lugar" como ocurre con las autopistas o con la alta velocidad, y su peculiar relación con el usuario finalmente como características esenciales, son una parte de este patrimonio en serio peligro de extinción. Pero las voces de alarma sólo suenan cuando se trata de derribos pero no cuando se trata de intervenciones mayores o de aquellas cotidianas, sin embargo, altamente destructivas. Cambios de uso han provocado irreversibles pérdidas identitarias y de referencias para los usuarios. Las características espaciales de estos edificios únicos (diafanidad y gran escala) los han relegado en muchos casos a grandes contenedores donde todo uso vale. Nos conformamos, los arquitectos o, en ocasiones los tan demandados "equipos multidisciplinares", en este patrimonio concretamente, con mantener una simple fachada; con reducir a una isla el edificio que se dice proteger completamente descontextualizado; con acopiar en un montón de piezas numeradas al edificio considerado monumento; o simplemente, en preservar únicamente alguno de los edificios (normalmente el edificio de viajeros) del conjunto de la estación olvidando todo lo referente a patrimonio inmaterial, cultura del trabajo, etc. como si con ello ya hubiéramos salvaguardado el valor del mismo. ¿Analizamos en profundidad previamente para salvaguardar la identidad del monumento o simplemente nos preocupa dejar "nuestra huella" que, realmente es irrelevante? ¿Donde está la conexión con la realidad, con el usuario en definitiva? ¿Qué transmitimos con nuestras actuaciones? Entiendo que debemos los arquitectos repensar, entre otras cosas, qué eslabón constituimos en la cadena de la historia de un determinado monumento; o dónde está la esencia del monumento, que es en definitiva, lo que debemos salvaguardar; o a quién se dirige nuestra intervención, de forma que consigamos al menos una valoración local del monumento para que la protección sea efectiva y sostenible. En mi caso de estudio concreto, analizo las intervenciones sufridas en las principales estaciones de la compañía Norte en España observando desde detalles constructivos o compositivos hasta las consecuencias de los cambios de uso. Realizo un análisis en profundidad sobre la estación del Norte de Valencia, estructurando su análisis en tres niveles de aproximación, - de afuera a adentro-. Al primer nivel lo denomino “génesis” y trata aquellas variables externas a la arquitectura pero inherentes y necesarias para la creación de la obra (contexto político, económico, social y cultural. Contexto urbano y análisis de la historia y evolución de la compañía); Al segundo nivel, ya dedicado a temas propios de arquitectura pero no de la propia obra en estudio, lo denomino “de la idea al proyecto” (Análisis del resto de la obra del arquitecto, comparativa con otras obras similares, comparativa con otras estaciones de similar categoría) y, por último, abordando el análisis del edificio de manera exhaustiva y pormenorizada enfocado básicamente hacia los materiales y la ejecución, dispongo el nivel tercero titulado “de los materiales a la construcción”. (Análisis del proyecto y documentación histórica. Análisis de materialidad y de lo construido. Análisis de intervenciones posteriores). Así, en definitiva se pretende aportar una muestra de lo acontecido en estas estaciones para su análisis y reflexión, ayudar a la difusión y conocimiento de este patrimonio y quizá colaborar en establecer estrategias para futuras intervenciones o para determinar que, en muchos casos, quizá lo mejor sea no intervenir sino simplemente mantener o conservar

    When construction was linear. Analysis of the energy sustainability of social housing in Spain (1939-1989)

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    [EN] Building circularly means building with future reuse in mind. Since Pearce and Turner (1995) put forward their ideas on the circular economy, this approach has gained prominence in other disciplines, such as architecture. (McDonough y Braungart, 2005). However, until very recent times architecture has been "linear" if we understand this as the opposite of the aim of reuse: the initial purpose was disconnected from the final one. Thus, to have elements of analysis and comparison, in this text we will approach the way of building in Spain in the 20th century. We will focus on the case of railway social housing, which had an abundant production (around 20,000 dwellings) in the period 1939-1989, within the framework of the existing housing legislation at that time in which there was no purpose of reuse, as the context and needs were different. However, these are dwellings that are still in use where the principles of circular architecture are applied, in this case to improve and adapt to regulations regarding energy saving with the intention of making this continuity of use more sustainable.The article is based on the analysis of the thermal envelope carried out based on the projects available, as well as the study and application of the regulations on thermal insulation in the period under study, which specifically did not exist until the 1979 basic standard on thermal conditions (NBE-CT-79). The aim is to simulate, after the study carried out and after the recent update of the basic document on energy saving, (CTE DB-HE 2019) what renovation actions are necessary in these dwellings to ensure compliance with the new and rigorous standards set with the aim of reconciling these dwellings, which are still in use and were built under criteria of minimum cost, with the lowest energy consumption and therefore with greater energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.Martínez-Corral, A.; Cuéllar, D. (2021). When construction was linear. Analysis of the energy sustainability of social housing in Spain (1939-1989). VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 6(1):38-55. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2021.15383OJS385561Cuéllar, D., Martínez-Corral, A. 2021. Metodología y práctica para un inventario de viviendas ferroviarias de nueva construcción en España (1939-1990). Revista TST, vol. enero, pp. 124-149.Brand, S. 2018. How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built. S.l.: s.n. ISBN 978-0-14-013996-9.de Luxán García de Diego, M., Gómez Muñoz, G., & Román López, E. 2015. Cuentas energéticas no habituales en edificación residencial. Informes de la Construcción, 67(no. Extra-1), pp. m028-m028. https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.14.059Fernández Ans, P. 2019. Coste óptimo y viabilidad económica de la rehabilitación energética de viviendas en España. Revista Hábitat sustentable, 9(2), pp. 64-77. https://doi.org/10.22320/07190700.2019.09.02.06Fernández, P.X., Rubio, C., & Guevara, F.J. 2019. Rehabilitación energética de viviendas en España: confort térmico y efectividad. Anales de Edificación, 5(1), pp. 37-50. https://doi.org/10.20868/ade.2019.3913Kurtz, F., Monzón, M., & López-Mesa, B. 2015. Obsolescencia de la envolvente térmica y acústica de la vivienda social de la postguerra española en áreas urbanas vulnerables. El caso de Zaragoza. Informes de la Construcción, 67(no. Extra-1), pp. m021-m021. https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.14.062Martínez-Corral, A., & Cuéllar, D. 2020. Las soluciones constructivas en la vivienda durante el franquismo: el caso de la vivienda ferroviaria. Informes de la Construcción, 72(558), e341. https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.71047Mcdonough, W., & Braungart, M. 2005. Rediseñando la forma en que hacemos las cosas: cradle to cradle (de la cuna a la cuna). Madrid: McGraw-Hill.Muñoz Rubio, M. 1995. RENFE, 1941-1991: medio siglo de ferrocarril público. Madrid: Ediciones Luna.Pearce, D.W., & Turner, R.K. 1995. Economía de los recursos naturales y del medio ambiente. Madrid: Celeste Ediciones.Pushkar, S., & Verbitsky, O. 2014. LCA of different building lifetime shearing layers for the allocation of green points. Eco-Architecture, vol. 142, pp. 459-469. https://doi.org/10.2495/ARC140391Serna, E.M., & Galadí, J.I.R. 2015. Rehabilitación integral de barriadas con dificultades sociales en Andalucía. La experiencia de San Martín de Porres en Córdoba. Informes de la Construcción, 67(no. Extra-1), pp. m027-m027. https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.14.05

    Fundamentals of 3D imaging and displays: a tutorial on integral imaging, light-field, and plenoptic systems

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    There has been great interest in researching and implementing effective technologies for the capture, processing, and display of 3D images. This broad interest is evidenced by widespread international research and activities on 3D technologies. There is a large number of journal and conference papers on 3D systems, as well as research and development efforts in government, industry, and academia on this topic for broad applications including entertainment, manufacturing, security and defense, and biomedical applications. Among these technologies, integral imaging is a promising approach for its ability to work with polychromatic scenes and under incoherent or ambient light for scenarios from macroscales to microscales. Integral imaging systems and their variations, also known as plenoptics or light-field systems, are applicable in many fields, and they have been reported in many applications, such as entertainment (TV, video, movies), industrial inspection, security and defense, and biomedical imaging and displays. This tutorial is addressed to the students and researchers in different disciplines who are interested to learn about integral imaging and light-field systems and who may or may not have a strong background in optics. Our aim is to provide the readers with a tutorial that teaches fundamental principles as well as more advanced concepts to understand, analyze, and implement integral imaging and light-field-type capture and display systems. The tutorial is organized to begin with reviewing the fundamentals of imaging, and then it progresses to more advanced topics in 3D imaging and displays. More specifically, this tutorial begins by covering the fundamentals of geometrical optics and wave optics tools for understanding and analyzing optical imaging systems. Then, we proceed to use these tools to describe integral imaging, light-field, or plenoptics systems, the methods for implementing the 3D capture procedures and monitors, their properties, resolution, field of view, performance, and metrics to assess them. We have illustrated with simple laboratory setups and experiments the principles of integral imaging capture and display systems. Also, we have discussed 3D biomedical applications, such as integral microscopy


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    [EN] El Greco¿s painting View and Plan of Toledo and, especially, the outlined plan included in it is one of the first drawn floor plans of Spanish cities. Its accuracy and quality is only comparable to the military plans of the time and it raises the question about El Greco¿s training as a cartographer. The analysis of the plan, both as a part of the pictorial composition and also as a cartographic document by itself, opens up new hypothesis about his training as a cartographer and also about the assessment of this remarkable work of the artist.[ES] El cuadro del Greco Vista y plano de Toledo y, especialmente, el plano delineado que incluye, uno de los primeros de ciudades españolas dibujados en planta, con una precisión y calidad sólo comparable a los planos militares de la época, plantea la cuestión de la formación del Greco como cartógrafo. El análisis del plano, como parte de la composición pictórica pero también como documento cartográfico considerado en sí mismo, abre nuevas hipótesis sobre sus conocimientos como cartógrafo y sobre la valoración de esta singular obra del pintor.Calduch Cervera, J. (2012). EL GRECO CARTÓGRAFO: VISTA Y PLANO DE TOLEDO (1608-1614). EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 17(19):68-77. doi:10.4995/ega.2012.1359SWORD68771719CRESPO SANZ, Antonio, 2005, "Un mapa olvidado: el Atlas de El Escorial" (pp. 59-89), CT Catastro, octubre, 2005.Díez Del Corral GARNICA, Rosario, 1987, Arquitectura y mecenazgo. La imagen de Toledo en el Renacimiento, Madrid, Alianza Forma.Martínez-Burgos GARCÍA, Palma, 2004, El Greco: el pintor humanista, obra completa, Alcobendas, LIBSA

    Cell Wall Composition and Structure Define the Developmental Fate of Embryogenic Microspores in Brassica napus

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    [EN] Microspore cultures generate a heterogeneous population of embryogenic structures that can be grouped into highly embryogenic structures [exine-enclosed (EE) and loose bicellular structures (LBS)] and barely embryogenic structures [compact callus (CC) and loose callus (LC) structures]. Little is known about the factors behind these different responses. In this study we performed a comparative analysis of the composition and architecture of the cell walls of each structure by confocal and quantitative electron microscopy. Each structure presented specific cell wall characteristics that defined their developmental fate. EE and LBS structures, which are responsible for most of the viable embryos, showed a specific profile with thin walls rich in arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), highly and low methyl-esterified pectin and callose, and a callose-rich subintinal layer not necessarily thick, but with a remarkably high callose concentration. The different profiles of EE and LBS walls support the development as suspensorless and suspensor-bearing embryos, respectively. Conversely, less viable embryogenic structures (LC) presented the thickest walls and the lowest values for almost all of the studied cell wall components. These cell wall properties would be the less favorable for cell proliferation and embryo progression. High levels of highly methyl-esterified pectin are necessary for wall flexibility and growth of highly embryogenic structures. AGPs seem to play a role in cell wall stiffness, possibly due to their putative role as calcium capacitors, explaining the positive relationship between embryogenic potential and calcium levels.This work was supported by grant PID2020-115763RBI00 to JS-S from Spanish MICINN and by a Juan de la Cierva -Incorporacion Fellowship and a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (656579) to PC-M. RM holds a CDEIGENT (2018/023) fellowship from Generalitat Valenciana.Camacho-Fernández, C.; Seguí-Simarro, JM.; Mir Moreno, R.; Boutilier, K.; Corral-Martínez, P. (2021). Cell Wall Composition and Structure Define the Developmental Fate of Embryogenic Microspores in Brassica napus. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1-16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.7371391161

    An overview of head tracking integral imaging three-dimensional display using smart pseudoscopic-to-orthoscopic conversion

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    We overview a previously reported head tracking integral imaging three-dimensional (3D) display to extend viewing angle accommodated to a viewer's position without the crosstalk phenomenon. A head detection system is applied to obtain the head position and rotation of a viewer, and a new set of elemental images is then computed using the smart pseudoscopic-to-orthoscopic conversion (SPOC) method for head tracking 3D display. Experimental results validate the proposed method for high quality 3D display with large viewing angle

    Método matemático para la sincronización de las cámaras mediante la utilización de algoritmos DDT.

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    La utilización de los algoritmos DLT para la reconstrucción espacial de los puntos que determinan el sistema de sólidos rígidos de un deportista, requiere la filmación del gesto con dos o mas cámaras sincronizadas en el tiempo. Dicha sincronización ha constituido uno de los puntos críticos del error asociado a dichas técnicas y uno de los problemas de filmación de eventos deportivos debido al cableado que conlleva. En este trabajo se presenta un método matemático que permite dicha sincronización después de haber sido realizada la filmación. El método se basa en el error que se produce en la reconstrucción de las coordenadas 3D, mediante los algoritmos DLT, de un punto que está en movimiento, a partir de dos proyecciones que no coinciden en el tiempo. Dicho error se detecta mediante las diferencias entre las coordenadas digitalizadas y las proyectadas, en soporte de digitalización, del punto que ha sido reconstruido. Cuando el error es mínimo, la sincronización será la adecuada. Los resultados obtenidos han puesto de manifiesto que el método es fiables para puntos que están en movimiento, sugiriendo una metodología en el desarrollo de las técnicas fotogramétricas tridimensionales cuando se aplica a movimientos deportivos.Peer Reviewe

    Narratives of the Restructuring. Life Histories, Social Memory and Collective Action at Puerto Real Shipyard.

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    Este artículo analiza la memoria colectiva de las protestas contra la reconversión naval a través de las historias de vida de dos sindicalistas de las centrales CCOO y CNT en el astillero de Puerto Real (Cádiz). Los relatos de los sindicalistas se centraran en las experiencias de movilización contra el segundo periodo de reconversión del sector de la construcción naval (que tuvieron lugar en Puerto Real entre 1986 y 1987). Se ha seleccionado este episodio de las protestas por ser uno de los de mayor radicalidad, innovación y proyección social. Las historias de vida nos permitirán estudiar el papel de la memoria social en la acción colectiva y analizar el disputado terreno del sindicalismo en España durante la transición y la consolidación del régimen democrático.This article explores the collective memory of the protests against the restructuring of the shipbuilding industry through the life histories of two organisers of the Spanish trade unions CCOO and CNT at Puerto Real shipyard. The unionists’ narratives focus on mobilization experiences against the second stage of the industrial restructuring (which took place in Puerto Real between 1986 and 1987). This episode has been chosen for its radicalism, innovation and social impact. Their life histories are used to study the role of social memory in collective action and to analyse the disputed terrain of trade unionism in Spain during the political transition and the consolidation of the democratic regime.Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces PRY14/0

    Thermal resting pattern and acute skin temperature response to exercise in older adults: Role of cardiorespiratory fitness

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    Background Infrared thermography is a growing area of interest in sports science due to the potential of skin temperature (Tsk) measurements to provide valuable information from rest to exercise. However, limited research exists on Tsk in older adults and the impact of factors such as sex and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on Tsk. This study aims to investigate Tsk at rest and after acute exercise in older adults and assess whether sex or CRF influences Tsk. Methods Ninety-two participants (41 women, 68.48 ± 3.01 years) were examined with a thermographic camera in a conditioned room (23.02 ± 3.01 °C) at rest and after a graded protocol. The Tsk of 25 regions of interest (ROIs) were extracted and analysed. Results Men had higher overall Tsk at rest in 76% of ROIs, showing significant differences (p < 0.010) in six specific ROIs, independent of CRF. Both sexes had similar Tsk responses after graded exercise, with increases in distal parts (1.06 ± 0.50 °C), decreases in proximal parts (−0.62 ± 0.42 °C), and stable central Tsk (0.23 ± 0.59 °C). Increases in lower limb Tsk were significantly associated with CRF in men and women (β = 0.438, p = 0.001, and β = 0.535, p < 0.001, respectively), explaining 17% and 27% of the variance, respectively. Conclusions This study demonstrates a sex-specific effect on resting Tsk in older adults, suggesting that sex-specific Tsk patterns should be considered when analysing Tsk in this population. Additionally, the association between increases in lower limb Tsk and CRF suggests that Tsk could be a promising predictor of CRF in older adults.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO)European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (grant number: DEP 2016-76123-R)FEDER/ Junta de Andalucía-Consejeria de Salud y Familias (grant number PI- 0002-2017)Biomedical Research Networking Center on Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES)FEDER funds from the European Union (CB16/10/00477)Margarita Salas Postdoctoral ProgramEuropean Union Next GenerationE

    Las agregaciones espaciotemporales entre especies no descartan la competencia interespecífica en los ensambles de arañas de las oquedades arbóreas

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    1. A community's biological diversity reflects coexistence between species. This often depends, to some extent, on whether there is competition for resources and how it is dealt with. 2. The nature of old-growth tree hollows is confined and relatively isolated, which makes them ideal for investigating the competition phenomena between their inhabitants, such as Araneae. 3. The existence of interspecific competition in the structuring of tree hollow spider assemblages in Mediterranean forests was inferred by spatial co-occurrence pattern analyses with null models at both the community and pairwise levels. The analysis included 36 spider species collected monthly with emergence traps for 1 year. The distribution of four ecological traits, body size and phenology on the resulting pattern type was discussed. 4. The analyses showed spatial segregation at the community level and spatial aggregations between species with different traits predominated at the pairwise level. Hunting strategy and body size were the main differential traits to facilitate these aggregations. In addition, only the aggregations led by Amaurobius scopolii–Scotophaeus scutulatus and Eratigena atrica–Liocranum majus also showed an overlap during their main activity period. 5. Community segregation and spatio-temporal aggregations of species with differential traits suggest that interspecific competition is a very likely structuring factor of tree hollow spider assemblages. Instead, segregations at the pairwise level seem to result from other factors, for example, habitat preferences.We are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for contributing financial support to Project CGL2016-78181-R. This reserach forms part of Gerard Martínez Devesa's PhD studies granted by 'Ministerio de Universidades'(REF. FPU21/00249