13,078 research outputs found

    Studi Perbandingan Total Station dan Terrestrial Laser Scanner dalam Penentuan Volume Obyek Beraturan dan Tidak Beraturan

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    Bidang teknik sering membutuhkan penentuan volume, bahkan penentuan volume juga berpengaruh dalam bidang lain seperti bidang perekonomian serta digunakan dalam berbagai riset. Penentuan volume dalam geodesi dibantu alat ukur yang teknologinya terus berkembang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hasil penentuan volume dari dua alat ukur dengan teknologi berbeda, Total Station (TS) dan Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) sebagai teknologi terbaru. Kemudian dilakukan uji ketelitian dari hasil tersebut serta beberapa analisa pada setiap proses sebelum nilai volume didapatkan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penentuan volume dengan TS dan TLS pada obyek berbentuk beraturan (kontainer) sebagai obyek 1 dan tidak beraturan (bukit kapur) sebagai obyek 2. Pengukuran volume menggunakan dua metode pengukuran, yakni tachymetri untuk alat ukur TS dan Terrestrial Laser Scanning untuk alat ukur TLS. Analisa dilakukan dengan uji ketelitian koordinat Independent Check Point (ICP) dan hasil volume dari Terrestrial Laser Scanner dengan acuan hasil dari Total Station sebagai teknologi terdahulu. Berdasarkan uji statistik t-student kepercayaan 90% yang telah dilakukan pada ICP obyek 1 sumbu X semua koordinat diterima, sedangkan sumbu Y dan Z terdapat masing-masing 2 koordinat yang ditolak. Pada ICP obyek 2, pada sumbu X dan Z terdapat masing-masing koordinat yang ditolak, sedangkan untuk sumbu Y terdapat 2 koordinat yang ditolak. Terdapat 8 sampel yang ditolak dari 36 sampel atau 77.78% sampel uji diterima. Berdasarkan uji statistik t-student yang telah dilakukan pada volume, semua nilai volume diterima. Dari hasil analisa terlihat bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang cukup berarti/signifikan antara kedua alat ukur dalam hal ketelitian koordinat ICP maupun volume

    A comparison of methods for mapping golf greens

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    Several golf greens were mapped using a RTK GPS, Riegl 3D-Laser Mirror Scanner and Trimble S6 Robotic Total Station systems to determine the most appropriate method for this task. The RTK GPS was the easiest methods for data capture but was insufficiently accurate for mapping at a contour interval of 0.05 m or less in this situation. The laser scanner level data accuracy was slightly more accurate than the robotic total station but both produces results that were suitable for golf green mapping. However, the ease of use of the robotic total station determined this as the preferred methodology for golf green mapping with a 0.05m contour interval

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Alat Ukur Total Station Bagi Taruna-Taruni Jurusan Geologi Pertambangan SMK Penerbangan Techno Terapan Makassar

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    Berdasarkan analisis kondisi mitra sekolah, masih ada taruna-taruni yang belum mengetahui cara penggunaan alat ukur total station. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena keterbatasan sarana prasarana dan tenaga pengajar dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran di mitra sekolah. Target utama program ini adalah mempersiapkan secara dini kemampuan taruna-taruni agar dapat mengetahui dan menguasai cara penggunaan alat ukur total station sebelum memasuki dunia kerja di bidang geologi dan pertambangan. Selain itu, agar guru mitra sekolah dapat lebih mudah dan efektif dalam mengajarkan penggunaan total station dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan tersebut, taruna-taruni telah mengetahui dan memahami tentang penggunaan alat ukur total station, mampu menggunakan alat ukur total station secara mandiri, dan mampu melakukan pengolahan data dari alat ukur total station secara mandiri


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    Abstrak Media pembelajaran dapat membantu guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran. Video tutorial adalah rangkaian gambar hidup yang ditayangkan oleh seorang pengajar yang berisi pesan-pesan pembelajaran untuk membantu pemahaman terhadap suatu materi pembelajaran sebagai bimbingan atau bahan pengajaran tambahan kepada sekelompok kecil peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) Mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial total station pada mata kuliah pengukuran sipat datar dan praktikum. (2) Untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai keterlaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial total station pada mata kuliah pengukuran sipat datar dan praktikum. (3) Mengetahui respon mahasiswa mengenai media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial total station pada mata kuliah pengukuran sipat datar dan praktikum. Penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian One-Shot Case Study. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Program Studi Teknik Bangunan Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Subjek peneliitiannya adalah S1 PTB 2016. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini dilakasanakan pada materi perhitungan luas menggunakan total station. Metode penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi dan lembar angket. Hasil analisis data yaitu sebagai berikut: (1) Rata-rata hasil validasi kelayakan media pembelajaran video tutorial total station dengan presentase sebesar 75,36% dan termasuk dalam kriteria valid. (2) Hasil pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran mendapatkan nilai sebesar 3,92 dari skor maksimum 5 dengan persentase sebesar 78,46%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media video tutorial Total Station Pada Mata Kuliah Pengukuran Sipat Datar dan Praktikum pada mahasiswa PTB 2016 Universitas Negeri Surabaya dalam kategori baik. (3) Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media video tutorial total station mendapat respons baik dari mahasiswa dengan 64,23% mengatakan setuju dilaksanakan. Kata kunci: Video Tutorial Total Station, Keterlaksanaan Pembelajaran, Respon Mahasiswa. Abstract Learning media can help teachers deliver learning materials. The video tutorial is a live picture series that is shown by a teacher containing instructional messages to aid understanding of a learning material as a guide or additional teaching material to a small group of learners. The purpose of this study are (1) To determine the feasibility level of learning media based on total station tutorial video on the subject of measurement of flat and practicum. (2) To obtain information about the implementation of video-based learning total station tutorials on the courses of measurement of flat plates and lab work. (3) To know the students response about learning media based on total station video tutorial on the subject of measurement of flat and practicum. The study used a One-Shot Case Study study. This research was conducted at Building Engineering Department Program Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The research subjects are S1 PTB 2016. The research was conducted in even semester of academic year 2017/2018. This research was conducted on the calculation material using total station total. The research method uses an observation sheet and a questionnaire. The result of data analysis are as follows: (1) Average validation result of media video learning eligibility tutorial total station with percentage of 75,36% and included in valid criterion. (2) The result of observation of learning activity get value equal to 3,92 from maximum score 5 with percentage equal to 78,46%. So it can be concluded that the implementation of learning by using video tutorial media Total Station In Measurement Courses of Flat Flat and Practicum at student of PTB 2016 Universitas Negeri Surabaya in good category. (3) Learning by using video tutorial media total station got good response from student with 64,23% said agree implemented. Keywords: Total Station Video Tutorial, Learning Implementation, Student Response


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan akurasi antara RTK Radio dengan RTK NTRIP mengacu pada wilayah cakupan pengukuran terestris (total station) dan menganalisis perbedaan akurasi antara RTK Radio dengan RTK NTRIP jika tidak mengacu pada wilayah pengukuran terestris (total station). Penelitian dilakukan di 10 (sepuluh) titik di area CitraLand Tallasa City Makassar, Jl. Jalur Lingkar Barat Tamalanrea, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan yaitu di parkiran ruko Centrum Arcade (6 titik), perbatasan antara ruko Centrum Arcade dengan marketing gallery (1 titik), perbatasan klaster Green Stone dengan White Floral (1 titik), area view deck (1 titik), dan area main gate (1 titik). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode RTK Radio dan RTK NTRIP dengan menggunakan alat geodetik dan total station. Data dianalisis dengan membandingkan nilai RMSE masing-masing pengukuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akurasi RTK Radio lebih baik dibandingkan dengan RTK NTRIP baik pada 7 titik yang mengacu pada pengukuran terestris (total station) maupun pada 3 titik yang tidak mengacu pada pengukuran terestris (total station).   &nbsp

    The potential of small unmanned aircraft systems and structure-from-motion for topographic surveys: a test of emerging integrated approaches at Cwm Idwal, North Wales

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    This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Geomorphology and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.07.021Novel topographic survey methods that integrate both structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry and small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) are a rapidly evolving investigative technique. Due to the diverse range of survey configurations available and the infancy of these new methods, further research is required. Here, the accuracy, precision and potential applications of this approach are investigated. A total of 543 images of the Cwm Idwal moraine–mound complex were captured from a light (b5 kg) semi-autonomous multi-rotor unmanned aircraft system using a consumer-grade 18 MP compact digital camera. The imageswere used to produce a DSM(digital surfacemodel) of themoraines. The DSMis in good agreement with 7761 total station survey points providing a total verticalRMSE value of 0.517mand verticalRMSE values as lowas 0.200mfor less densely vegetated areas of the DSM. High-precision topographic data can be acquired rapidly using this technique with the resulting DSMs and orthorectified aerial imagery at sub-decimetre resolutions. Positional errors on the total station dataset, vegetation and steep terrain are identified as the causes of vertical disagreement. Whilst this aerial survey approach is advocated for use in a range of geomorphological settings, care must be taken to ensure that adequate ground control is applied to give a high degree of accuracy

    Penghasilan manual rjngkas penggunaan alat Total Station Sokkia Set5f dan Perisian Sdr Mapping & Design untuk automasi ukur topografi

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    Projek ini dilaksanakan untuk menghasilkan manual ringkas penggunaan alat Total Station Sokkia SET5F dan Perisian SDR Mapping & Design dalam menghasilkan pelan topografi yang lengkap mengikut konsep field to finish. Manual telah dihasilkan dalam dua bentuk iaitu buku dan CD-ROM. Manual ini telah dinilai berdasarkan data yang diperolehi daripada 7 orang responden melalui kaedah Borang Penilaian Manual. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 11.0. Hasil analisis skor min menunjukkan kesemua responden bersetuju bahawa manual dalam bentuk buku ini menarik Min ( M ) ^ ^ dan Sisihan Piawai (SD) = .535 tetapi kurang interaktif (M) = 2.29 dan (SD) = 0.488. Berbanding dengan manual dalam format CD-ROM yang mencatat nilai (M) = 3.57 dan (SD) = 0.535 semua responden bersetuju bahawa manual ini mesra pengguna dan lebih interakti


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    Continuous deformation monitoring of slope along the roads and highways in Malaysia is one of the most effective method of early landslide detection, which could contribute to avoiding or reducing the risk of landslide. There are many factors that influence the success of the monitoring system such as accuracy of the instruments, existing information, frequency of slope failure in a particular area, size of potential hazard area and the involvement of people in that project. To overcome the above problems Reflector-less Total Station method is introduced as an alternative method. This method is able to reduce the usage of reflectors, thus more survey points can be covered. It is also more economical since not only the costs for the prisms are saved, but high installation expenses can also be reduced. Additionally it can lower the risk to the people involved in measuring slope deformation in areas that are dangerous and difficult to access. This research focuses on the potential of using reflector-less Total Station for slope deformation monitoring. In order to check the performance and reliability of the reflector-less Total Station, periodical calibration of the instrument is necessary. The instrument with its related reflectors is calibrated to verify its constant and scaling errors, which is often accomplished by calculation from a series of measurements on a calibration baseline. A parametric least squares formula was used to obtain the constant and scaling correction calculations based on the series of distances on six sub-baselines. The calibration was performed at Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM) permanent calibration benchmarks at Batu Gajah, Perak Malaysia. The result shows that the values of the constant and scaling corrections for the prism and the various targets are less than the values of the instrument specification, which indicate that the reflector-less Total Station is functioning well. Data on slope deformation monitoring were collected for the three epochs within a six months gap of each other and were carried out independently in the study area located at chainage 23+800 at Simpang Pulai - Cameron Highland highway. To prove that the movement is significant, statistical test has been adopted in this study using t-student distribution. The test results show that there is a significant movement in the study area, whereby there has been a maximum of 0.09 m in the northing, 0.08 m in the easting and 0.012 m in the elevation in some of the points during the 18 months observation period

    Perbandingan ketelitian Pengukuran Jarak Dengan Alat Ukur Disto Classic, Pita Ukur Fiberglass, Dan Total Station(The Precise Comparison of Distance Maesurement Using Disto Classic, Fiberglass Tape And Total Station)

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    Some distance measurement equipments have been using in plane survey, such as measurement tape, Disto TM Classic and Total Station. Each of equipments has different precise level. This research aims to compare the precise level among fiberglass taping, Disto TM Classic dan Total Station. Data were obtained from 30 times measurement of distances 25 in, 50 in, 100 m, 150 in, 200 m and 250m taken from fiberglass taping, Disto TM Classic and Total Station. Analysis was conducted by using standard error value, t test one sample and 1 test two sample. In this research, Total Station is assumed has the best precise levelness. The result yielded that Disto TM Classic can be used to replace fiberglass taping, because of its better precision in distance measurement up to 100 in. On other hand, Disto TM Classic still have lower precise compare with Total Statio
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