1,169,811 research outputs found

    E-government adoption success factors for developing countries

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    Adoption has a key role in a successful implementation of E-government initiatives in the context of developing nations. Until the current times, little research has been done to explore determinant factors of the adoption of E-government services among developing countries citizens. It is pertinent to determine the factors influencing the e-government services adoption and the government should understand such factors. Therefore, for an E-government to reach its full potential there is a need to decrease the gap between what is offered and what is utilized for fruitful government investment. So, this paper reviewed the studies of E-government adoption in developing countries. The aim of this study is to come up with the important success factors that influence the citizens in developing countries. There are many studies mentioned that privacy, security, trust, awareness is very important factors that affect E-government in developing countries

    COBRA framework to evaluate e-government services: A citizen-centric perspective

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    E-government services involve many stakeholders who have different objectives that can have an impact on success. Among these stakeholders, citizens are the primary stakeholders of government activities. Accordingly, their satisfaction plays an important role in e-government success. Although several models have been proposed to assess the success of e-government services through measuring users' satisfaction levels, they fail to provide a comprehensive evaluation model. This study provides an insight and critical analysis of the extant literature to identify the most critical factors and their manifested variables for user satisfaction in the provision of e-government services. The various manifested variables are then grouped into a new quantitative analysis framework consisting of four main constructs: cost; benefit; risk and opportunity (COBRA) by analogy to the well-known SWOT qualitative analysis framework. The COBRA measurement scale is developed, tested, refined and validated on a sample group of e-government service users in Turkey. A structured equation model is used to establish relationships among the identified constructs, associated variables and users' satisfaction. The results confirm that COBRA framework is a useful approach for evaluating the success of e-government services from citizens' perspective and it can be generalised to other perspectives and measurement contexts. Crown Copyright © 2014.PIAP-GA-2008-230658) from the European Union Framework Program and another grant (NPRP 09-1023-5-158) from the Qatar National Research Fund (amember of Qatar Foundation

    Public-Private Partnerships In E-Government: Insights From Singapore Cases

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    There is a growing interest in public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a model for e-government service development and delivery. Although various underlying benefits of such arrangement have been enumerated, there exist challenges and issues in PPPs manifest in a number of unsuccessful cases. The success of PPPs in e-government depends on a number of factors that need to be considered from the first stage of evaluating the PPP to the last stage of development and roll-out. However, there is a dearth of PPP studies in the e-government literature that identified the success factors behind these efforts. Hence, this research attempts to address the existing gap by investigating what factors contribute to a successful e-government PPP. The paper starts out by introducing the relevant concepts and literature and then providing a review of e-government PPPs in Singapore, which has been a leader in e-government. We identify success factors based on existing studies and information of 5 cases of e-government PPPs. In future, we plan to collect data from new cases to further develop and validate these factors and identify their inter-relationships. This study is expected to contribute to research and practice by identifying success factors in different stages of e-government PPP

    Sosio-Technical Factors of E-Government Implementation

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    The failure of e-Government in a number of sector units happened because the implementation of e-Government is not easy. The old paradigm assume that e-Government is simply by installing a computer makes the implementation of e-Government failure. In fact, the success of e-Government is influenced by various factors called Critical Success Factors (CSFs). This study aims to map CSFs that influenced implementation of e-Government into two term of both technology and non-technology factors. The results showed a 67 CSFs of e-Government implementation identified was successfully mapped into seven dimensions ITPOSMO (Information, Technology, Process, Objective, Staffing & Skill, Management and Other Resource)

    An actor-network theory (ANT) approach to Turkish e-government gateway initiative

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    There are various models proposed in the literature to analyze trajectories of e-Government projects in terms of success and failure. Yet, only the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) perspective (Heeks and Stanforth, 2007) considers the interaction factors among network actors and actants. This paper proposes the ANT for approaching to the Turkish e-Government Gateway initiative as a case study. In doing so, it provides valuable insight in terms of both local and global actor-networks which surround the initiative

    Studi Validitas Dan Realibilitas Faktor Sukses Implementasi E-government Berdasarkan Pendekatan Kappa

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    Since Inpres No.3 of 2003 about policies and strategies for e-Government development, the Government institution was required to be able to take advantage of the progress of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of government. The process of transformation towards e-Government was an effort to develop electronic-based government so as to optimize the utilization of ICT in general. Unfortunately, the e-Government developed merely indicate compliance with this policy, because without the quality. Various surveys had shown that Indonesia was still far behind in terms of adoption of e-Government (UNDESA, 2012). This plus the fact that most of the e-Government projects in developing countries, including Indonesia, where the failure rate of failure to achieve up to 85% while the success rate was only 15% (Heeks, 2003). However, there is no doubt there are some areas that successfully implement e-government initiatives. In this study, the authors aimed want to explore what factors determine the success of the implementation of e-Government. The study is descriptive in which the method used is a literature study related to success factors of e-Government implementation. From the results of the validation test based on expert opinion, obtained 15 success factors that must be accommodated to ensure the successful implementation of e-Government. Inter-rater reliability had also been tested with Cohen's Kappa and the approach showed satisfactory results

    Critical Success Factors on E-Government Application - From the View of Government Workers in Guangdong

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    This study used a sample of 293 government workers from Guangdong Province of Peoples Republic of China. Based on Delone and McLean\u27s IS success model, we constructed the measurement scale for evaluating E-Government Applications success. We also examined impacts of five critical success factors (i.e. internal organization and management, quality of product and technology of suppliers, external technical environment, the external policy environment, and coordination and supportive ability of information center) on E-Government Applications. Some government characteristics and personal backgrounds were also included and explored as control variables. It was found that these five critical success factors are significantly related among themselves. It was also found from the Pearson correlation coefficients that all but external policy environment were statistically related with E-Government Application. The level of government (the City government level) and personal role as a top leader were also found to be important government and personal factors associating with E-Government Application success. A multivariate regression analysis was conducted to test five factors and two control variables. It is found that the model was statistically significant. Since the correlation among independent variables, it was found that internal organization management, external policy environment, City level government (a dummy variable) and user as a top leader (a dummy variable) were final significant variables. This was a paper originated from a doctoral dissertation. Time and resources were limited. Some potential areas for improvements and suggestions for further study were also presented

    A success model for the Malaysian government e-procurement system: the buyer perspective

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    In Malaysia, there has been a tremendous effort in implementing e-government as a national agenda with the aims to increase public transparency, improve the sector efficiency and effectiveness and reduce public expenditure through lower operational costs. One of the e-government applications is the ePerolehan, a government-to-business (G2B) system that enables online public procurement coordination and transaction between government and businesses. However, there has been a lack of empirical research findings in evaluating the success and actual value of the system, and understanding the usage factors among government users. Hence, this research was undertaken to investigate the level of ePerolehan system success and the factors that contribute to this success, as perceived by the government users. The structural equation modeling results suggest the use of the Malaysian public e-procurement system has significant and positive influence to success, measured as transparency, service performance, efficiency and information quality The results also indicated that the main significant success factors of the ePerolehan system are found to be system compatibility, user attitude, organizational learning, mimetic pressure and supplier expectation. The findings provide several important implications not only for the government-to-business discipline, but also for e-government research and practice