167 research outputs found

    High resolution probe of coherence in low-energy charge exchange collisions with oriented targets

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    The trapping lasers of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) are used to bring Rb atoms into well defined oriented states. Coupled to recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy (RIMS), this yields a unique MOTRIMS setup which is able to probe scattering dynamics, including their coherence features, with unprecedented resolution. This technique is applied to the low-energy charge exchange processes Na+^++Rb(5p±15p_{\pm 1}) \rightarrow Na(3p,4s3p,4s)+Rb+^+. The measurements reveal detailed features of the collisional interaction which are employed to improve the theoretical description. All of this enables to gauge the reliability of intuitive pictures predicting the most likely capture transitions

    Un exemple de l’utilisation des méthodes de l’analyse des données dans la démarche scientifique en économie

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    The purpose of this paper is both to report on a new methodology in the field of automatic classification, and to discuss the need of these many techniques which are referred to as factor analysis. The paper is designed to explore one group of procedures and to illustrate with a specific example that such a methodology can lead to an awareness of the problem and to a better understanding and forecasting of economic phenomena

    Turbulent viscosity optimized by data assimilation

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    International audienceAs an alternative approach to classical turbulence modelling using a first or second order closure, the data assimilation method of optimal control is applied to estimate a time and space-dependent turbulent viscosity in a three-dimensional oceanic circulation model. The optimal control method, described for a 3-D primitive equation model, involves the minimization of a cost function that quantifies the discrepancies between the simulations and the observations. An iterative algorithm is obtained via the adjoint model resolution. In a first experiment, a k + L model is used to simulate the one-dimensional development of inertial oscillations resulting from a wind stress at the sea surface and with the presence of a halocline. These results are used as synthetic observations to be assimilated. The turbulent viscosity is then recovered without the k + L closure, even with sparse and noisy observations. The problems of controllability and of the dimensions of the control are then discussed. A second experiment consists of a two-dimensional schematic simulation. A 2-D turbulent viscosity field is estimated from data on the initial and final states of a coastal upwelling event

    Etude, commande et mise en œuvre de nouvelles structures multiniveaux

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    Les structures de conversion multiniveaux permettent de convertir en moyenne tension et forte puissance. Celles-ci sont construites à partir de cellules de commutations et permettent d’augmenter le courant et la tension en entrée ou en sortie. Ces structures sont appelées multiniveaux car les formes d’ondes des tensions en sortie permettent d’avoir plus de deux niveaux de tension différents. Les différentes structures peuvent être classées dans différentes catégories tel que la mise en série de pont en H, les convertisseurs multicellulaires série ou parallèle ou encore les structures utilisant le fractionnement du bus continu. Toutes ces structures ont des propriétés et applications différentes, même si certaines structures ont des propriétés communes. Il est aussi possible de créer de nouvelles structures en mixant les différentes structures de bases des différentes familles de convertisseurs multiniveaux ou en assemblant les structures de base de la conversion statique. Même si l’utilisation de structure de conversion multiniveaux permet de convertir à forte puissance, celle-ci n’est pas toujours aisée. En effet l’augmentation du nombre de niveaux ou de la tension d’entrée implique également une augmentation du nombre de composants semiconducteurs. Ceci peut être un frein à l’utilisation de convertisseur multiniveaux. Pour cela une nouvelle structure utilisant des composants partagés entre les différentes phases est proposée afin de limiter leur nombre. Un autre problème important lié aux convertisseurs multiniveaux est l’équilibrage des tensions des condensateurs du bus continu si celui-ci est composé de plus de deux condensateurs mis en série. Pour cela plusieurs solutions sont possibles : soit en utilisant une commande spécifique utilisant la modulation vectorielle, soit en utilisant des structures auxiliaires qui ont pour but d’équilibrer les différentes tensions des condensateurs. Dans une dernière partie ont été proposées de nouvelles structures qui permettent à la fois d’augmenter le courant de sortie et la tension en entrée en utilisant les principes des structures de base des convertisseurs multicellulaires série et parallèle. De plus, ces structures ont des propriétés intéressantes sur les formes d’ondes de sortie. De ces structures a été conçu un prototype permettant de valider les résultats de simulation. Une commande numérique implantée sur FPGA a été réalisée et a permis d’avoir des résultats expérimentaux intéressants. ABSTRACT : This PhD Thesis deals with the study of new multilevel structures. At the beginning of this work, a new methodology to create new multilevel structures has been conceived. To evaluate the performances of these structures, there are many possibilities: number of output voltage levels, number of components, and the quality of the converters’ output waveforms. The list of criteria is not exhaustive. One technique to obtain an output multilevel waveform is to split the DC link in several capacitors. There is a limitation since putting more than two capacitors in serial connection leads to an unbalancing of these voltage capacitors. Several solutions are possible to balance these voltages. The first one uses the control of the structure in a three phase application, using a space vector modulation and minimizing the energy stored in the DC link. The second solution consists in using auxiliary circuits, which realize an energy transfer between one capacitor to another through an inductor. The drawback of this method is the high number of components. This problem can be reduced sharing some components between the three phases of the converter. The third part of this study is related to multicell converters, structures with very interesting good properties. New converter structures mix serial and parallel multicell converters, to obtain a hybrid converter with similar performances to the two basic converters. An experimental prototype was built to validate the results of the PhD. The digital control of this hybrid structure was made with a FPGA where two DSP processors were implemented

    Particle exchange and residence times in the North Western Mediterranean

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    The effects of the hydrodynamic processes on the distribution of passive drifters in the Gulf of Lions (GoL) have been investigated using a Lagrangian approach coupled with a 3D circulation model (Symphonie). We consider passive drifters, for which transport processes are determined solely by the 3D flow fields, which are in turn primarily forced by the North Mediterranean Current (NMC) and by the Rhˆone fresh-water inputs. The model reproduces 600 3D Lagrangian trajectories of particles released along the coastal area of the GoL during the winter period (January-February). The GoL has been divided into four sectors, each corresponding to a zone playing a strategic role in the hydrodynamics of the study area. The macroscopic characteristics of the transport on the shelf zone are analyzed in terms of total concentration and residence times of the cluster released in the basin. Particle distributions are strongly related to the mesoscale and sub-mesoscale hydrodynamic structures on the shelf and to the offshore circulation associated with the NMC. Two crucial areas are identified: a dispersive zone, corresponding to the central part of the continental shelf, and a wide offshore zone, representing an area of both aggregation and transition

    Atomic site sensitive processes in low energy ion-dimer collisions

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    Electron capture processes for low energy Ar9+ ions colliding on Ar2 dimer targets are investigated, focusing attention on charge sharing as a function of molecule orientation and impact parameter. A preference in charge-asymmetric dissociation channels is observed, with a strong correlation between the projectile scattering angle and the molecular ion orientation. The measurements provide here clear evidences that projectiles distinguish each atom in the target and, that electron capture from near-site atom is favored. Monte Carlo calculations based on the classical over-the-barrier model, with dimer targets represented as two independent atoms, are compared to the data. They give a new insight into the dynamics of the collision by providing, for the di erent electron capture channels, the two-dimensional probability maps p(~b), where ~b is the impact parameter vector in the molecular frame

    Charge-state distribution of Li ions from the β\beta decay of laser-trapped 6^{6}He atoms

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    Background: The accurate determination of atomic final states following nuclear β\beta decay plays an important role in many experiments. In particular, the charge state distributions of ions following nuclear β\beta decay are important for determinations of the βν\beta-\nu angular correlation with improved precision. Purpose: Our measurement aims at providing benchmarks to test theoretical calculations. Method: The kinematics of Lin+^{n+} ions produced following the β\beta decay of 6He^6{\rm He} within an electric field were measured using 6He^6{\rm He} atoms in the metastable (1s2s, 3S1)(1s2s,~{^3S_1}) and in the (1s2p, 3P2)(1s2p,~{^3P_2}) states confined by a magneto-optical trap. The electron shake-off probabilities were deduced including their dependence on ion energy. Results: We find significant discrepancies on the fractions of Li ions in the different charge states with respect to a recent calculation and discuss a plausible explanation. We also point out that there is no explanation for a large discrepancy between the same calculation and a previous measurement of the Li-ion energy dependence of the charge distribution from decays of the electronic ground state

    A reduced-order strategy for 4D-Var data assimilation

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    This paper presents a reduced-order approach for four-dimensional variational data assimilation, based on a prior EO F analysis of a model trajectory. This method implies two main advantages: a natural model-based definition of a mul tivariate background error covariance matrix Br\textbf{B}_r, and an important decrease of the computational burden o f the method, due to the drastic reduction of the dimension of the control space. % An illustration of the feasibility and the effectiveness of this method is given in the academic framework of twin experiments for a model of the equatorial Pacific ocean. It is shown that the multivariate aspect of Br\textbf{B}_r brings additional information which substantially improves the identification procedure. Moreover the computational cost can be decreased by one order of magnitude with regard to the full-space 4D-Var method

    Interatomic Coulombic Decay as a New Source of Low Energy Electrons in slow Ion-Dimer Collisions

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    We provide the experimental evidence that the single electron capture process in slow collisions between O3+^{3+} ions and neon dimer targets leads to an unexpected production of low-energy electrons. This production results from the interatomic Coulombic decay process, subsequent to inner shell single electron capture from one site of the neon dimer. Although pure one-electron capture from inner shell is expected to be negligible in the low collision energy regime investigated here, the electron production due to this process overtakes by one order of magnitude the emission of Auger electrons by the scattered projectiles after double-electron capture. This feature is specific to low charge states of the projectile: similar studies with Xe20+^{20+} and Ar9+^{9+} projectiles show no evidence of inner shell single-electron capture. The dependence of the process on the projectile charge state is interpreted using simple calculations based on the classical over the barrier model

    Identification of an Optimal Derivatives Approximation by Variational Data Assimilation

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    Variational data assimilation technique applied to identification of optimal approximations of derivatives near boundary is discussed in frames of one-dimensional wave equation. Simplicity of the equation and of its numerical scheme allows us to discuss in detail as the development of the adjoint model and assimilation results. It is shown what kind of errors can be corrected by this control and how these errors are corrected. This study is carried out in view of using this control to identify optimal numerical schemes in coastal regions of ocean models.Comment: in Journal of Computational Physics (2009