21 research outputs found

    The evidence of contaminants in dairy products

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    U pogledu zdravstvene ispravnosti namirnica danas se u svijetu poglavito govori o razini njihova zagađenja odnosno nalazu štetnih tvari koje mogu ugroziti čovječje zdravlje. Uporaba veterinarskih lijekova u terapijske svrhe i njihov dodatak stočnoj hrani te uporaba kemijskih sredstava u zaštiti bilja najznačajniji su putovi kemijskog zagađenja mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda. Razina spomenutih zagađenja ovisi o mogućnostima uporabe tih sredstava u poljoprivrednoj, stočarskoj i veterinarskoj praksi. Zdravstvena ispravnost mliječnih proizvoda ovisi i o nazočnosti patogenih mikroorganizama, a i o suvremenim spoznajama o nutricionističkoj vrijednosti pojedinih sastojaka.In the context of the wholesomeness the foodstuffs today we talk mostly about the quantity of different food contaminants which can cause the disturbances of human health. The use of veterinary drugs for therapeutic purposes and their addition to the animal feed, the use of pesticides and other chemicals in the plant production are the most important ways of milk and dairy products contamination. The quantity of such pollution depends on the possibilities of using this agents in agriculture, animal breeding and veterinary practice. The wholesomeness of dairy products depends on the evidence of pathogenic microorganisms as well as on the nutrition value of the composition of fooodstuffs


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    Rivne Polissia inhabitants constitute a population that was most influenced by chronic ionizing radiation due to the Chornobyl disaster. The aim of our investigation was to establish population rates of some congenital anomalies (CA) in Rivne Region during 2000-2014 and their contrasts within the Rivne Region (Polissia vs. non-Polissia), as well as to analyze probable etiological factors.Население Ровенского Полесья - популяция, потерпевшая от влияния хронического облучения ионизирующей радиации в результате Чернобыльской катастрофы. Целью нашего исследования было определить популяционные частоты врожденных пороков развития (ВПР) в Ровенской области за 2000 - 2014 гг. и их отличия в Полесском и не-Полесском регионах области, провести анализ вероятных этиологических факторов.Населення рівненського Полісся - популяція, що найбільше зазнала хронічного опромінення іонізуючою радіацією внаслідок Чорнобильської катастрофи. Метою нашого дослідження було визначити популяційні частоти вроджених вад розвитку (ВВР) у Рівненській області за 2000- 2014 рр. та їх контрасти у поліському та не-Поліському регіонах області, провести аналіз ймовірних етіологічних факторів.

    カルタン埋めこみの安定性について (等質構造の部分多様体論的研究)

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    Background: In building propensity score (PS) model, inclusion of interaction/square terms in addition to the main terms and the use of balance measures has been suggested. However, the impact of assessing balance of several sets of covariates and their interactions/squares on bias/precision is not well studied. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of balance assessment with respect to different covariates on bias of the estimated treatment effect and PS model selection. Methods: Simulation study was conducted using binary treatment and outcome data, and several covariates: confounding terms, risk factors (RFs; only related to outcome), instrumental variables (IVs; only related to treatment), and their interactions/squares. Treatment effects (risk ratios) were estimated using PS matching, and covariate balance was assessed using standardized difference. PS model selection was based on the balance achieved on different sets of covariates, and their interactions/squares. The types of covariates included in balance assessment were compared with respect to bias/precision of the effect estimate as well as the PS model selected. Results: PS model selection based on balance of confounding variables and RFs provided the least biased estimates. Inclusion of interactions/squares in balance calculation improved the precision of the estimate without increasing the bias. Although PS model selection based on balance calculation on all covariates and on confounding terms as well as IVs resulted in similar estimates in the absence of unmeasured confounding, inclusion of interactions/squares in balance calculation increased the bias (up to 13.6%) while reducing the precision. When PS model was selected based on the balance achieved only on confounding terms, the PS model containing only confounding terms was often selected followed by the PS model with confounding terms and RFs. Conclusions: In PS model selection based on covariate balance, the choice of covariates and interaction/squares for balance calculation has substantial impact on bias/precision of the treatment effect. Researchers should consider PS model selection based on the balance achieved on confounding variables, RFs and important interactions among confounders and RFs

    Epidemiology of septo-optic dysplasia with focus on prevalence and maternal age – A EUROCAT study

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    Septo-optic nerve dysplasia is a rare congenital anomaly with optic nerve hypoplasia, pituitary hormone deficiencies and midline developmental defects of the brain. The clinical findings are visual impairment, hypopituitarism and developmental delays. The aim of this study was to report prevalence, associated anomalies, maternal age and other epidemiological factors from a large European population based network of congenital anomaly registries (EUROCAT). Data from 29 full member registries for the years 2005–2014 were included, covering 6.4 million births. There were 99 cases with a diagnosis of septo-optic dysplasia. The prevalence of septo-optic dysplasia in Europe was calculated to lie between 1.9 and 2.5 per 100,000 births after adjusting for potential under-reporting in some registries. The prevalence was highest in babies of mothers aged 20–24 years of age and was significantly higher in UK registries compared with other EUROCAT registries (P = 0.021 in the multilevel model) and the additional risk for younger mothers was significantly greater in the UK compared to the rest of Europe (P = 0.027). The majority of septo-optic dysplasia cases were classified as an isolated cerebral anomaly (N = 76, 77%). Forty percent of diagnoses occurred in fetuses with a prenatal diagnosis. The anomaly may not be visible at birth, which is reflected in that 57% of the postnatal diagnoses occurred over 1 month after birth. This is the first population based study to describe the prevalence of septo-optic dysplasia in Europe. Septo-optic dysplasia shares epidemiological patterns with gastroschisis and this strengthens the hypothesis of vascular disruption being an aetiological factor for septo-optic dysplasia

    Congenital anomalies associated with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13: A registry-based study in 16 European countries, 2000-2011.

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    The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of trisomies 18 and 13 in Europe and the prevalence of associated anomalies. Twenty-five population-based registries in 16 European countries provided data from 2000-2011. Cases included live births, fetal deaths (20+ weeks' gestation), and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFAs). The prevalence of associated anomalies was reported in live births. The prevalence of trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 were 4.8 (95%CI: 4.7-5.0) and 1.9 (95%CI: 1.8-2.0) per 10,000 total births. Seventy three percent of cases with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13 resulted in a TOPFA. Amongst 468 live born babies with trisomy 18, 80% (76-83%) had a cardiac anomaly, 21% (17-25%) had a nervous system anomaly, 8% (6-11%) had esophageal atresia and 10% (8-13%) had an orofacial cleft. Amongst 240 Live born babies with trisomy 13, 57% (51-64%) had a cardiac anomaly, 39% (33-46%) had a nervous system anomaly, 30% (24-36%) had an eye anomaly, 44% (37-50%) had polydactyly and 45% (39-52%) had an orofacial cleft. For babies with trisomy 18 boys were less likely to have a cardiac anomaly compared with girls (OR = 0.48 (0.30-0.77) and with trisomy 13 were less likely to have a nervous system anomaly [OR = 0.46 (0.27-0.77)]. Babies with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13 do have a high proportion of associated anomalies with the distribution of anomalies being different in boys and girls

    Epidemiology of septo-optic dysplasia with focus on prevalence and maternal age - A EUROCAT study.

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    Septo-optic nerve dysplasia is a rare congenital anomaly with optic nerve hypoplasia, pituitary hormone deficiencies and midline developmental defects of the brain. The clinical findings are visual impairment, hypopituitarism and developmental delays. The aim of this study was to report prevalence, associated anomalies, maternal age and other epidemiological factors from a large European population based network of congenital anomaly registries (EUROCAT). Data from 29 full member registries for the years 2005-2014 were included, covering 6.4 million births. There were 99 cases with a diagnosis of septo-optic dysplasia. The prevalence of septo-optic dysplasia in Europe was calculated to lie between 1.9 and 2.5 per 100,000 births after adjusting for potential under-reporting in some registries. The prevalence was highest in babies of mothers aged 20-24 years of age and was significantly higher in UK registries compared with other EUROCAT registries (P = 0.021 in the multilevel model) and the additional risk for younger mothers was significantly greater in the UK compared to the rest of Europe (P = 0.027). The majority of septo-optic dysplasia cases were classified as an isolated cerebral anomaly (N = 76, 77%). Forty percent of diagnoses occurred in fetuses with a prenatal diagnosis. The anomaly may not be visible at birth, which is reflected in that 57% of the postnatal diagnoses occurred over 1 month after birth. This is the first population based study to describe the prevalence of septo-optic dysplasia in Europe. Septo-optic dysplasia shares epidemiological patterns with gastroschisis and this strengthens the hypothesis of vascular disruption being an aetiological factor for septo-optic dysplasia