28 research outputs found

    Propuesta de aplicativo móvil para la venta de productos del emporio comercial de Gamarra

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    El Emporio Comercial de Gamarra está conformado por más de 39 mil 630 establecimientos, que pertenecen a la industria de la moda y la fabricación de prendas de vestir, cuya oferta tiene como destino el mercado nacional e internacional. Este genera 80,183 puestos de trabajo y 8,294 millones de soles en ventas anuales, lo que representa el 20.2% del PBI del sector manufacturero en Lima, por lo que es un mercado interesante para desarrollar un modelo de negocio. En este contexto, se aplicó las metodologías ágiles de Design Thinking y Lean Startup para la solución del problema de negocio, el cual es la disminución de las ventas y pérdidas económicas en el Emporio Comercial de Gamarra, por la baja afluencia de clientes debido al escenario actual por el COVID-19. En esta investigación se presenta la solución que consiste en la creación de un aplicativo móvil para la venta de los productos de Gamarra, la cual puede implementarse con una inversión inicial de 108,800 soles y resulta rentable como lo demuestra un VAN de 247,662 soles y una TIR de 59%. La solución es una alternativa innovadora por ser un canal de venta digital que recoge la propuesta de valor de Gamarra de variedad, calidad y precio; que replica la experiencia de compra física de búsqueda a través de tiendas; que se diferencia y desafía a los líderes de mercado. Es exponencial por el potencial de alcanzar a más segmentos de clientes y comerciantes en este mercado. También, es sostenible socialmente por hacer uso del capital social de Gamarra en su creación e integrar variables de sentido de lugar en su desarrollo. Además, es sostenible financieramente ya que generará ingresos comerciales por las comisiones de venta y por los contratos publicitarios, y podrá responder a los cambios en la demanda de mercado debido al diseño escalable del aplicativo móvil.The Gamarra Commercial Emporium is made up of more than 39,630 establishments, which belong to the fashion industry and the manufacture of clothing, whose offer is destined for the national and international market. This generates 80,183 jobs, and S/ 8,294 million in annual sales, which represents 20.2% of the GDP of the manufacturing sector in Lima, making it an interesting market to develop a business model. In this context, the agile methodologies of Design Thinking and Lean Startup were applied to solve the business problem, which is the decrease in sales and economic losses in the Gamarra Commercial Emporium, due to the low influx of customers due to the current scenario for COVID-19. This research presents a solution that consists of creating a mobile application for the sale of Gamarra products, which can be implemented with an initial investment of S/ 108,800 and it is profitable as demonstrated by an NPV of S/ 247,662 and an IRR of 59%. The solution is an innovative alternative because it is a digital sales channel that includes Gamarra's value proposition of variety, quality, and price; that replicates the physical shopping experience of searching across stores; that differentiates and challenges the market leaders. It is exponential because of the potential to reach more customers and merchant segments in this market. Also, it is socially sustainable because it makes use of Gamarra's social capital in its creation and integrates variables of sense of place in its development. Moreover, it is financially sustainable since it will generate commercial income from sales commissions and advertising contracts, and will be able to respond to changes in market demand due to the scalable design of the mobile application

    Planeamiento estratégico de la Provincia de Huallaga

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    El plan estratégico para la Provincia de Huallaga tiene como objetivo establecer las estrategias que le permitan ser reconocida como un referente de desarrollo de una economía sostenible y de alta relación con la biodiversidad, para lograr, en el largo plazo, ser una provincia social y económicamente competitiva, donde sus habitantes cuenten con servicios de agua, saneamiento, comunicaciones, salud y educación de calidad. Para conseguir estos objetivos se han replanteado actividades como el turismo y la agroindustria, de manera que sirvan de impulso y contribuyan a mejorar las deficiencias en infraestructura que hoy día se constituyen en una de las mayores debilidades para el crecimiento de la zona. Para la elaboración del presente estudio se utilizó el modelo de planeamiento estratégico diseñado por el profesor Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza. Luego de la evaluación externa e interna y de acuerdo con la visión de la provincia proyectada al año 2035, se establecieron 10 Objetivos de Largo Plazo (OLP). Posteriormente, con la elaboración de la matriz de Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Debilidades y Amenazas (FODA) se generaron 18 estrategias y después de un análisis de las diferentes matrices que plantea la metodología empleada, se retuvieron 7 estrategias. Asimismo, para alcanzar los OLP se han planteado 46 Objetivos de Corto Plazo (OCP) y 11 políticas que corresponden a cada una de las estrategias retenidas. Finalmente, a pesar de la situación actual de la provincia, se considera que existe un gran potencial de desarrollo, ya que, además de contar con una importante diversidad biológica, también posee como ventaja comparativa el complejo arqueológico del Gran Saposoa, el cual se convertirá en la principal ventaja competitiva y en el ingrediente principal para desarrollar un turismo arqueológico y cultural, que se complementará con el turismo ecológico impulsando un nuevo clúster de turismo en el norte del país, ampliando la oferta nacional a diferentes zonas geográficas y culturalesThe aim of the strategic plan for the Huallaga Province is to determine the strategies that will enable it to be recognized as a development referent of a sustainable economy that is highly related to biodiversity, in order to become in the long run a socially and economically competitive province, where the people have all the basic services, including running water, sewage, good communications, health care and quality education. In order to achieve these objectives, tourism and agro-industrial activities have been reassessed so as to be used as a springboard and contribute to the overcoming of the deficiencies in infrastructure that today constitute one of the main shortcomings for the growth of the area. To carry out this study, the strategic planning model designed by professor Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza was used. After doing the external and internal evaluation and according to the province’s vision projected to the year 2035, ten Long-Term Objectives (LTO) were set up. Then, after analyzing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT matrix), 18 strategies were generated, which were shortlisted to 7 after the application of the various matrixes proposed by the methodology used. Likewise, in order to achieve the LTOs 46 Short-Term Objectives (STO) were established, as well as 11 policies that correspond to each of the strategies retained. Finally, despite the province’s current situation, it was concluded that there is a great potential for development, since, besides having a significant biological diversity, the Gran Saposoa archeological site constitutes the main comparative advantage and will become the main competitive advantage and the major ingredient in the development of archeological and cultural tourism that will complement the ecological tourism boosting a new tourism cluster in the north of the country by spreading the national offer to different geographical and cultural zonesTesi

    Contabilidad general: cuadernos de trabajo. Ejercicios para resolver en clase

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    Proporciona a los estudiantes un recurso de aprendizaje, donde se plantea diversos ejercicios y casos por cada tema desarrollado en el curso, para que ellos los resuelvan gradualmente durante el ciclo, con la siguiente finalidad: Refuercen lo aprendido en clase y lo adquirido mediante lectura de los libros texto del curso. Igualmente, que Identifiquen oportunidades de mejora en su aprendizaje

    Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses After a 3-dose Course of mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Cohort Study.

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    In kidney transplant recipients, there is discordance between the development of cellular and humoral response after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. We sought to determine the interplay between the 2 arms of adaptive immunity in a 3-dose course of mRNA-1273 100 μg vaccine. Methods: Humoral (IgG/IgM) and cellular (N- and S-ELISpot) responses were studied in 117 kidney and 12 kidney-pancreas transplant recipients at the following time points: before the first dose, 14 d after the second dose' and before and after the third dose, with a median of 203 and 232 d after the start of the vaccination cycle, respectively. Results: After the second dose, 26.7% of naive cases experienced seroconversion. Before the third dose and in the absence of COVID-19, this percentage increased to 61.9%. After the third dose, seroconversion occurred in 80.0% of patients. Naive patients who had at any time point a detectable positivity for S-ELISpot were 75.2% of the population, whereas patients who maintained S-ELISpot positivity throughout the study were 34.3%. S-ELISpot positivity at 42 d was associated with final seroconversion (odds ratio' 3.14; 95% confidence interval' 1.10-8.96; P = 0.032). Final IgG titer was significantly higher in patients with constant S-ELISpot positivity (P < 0.001). Conclusions: A substantial proportion of kidney transplant recipients developed late seroconversion after 2 doses. Cellular immunity was associated with the development of a stronger humoral respons

    Local hydrological conditions influence tree diversity and composition across the Amazon basin

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    Tree diversity and composition in Amazonia are known to be strongly determined by the water supplied by precipitation. Nevertheless, within the same climatic regime, water availability is modulated by local topography and soil characteristics (hereafter referred to as local hydrological conditions), varying from saturated and poorly drained to well-drained and potentially dry areas. While these conditions may be expected to influence species distribution, the impacts of local hydrological conditions on tree diversity and composition remain poorly understood at the whole Amazon basin scale. Using a dataset of 443 1-ha non-flooded forest plots distributed across the basin, we investigate how local hydrological conditions influence 1) tree alpha diversity, 2) the community-weighted wood density mean (CWM-wd) – a proxy for hydraulic resistance and 3) tree species composition. We find that the effect of local hydrological conditions on tree diversity depends on climate, being more evident in wetter forests, where diversity increases towards locations with well-drained soils. CWM-wd increased towards better drained soils in Southern and Western Amazonia. Tree species composition changed along local soil hydrological gradients in Central-Eastern, Western and Southern Amazonia, and those changes were correlated with changes in the mean wood density of plots. Our results suggest that local hydrological gradients filter species, influencing the diversity and composition of Amazonian forests. Overall, this study shows that the effect of local hydrological conditions is pervasive, extending over wide Amazonian regions, and reinforces the importance of accounting for local topography and hydrology to better understand the likely response and resilience of forests to increased frequency of extreme climate events and rising temperatures

    AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds

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    Functional traits offer a rich quantitative framework for developing and testing theories in evolutionary biology, ecology and ecosystem science. However, the potential of functional traits to drive theoretical advances and refine models of global change can only be fully realised when species‐level information is complete. Here we present the AVONET dataset containing comprehensive functional trait data for all birds, including six ecological variables, 11 continuous morphological traits, and information on range size and location. Raw morphological measurements are presented from 90,020 individuals of 11,009 extant bird species sampled from 181 countries. These data are also summarised as species averages in three taxonomic formats, allowing integration with a global phylogeny, geographical range maps, IUCN Red List data and the eBird citizen science database. The AVONET dataset provides the most detailed picture of continuous trait variation for any major radiation of organisms, offering a global template for testing hypotheses and exploring the evolutionary origins, structure and functioning of biodiversity

    Seroprevalencia de la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi y factores asociados en población adulta en una zona de alta endemicidad de Arequipa, Perú

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    Objective: determine the seroprevalence of infection by T. cruzi in the population above age 15 in the valley of Vítor, describing general characteristics and the presence of associated factors. Materials and Methods: 499 people above age 15 were randomly selected; epidemiological information was obtained through a survey. The diagnosis of the disease was made by ELISA and IIF. Results: the seroprevalence for Chagas reactivity was 10,2%, 10,35% in women and 10,0% in men. The median of age of the "typical" Chagas disease patient was 42±17,9, his/her time of residence in Vítor was 34±15,9 years; 51,0% had been born in the valley of Vítor. Agricultural workers made up 41,2%, of the general population, and 51,0% have a high school education. Rustic housing materials were associated with the infection. Conclusions: the valley of Vítor is an endemic area for Chagas disease. The infection equally affects men and women. The "typical" infected patient is native to the valley of Vítor, works in agriculture and has secondary level education. Rustic building materials is associated to the infection by T.cruzi because it favors the presence of the vector.Objetivo: determinar la seroprevalencia de infección por T. cruzi en pobladores mayores de 15 años del valle de Vítor, describiendo características generales y presencia de factores asociados a la infección. Material y Métodos: se seleccionaron aleatoriamente a 499 personas mayores de 15 años de edad, mediante encuesta se obtuvo la respectiva información epidemiológica. El diagnóstico serológico de la enfermedad se realizó mediante ELISA e IFI. Resultados: la seroprevalencia fue de 10,22%. En mujeres 10,35% y varones 10,04%. La mediana de edad del paciente chagásico fue de 42±17,86 años el tiempo de residencia fue de 34±15,95 años. El 50,98% es natural del valle de Vítor. Según la ocupación de la población general, agricultor 41,18%, ama de casa 31,37%. El 50,98% tiene instrucción secundaria. El único factor asociado a la infección fue el material rústico de las vivienda. Conclusion: el valle de Vítor es zona chagásica endémica. La infección afecta tanto a hombres como a mujeres. El poblador infectado es natural del valle de Vítor, se dedica a la agricultura y tiene secundaria como grado de instrucción. El material rústico de las viviendas se asocia a la infección por T.cruzi al favorecer la presencia del vector

    Disparities and Temporal Trends in the Use of Anticoagulation in Patients With Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation

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    Background and Purpose: Ischemic stroke (IS) secondary to atrial fibrillation (AF) is largely preventable with the use of anticoagulation. We sought to identify race-ethnicity and sex disparities with the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), aspirin, and warfarin in IS patients with AF and to identify temporal trends in the utilization of these medications. Methods: The FLiPER-AF Stroke Study (Florida Puerto Rico Atrial Fibrillation) included 24 040 IS cases enrolled in the Florida-Puerto Rico Collaboration to Reduce Stroke Registry from 2010 to 2016. Multivariable logistic regression models were performed to evaluate the effect of race-ethnicity and sex on utilization of DOACs, aspirin, and warfarin for stroke prevention in AF after adjustment for sociodemographic, hospital, and clinical factors. Results: Among 24 040 IS cases, 54% were women and 10% black, 12% FL-Hispanics, 4% PR-Hispanic, and 74% whites. From 2010 to 2016, DOAC use increased from 0% to 36%, warfarin use decreased from 51% to 17%, and aspirin use remained relatively stable (42%–40%). After adjustment, blacks had higher odds of warfarin (odds ratio, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.07–1.40) prescription at discharge compared with whites. Men had higher rates of aspirin (42.1% versus 38.8%), warfarin (33.6% versus 28.9%), and DOAC (21.3% versus 19.3%) use compared with women. After adjustment, women had lower odds of being discharged on aspirin (odds ratio, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.86–0.98) or warfarin (odds ratio, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.84–0.99). There was no sex difference in use of DOACs. Conclusions: Our study confirmed the increasing use of DOACs, downtrending use of warfarin, whereas aspirin use remained similar over the years. There are sex and race-ethnicity disparities in anticoagulation use in IS patients with AF. It is critical to understand underlying drivers of these disparities to develop better practice strategies for stroke prevention in patients with AF

    Disparities and Temporal Trends in the Use of Anticoagulation in Patients With Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation

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    Background and Purpose—Ischemic stroke (IS) secondary to atrial fibrillation (AF) is largely preventable with the use of anticoagulation. We sought to identify race-ethnicity and sex disparities with the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), aspirin, and warfarin in IS patients with AF and to identify temporal trends in the utilization of these medications. Methods—The FLiPER-AF Stroke Study (Florida Puerto Rico Atrial Fibrillation) included 24 040 IS cases enrolled in the Florida-Puerto Rico Collaboration to Reduce Stroke Registry from 2010 to 2016. Multivariable logistic regression models were performed to evaluate the effect of race-ethnicity and sex on utilization of DOACs, aspirin, and warfarin for stroke prevention in AF after adjustment for sociodemographic, hospital, and clinical factors. Results—Among 24 040 IS cases, 54% were women and 10% black, 12% FL-Hispanics, 4% PR-Hispanic, and 74% whites. From 2010 to 2016, DOAC use increased from 0% to 36%, warfarin use decreased from 51% to 17%, and aspirin use remained relatively stable (42%–40%). After adjustment, blacks had higher odds of warfarin (odds ratio, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.07–1.40) prescription at discharge compared with whites. Men had higher rates of aspirin (42.1% versus 38.8%), warfarin (33.6% versus 28.9%), and DOAC (21.3% versus 19.3%) use compared with women. After adjustment, women had lower odds of being discharged on aspirin (odds ratio, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.86–0.98) or warfarin (odds ratio, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.84–0.99). There was no sex difference in use of DOACs. Conclusions—Our study confirmed the increasing use of DOACs, downtrending use of warfarin, whereas aspirin use remained similar over the years. There are sex and race-ethnicity disparities in anticoagulation use in IS patients with AF. It is critical to understand underlying drivers of these disparities to develop better practice strategies for stroke prevention in patients with AF. Clinical Trial Registration— URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT03627806