372 research outputs found

    Neutrino-less Double Electron Capture - a tool to research for Majorana neutrinos

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    The possibility to observe the neutrino-less double β \beta decay and thus to prove the Majorana nature of neutrino as well as provide a sensitive measure of its mass is a major challenge of to-day's neutrino physics. As an attractive alternative we propose to study the inverse process, the radiative neutrino-less double electron capture 0ν2EC0 \nu 2EC. The associated monoenergetic photon provides a convenient experimental signature. Other advantages include the favourable ratio of the 0ν2EC0 \nu 2EC to the competing 2ν2EC2\nu 2EC capture rates and, very importantly, the existence of coincidence trigger to suppress the random background. These advantages partly offset the expected longer lifetimes. Rates for the 0γ2EC0\gamma 2EC process are calculated. High Z atoms are strongly favoured. A resonance enhancement of the capture rates is predicted at energy release comparable to the 2P−1S2P-1S atomic level difference. The resonance conditions are likely to be met for decays to excited states in final nuclei. Candidates for such studies are considered. The experimental feasibility is estimated and found highly encouraging.Comment: New figure added, table updated, physical background discusse

    Exact spinor-scalar bound states in a QFT with scalar interactions

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    We study two-particle systems in a model quantum field theory, in which scalar particles and spinor particles interact via a mediating scalar field. The Lagrangian of the model is reformulated by using covariant Green's functions to solve for the mediating field in terms of the particle fields. This results in a Hamiltonian in which the mediating-field propagator appears directly in the interaction term. It is shown that exact two-particle eigenstates of the Hamiltonian can be determined. The resulting relativistic fermion-boson equation is shown to have Dirac and Klein-Gordon one-particle limits. Analytic solutions for the bound state energy spectrum are obtained for the case of massless mediating fields.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 1 figur

    Experimental limits on the proton life-time from the neutrino experiments with heavy water

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    Experimental data on the number of neutrons born in the heavy water targets of the large neutrino detectors are used to set the limit on the proton life-time independently on decay mode through the reaction d -> n+?. The best up-to-date limit tau_p > 4 10^23 yr with 95% C.L. is derived from the measurements with D_2O target (mass 267 kg) installed near the Bugey reactor. This value can be improved by six orders of magnitude with future data accumulated with the SNO detector containing 1000 t of D_2O.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 1 table; small typo is correcte

    Search for double beta decay of Zinc and Tungsten with the help of low-background ZnWO4 crystal scintillators

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    Double beta processes in 64-Zn, 70-Zn, 180-W, and 186-W have been searched for with the help of large volume (0.1-0.7 kg) low background ZnWO4 crystal scintillators at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN. Total time of measurements exceeds 10 thousands hours. New improved half-life limits on double electron capture and electron capture with positron emission in 64-Zn have been set, in particular (all the limits are at 90% C.L.): T1/2(0nu2EC)> 1.1e20 yr, T1/2(2nuECbeta+)>7.0e20 yr, and T1/2(0nuECbeta+)>4.3e20 yr. The different modes of double beta processes in 70-Zn, 180-W, and 186-W have been restricted at the level of 1e17-1e20 yr.Comment: 20 p., submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Response of CdWO4 crystal scintillator for few MeV ions and low energy electrons

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    The response of a CdWO4 crystal scintillator to protons, alpha particles, Li, C, O and Ti ions with energies in the range 1 - 10 MeV was measured. The non-proportionality of CdWO4 for low energy electrons (4 - 110 keV) was studied with the Compton Coincidence Technique. The energy dependence of the quenching factors for ions and the relative light yield for low energy electrons was calculated using a semi-empirical approach. Pulse-shape discrimination ability between gamma quanta, protons, alpha particles and ions was investigated.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figs, accepted in Nucl. Instrum. Meth.

    CP Violation in B and K Decays: 2003

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    These lectures give a brief description of CP violation in B and K meson decays with particular emphasize put on the determination of the CKM matrix. The following topics will be discussed: i) The CKM matrix, the unitarity triangle and general aspects of the theoretical framework, ii) Particle-antiparticle mixing and various types of CP violation, iii) Standard analysis of the unitarity triangle, iv) The ratio epsilon^prime/epsilon, v) The most important strategies for the determination of the angles α\alpha, β\beta and γ\gamma from B decays, vi) Rare decays K+→π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu and KL→π0ννˉK_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu vii) Models with minimal flavour violation.Comment: Schladming lectures 2003, Main latex-file, 8 figures, 51 page

    Observation of beta decay of In-115 to the first excited level of Sn-115

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    In the context of the LENS R&D solar neutrino project, the gamma spectrum of a sample of metallic indium was measured using a single experimental setup of 4 HP-Ge detectors located underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories (LNGS), Italy. A gamma line at the energy (497.48 +/- 0.21) keV was found that is not present in the background spectrum and that can be identified as a gamma quantum following the beta decay of In-115 to the first excited state of Sn-115 (9/2+ --> 3/2+). This decay channel of In-115, which is reported here for the first time, has an extremely low Q-value, Q = (2 +/- 4) keV, and has a much lower probability than the well-known ground state-ground state transition, being the branching ratio b = (1.18 +/- 0.31) 10^-6. This could be the beta decay with the lowest known Q-value. The limit on charge non-conserving beta decay of In-115 is set at 90% C.L. as tau > 4.1 10^20 y.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Neutrinoless double-electron capture

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    Indexación ScopusDouble-beta processes play a key role in the exploration of neutrino and weak interaction properties, and in the searches for effects beyond the standard model. During the last half century many attempts were undertaken to search for double-beta decay with emission of two electrons, especially for its neutrinoless mode 0?2ß-, the latter having still not been observed. Double-electron capture (2EC) was not yet in focus because of its in general lower transition probability. However, the rate of neutrinoless double-electron capture 0?2EC can experience a resonance enhancement by many orders of magnitude when the initial and final states are energetically degenerate. In the resonant case, the sensitivity of the 0?2EC process can approach the sensitivity of the 0?2ß- decay in the search for the Majorana mass of neutrinos, right-handed currents, and other new physics. An overview of the main experimental and theoretical results obtained during the last decade in this field is presented. The experimental part outlines search results of 2EC processes and measurements of the decay energies for possible resonant 0?2EC transitions. An unprecedented precision in the determination of decay energies with Penning traps has allowed one to refine the values of the degeneracy parameter for all previously known near-resonant decays and has reduced the rather large uncertainties in the estimate of the 0?2EC half-lives. The theoretical part contains an updated analysis of the electron shell effects and an overview of the nuclear-structure models, in which the nuclear matrix elements of the 0?2EC decays are calculated. One can conclude that the decay probability of 0?2EC can experience a significant enhancement in several nuclides. © 2020 American Physical Society.https://journals-aps-org.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.92.04500

    Pulse-shape discrimination with PbWO4_4 crystal scintillators

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    The light output, α/β\alpha/\beta ratio, and pulse shape have been investigated at −25∘-25^\circ C with PbWO4_4 crystal scintillators undoped, and doped by F, Eu, Mo, Gd and S. The fast 0.01−0.06μ0.01-0.06 \mus and middle 0.1−0.5μ0.1-0.5 \mus components of scintillation decay were observed for all the samples. Slow components of scintillation signal with the decay times 1−3μ1-3 \mus and 13−28μ13-28 \mus with the total intensity up to ≈50\approx50% have been recognized for several samples doped by Molybdenum. We found some indications of a pulse-shape discrimination between α\alpha particles and γ\gamma quanta with PbWO4_4 (Mo doped) crystal scintillators.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to NIM
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