2 research outputs found

    How management decides investments: the diagnosis of the business case practices in Portugal

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    JEL Classification System: M10, M19The current economic context faced by organizations is addressing the manager role on creating value through the right management and investment decisions. Investments projects are a vehicle for business growth as it is the act of converting strategies into innovative projects within the time-to-market that drives a business sustainability in today’s competitive market. Business Cases were born to justify the investment required to deliver a proposed solution, while following an accurate, impartial and rational process. Although several business case practices have been developed worldwide, most project’s success measurement still rely on the process efficiency (time, budget and scope) rather than project effectiveness (i.e benefits realization). This dissertation aims to provide a deeper understanding about how management teams make investment decisions, or in other words, analyse the business case processes used in organizations according to the best practices and also propose recommendations to improve the gaps identified. In terms of conclusion, organizations still lack a standardized process for projects strategic alignment analysis, estimated benefits are often presented qualitatively rather than quantitatively whereas costs quantification is already a more common practice. The research also suggests a big lack of practice on cash flows and economic indicators’ sensitive and risk analysis and unawareness about how much return the initiatives’ investments are estimated to bring to the business. In conclusion, although most organizations attempt to present a project (investment) justification, there are several steps missing or not using the appropriate techniques for a reliable and predictable output for the right investment decision.O atual contexto económico enfrentado pelas organizações, tem destacado o papel do gestor na criação de valor através da tomada de decisões de gestão e de investimento corretas. Os projetos de investimentos são um veículo para o crescimento de um negócio pois é a ação de converter estratégias em projetos inovadores no time-to-market que garantirá a sustentabilidade de um negócio. Assim, os Business Cases nasceram para justificar o investimento necessário à entrega de uma proposta de solução, assente num processo rigoroso, imparcial e racional. Apesar de várias práticas de business case terem sido desenvolvidas a nível mundial, a maioria do sucesso dos projetos é ainda medido pela eficiência do processo (tempo, orçamento, âmbito) em vez da eficácia (concretização dos benefícios). Esta dissertação visa um maior entendimento de como a Gestão faz as decisões de investimento à luz das melhores práticas e propor recomendações. Em termos de conclusão, as organizações ainda falham na adoção de um processo normalizado na análise de alinhamento estratégico, os benefícios estimados são apresentados qualitativamente em vez de quantitativamente, enquanto que a apresentação dos custos quantificados é já uma prática frequente. A investigação também sugere uma grande falha na prática de análise de sensibilidade dos cash flows e dos indicadores económicos e a falta de conhecimento de qual o retorno estimado para o negócio pelas iniciativas propostas. Em conclusão, apesar de muitas organizações tentarem apresentar a justificação de um projeto (investimento), ainda falham alguns passos ou a utilização de técnicas adequadas para a obtenção de um output mais confiável e previsível para a correta tomada de decisão de investiment

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved