443 research outputs found

    Análise comparativa do vocabulário em crianças usuárias de implante coclear

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2014.Para maior conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento das habilidades de linguagem de usuários de Implante Coclear (IC) faz-se necessário a utilização de testes que avaliem a expressão oral destes usuários. O ABFW- Teste de Linguagem Infantil nas Áreas de Fonologia, Vocabulário, Fluência e Pragmática é um teste que avalia também o vocabulário e pode ser usado com essas crianças. Objetivo: Avaliar o vocabulário de crianças usuárias de Implante Coclear. Método: O estudo foi feito com 16 crianças que realizaram a cirurgia de IC entre 08 meses e 04 anos e 04 meses de idade. Cinco grupos foram formados: Grupo 01, 03 crianças com idade auditiva entre 01 ano e 01 ano e 11 meses, usuárias de implante coclear unilateral. Grupo 02, 03 crianças com idade auditiva entre 01 ano e 01 ano e 11 meses de idade, porém com implante bilateral. Grupo 03, 03 crianças com idade auditiva entre 02 anos e 02 anos e 11 meses. Grupo 04, 03 crianças com idade auditiva entre 03 anos e 03 anos e 11 meses. Grupo 05, 04 crianças com idade auditiva entre 04 anos e 04 anos e 11 meses. Resultados: No teste de vocabulário quando se compararam as crianças usuárias de IC, levando em conta a idade de desenvolvimento auditivo cerebral x idade cronológica de crianças ouvintes, todas as crianças usuárias de implante apresentaram desempenho melhor. Na comparação entre crianças com implante unilateral x bilateral, estas últimas demonstraram melhores resultados. Quando comparados o desempenho no teste levando em consideração a idade cronológica tanto das crianças surdas quanto das crianças ouvintes, estas últimas obtiveram melhor desempenho, porém há aproximação de resultados com uso efetivo do IC e presença na reabilitação auditiva. Conclusão: O vocabulário de crianças usuárias de IC deste presente estudo se assemelha ao vocabulário de crianças ouvintes. Com uso efetivo do IC e assiduidade na terapia fonoaudiológica as crianças deficientes auditivas conseguem alcançar seus pares ouvintes aos 05 anos de idade. O teste de vocabulário, embora com resultados preliminares, se mostrou uma medida efetiva para observar as lacunas, controlar e direcionar a terapia fonoaudiológica para o desenvolvimento pleno das habilidades de linguagem e fala destas crianças.Introduction: In order to have a better knowledge about the development of language skills in cochlear implant (CI) users it is necessary to evaluate the speech of these subjects using appropriate tests. The ABFW- Child Language Test is a tool that relates to various areas: phonology, vocabulary, fluency and pragmatics, and that can be used with cochlear implant users for the purposes of this study.Objective: To evaluate the vocabulary of children who are cochlear implant users. Method: This study evaluated 16 children who had CI surgery between 08 and 52 months of age. The subjects were divided in five groups according to the age at the time of the CI activation, as follows: Group 1: 3 children implanted unilaterally with hearing age between 12 and 23 months of age; Group 2: children implanted bilaterally with hearing age between 12 months and 23 months of age; Group 3: 3 children implanted unilaterally with hearing age between 24 and 35 months of age; Group 4: 3 children implanted unilaterally with hearing age between 36 and 47 months of age and Group 5: 4 children implanted unilaterally with hearing age between 48 years and 59 months of age. Results: In the vocabulary test, when comparing CI users considering the auditory brain development age and the chronological age of normal hearing children, all CI users performed better than the standards for normal hearing children. When comparing children with unilateral and bilateral CI, the bilateral cochlear implant users showed better results. When comparing test performance considering the chronological age, normal hearing children performed better, but the results were similar in CI users that systematically use the device and attend auditory rehabilitation sessions.Conclusion: The vocabulary of CI users in the present study was similar to normal hearing children’s vocabulary. The vocabulary test proved to be an effective measure to observe the gaps in development and helped the conduction of speech therapy in order to achieve the full development of speech and language skills of these children

    La colaboración premiada: justicia premial encubierta. Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo 507/2020, de 14 de octubre, sobre el «caso Gürtel»

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    [ES] La sentencia del Tribunal Supremo 507/2020, de 14 de octubre , marca una importante etapa en lo que se conoce como la «primera fase» del caso Gürtel. Confirma, en líneas generales, la sentencia inicialmente dictada por la Audiencia Nacional (sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional 20/2018, de 17 de mayo). El caso se centra en una amplia trama que involucra a políticos y empresarios, liderada por Francisco Correa, con el propósito de recaudar fondos de autoridades políticas en violación de las disposiciones legales vigentes. Para lograr este objetivo, se estableció una estructura que se basaba en personas jurídicas pertenecientes al denominado grupo «Correa», desde la cual los miembros de la trama se beneficiaron a través de la obtención de contratos con las administraciones públicas y la apropiación indebida de entidades públicas

    A implementação da figura do juiz de garantias no Brasil: : Um caminho à um sistema acusatório e a uma real imparcialidade do magistrado?

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    Brazil’s criminal system emerges from a continental European tradition, largely inspired by the changes brought by the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, which introduced a mixed form of criminal prosecution: with an eminently inquisitorial phase of investigation and an accusatory trial, based on broad defense and contradiction and the separation of the functions of prosecution and trial. This is the current formation of Brazil’s penal system, which, however, will soon be transformed by the Anticrime Package, Law no. 13.964/2019, which provides the existence of a guarantee judge competent since the investigation phase until the formal offer of the indictment by the member of the Public Prosecutor's Office. For this reason, and as a hypothesis of the investigation, this guarantee judge is supposed to guarantee the existence of an accusatory model in Brazil's justice system. Due to this panorama, the research will aim to draw a scenario of the distinction between the accusatory and inquisitive models and their reflection in the Brazilian criminal legal system, besides analyzing the figure of the guarantee judge as proposed in the Anticrime Package, its assumptions and competencies, as well as the jurisprudential and political discussion that follows its formal implementation.O ordenamento jurídico penal brasileiro surge de uma tradição europeia continental, inspirado amplamente nas mudanças decorrentes da Revolução Francesa e do império do Iluminismo que trouxeram a forma mista de processar penalmente: com uma fase de investigação eminentemente inquisitória e um juízo acusatório, baseado na ampla defesa e contradição e na separação das funções de acusação e julgamento. Esta é a atual formação do sistema penal brasileiro, o qual, entretanto, será transformado em breve quando da aplicação prática dos ditames do pacote Anticrime, Lei n 13.964/2019, que previu a existência de um juiz de garantias responsável pela fase de investigação até o oferecimento formal da denúncia pelo membro do Ministério Público. Por esta razão, e como hipótese da investigação, este juiz de garantias supostamente garantirá a existência de um modelo acusatório. Devido a este panorama, a pesquisa terá como objetivos traçar um cenário da distinção entre os modelos acusatórios e inquisitivos e seu reflexo no ordenamento jurídico penal brasileiro, além de analisar a figura do juiz de garantias como proposta no Pacote Anticrime, seus pressupostos e competências, assim como a discussão jurisprudencial e política que segue sua implementação formal.

    The expansion of European criminal law facing the subsidiarity of criminal enforcement: alternative with Portugal's "criminal mediation for adults"

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    This work is based on the relevance of criminal enforcement's subsidiarity and minimum criminal law's theories clashing with Europe’s criminal body of law. Therefore, initially it will be traced a framework of European criminal law's expansion, from its creation and effectiveness until the current EU's criminal jurisdiction. Afterwards, the general principles that must be observed during the analysis of EU's criminal law focusing on its subsidiarity will be studied: respectively, EU's Fundamental Rights Charter, the 2011 Commission's communication and the Manifesto on European Criminal Policy. At last, but not at all minimizing the importance of the principles studied, it shall be treated Portugal's criminal mediation for adults as an alternative to classic punitive criminal law and, due to that, means to ensure EU's criminal law subsidiarity. Hence, it will be possible to make conclusions regarding EU's expanding criminal law enforcement and solutions so that this growth does not happen without limitation – in dissonance with the ultima rationature of the criminal enforcement

    The regulation of money laundering and corporate criminal responsibility in Spain: compliance as a key for virtual asset service providers = La regulación de blanqueo de capitales y la responsabilidad penal de la persona jurídica en España: compliance como clave para los proveedores de servicio con activos virtuales

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    Parte da conceituação dos provedores de serviços virtuais ativos, especialmente os que trabalham com bens de troca virtual, para estudar o alto risco que suas atividades assumem ao aumentar a lavagem de dinheiro. Verifica qual é o marco legal da Espanha sobre lavagem de dinheiro e se é possivel sua aplicação aos cambistas

    Competências Operacionais e Industria 4.0: Revisão Sistemática da Literatura

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    Purpose – This study aims to identify studies on the theme of operational skills and Industry 4.0 between the years 2011 to 2019.Theoretical framework – The study is divided as follows: Section 1 introduces the article, Section 2 presents the theoretical framework on Industry 4.0 and Operational Skills. Section 3 presents the methodology used in the study and, subsequently, Section 4 presents and analyzes data. Finally, the final considerations and perspectives are presented in Section 5.Design/methodology/approach – A systematic review of the literature was carried out between the mentioned period and using the Web of Science database.Findings – From the systematic literature review, as the main operational skills identified in Industry 4.0 are: Flexibility and Adaptability, Continuous learning, Innovation / Creativity and Initiative / Willingness, Resilience, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, Negotiation, Thinking systemic, Planning, Problem solving, Decision making and Autonomy.Research, Practical & Social implications – The main theoretical implication of the study carried out is the identification of the Operational Competencies identified in the literature on Industry 4.0. Therefore, this study opens space for new perspectives and further research on this topic.Originality/value – Studies in the area of Industry 4.0 and Operational Skills are recent and require attention and research, thus, this work contributes to the opening of new perspectives in order to deepen studies on this theme.Objetivo:  Identificar estudos na temática de competências operacionais e Indústria 4.0 entre os anos de 2011 até 2019.Método: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura dentre o período mencionado e utilizando a base de dados Web of Science.Originalidade/Relevância: Ressalta-se que estudos na área da Indústria 4.0 e Competências Operacionais são recentes e requerem atenção e pesquisas, dessa forma, este trabalho contribui para abertura de novas perspectivas a fim de aprofundar estudos nessa temática.Resultados: Os resultados apontam  que, a partir da revisão sistemática da literatura, as principais Competências Operacionais identificadas na Indústria 4.0 são: Flexibilidade e Adaptabilidade, Aprendizagem Contínua, Inovação/Criatividade e Iniciativa/Disposição, Resiliência, Liderança, Trabalho em equipe, Comunicação, Negociação, Pensamento sistêmico, Planejamento, Resolução de problemas, Tomada de decisão e Autonomia.Contribuições teóricas: A principal contribuição teórica do estudo realizado é a identificação das Competências Operacionais identificadas na literatura sobre Indústria 4.0. Sendo assim, esse estudo abre espaço para novas perspectivas e aprofundamento nessa temática

    Nurse patient therapeutic relationship

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    The authors, a nursing student and her instructor, report their experience, in a psychiatric hospital, with a patient whose behaviour was characterized by suspiciouness and tell how the student succeeded in helping him. They pount out the nurse -patient therapeutic relationship as the basis on which psychiatric nursing is founded.As autoras relatam uma experiência vivida durante o ensino de campo em enfermagem psiquiátrica na Escola de Enfermagem da USP, com um paciente com comportamento caracterizado, basicamente, por manifestações de suspicacia. Ressaltam o relacionamento terapêutico enfermeira-paciente como a base da assistência de enfermagem, abordando-o como um processo

    Tryptophan modulatory role in European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) immune response to acute inflammation under stressful conditions

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    The present work aimed to study the role of dietary tryptophan supplementation in modulating the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) immune condition during stressful rearing conditions (i.e., 15 days exposure to high density), as well as the immune response to acute inflammation after intraperitoneal injection of a bacterial pathogen. Stress alone did not compromise seabass health indicators. In contrast, a clear peripheral and local inflammatory response was observed in response to the inoculated bacteria. Moreover, exposure to a high stocking density seemed to exacerbate the inflammatory response at early sampling points, compared to fish stocked at a lower density. In contrast, stressed fish presented some immune-suppressing effects on the T-cell surface glycoprotein receptor expressions at a late sampling point following inflammation. Regarding the effects of dietary tryptophan, no changes were observed on seabass immune indicators prior to inflammation, while a small number of immunosuppressive effects were observed in response to inflammation, supporting tryptophan’s role in the promotion of immune-tolerance signals during inflammation. Nonetheless, tryptophan dietary supplementation improved the inflammatory response against a bacterial pathogen during stressful conditions, supported by a reduction of plasma cortisol levels, an up-regulation of several immune-related genes at 48 h, and an inversion of the previously observed, stress-induced T-cell suppression. Finally, the involvement of tryptophan catabolism in macrophages was confirmed by the up-regulation of genes involved in the kynurenine pathway. The present study brings new insights regarding the immune modulatory role of tryptophan during stressful conditions in fish, thus allowing for the development of novel prophylactic protocols during vaccination by intraperitoneal injection in the European seabass.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Association between prolonged corticosteroids use in COVID-19 and increased mortality in hospitalized patients : a retrospective study with inverse probability of treatment weighting analysis

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    Background: Previous studies have demonstrated a beneficial effect of early use of corticosteroids in patients with COVID-19. This study aimed to compare hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who received short-course corticosteroid treatment with those who received prolonged-course corticosteroid treatment to determine whether prolonged use of corticosteroids improves clinical outcomes, including mortality. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study including adult patients with positive testing for Sars-CoV-2 hospitalized for more than 10 days. Data were obtained from electronic medical records. Patients were divided into two groups, according to the duration of treatment with corticosteroids: a short-course (10 days) and a prolonged-course (longer than 10 days) group. Inverse probability treatment weighting (IPTW) analysis was used to evaluate whether prolonged use of corticosteroids improved outcomes. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes were hospital infection and the association of different doses of corticosteroids with hospital mortality. Restricted cubic splines were used to assess the nonlinear association between mortality and dose and duration of corticosteroids use. Results: We enrolled 1,539 patients with COVID-19. Among them, 1127 received corticosteroids for more than 10 days (prolonged-course group). The in-hospital mortality was higher in patients that received prolonged course corticosteroids (39.5% vs. 26%, p < 0.001). The IPTW revealed that prolonged use of corticosteroids significantly increased mortality [relative risk (RR) = 1.52, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.24-1.89]. In comparison to short course treatment, the cubic spline analysis showed an inverted U-shaped curve for mortality, with the highest risk associated with the prolonged use at 30 days (RR = 1.50, 95% CI 1.21-1.78). Conclusions: Prolonged course of treatment with corticosteroids in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 was associated with higher mortality

    Burnout, resilience, and subjective well-being among Portuguese lecturers’ during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: Lecturers face a large wide of occupational stressors. If the prolonged stress and the symptomatology associated with the working conditions to which lecturers were exposed were already a concern before the pandemic, the pandemic may have exacerbated this psychosocial vulnerability. Burnout is a psychological syndrome that develops in response to chronic work stress. This study aims to describe burnout amongst lecturers working in Portugal and to analyse potential determinants of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using an online questionnaire distributed via social networks. The survey collected sociodemographic and sleep patterns data in addition to applying the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (personal, work- and student-related burnout), the Resilience Scale, the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Results: The sample included 331 lecturers from 35 different colleges and faculties. Three significant models explained personal (R2 = 54%), work- (R2 = 47%) and student- (R2 = 19%) related burnout. Lower levels of resilience and higher levels of depression and stress were significantly associated with personal and work-related burnout. Changes in sleep patterns were additionally associated with both personal and work-related burnout. Conclusion: Higher education institutions must recognize the impact of the work environment and organizational culture on faculty mental health and take proactive measures to improve this environment. These institutions can implement support strategies such as educational technology training, professional development programmes, emotional support resources, and workload flexibility. Implementing measures to enhance lecturers’ resilience and overall life satisfaction could potentially help mitigate burnout and improve the well-being of educators, ultimately contributing to the overall quality of education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio