35 research outputs found

    Estudo da inteligência emocional no exercício da atividade de bombeiro : subsídios para a promoção da saúde mental

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    Desde a década de 90, tem-se verificado um aumento do interesse pelo estudo da inteligência emocional, particularmente em profissionais sujeitos a um alto risco de sofrimento e de distress psicológico. Inúmeras investigações estão a ser desenvolvidas a nível global, sendo algumas delas focadas em bombeiros. Existem diversas tipologias de bombeiros, destacando-se neste estudo os profissionais e os voluntários. Os bombeiros profissionais detêm maior número de horas de serviço, comparativamente aos voluntários. Consequentemente, surgiu o interesse pelas potenciais diferenças na inteligência emocional entre estes dois grupos. O principal objetivo deste estudo é compreender de que forma os bombeiros desenvolvem a inteligência emocional no contexto da sua experiência profissional. Pretendemos também contribuir para um gestão emocional eficaz do quotidiano dos bombeiros, de forma a preservar a integridade e a qualidade das suas práticas profissionais. Esta investigação tem como objetivos analisar os conteúdos das práticas profissionais do bombeiro no quotidiano do exercício profissional; avaliar o nível de funcionamento emocional do bombeiro; determinar o nível de inteligência emocional dos bombeiros durante o seu exercício profissional; comparar o nível de inteligência emocional dos bombeiros profissionais e voluntários; identificar focos de atenção que o Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiatria pode trabalhar com o bombeiro. XIV Através de uma técnica de amostragem aleatória simples foram selecionados 123 bombeiros, 59 pertencentes à Companhia de Sapadores Bombeiros e 64 aos Bombeiros Voluntários de Valongo. Este estudo quantitativo seguiu o Paradigma de inteligência emocional definido por Bar-On (modelo misto), datado de 1997. Pode considerar-se como sendo um estudo não experimental, transversal, descritivo e correlacional. Para a colheita de dados foi utilizada uma versão traduzida e validada do Emotional Quotient de Bar-On (BarOn EQi). Os resultados obtidos através da estatística descritiva das subescalas do Inventário QE foram semelhantes aos obtidos pelo autor, quando comparados com a amostra americana. Não obstante, a maioria das subescalas obteve valores ligeiramente inferiores. Somente a subescala de autoperceção e felicidade superaram os valores obtidos pela amostra americana. As associações entre as escalas compósita foram analisadas através da Correlação de Pearson. Em relação ao Quociente Emocional Intrapessoal e Interpessoal assim como ao Quociente Emocional de Adaptabilidade e de Gestão de Stresse concluiu-se que existe uma correlação forte positiva bastante significativa entre as duas escalas. Todas as hipóteses definidas neste estudo foram confirmadas. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a média do Quociente Emocional Total entre os bombeiros profissionais e voluntários, assim como, no Quociente Emocional Intrapessoal, Interpessoal, de Adaptabilidade, de Gestão do Stresse e de Humor Geral. O mesmo se verifica nas subescalas de autoperceção, de resolução de problemas, de tolerância ao stresse e de otimismo. Reconhecemos como limitações deste estudo um questionário longo e uma amostra pequena. Sugere-se que o Inventário QE seja aplicado na presença do investigador e concomitantemente ao MSCEIT possibilitando assim a comparação dos resultados obtidos

    Fatores que influenciam a escolha de comida saudável nos estudantes universitários

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    Healthy foods should be available to anyone, especially young adults at educational institutions. University students can suffer a lack of preoccupation with their health and consequently also present unhealthy food choices, due to the adaptation of a new environment, study stress, lack of proper time management, and busy class schedules. This study consisted of two cross-sectional observational analyzes, in which students were randomly recruited from the university, and data was obtained through the Computer-aided web interviewing survey method, through a web-based questionnaire. The sample included 584 participants, 297 from 2018 and 287 from 2019. The preference and choice for a healthy snack bar in university facilities seem to be conditioned mainly by the price of meals, as most students mentioned this as the main condition of their choice, both in 2018 and 2019. In this sense, most respondents report that only "sometimes" would they be willing to pay more than usual or travel a longer distance, to dine in a healthier snack bar. We conclude that the factor that most influences the choice of healthy food is the price, but there is a higher demand and consumption trend for healthy food in young college students.Alimentos saudáveis deveriam estar disponíveis para qualquer pessoa, especialmente para jovens adultos nas suas instituições de ensino. Devido à adaptação a um novo ambiente, stress provocado pelo estudo, falta de gestão adequada do tempo e horários ocupados pelas aulas, os estudantes universitários podem sofrer de falta de preocupação com a sua saúde e, consequentemente, também apresentar escolhas alimentares pouco saudáveis. Este estudo consistiu em duas análises observacionais transversais. Os estudantes foram recrutados aleatoriamente na universidade, e os dados foram obtidos através do método de pesquisa Computer-aided web interviewing, através de um questionário enviado pela web. A amostra final incluiu 584 participantes, sendo que 297 são procedentes da análise de 2018 e 287 de 2019. A preferência e escolha por um bar mais saudável nas instalações universitárias, parece ser condicionada, sobretudo, pelo preço das refeições, já que a maioria dos estudantes referiu esta como a principal condicionante da sua escolha, tanto em 2018, como em 2019. Neste sentido, a maioria dos inquiridos refere que só “às vezes” estaria disposto a pagar mais do que o habitual, ou percorrer uma maior distância, para efetuar as suas refeições num bar saudável. Concluímos que o fator que mais influencia a escolha de comida saudável é o preço, contudo parece existir uma maior procura, preocupação e tendência de consumo por comida saudável nos jovens universitários.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predictive model of the psychological well-being of nursing students during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Introduction: Lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic radically changed nursing education. Along with social isolation, the transition to distance education affected the well-being of students in several countries, particularly Portugal and Spain. Objectives: To identify which variables are predictors of psychological well-being for Portuguese and Spanish nursing students during mandatory lockdowns. Methods: A multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational study involving a sample of 1075 students (944 women, mean age 22.46 + /−4.95 years). Data were collected from an online questionnaire which applied the following scales: Perceived Stress Scale (α =.820); Brief COPE-14 Subscales (α =.430 < 0.930); Well-being Manifestations Measure Scale (α =.940); Herth Hope Index (α =.850). A multiple regression model was created to predict the psychological well-being of nursing students. Results: The following predictor variables were identified in the model of the psychological well-being of students during the COVID-19 pandemic: perceived stress (β =.405; p ≤.001); hope (β =.404; p ≤.001); and the mechanisms of active coping (β =.405; p ≤.001), planning (β =.097; p ≤.001), and positive reinterpretation (β =.053; p =.12). These five variables predicted 62.0% of the nursing students’ psychological well-being (R2 =.620; F = 350.82; p ≤.001). Conclusion: Promoting students’ mental health is essential, especially in periods of great adversity, such as a pandemic. Our results lead the way for the design and validation of an intervention program that addresses the five variables identified as predictors of students’ psychological well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D printed Poly(ε-caprolactone)/Hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: a comparative study on a composite preparation by melt blending or solvent casting techniques and the influence of bioceramic content on scaffold properties

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    Bone tissue engineering has been developed in the past decades, with the engineering of bone substitutes on the vanguard of this regenerative approach. Polycaprolactone-based scaffolds are fairly applied for bone regeneration, and several composites have been incorporated so as to improve the scaffolds’ mechanical properties and tissue in-growth. In this study, hydroxyapatite is incorporated on polycaprolactone-based scaffolds at two different proportions, 80:20 and 60:40. Scaffolds are produced with two different blending methods, solvent casting and melt blending. The prepared composites are 3D printed through an extrusion-based technique and further investigated with regard to their chemical, thermal, morphological, and mechanical characteristics. In vitro cyto-compatibility and osteogenic differentiation was also assessed with human dental pulp stem/stromal cells. The results show the melt-blending-derived scaffolds to present more promising mechanical properties, along with the incorporation of hydroxyapatite. The latter is also related to an increase in osteogenic activity and promotion. Overall, this study suggests polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite scaffolds to be promising candidates for bone tissue engineering, particularly when produced by the MB method.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of zinc oxide nanoparticle integration into non-woven fabrics using different functionalisation methods for prospective application as active facemasks

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    The development of advanced facemasks stands out as a paramount priority in enhancing healthcare preparedness. In this work, different polypropylene non-woven fabrics (NWF) were characterised regarding their structural, physicochemical and comfort-related properties. The selected NWF for the intermediate layer was functionalised with zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) 0.3 and 1.2wt% using three different methods: electrospinning, dip-pad-dry and exhaustion. After the confirmation of ZnO NP content and distribution within the textile fibres by morphological and chemical analysis, the samples were evaluated regarding their antimicrobial properties. The functionalised fabrics obtained via dip-pad-dry unveiled the most promising data, with 0.017 ± 0.013wt% ZnO NPs being mostly located at the fibre’s surface and capable of total eradication of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli colonies within the tested 24 h (ISO 22196 standard), as well as significantly contributing (**** p < 0.0001) to the growth inhibition of the bacteriophage MS2, a surrogate of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (ISO 18184 standard). A three-layered structure was assembled and thermoformed to obtain facemasks combining the previously chosen NWF, and its resulting antimicrobial capacity, filtration efficiency and breathability (NP EN ISO 149) were assessed. The developed three-layered and multiscaled fibrous structures with antimicrobial capacities hold immense potential as active individual protection facemasks.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(LA/P/0029/2020)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Arbustus unedo essence: morphological and genetic characterization of the strawberry tree of Castelo de Paiva

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    O medronheiro é um arbusto da região mediterrânica que pode ser encontrada por todo o país. Ao contrário do que verifica na região sul do país, no concelho de Castelo de Paiva é atribuída uma reduzida importância económica a esta espécie. Com o intuito de preservar e potenciar a produção desta espécie e contribuir para a dinamização da economia do concelho, procedeu-se à caracterização morfológica e genética de uma amostra da população de medronheiros de Castelo de Paiva. A caracterização morfológica e genética foi realizada para um total de 10 genótipos. Para tal recolheram-se 70 folhas aleatoriamente em cada árvore. Em 40 folhas mediu-se o comprimento, largura, comprimento do pedúnculo, peso fresco, peso seco e determinou-se a área foliar. Dos caracteres morfológicos analisados, aqueles que se revelaram mais úteis na distinção dos vários genótipos foram: comprimento do pedúnculo, peso fresco e peso seco. As restantes 30 folhas foram utilizadas para a caracterização genética. Esta caracterização foi realizada recorrendo a um marcador de DNA, ISSR. Os 5 primeiros exemplaresutilizados na técnica de ISSR demonstraram-se polimórficos. Os resultados da caracterização genética sugerem que a variabilidade genética na população é média a alta.The strawberry tree is a shrub native in the Mediterranean region and it can be found throughout Portugal. Unlike the case in the southern region of the country, in Castelo de Paiva a minor economic importance is given to this species. In order to preserve, to enhance the production of this species and to contribute to the boosting of the economy of the region, we proceeded to the characterization of a small sample population of this fruit tree of Castelo de Paiva in what concerns to its morphology and genetics. The morphological and genetic characterization was performed for a total of 10 genotypes. For this, 70 leaves were randomly collected from each tree. For 40 leaves, it was measured the length, the width, the peduncle length, the wet weight, the dry weight and determined the leaf area. Of the morphological characteristics analyzed, the ones that proved most useful in distinguishing the various genotypes were: the length peduncle, the wet weight and the dry weight. The remaining 30 leaves were used in the genetic characterization. This characterization was performed using a DNA marker, the ISSR. The 5 primers used in the ISSR technique proved to be polymorphic. The results from the genetic characterization suggest that variability in population genetics is medium to high

    MAMMALS IN PORTUGAL : A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in P ortugal

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    Mammals are threatened worldwide, with 26% of all species being includedin the IUCN threatened categories. This overall pattern is primarily associatedwith habitat loss or degradation, and human persecution for terrestrial mam-mals, and pollution, open net fishing, climate change, and prey depletion formarine mammals. Mammals play a key role in maintaining ecosystems func-tionality and resilience, and therefore information on their distribution is cru-cial to delineate and support conservation actions. MAMMALS INPORTUGAL is a publicly available data set compiling unpublishedgeoreferenced occurrence records of 92 terrestrial, volant, and marine mam-mals in mainland Portugal and archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira thatincludes 105,026 data entries between 1873 and 2021 (72% of the data occur-ring in 2000 and 2021). The methods used to collect the data were: live obser-vations/captures (43%), sign surveys (35%), camera trapping (16%),bioacoustics surveys (4%) and radiotracking, and inquiries that represent lessthan 1% of the records. The data set includes 13 types of records: (1) burrowsjsoil moundsjtunnel, (2) capture, (3) colony, (4) dead animaljhairjskullsjjaws, (5) genetic confirmation, (6) inquiries, (7) observation of live animal (8),observation in shelters, (9) photo trappingjvideo, (10) predators dietjpelletsjpine cones/nuts, (11) scatjtrackjditch, (12) telemetry and (13) vocalizationjecholocation. The spatial uncertainty of most records ranges between 0 and100 m (76%). Rodentia (n=31,573) has the highest number of records followedby Chiroptera (n=18,857), Carnivora (n=18,594), Lagomorpha (n=17,496),Cetartiodactyla (n=11,568) and Eulipotyphla (n=7008). The data setincludes records of species classified by the IUCN as threatened(e.g.,Oryctolagus cuniculus[n=12,159],Monachus monachus[n=1,512],andLynx pardinus[n=197]). We believe that this data set may stimulate thepublication of other European countries data sets that would certainly contrib-ute to ecology and conservation-related research, and therefore assisting onthe development of more accurate and tailored conservation managementstrategies for each species. There are no copyright restrictions; please cite thisdata paper when the data are used in publications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mammals in Portugal: a data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in Portugal

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    Mammals are threatened worldwide, with ~26% of all species being included in the IUCN threatened categories. This overall pattern is primarily associated with habitat loss or degradation, and human persecution for terrestrial mammals, and pollution, open net fishing, climate change, and prey depletion for marine mammals. Mammals play a key role in maintaining ecosystems functionality and resilience, and therefore information on their distribution is crucial to delineate and support conservation actions. MAMMALS IN PORTUGAL is a publicly available data set compiling unpublished georeferenced occurrence records of 92 terrestrial, volant, and marine mammals in mainland Portugal and archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira that includes 105,026 data entries between 1873 and 2021 (72% of the data occurring in 2000 and 2021). The methods used to collect the data were: live observations/captures (43%), sign surveys (35%), camera trapping (16%), bioacoustics surveys (4%) and radiotracking, and inquiries that represent less than 1% of the records. The data set includes 13 types of records: (1) burrows | soil mounds | tunnel, (2) capture, (3) colony, (4) dead animal | hair | skulls | jaws, (5) genetic confirmation, (6) inquiries, (7) observation of live animal (8), observation in shelters, (9) photo trapping | video, (10) predators diet | pellets | pine cones/nuts, (11) scat | track | ditch, (12) telemetry and (13) vocalization | echolocation. The spatial uncertainty of most records ranges between 0 and 100 m (76%). Rodentia (n =31,573) has the highest number of records followed by Chiroptera (n = 18,857), Carnivora (n = 18,594), Lagomorpha (n = 17,496), Cetartiodactyla (n = 11,568) and Eulipotyphla (n = 7008). The data set includes records of species classified by the IUCN as threatened (e.g., Oryctolagus cuniculus [n = 12,159], Monachus monachus [n = 1,512], and Lynx pardinus [n = 197]). We believe that this data set may stimulate the publication of other European countries data sets that would certainly contribute to ecology and conservation-related research, and therefore assisting on the development of more accurate and tailored conservation management strategies for each species. There are no copyright restrictions; please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications

    COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study

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    Background: The ISARIC prospective multinational observational study is the largest cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. We present relationships of age, sex, and nationality to presenting symptoms. Methods: International, prospective observational study of 60 109 hospitalized symptomatic patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 recruited from 43 countries between 30 January and 3 August 2020. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate relationships of age and sex to published COVID-19 case definitions and the most commonly reported symptoms. Results: ‘Typical’ symptoms of fever (69%), cough (68%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most commonly reported. 92% of patients experienced at least one of these. Prevalence of typical symptoms was greatest in 30- to 60-year-olds (respectively 80, 79, 69%; at least one 95%). They were reported less frequently in children (≤ 18 years: 69, 48, 23; 85%), older adults (≥ 70 years: 61, 62, 65; 90%), and women (66, 66, 64; 90%; vs. men 71, 70, 67; 93%, each P &lt; 0.001). The most common atypical presentations under 60 years of age were nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, and over 60 years was confusion. Regression models showed significant differences in symptoms with sex, age and country. Interpretation: This international collaboration has allowed us to report reliable symptom data from the largest cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Adults over 60 and children admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are less likely to present with typical symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are common atypical presentations under 30 years. Confusion is a frequent atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults over 60 years. Women are less likely to experience typical symptoms than men