3,937 research outputs found

    Extraction of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes from experimental event rate data

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    The precise knowledge of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes is a key ingredient in the interpretation of the results from any atmospheric neutrino experiment. In the standard atmospheric neutrino data analysis, these fluxes are theoretical inputs obtained from sophisticated numerical calculations. In this contribution we present an alternative approach to the determination of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes based on the direct extraction from the experimental data on neutrino event rates. The extraction is achieved by means of a combination of artificial neural networks as interpolants and Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figs, to appear in the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and Cosmology, Barcelona, July 200

    Giant planets around two intermediate-mass evolved stars and confirmation of the planetary nature of HIP67851 c

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    Precision radial velocities are required to discover and characterize planets orbiting nearby stars. Optical and near infrared spectra that exhibit many hundreds of absorption lines can allow the m/s precision levels required for such work. However, this means that studies have generally focused on solar-type dwarf stars. After the main-sequence, intermediate-mass stars (former A-F stars) expand and rotate slower than their progenitors, thus thousands of narrow absorption lines appear in the optical region, permitting the search for planetary Doppler signals in the data for these types of stars. We present the discovery of two giant planets around the intermediate-mass evolved star HIP65891 and HIP107773. The best Keplerian fit to the HIP65891 and HIP107773 radial velocities leads to the following orbital parameters: P=1084.5 d; mb_bsinii = 6.0 Mjup_{jup}; ee=0.13 and P=144.3 d; mb_bsinii = 2.0 Mjup_{jup}; ee=0.09, respectively. In addition, we confirm the planetary nature of the outer object orbiting the giant star HIP67851. The orbital parameters of HIP67851c are: P=2131.8 d, mc_csinii = 6.0 Mjup_{jup} and ee=0.17. With masses of 2.5 M_\odot and 2.4 M_\odot HIP65891 and HIP107773 are two of the most massive stars known to host planets. Additionally, HIP67851 is one of five giant stars that are known to host a planetary system having a close-in planet (a<a < 0.7 AU). Based on the evolutionary states of those five stars, we conclude that close-in planets do exist in multiple systems around subgiants and slightly evolved giants stars, but probably they are subsequently destroyed by the stellar envelope during the ascent of the red giant branch phase. As a consequence, planetary systems with close-in objects are not found around horizontal branch stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Symmetry breaking and clustering in a vibrated granular gas with several macroscopically connected compartments

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    The spontaneous symmetry breaking in a vibro-fluidized low-density granular gas in three connected compartments is investigated. When the total number of particles in the system becomes large enough, particles distribute themselves unequally among the three compartments. Particles tend to concentrate in one of the compartments, the other two having the (relatively small) same average number of particles. A hydrodynamical model that accurately predicts the bifurcation diagram of the system is presented. The theory can be easily extended to the case of an arbitrary number of connected compartments

    Mechanical Unfolding of a Simple Model Protein Goes Beyond the Reach of One-Dimensional Descriptions

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    We study the mechanical unfolding of a simple model protein. The Langevin dynamics results are analyzed using Markov-model methods which allow to describe completely the configurational space of the system. Using transition path theory we also provide a quantitative description of the unfolding pathways followed by the system. Our study shows a complex dynamical scenario. In particular, we see that the usual one-dimensional picture: free-energy vs end-to-end distance representation, gives a misleading description of the process. Unfolding can occur following different pathways and configurations which seem to play a central role in one-dimensional pictures are not the intermediate states of the unfolding dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Aplicación forestal del método AHP de toma de decisiones mediante el software MPC©

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    We present an example of the application of the AHP decision-making approach to forest management, by use of MPC© 2.0 software. The example considered is that of a forest services company interested in buying a timber harvester. The company had preselected four different machines as possible alternatives, and established 11 different criteria involved in the decision, grouped into four categories (economic, environmental, social and technical). The decision-making process was undertaken using MPC© 2.0 software tools, which enable establishment of criteria on two levels, independent pairwise comparison of criteria (first phase) and of alternatives under each criterion (second phase), repetition of the decision-making process by the same or different users, graphical display of the results on the computer screen, and sensitivity analysis.En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de aplicación a la gestión forestal del método AHP de toma de decisiones mediante el software MPC© 2.0. Se considera el ejemplo de una empresa de servicios forestales interesada en adquirir una procesadora para la corta de madera, habiendo preseleccionado cuatro diferentes máquinas como posibles alternativas, y estableciendo 11 diferentes criterios implicados en la decisión, agrupados a su vez en cuatro categorías: económicos, ambientales, sociales y técnicos. Se presentan con el ejemplo las utilidades del programa MPC© 2.0, entre las que destacan la posibilidad de establecer un esquema de criterios en dos niveles, la realización independiente de la comparación por pares de criterios (primera fase) y de alternativas bajo cada criterio (segunda fase), la posibilidad de incluir diferentes repeticiones de la decisión por un mismo o diferentes usuarios, un interface gráfico para la exposición de los resultados y el análisis de sensibilidad de los mismos

    A library of near-infrared integral field spectra of young M-L dwarfs

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    We present a library of near-infrared (1.1-2.45 microns) medium-resolution (R~1500-2000) integral field spectra of 15 young M6-L0 dwarfs, composed of companions with known ages and of isolated objects. We use it to (re)derive the NIR spectral types, luminosities and physical parameters of the targets, and to test (BT-SETTL, DRIFT-PHOENIX) atmospheric models. We derive infrared spectral types L0+-1, L0+-1, M9.5+-0.5, M9.5+-0.5, M9.25+-0.25, M8+0.5-0.75, and M8.5+-0.5 for AB Pic b, Cha J110913-773444, USco CTIO 108B, GSC 08047-00232 B, DH Tau B, CT Cha b, and HR7329B, respectively. BT-SETTL and DRIFT-PHOENIX models yield close Teff and log g estimates for each sources. The models seem to evidence a 600-300+600 K drop of the effective temperature at the M-L transition. Assuming the former temperatures are correct, we derive new mass estimates which confirm that DH Tau B, USco CTIO 108B, AB Pic b, KPNO Tau 4, OTS 44, and Cha1109 lay inside or at the boundary of the planetary mass range. We combine the empirical luminosities of the M9.5-L0 sources to the Teff to derive semi-empirical radii estimates that do not match "hot-start" evolutionary models predictions at 1-3 Myr. We use complementary data to demonstrate that atmospheric models are able to reproduce the combined optical and infrared spectral energy distribution, together with the near-infrared spectra of these sources simultaneously. But the models still fail to represent the dominant features in the optical. This issue casts doubts on the ability of these models to predict correct effective temperatures from near-infrared spectra alone. We advocate the use of photometric and spectroscopic data covering a broad range of wavelengths to study the properties of very low mass young companions to be detected with the planet imagers (Subaru/SCExAO, LBT/LMIRCam, Gemini/GPI, VLT/SPHERE).Comment: 27 pages, 14 tables, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A proposal for a comprehensive grading of Parkinson's disease severity combining motor and non-motor assessments: meeting an unmet need.

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    Non-motor symptoms are present in Parkinson's disease (PD) and a key determinant of quality of life. The Non-motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS) is a validated scale that allows quantifying frequency and severity (burden) of NMS. We report a proposal for using NMSS scores to determine levels of NMS burden (NMSB) and to complete PD patient classification

    An eccentric companion at the edge of the brown dwarf desert orbiting the 2.4 Msun giant star HIP67537

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    We report the discovery of a substellar companion around the giant star HIP67537. Based on precision radial velocity measurements from CHIRON and FEROS high-resolution spectroscopic data, we derived the following orbital elements for HIP67537b\,b: mb_bsinii = 11.11.1+0.4^{+0.4}_{-1.1} Mjup_{\rm {\tiny jup}}, aa = 4.90.13+0.14^{+0.14}_{-0.13} AU and ee = 0.590.02+0.05^{+0.05}_{-0.02}. Considering random inclination angles, this object has \gtrsim 65% probability to be above the theoretical deuterium-burning limit, thus it is one of the few known objects in the planet to brown-dwarf transition region. In addition, we analyzed the Hipparcos astrometric data of this star, from which we derived a minimum inclination angle for the companion of \sim 2 deg. This value corresponds to an upper mass limit of \sim 0.3 M_\odot, therefore the probability that HIP67537b\,b is stellar in nature is \lesssim 7%. The large mass of the host star and the high orbital eccentricity makes HIP67537b\,b a very interesting and rare substellar object. This is the second candidate companion in the brown dwarf desert detected in the sample of intermediate-mass stars targeted by the EXPRESS radial velocity program, which corresponds to a detection fraction of ff = 1.60.5+2.0^{+2.0}_{-0.5}%. This value is larger than the fraction observed in solar-type stars, providing new observational evidence of an enhanced formation efficiency of massive substellar companions in massive disks. Finally, we speculate about different formation channels for this object.Comment: Accepted for publication to A&

    Thermal and electrical stability assessment of AlGaN/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High Electron Mobility Transistors (MOS-HEMT) with HfO2 gate dielectric.

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    AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and MOS-HEMTs using HfO2 as gate dielectric have been analyzed at room temperature, after STA and TC test, during off-state electrical step stress, HTRB and PBTI tests. Results showed that the leakage current in as-fabricated MOS-HEMTs decreased by 106 and the on/off ratio increased by over 104 than the HEMTs. Moreover, it was even higher after a STA test, up to 108, in the MOS-HEMTs, and the surface trapping effects were mitigated, especially if a KOH cleaning was used before HfO2 deposition. The MOS-HEMTs also showed higher electrical stability after off-state step electrical stress, HTRB and PBTI tests.pre-print732 K