245 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la calidad biológica del suelo en un Sistema Agroforestal de especies maderables nativas (Pilón y Almendro) con Heliconias y un Bosque Secundario, en la zona de Limón. Costa Rica

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    Debido a que poco se conoce sobre la calidad biológica del suelo en los sistemas agroforestales de especies maderables nativas y flores tropicales como las heliconias, se consideró importante realizar el presente estudio, con el objetivo de evaluar la calidad biológica del suelo en un sistema agroforestal (SAF) con heliconias y compararlo con un bosque secundario (BS), con el fin de determinar el efecto del sistema agroforestal en el suelo. Este fue efectuado en la Finca Capinal S.A, ubicada en Guácimo de Limón, Costa Rica; donde se realizó un muestreo sistemático al azar, en ambos sitios (1.5 ha cada uno), de las propiedades químicas (micro y macro nutrientes y materia orgánica), físicas (textura, densidad aparente y porcentaje de porosidad), biológicas (biomasa y número de lombrices) y bioquímicas (biomasa microbiana) del suelo. Para el análisis de los datos se realizó un Análisis de Comparación Estadística de Muestras Múltiples y ANOVA, mediante la utilización del programa StatGraphics. La cantidad de MO encontrada en los suelos de la Finca Capinal (6,43% para el BS y 5,76% SAF), se encuentra dentro del rango normal para suelos Inceptisoles de la zona (5,0-7,4%), con niveles más altos en el BS. Con respecto a la densidad de lombrices, no se presentaron diferencias significativas; sin embargo, el BS reflejo una mayor población (28,9% más), lo que tiene relación con un mayor cantidad de MO. La actividad microbiana fue mayor en el BS (5,18 % superior al SAF) y mantiene una correlación positiva con el contenido de MO y la densidad de lombrices. Considerando lo anterior y la falta de significancia estadística entre sistemas (BS y SAF), se concluye que ambos sitios presentan calidades biológicas del suelo similares

    Core-shell rare-earth-doped nanostructures in biomedicine

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    The current status of the use of core-shell rare-earth-doped nanoparticles in biomedical applications is reviewed in detail. The different core-shell rare-earth-doped nanoparticles developed so far are described and the most relevant examples of their application in imaging, sensing, and therapy are summarized. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages they present are discussed. Finally, a critical opinion of their potential application in real life biomedicine is givenThis work has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (MINECO) (MAT2016-75362-C3-1-R), by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16/ 00812), by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (B2017/ BMD-3867RENIM-CM), by the European Comission (NanoTBTech), and co-financed by European Structural and Investment Fund. This work has also been partially supported by COST action CM1403. L. L. P. thanks the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for the “Formación de personal investi-gador (FPI-UAM)” program. P. R. S. thanks MINECO and the Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) for the “Promoción del talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i” statal program (BES-2014-069410). D. H. O. is grateful to the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for a Sara Borrell Fellowship (CD17/00210

    Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector

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    et al.A conceptual design of a reciprocating fast-ion loss detector for ITER has been developed and is presented here. Fast-ion orbit simulations in a 3D magnetic equilibrium and up-to-date first wall have been carried out to revise the measurement requirements for the lost alpha monitor in ITER. In agreement with recent observations, the simulations presented here suggest that a pitch-angle resolution of ∼5° might be necessary to identify the loss mechanisms. Synthetic measurements including realistic lost alpha-particle as well as neutron and gamma fluxes predict scintillator signal-to-noise levels measurable with standard light acquisition systems with the detector aperture at ∼11 cm outside of the diagnostic first wall. At measurement position, heat load on detector head is comparable to that in present devices.This research was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant Nos. RYC2011-09152, FIS2015-69362-P, and ENE2012- 31087) and the Marie Curie FP7 Integration Grant (No. PCIG11-GA2012-321455).Peer Reviewe

    Excitotoxicity induced by kainic acid provokes glycogen synthase kinase-3 truncation in the hippocampus

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. In neuronal cultures, glycogen synthase kinase 3(GSK3) is truncated at the N-terminal end by calpain downstream of activated glutamate receptors. However, the in vivo biological significance of that truncation has not been explored. In an attempt to elucidate if GSK3 truncation has a pathophysiological relevance, we have used intraperitoneal injections of kainic acid (KA) in rats and intra-amygdala KA microinjections in mice as in vivo models of excitotoxicity. Spectrin cleavage analyzed by immunohistochemistry was observed in the CA1 hippocampal field in KA-intraperitoneal treated rats while the CA3 region was the hippocampal area affected after intra-amygdala KA microinjections. GSK3β immunofluorescence did not colocalize with truncated spectrin in both treatments using an antibody that recognize the N-terminal end of GSK3β. Thus, those neurons which are spectrin-positive do not show GSK3β immunolabelling. To study GSK3β truncation in vitro, we exposed organotypic hippocampal slices and cultured cortical neurons to KA leading to the truncation of GSK3 and we found that truncation was blocked by the calpain inhibitor calpeptin. These data suggest a relationship between N-terminal GSK3β truncation and excitotoxicity. Overall, our data reinforces the important relationship between glutamate receptors and GSK3 and their role in neurodegenerative processes in which excitotoxicity is involved.Ministerio de Educa ción y Ciencia (SAF2010-15525 and BUF2013-40664-P) and Comunidad de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2331). We also acknowl- edge institutional support from Fundación Ramón ArecesPeer Reviewe

    ALMA reveals the molecular gas properties of five star-forming galaxies across the main sequence at 3

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    International audienceWe present the detection of CO(5-4) with S/N> 7 - 13 and a lower CO transition with S/N > 3 (CO(4-3) for 4 galaxies, and CO(3-2) for one) with ALMA in band 3 and 4 in five main sequence star-forming galaxies with stellar masses 3-6x10^10 M/M_sun at 3 < z < 3.5. We find a good correlation between the total far-infrared luminosity LFIR and the luminosity of the CO(5-4) transition L'CO(5-4), where L'CO(5-4) increases with SFR, indicating that CO(5-4) is a good tracer of the obscured SFR in these galaxies. The two galaxies that lie closer to the star-forming main sequence have CO SLED slopes that are comparable to other star-forming populations, such as local SMGs and BzK star-forming galaxies; the three objects with higher specific star formation rates (sSFR) have far steeper CO SLEDs, which possibly indicates a more concentrated episode of star formation. By exploiting the CO SLED slopes to extrapolate the luminosity of the CO(1-0) transition, and using a classical conversion factor for main sequence galaxies of alpha_CO = 3.8 M_sun(K km s^-1 pc^-2)^-1, we find that these galaxies are very gas rich, with molecular gas fractions between 60 and 80%, and quite long depletion times, between 0.2 and 1 Gyr. Finally, we obtain dynamical masses that are comparable with the sum of stellar and gas mass (at least for four out of five galaxies), allowing us to put a first constraint on the alpha_CO parameter for main sequence galaxies at an unprecedented redshift

    Structural and functional characterization of the cytotoxic protein ledodin, an atypical ribosome‐inactivating protein from shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)

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    Producción CientíficaWe have purified ledodin, a cytotoxic 22-kDa protein from shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) consisting of a 197 amino acid chain. Ledodin possessed N-glycosylase activity on the sarcin-ricin loop of mammalian 28S rRNA and inhibited protein synthesis. However, it was not active against insect, fungal and bacterial ribosomes. In vitro and in silico studies suggested that ledodin exhibits a catalytic mechanism like that of DNA glycosylases and plant ribosome-inactivating proteins. However, the sequence and structure of ledodin was not related to any protein of known function, although ledodin-homologous sequences were found in the genome of several species of fungi, some edible, belonging to different orders of the class Agaricomycetes. Therefore, ledodin could be the first of a new family of enzymes widely distributed among this class of basidiomycetes. The interest of these proteins lies both, in the fact that they can be a toxic agent of some edible mushrooms and in their application in medicine and biotechnology.Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Sanidad - grants BIO39/VA39/14 and BIO/VA17/15)Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación - grant VA033G19)NUTRABEST PON I&C 2014–2020 Prog.n. F/200050/01-03/X4

    Parasitación Pulmonar por Pseudallescheria Boydii

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    Se comunica tres casos de parasitación pulmonar por Pseudallescheria boyii en su fase anamorfa (Sc. apiospermum) en pacientes con daño estructural previo, dos de ellos por tuberculosis.En dos pacientes se aisló el hongo en expectoración; el suero de uno de ellos presentó varias bandas de precipitación en la DDA, CIE e IEF con el antígeno metabólico preparado con su propia cepa. Los sueros de los otros pacientes no reaccionaron.En el tercer paciente se observó el hongo al examen directo del trozo de pulmón obtenido en la lobectomía.Los tres pacientes presentaron hemoptisis a repetición, la que provocó la muerte en el primer caso y lobectomía de urgencia en el tercero.Se destaca el hecho que son los primeros casos de micosis pulmonar por Ps. boydii comunicados en nuestro país

    Multi-level policy responses to tackle socioeconomic inequalities in the incidence of COVID-19 in a European urban area

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    Background: Spain has been hit hard by COVID-19 since March 2020, especially in its metropolitan areas. We share experiences from Barcelona in measuring socioeconomic inequalities in the incidence of COVID-19 in the different waves, and in implementing coordinated and equity-oriented public health policy responses. Methods: We collected daily data on confirmed COVID-19 cases, geocoded the address of residence to assign each case to one of the 73 neighborhoods and 1068 census tracts, and calculated the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 by neighborhood and five income groups (quintiles of census tracts) by sex across four waves of the pandemic. We adjusted hierarchical Bayesian spatial models to obtain the relative risk (RR) of cumulative incidences in each quintile compared with the richest areas. A variety of public health policies implemented to tackle the pandemic and especially these inequalities in COVID-19 incidence and vaccination are selected and described. Results: Area-level income inequalities in the incidence of COVID-19 were present at different degree in all four waves. In the second wave (10/1/2020 to 12/6/2020), RR for the poorest income quintile census tracts compared with the richest was 1.43 (95% credible interval-CI-: 1.22-1.67) for men and 1.58 (95% CI: 1.35-1.83) for women. Later, inequalities in vaccination coverage also arose. Equity-oriented policy responses included: "health hotels" or home delivery of basic products for individuals with COVID-19 and without adequate conditions for isolation; new emergency facilities for homeless people, including those with active drug use; mass screening in high incidence areas; contingency plans for nursing homes and schools; adapting community health programs for their early reactivation; digital self-appointment support points and community vaccination days. Conclusion: COVID-19 hit Barcelona neighborhoods unequally, with variations between waves. The rapid availability of geolocalized data and by socioeconomic level helped public authorities to implement targeted policies and collaborative interventions for the most vulnerable populations. Further studies would be needed to evaluate their impact

    Physical characterization of long-lasting hybrid eruptions: the 2021 tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands)

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    Long-lasting, hybrid eruptions can be of complex description and classification, especially when associated with multiple eruptive styles and multiple products. The 2021 Tajogaite eruption of La Palma, Canary Islands, was associated with a magma-gas decoupled system that resulted in the simultaneous emission of lava flows and tephra plumes from various vents. Even though the tephra blanket (∼2 × 107 m3) represents only 7%–16% of the total erupted volume, it provides fundamental insights into the overall eruptive dynamics. Tephra was mostly dispersed NE-SW due to a complex regional and local wind patterns and was subdivided into 3 units and 11 layers that well correlate at different distances from the vent and with both tremor data and lava emission rate. While plume height varied at the temporal scale of a few hours, the average mass eruption rate associated with the tephra blanket of the different units remained relatively constant (∼3–4 × 103 kg s−1). In contrast, the emission rate of lava largely increased after the first week and remained higher than the overall emission of tephra throughout the whole eruption (average value of ∼6 × 104 kg s−1). Based on a detailed characterization of the tephra blanket in combination with atmospheric wind, tremor, and lava emission trend, we demonstrate the need of (a) multidisciplinary strategies for the description of hybrid eruptions that account for both the duration of individual phases and the quantification of the mass of multiple products, and of (b) dedicated ash dispersal forecasting strategies that account for the frequent variations of eruptive and atmospheric conditions.Research activities were supported by Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 200020_188757) and by the projects (a) VOLRISKMAC (MAC/3.5b/124) and (b) VOLRISKMAC II (MAC2/3.5b/328), financed by the Program INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal MAC 2014–2020 of the European Commission; (c) Cumbre Vieja Emergencia, financed by the Science and Innovation Ministry, Spanish Government; and (d) Tfassistance, financed by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife. JER fieldwork was partially financed through NSFGEONERC-DisEqm (NERC Reference: NE/N018575/1) and V-PLUS projects (Prof. Mike Burton).Peer reviewe

    Cu(ii) and Zn(ii) complexes with a poly-functional ligand derived from o-vanillin and thiophene. Crystal structure, physicochemical properties, theoretical studies and cytotoxicity assays against human breast cancer cells

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    The interaction of a poly-functional ligand derived from o-vanillin and 2-thiophenemethylamine (oVATPNH2) with transition metal ions Cu(II) and Zn(II) leads to the formation of stable coordination compounds, namely [Cu(oVATPNH2)2] and [Zn(oVATPNH2)2]. Their crystal structures have been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. Two molecules of the deprotonated ligand acting in a bidentate fashion build a nearly square planar environment around Cu(II) and a distorted tetrahedral coordination arrangement for Zn(II). The complexes were characterized by spectroscopic techniques, including solid state FTIR, Raman, EPR and diffuse reflectance and solution UV-vis and EPR. Their thermal behavior has been analyzed by means of TGA and DTA. DFT theoretical studies, using computational methods based on DFT, were employed to assist the interpretation and assignment of spectroscopic data. Cytotoxicity assays against two human breast cancer cell lines, namely MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, revealed an enhancement of the effectiveness of the complexes as compared with both the ligand and the free metal ions. The results for the copper compound are promising, as its cytotoxic effect was stronger than the reference metallodrug cisplatin in both cancer cell lines tested.CONICET-CCT-La Plata (PIP 0651 and 0034), ANPCyT (PICT 2016-1574) and UNLP (11/X-473) (Argentina) and also by Consejerı´a de Educacio´n CyL and FFEDER BU076U16, BU022G18 and Ministerio de Economı´a y Competitividad CTQ2016-75023-C2-1-P and CTQ2015-70371- REDT MetDrugs Network (Spai