237 research outputs found

    Eficacia de los diferentes sistemas de descarga en el tratamiento de úlceras por pie diabético

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    Objetivos Los pacientes diabéticos, debido a la insuficiencia vascular y a la neuropatía, presentan un alto riesgo de padecer úlceras en los pies. Una vez que la úlcera está presente debe tratarse de la forma adecuada para evitar posibles complicaciones mayores, llegando incluso a la amputación. Aunque no existe un tratamiento de descarga estándar, sí existe evidencia científica del uso de distintos sistemas de descarga más eficaces que otros. La siguiente revisión sistemática pretende dar a conocer la eficacia de los diferentes sistemas de descarga en el tratamiento de úlceras por pie diabético. Metodología Para realizar esta revisión sistemática se han consultado distintas bases de datos bibliográficas con el fin de identificar los estudios más relevantes y tratar de conocer la evidencia científica existente actualmente acerca de la eficacia y uso de distintos sistemas de descarga como tratamiento para las úlceras de pie diabético. La búsqueda se realiza en una base de datos especializada en revisiones sistemáticas (Biblioteca Cochrane Plus) y en bases de datos de artículos originales (PubMed/Medline, Cinhal, etc.), mediante cuatro tipos de búsquedas con las palabras clave: “ulcers”, “footwear”, “felted foam”, “insoles” and “diabetic foot”. Resultados Tras la consulta en las distintas bases de datos se han pre-seleccionado un total de 160 artículos desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad, de los cuales, 49 artículos han sido incluidos y 111 han sido excluidos, basándose en los criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos. Eficacia de los sistemas de descarga para úlceras por pie diabético 4 Conclusiones Los sistemas de descarga más efectivos son las descargas no extraíbles (TCC y ITCC), puesto que se asegura el cumplimiento del tratamiento por parte del paciente, pero en caso de que éstas no se puedan emplear (coste, complicaciones, etc.) existen otros sistemas efectivos (calzado, ortesis y fieltro en combinación con un calzado apropiado) para tratar las úlceras, aunque no presentan la misma velocidad de curación. Estos últimos deben considerarse como segunda opción de tratamiento o cuando los otros dispositivos estén contraindicados.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2013/201

    Diálogo de sordos sobre Chiapas

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    Flood response to rainfall variability during the last 2000 years inferred from the Taravilla Lake record (Central Iberian Range, Spain)

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    19 páginas, 7 figuras, 5 tablas.-- El PDF del artículo esta en su versión post-print.A sedimentological, geochemical and palynological study of the Taravilla Lake sequence (Central Iberian Range, NE Spain) provides a detailed record of allochthonous terrigenous layers that intercalate within the lacustrine sediments over the last 2000 years. These terrigenous layers are interpreted as the result of extreme hydrological events that caused higher clastic input to the basin. Anthropogenic influence caused by fires or deforestation is rejected as the main factor generating these layers because human impact, inferred from the pollen reconstruction, was minimal when the terrigenous layers reached their greatest frequency. The reconstructed occurrence of these events in the Taravilla Lake record is coherent with the paleoflood history of the Tagus River, characterized by a notable increase of extreme events at the beginning of the Little Ice Age. The Taravilla record suggests a relationship between the occurrence of extreme hydrological events, solar variability, and the North Atlantic Oscillation for the NE Iberian Peninsula.Financial support for research at Taravilla Lake was provided by the Spanish Inter-Ministry Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), through the projects LIMNOCLIBER (REN2003-09130-C02-02) and IBERLIMNO (CGL2005-20236-E/CLI). A. Moreno acknowledges funding from the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Program (Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowships, proposal 021673-IBERABRUPT).Peer reviewe

    Modulation of secretion by the endoplasmic reticulum in mouse chromaffin cells

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    Producción CientíficaThe endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been suggested to modulate secretion either behaving as a Ca2+ sink or as a Ca2+ source in neuronal cells. Working as a Ca2+ sink, through ER-Ca2+ pumping, it may reduce secretion induced by different stimuli. Instead, working as a Ca2+ source through the Ca2+ induced Ca2+ release (CICR) phenomenon, it may potentiate secretion triggered by activation of plasma membrane Ca2+ channels. We have previously demonstrated the presence of CICR in bovine chromaffin cells, but we now find that mouse chromaffin cells almost lack functional caffeine-sensitive ryanodine receptors in the ER and, consistently, no CICR from the ER could be observed. In addition, inhibition of ER Ca2+ pumping with ciclopiazonic acid or thapsigargin strongly stimulated high-K+-evoked catecholamine secretion and cytosolic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]c) transients. Surprisingly, 5 mM caffeine reduced high-K+-induced [Ca2+]c peaks but considerably potentiated secretion induced by high-K+ stimulation. However, this potentiation was insensitive to ryanodine and additive to that induced by emptying the ER of Ca2+ with thapsigargin, suggesting that it is unrelated to the activation of ryanodine receptors. We conclude that, in mouse chromaffin cells, CICR is not functional and the ER strongly inhibits secretion by acting as a damper of the [Ca2+]c signal.2015-09-1

    Teaching Socio-Emotional Competencies Among Primary School Students: Improving Conflict Resolution and Promoting Democratic Co-existence in Schools

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    Teaching socio-emotional skills among primary school students is the key to creating a climate of cooperation in classrooms and reducing disruptive or aggressive behaviors among students. The primary goal of this research is to present an educational proposal for imparting socio-emotional competencies among primary school students. We attempt to impart socio-emotional competencies based on: (1) fostering self-knowledge, self-esteem, and respect for others among students; (2) developing behaviors that allow them to perceive and express feelings and self-regulating emotions; and (3) developing assertive communication skills aimed at improving conflict resolution. This program has been designed in such a way that it is implemented throughout the academic year by organizing bi-monthly sessions of 45 min each, held until the completion of 15 sessions. The sample consists of 100 students in the third grade, with the control and experimental groups having an equal number of students (50 each). The instruments used for this research are: (a) BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (Youth Version [BarOn EQ-i:YV]): used for measuring emotional and social functioning; (b) the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY): used for assessing social skills; and (c) Questionnaire for the Assessment of School Violence in Preschool and Primary School Questionnaire. To check the effectiveness of the educational intervention, a quasi-experimental design, along with pretest-posttest control group design, is used in accordance with the general linear model. Its effectiveness is also checked using repeated measures analysis of variance. The results show that the program is useful in preventing violent behaviors in the educational field and promoting the development of socio-emotional skills among third grade students. Finally, the applicability of the program to other educational contexts is discussed to enhance students' personal development and decrease the levels of violence found in primary school.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (EDU2015-64562-R)

    Identificación de las principales proteínas de unión a IGF (IGFBP) en tejidos de rata normal

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    We investigated the presence of the main IGF-I binding proteins in rat tissues and the size of the complexes formed in each case. WLB and gel filtration chromatography were used to separate and identify four binding proteins: IGFBP-1 to IGFBP-4. In al1 the tissues studied, the presence of IGFBP-3 was detected, although its concentration seemed to change in each case, being most abundant in liver, kidney and heart, and less in lymphoid organs (spleen and thymus). IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-2 were found in liver and lung and also in heart and skeletal muscle, where their messenger RNAs, had not been previously reported, as is the case of the presence of IGFBP-4, identified in lung in the present study. In conclusion, our results show a typical profile for the IGFBPs, depending on the tissue, although it is not clear yet if they are the result of in situ synthesis or transcapillary transport. A better knowledge of their expression will give insight into their regulatory role on the IGF-I bioavailability in the different tissues.En este trabajo se investigó la presencia de las principales proteínas de unión a IGF-I en tejidos de rata y el tamaño de los complejos formados en cada caso. Mediante análisis de Western ligand blof (WLB) y cromatografía de exclusión molecular, se separaron e identificaron cuatro proteínas de unión, correspondientes a las IGFBP-1 a IGFBP-4. En todos los tejidos analizados, se detectó la proteína IGFBP-3, aunque su concentración varió con el tipo de órgano, siendo muy abundante en hígado, riñón y corazón y escasa en órganos linfoides (timo y bazo). IGFBP-I e IGFBP-2 se identificaron en hígado y pulmón y, además, en corazón y músculo esquelético, órganos donde hasta el momento no se han identificado los correspondientes mARN, como tampoco IGFBP-4, identificada en este trabajo en pulmón. En conclusión, los resultados obtenidos indican un perfil típico para las IGFBP de acuerdo con el tejido, aunque no es claro aún si su presencia es el resultado de su síntesis NI situo de un transporte transcapilar. La identificación de sus mensajeros es un paso esencial para comprender el papel regulador que estas proteínas desempeñan en la biodisponibilidad del IGF-I en los diferentes tejidos

    A bilevel approach to enhance prefixed traffic signal optimization

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    The segmentation of multivariate temporal series has been studied in a wide range of applications. This study investigates a challenging segmentation problem on traffic engineering, namely, identification of time-of-day breakpoints for pre-fixed traffic signal timing plans. A large number of urban centres have traffic control strategies based on time-of-day intervals. We propose a bilevel optimization model to address simultaneously the segmentation problems and the traffic control problems over these time intervals. Efficient memetic algorithms have been developed for the bilevel model based on the hybridization of the particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithms or simulated annealing with the Nelder–Mead method. Numerically the effectiveness of the algorithms using real and synthetic data sets is demonstrated. We address the problem of automatically estimating the number of time-of-day segments that can be reliably discovered. We adapt the Bayesian Information Criterion, the PETE algorithm and a novel oriented-problem approach. The experiments show that this last method gives interpretable results about the number of reliably necessary segments from the traffic-engineering perspective. The experimental results show that the proposed methodology provides an automatic method to determine the time-of-day segments and timing plans simultaneously.La segmentación de series temporales multivariadas ha sido estudiada en una amplia gama de aplicaciones. Este estudio investiga un problema de segmentación desafiante en la ingeniería de tráfico, a saber, la identificación de puntos de interrupción de la hora del día para planes de sincronización de señales de tráfico prefijados. Un gran número de centros urbanos tienen estrategias de control de tráfico basadas en intervalos de tiempo del día. Proponemos un modelo de optimización binivel para abordar simultáneamente los problemas de segmentación y los problemas de control de tráfico en estos intervalos de tiempo. Se han desarrollado algoritmos meméticos eficientes para el modelo binivel basados ​​en la hibridación de la optimización del enjambre de partículas , algoritmos genéticos o recocido simulado con el método Nelder-Mead. Numéricamente se demuestra la eficacia de los algoritmos utilizando conjuntos de datos reales y sintéticos. Abordamos el problema de estimar automáticamente la cantidad de segmentos de hora del día que se pueden descubrir de manera confiable. Adaptamos el Criterio de Información Bayesiano, el algoritmo PETE y un enfoque novedoso orientado al problema. Los experimentos muestran que este último método da resultados interpretables sobre el número de segmentos fiablemente necesarios desde la perspectiva de la ingeniería de tráfico. Los resultados experimentales muestran que la metodología propuesta proporciona un método automático para determinar los segmentos de tiempo del día y los planes de tiempo simultáneament

    Hydrological response of a dryland ephemeral river to southern African climatic variability during the last millennium

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    12 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.-- El PDF del artículo esta en su versión post print.A long-term flood record from the Buffels River, the largest ephemeral river of NW South Africa (9250 km2), was reconstructed based on interpretation of palaeoflood, documentary and instrumental rainfall data. Palaeoflood data were obtained at three study reaches, with preserved sedimentary evidence indicating at least 25 large floods during the last 700 yr. Geochronological control for the palaeoflood record was provided by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Annual resolution was obtained since the 19th century using the overlapping documentary and instrumental records. Large floods coincided in the past within three main hydroclimatic settings: (1) periods of regular large flood occurrence (1 large flood/~30 yr) under wetter and cooler prevailing climatic conditions (AD 1600–1800), (2) decreasing occurrence of large floods (1 large flood/~100 yr) during warmer conditions (e.g., AD 1425–1600 and after 1925), and (3) periods of high frequency of large floods (~ 4–5 large floods in 20–30 yr) coinciding with wetter conditions of decadal duration, namely at AD 1390–1425, 1800–1825 and 1915–1925. These decadal-scale periods of the highest flood frequency seem to correspond in time with changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, as inferred when comparing their onset and distribution with temperature proxies in southern Africa.The study was funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission through the project “FloodWater recharge of alluvial Aquifers in Dryland Environments”, WADE Project (contract no. GOCE-CT-2003-506680).Peer reviewe

    Characterization of Vibrio harveyi strains recovered from diseased farmed Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)

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    Aim: To characterize 16 Vibrio harveyi strains isolated from different epizootic outbreaks affecting farmed Senegalese sole. Materials and Results: The Vibrio harveyi strains tested have broad phenotypic diversity based on their biochemical and exoenzymatic patterns, outer membrane proteins (OMP), extracellular product (ECP) patterns and presence of prophages. Lethal dose 50 (LD50) of the strains and in vitro antagonism tests with two probiotic strains were also determined. The OMP analysis revealed three different patterns (A, M and V). The electrophoretic analysis of the ECP showed two different groups. All strains considered virulent based on their LD50 exhibited the same protein pattern in their ECP (pattern I), while all nonvirulent strains showed a different profile (pattern II). About 32% of the tested strains were positive for prophages, although a clear relationship between virulence and the presence of prophages has not been established. Conclusions: The results obtained have shown differences between virulent and avirulent strains isolated from diseased farmed Senegalese sole based on the protein patterns of their ECP. However, a clear relationship between virulence and presence of prophages has not been established. Significance and Impact of the Study: The differences observed between virulent and nonvirulent strains could be used to design prophylactic strategies against diseases caused by V. harveyi in farmed Senegalese sole