35 research outputs found

    Stan wdrożenia modelu nauczania skoncentrowanego na studentach i studentkach na polskich uczelniach wyższych

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    Student-Centered Learning, i.e. education concentrated on students, is one of the basic ideas influencing the evaluation of higher education in Europe within the program of the Bolognese Process, and on the local level - of works on the Domestic Framework of Classification. The article is discussing history and assumptions of the Student-Centered Learning (SCL), and is also an attempt to diagnose the functioning of the SCL policy in Polish higher education. The article is presenting the results of the research conducted with the participation of 336 studying persons (43% men, 57% women) in 50 colleges in 19 Polish cities. The research were conducted in the form of online questionnaire, constructed on the basis of a checklist published in Student-Centered Learning - Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions (Attard, Di Jorio, Geven and Santa, 2010) taking into consideration the specifics of Polish universities. The discussion of the results is presented in the context of factors obstructing the implementation of the idea of education concentrated on students in Polish higher education.Student-Centered Learning, czyli kształcenie skoncentrowane na osobach studiujących, jest jedną z podstawowych idei wpływających na ewolucję szkolnictwa wyższego w Europie w ramach realizacji programu Procesu Bolońskiego, a na poziomie lokalnym – prac nad Krajowymi Ramami Kwalifikacji. Artykuł omawia historię i założenia Student- Centered Learning (SCL), a także jest próbą zdiagnozowania funkcjonowania polityki SCL w polskim szkolnictwie wyższym. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania przeprowadzonego z udziałem 336 osób studiujących (43% mężczyzn, 57% kobiet) na 50 uczelniach wyższych w 19 miastach polskich. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w formie kwestiona- riusza online, skonstruowanego na podstawie listy kontrolnej zamieszczonej w publikacji Student-Centered Learning – Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions (Attard, Di Jorio, Geven i Santa, 2010) z uwzględnieniem specyfiki polskich uczelni wyż- szych. Omówienie wyników zaprezentowane jest w kontekście czynników, które utrud- niają wprowadzenie idei kształcenia skoncentrowanego na studentach i studentkach w polskim szkolnictwie wyższym

    Control of Hymenolepis nana infection as a measure to improve mouse colony welfare

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    After cannibalism had appeared in the reproductive units of a white mouse colony, treatment against confirmed Hymenolepis nana, a tapeworm with zoonotic potential, was performed on 67 mice in the reproductive and nursery units. Faecal droppings were evaluated by flotation and sedimentation methods. The sedimentation method revealed a higher number of positive results before, during and after the treatment, but the flotation method yielded some additional positive cases. In the reproductive unit, H. nana eggs were confirmed in 50% of the tested mice by the flotation and in 70% by the sedimentation method. In the nursery units, H. nana eggs were detected in 10.5% of the tested mice by the flotation and in 24.6% by the sedimentation method. A colony of mice was treated against the tapeworm H. nana with praziquantel and emodepside in doses of 2.574 mg praziquantel/100 g body mass and of 0.642 mg emodepside/100 g body mass. The content of the original pipettes (Profender®) was applied as a spot-on on the back of the neck in the area between the shoulders. The application was repeated three times at 14-day intervals. Seven days after the third therapy no H. nana was found in any of the tested mice in the reproductive or the nursery units. After the treatment, cannibalism was no longer observed. This treatment represented one of the steps aimed at improving animal welfare and preventing potential zoonotic disease. The public health significance of this cestode should receive more attention, especially among people who take care of mice, have them as pets, or feed them to reptiles

    A novel approach to fractional calculus: utilizing fractional integrals and derivatives of the Dirac delta function

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    While the definition of a fractional integral may be codified by Riemann and Liouville, an agreed-upon fractional derivative has eluded discovery for many years. This is likely a result of integral definitions including numerous constants of integration in their results. An elimination of constants of integration opens the door to an operator that reconciles all known fractional derivatives and shows surprising results in areas unobserved before, including the appearance of the Riemann Zeta Function and fractional Laplace and Fourier Transforms. A new class of functions, known as Zero Functions and closely related to the Dirac Delta Function, are necessary for one to perform elementary operations of functions without using constants. The operator also allows for a generalization of the Volterra integral equation, and provides a method of solving for Riemann's "complimentary" function introduced during his research on fractional derivatives

    Epidemiology of taeniosis/cysticercosis in Europe, a systematic review : Western Europe

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    Background: Taenia solium and Taenia saginata are zoonotic parasites of public health importance. Data on their occurrence in humans and animals in western Europe are incomplete and fragmented. In this study, we aimed to update the current knowledge on the epidemiology of these parasites in this region. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of scientific and grey literature published from 1990 to 2015 on the epidemiology of T. saginata and T. solium in humans and animals. Additionally, data about disease occurrence were actively sought by contacting local experts in the different countries. Results: Taeniosis cases were found in twelve out of eighteen countries in western Europe. No cases were identified in Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. For Denmark, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and the UK, annual taeniosis cases were reported and the number of detected cases per year ranged between 1 and 114. Detected prevalences ranged from 0.05 to 0.27%, whereas estimated prevalences ranged from 0.02 to 0.67%. Most taeniosis cases were reported as Taenia spp. or T. saginata, although T. solium was reported in Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal and the UK. Human cysticercosis cases were reported in all western European countries except for Iceland, with the highest number originating from Portugal and Spain. Most human cysticercosis cases were suspected to have acquired the infection outside western Europe. Cases of T. solium in pigs were found in Austria and Portugal, but only the two cases from Portugal were confirmed with molecular methods. Germany, Spain and Slovenia reported porcine cysticercosis, but made no Taenia species distinction. Bovine cysticercosis was detected in all countries except for Iceland, with a prevalence based on meat inspection of 0.0002-7.82%. Conclusions: Detection and reporting of taeniosis in western Europe should be improved. The existence of T. solium tapeworm carriers, of suspected autochthonous cases of human cysticercosis and the lack of confirmation of porcine cysticercosis cases deserve further attention. Suspected cases of T. solium in pigs should be confirmed by molecular methods. Both taeniosis and human cysticercosis should be notifiable and surveillance in animals should be improved.Peer reviewe

    Increasing importance of anthelmintic resistance in European livestock: creation and meta-analysis of an open database

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    peer reviewedHelminth infections are ubiquitous in grazing ruminant production systems, and are responsible for significant costs and production losses. Anthelmintic Resistance (AR) in parasites is now widespread throughout Europe, although there are still gaps in our knowledge in some regions and countries. AR is a major threat to the sustainability of modern ruminant livestock production, resulting in reduced productivity, compromised animal health and welfare, and increased greenhouse gas emissions through increased parasitism and farm inputs. A better understanding of the extent of AR in Europe is needed to develop and advocate more sustainable parasite control approaches. A database of European published and unpublished AR research on gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) and liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) was collated by members of the European COST Action “COMBAR” (Combatting Anthelmintic Resistance in Ruminants), and combined with data from a previous systematic review of AR in GIN. A total of 197 publications on AR in GIN were available for analysis, representing 535 studies in 22 countries and spanning the period 1980–2020. Reports of AR were present throughout the European continent and some reports indicated high within-country prevalence. Heuristic sample size-weighted estimates of European AR prevalence over the whole study period, stratified by anthelmintic class, varied between 0 and 48%. Estimated regional (country) prevalence was highly heterogeneous, ranging between 0% and 100% depending on livestock sector and anthelmintic class, and generally increased with increasing research effort in a country. In the few countries with adequate longitudinal data, there was a tendency towards increasing AR over time for all anthelmintic classes in GIN: aggregated results in sheep and goats since 2010 reveal an average prevalence of resistance to benzimidazoles (BZ) of 86%, macrocyclic lactones except moxidectin (ML) 52%, levamisole (LEV) 48%, and moxidectin (MOX) 21%. All major GIN genera survived treatment in various studies. In cattle, prevalence of AR varied between anthelmintic classes from 0–100% (BZ and ML), 0–17% (LEV) and 0–73% (MOX), and both Cooperia and Ostertagia survived treatment. Suspected AR in F. hepatica was reported in 21 studies spanning 6 countries. For GIN and particularly F. hepatica, there was a bias towards preferential sampling of individual farms with suspected AR, and research effort was biased towards Western Europe and particularly the United Kingdom. Ongoing capture of future results in the live database, efforts to avoid bias in farm recruitment, more accurate tests for AR, and stronger appreciation of the importance of AR among the agricultural industry and policy makers, will support more sophisticated analyses of factors contributing to AR and effective strategies to slow its spread

    Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution

    Dream Recall Frequency and psychological manifestations of cerebral reactivity

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    W obszarze badań psychologicznych nad marzeniami sennymi problem częstości odpamiętywania marzeń sennych (w skrócie COMS) był i jest częstym przedmiotem zainteresowania i analiz, obejmujących głównie poszukiwania korelatów i wyznaczników tego zjawiska. Najnowsze doniesienia z literatury fachowej sugerują skupienie sie na czynnikach neuropsychologicznych i neurofizjologicznych wpływających na COMS, takich jak np. reaktywność mózgowa. Na bazie tych doniesień została sformułowana hipoteza o możliwych powiązaniach pomiędzy COMS i zmiennymi temperamentalnymi oraz wybiórczością uwagi. Założono, że wspomniane czynniki, jako bio-psychologiczne i poznawcze zmienne o dość dobrze przebadanych podstawach neurofizjologicznych i związkach z reaktywnością mózgu, wykażą różne poziomy w grupach osób często i rzadko odpamiętujących swoje marzenia senne. Stosując dobór celowy do próby przebadano 90 osób używając Kwestionariusza Temperamentu Strelaua i Zawadzkiego (FCZ-KT), Testu Uwagi d2 R. Brickenkampa (w wersji papier-ołówek) oraz samodzielnie skonstruowanej ankiety dotyczącej nawyków związanych ze snem. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły hipotezy dotyczące różnić temperamentalnych pomiędzy grupami z wysokim i niskim COMS. Nie uzyskano natomiast potwierdzenia hipotezy dotyczącej różnic w funkcjonowaniu uwagi. Otrzymane rezultaty dyskutowane są także w nawiązaniu do wyników ankiety kontrolującej korelacje i wpływ innych czynników na COMS.In the field of dream research the subject of dream-recall frequency (DRF) has already been examined from many angles and mainly concentrated on the search of psychological correlations and determinants of the phenomenon. The newest findings suggest focusing on the neurophysiological factors influencing the ability to recall dreams, such as cerebral reactivity. On the basis of these reports the hypotheses of possible links between DRF and temperamental features as well as DRF and selective attention characteristics were formed. It was assumed that the aforementioned variables, connected to the brain reactivity, would distinguish between frequent and infrequent dream recallers. In a study with purposive sampling 90 persons divided into 2 groups were tested, using J. Strelau and B. Zawadzki’s  The Formal Characteristics of Behavior – Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI), R. Brickenkamp’s d2 Test of Attention, and detailed survey about the sleeping habits to control the possible confounders. Obtained results partially confirmed the hypotheses

    Perioperative care of the patient before and after hip arthroplasty

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    Wstęp Alloplastyka stawu biodrowego polega na wymianie zniszczonego stawu na nowy. Najczęściej wykonuje się ją z powodu zaawansowanych zmian zwyrodnieniowych lub złamań okolicy stawu biodrowego. Ze względu na proces starzenia się społeczeństwa, związany z nim wzrost zachorowań na chorobę zwyrodnieniową oraz zespół kruchości przeprowadza się ją coraz częściej. Operacja ta obarczona jest wieloma powikłaniami pooperacyjnymi, dlatego niezbędne jest objęcie pacjentów poddanych alloplastyce specjalistyczną opieką pielęgniarską.Cel pracyCelem pracy było przedstawienie opieki nad pacjentem przed i po operacji alloplastyki stawu biodrowego na podstawie opisu przypadku pacjentki ze złamaniem szyjki kości udowej leczonej operacyjnie poprzez zebranie wywiadu pielęgniarskiego, ocenę stanu bio-pscyho-społecznego, określenie diagnoz pielęgniarskich, przedstawienie realizacji interwencji oraz ocenę efektów pielęgnowania.W pracy posłużono się metodą studium przypadku, wykorzystując elementy procesu pielęgnowania zgodnie z założeniami teoretycznymi Dorothy Orem. Wykorzystane techniki badawcze to: wywiad, analiza dokumentów medycznych, obserwacja, skale: Norton, GCS, NRS, SGA.Wyniki, wnioskiPrzed operacją rozpoznano u pacjentki diagnozy pielęgniarskie wynikające z bólu kolan z powodu zwyrodnienia oraz ryzyko powikłań unieruchomienia i chorób współistniejących. Podjęto działania przygotowujące do operacji zgodnie z zaleceniami. Po zabiegu najistotniejszymi diagnozami pielęgniarskimi były: ryzyko powikłań związane z techniką zabiegu i zastosowanymi środkami znieczulającymi. Pacjentka odczuwała ból rany pooperacyjnej pojawiły się odleżyny na piętach oraz zaparcia. Pacjentka i jej rodzina zostali przygotowani do samoopieki poprzez pisemne i ustne przekazanie zaleceń pooperacyjnych. Pacjentka była usprawniana od pierwszej doby pooperacyjnej. Przed wypisem ze szpitala udało się osiągnąć sprawność ruchową pacjentki na poziomie przemieszczania się przy pomocy sprzętu ortopedycznego. Realizacja zaplanowanych interwencji zapewniła chorej specjalistyczną opiekę pielęgniarską przez co zmniejszono ryzyko wystąpienia powikłań.IntroductionHip arthroplasty involves replacing a damaged joint with a new one. It is carried out more often due to advanced degenerative changes or fractures, which is associated with the aging of society. This operation is subject to many postoperative complications, therefore it is necessary to include patients undergoing specialist nursing care for alloplasties.The aim of the studyThe aim of the study was to present patient care before and after hip arthroplasty on a case report of a female patient with fractured femoral neck treated surgically by collecting a nursing interview, biopsychosocial assessment, diagnosis of nursing, presentation of intervention and assessment of nursing effects.The work uses the case study method, using elements of the nursing process based on Dorothy Orem theory. In order to develop specialist nursing care, current medical literature was used. The research techniques used are: interview, analysis of medical documents, observation, scales: Norton, GCS, NRS, SGAResults, conclusionsBefore the operation, nursing diagnoses resulting from knee pain due to degeneration and the risk of complications of immobility and co-morbidities were diagnosed. Preparatory actions for the operation were carried out in accordance with the recommendations. After the surgery, the most important nursing diagnoses were: the risk of complications related to the surgical technique and the anesthetics used. The patient felt the pain of the surgical wound, pressure ulcers on the heels and constipation appeared. The patient and her family were prepared for self-care through written and oral transmission of postoperative recommendations. The patient was improved from the first postoperative day. Before discharge from the hospital the patient's mobility at the level of moving a few meters with the help of orthopedic equipment was achieved. Implementation of the planned interventions provided the specialist with specialized nursing care, which allowed to reduce the risk of complications

    Dirofilaria repens in dogs and humans in Slovenia

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    Introduction: The prevalence of Dirofilaria repens in dogs in countries bordering Slovenia ranges from 1.5% to 47.3%. The aim of this study was to estimate its prevalence in Slovenian dogs and to present the cases of dirofilariasis diagnosed in humans from 2010 to 2020. Material and Methods: Epidemiological data were collected and blood samples were taken from 465 dogs older than one year and born in Slovenia. A real-time PCR was performed on all samples to detect filarioid DNA, and a D. repens- and D. immitis-specific real-time PCR was performed on positive samples. Blood samples from 446 dogs were tested for Dirofilaria spp. using a modified Knott’s test. Human cases were diagnosed from histological sections of excised subcutaneous nodules. Descriptive statistics were used to characterise the samples. The one-sample nonparametric chi-squared test was used to assess whether categories of a variable were equally distributed. Results: Three dogs’ samples tested positive for D. repens using the species-specific real-time PCR, while D. immitis DNA was not detected. The modified Knott’s test was positive in two of the three PCR-positive dogs, two of which had never travelled outside Slovenia’s borders. Four human patients with D. repens dirofilariasis were diagnosed. Since their travel history was unknown, autochthonous transmission could not be confirmed. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated a 0.64% prevalence of D. repens infection in dogs in Slovenia. Two cases could be autochthonous