193 research outputs found
Medios de comunicación, anorexia y bulimia. La difusión mediática del ‘anhelo de delgadez’: un análisis con perspectiva de género
En las últimas décadas han aumentado exponencialmente los casos de anorexia, bulimia y otros trastornos alimenticios, especialmente en las adolescentes. Aunque las causas de estos desórdenes son múltiples, la investigación científica ha probado la influencia de los medios de comunicación y otros factores socioculturales en la sintomatología de los trastornos de la alimentación. Los mensajes de los medios destacan insistentemente la belleza y la delgadez como signos de prestigio y éxito social para las mujeres. En este artículo analizamos desde una perspectiva de género la construcción de una nueva mística de la feminidad asociada a la apariencia y al anhelo de delgadez, y su relación con los desórdenes alimenticios
Regionalization and connectivity in the Gulf of Cádiz and Alborán Sea implication for marine spatial planning and coastal management
This work proposes a regionalization of marine waters south of the Iberian Peninsula based on empirical orthogonal functions and GIS analysis. The regions identified are consistent and correspond to hydrological mesoscale and macroscale structures well characterized from physical and biological viewpoints. Although it is difficult to determine the boundaries of a fluid continuously moving, the procedure used recognizes the most frequent patterns and can be used to reference geographically the most likely position of the limit among the regions. Once established the regions, the connectivity among them is addressed by means of geostrophic currents derived from altimetry data. The main geostrophic circulation pattern depict an elevate connectivity in the area that might facilitate the conservation and recovering of species, but also imply a higher vulnerability to negative externalities and highlight the need of models, marine spatial planning, and coastal management approaches that includes the pelagic ecosystem and connectivity of the seas. Furthermore, the results confirm that the cooperation between public authorities at different levels (local, regional, state) as well as among riparian countries is essential for marine spatial planning and prevention of potential risk derived from upcoming marine activities in the framework of the 2020 agenda and Blue Growth strategy.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
La globalización de la identidad de género en las revistas para las adolescentes
Pertsona ospetsuek emakumezko nerabeentzako aldizkarietan duten irudikapena aztertzea da lan honen helburua. Espainiako eta Latinoamerikako argitalpenetan ospetsuak definitzen dituzten ezaugarriei buruzko bi ikerketatan oinarritu gara. Emaitzen arabera, aldizkari hauek genero-identitate globalizatua eraikitzen dute, hesi kultural eta politikoak apurtuz eta mendebaldeko gizontasuna eta emetasuna homogeneizatuz.; The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the representations of celebrities in teenage girls magazines. Our work is based on two main researches enclosed in Spanish and Latin American publications relating to features famous people are defined by. Results obtained point out that this kind of magazines builds globalized gender identity that breaks cultural and political barriers and enhances the hegemony of occidental masculinity and feminity.; En el presente trabajo se analizan las representaciones de los famosos en las revistas para mujeres adolescentes. Nos basamos en dos investigaciones en publicaciones españolas y latinoamericanas sobre los rasgos con que se define a los famosos. Los resultados indican que las revistas construyen una identidad de género globalizada, que rompe las barreras culturales y políticas y hegemoniza la masculinidad y feminidad occidentales
Desinformación de género: análisis de los bulos de Maldito Feminismo
Information disorder (satire or parody, false connections, misleading content, false context, imposter content, manipulated content or fabricated content) is a so-cial problem that is causing collective damages. Women, in particular, are becoming victims of hostilities on the digital scenario. This problem is currently known as “dig-ital sexism” and “gender disinformation”. In this context, verification journalism, a trendy format, aims to reduce the effects of hoaxes introducing the fact-checking process in its professional routines. However, this is still a minority task. In order to contribute to the study of the disinformation phenomenon in relation to online mes-sages about women, this research has developed a systematic tool to classify hoaxes that have been refuted by the platform Maldita.es, specifically, on its sections Maldi-to Feminismo (N=71). This tool, inspired by the taxonomies created by Derakhshan & Wardle (2017), Tandoc, Lim & Ling (2018) and Molina, Sundar, Le & Lee (2019), allows you to categorize fake news according to the type of information disorder, the agent, the message and the interpreter.The results of this study (internal validity) show that hoaxes detected by Maldito Feminismo are misleading content that expect to damage feminism (this is the main topic of fake news) and have a political purpose. These information disorders are displayed in text format and are mainly created and distributed on social networks. Moreover, although users collaborate and participate detecting and reporting hoaxes, the platform Maldito Feminismo identifies, locates and denounces most of the fake news.A desordem informativa (sátira ou paródia, conexão falsa, conteúdo enganoso, contexto falso, conteúdo impostor, conteúdo manipulado ou conteúdo fabricado) deve ser considerada um problema social enquanto os danos coletivos que provoca e que ameaçam à sociedade digital começam a ser descobertos. Particularmente, as mulheres são vítimas de hostilidades nos espaços de interação virtuais. Esse fenôme-no é conhecido como “sexismo digital” e “desinformação de gênero”.Neste cenário, o jornalismo de verificação (oufact checking journalism em in-glês), um formato que é tendência, tenta paliar os efeitos das calúnias ou difama-ções a introduzir nas rotinas profissionais a prática de desmascarar essas calúnias. Contudo ainda é um trabalho pouco expandido. Para contribuir ao estudo do fenôme-no da desinformação em relação com as mensagens que circulam na Internet sobre as mulheres, esta investigação propõe uma ferramenta de classificação sistemática das calúnias desmascaradas pela Maldita.es na seção Maldito Feminismo (N=71).Os resultados deste estudo revelam que as calúnias detectadas pela seção Maldito Feminismo são notícias falsas de conteúdo enganoso. Esses conteúdos têm a intenção de prejudicar ao feminismo (este é o assunto principal da maior parte das calúnias analisadas) com um propósito político. Essas desordens informativas são criadas e distribuídas principalmente pelas redes sociais na forma de texto. Embora os usuários colaboram e participam na detecção e denúncia dessas calúnias, é a plataforma Maldito Feminismo à que frequentemente identifica, localiza e desmascara a maior parte das notícias falsas.El desorden informativo (sátira o parodia, conexión falsa, contenido engañoso, contexto falso, contenido impostor, contenido manipulado o contenido fabricado) es un problema social que empieza a demostrar sus daños colectivos. De forma particu-lar, las mujeres están siendo víctimas de hostilidades en el escenario digital, lo que se conoce como “sexismo digital” y “desinformación de género”. En este contexto, el periodismo de verificación, un formato tendencia y aún minoritario, trata de paliar los efectos de los bulos introduciendo, entre sus rutinas profesionales, el desmentido de esos contenidos. Para contribuir al estudio del fenómeno de la desinformación, en relación con los mensajes que circulan en Internet sobre las mujeres, esta investiga-ción propone una herramienta de clasificación sistemática de los bulos desmentidos por el medio Maldita.es en su sección Maldito Feminismo (N=71). Esta herramienta, inspirada en las taxonomías de Derakhshan & Wardle (2017), Tandoc, Lim & Ling (2018) y Molina, Sundar, Le & Lee (2019), permite clasificar las noticias falsas se-gún el tipo de desorden informativo, el agente, el mensaje y el intérprete. Los resultados de este estudio (que tienen una validez interna) revelan que los bulos detectados por Maldito Feminismo son noticias falsas de contenido engañoso, que buscan dañar el feminismo (ya que este es el tema principal de la mayoría de bulos analizados) y tienen un propósito político. Estos desórdenes informativos se crean y distribuyen, principalmente, a través de las redes sociales en formato texto. Normalmente, es la propia plataforma -Maldito Feminismo- quien identifica, localiza y delata la mayoría de noticias falsas
Leptin levels were negatively associated with lumbar spine bone mineral content in children with overweight or obesity
Aim: Adipokines seem to play a role in bone morphogenesis, although this also depends on the mechanical forces applied to the skeleton. The aim was to assess the
relationships of resting leptin and adiponectin with bone parameters and whether
high muscular fitness levels affect these relationships in children with overweight or
Methods: This cross-sectional study took part from 2014 to 2016 in Granada, Spain.
Participants were recruited from University Hospitals, and we also used advertisements in local media and school contacts in the city. Adipokines were analysed in
plasma. Muscular fitness was assessed by one repetition maximum in bench and leg
press tests. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to measure bone parameters.
Results: We included 84 children (10.0 ± 1.2y; 63% boys) in this analysis. Leptin was
negatively associated with lumbar spine bone mineral content (β = −0.162, p = 0.053)
A Proposed Approach to Chronic Airway Disease (CAD) Using Therapeutic Goals and Treatable Traits: A Look to the Future
© 2020 Pérez de Llano et al.Chronic airflow obstruction affects a wide range of airway diseases, the most frequent of which are asthma, COPD, and bronchiectasis; they are clearly identifiable in their extremes, but quite frequently overlap in some of their pathophysiological and clinical characteristics. This has generated the description of new mixed or overlapping disease phenotypes with no clear biological grounds. In this special article, a group of experts provides their perspective and proposes approaching the treatment of chronic airway disease (CAD) through the identification of a series of therapeutic goals (TG) linked to treatable traits (TT) – understood as clinical, physiological, or biological characteristics that are quantifiable using biomarkers. This therapeutic approach needs validating in a clinical trial with the strategy of identification of TG and treatment according to TT for each patient independently of their prior diagnosis
Breast Cancer and Its Relationship with the Microbiota
The microorganisms that live symbiotically in human beings are increasingly recognized
as important players in health and disease. The largest collection of these microorganisms is found
in the gastrointestinal tract. Microbial composition reflects both genetic and lifestyle variables
of the host. This microbiota is in a dynamic balance with the host, exerting local and distant
effects. Microbial perturbation (dysbiosis) could contribute to the risk of developing health problems.
Various bacterial genes capable of producing estrogen-metabolizing enzymes have been identified.
Accordingly, gut microbiota is capable of modulating estrogen serum levels. Conversely, estrogen-like
compounds may promote the proliferation of certain species of bacteria. Therefore, a crosstalk
between microbiota and both endogenous hormones and estrogen-like compounds might synergize
to provide protection from disease but also to increase the risk of developing hormone-related
diseases. Recent research suggests that the microbiota of women with breast cancer differs from
that of healthy women, indicating that certain bacteria may be associated with cancer development
and with different responses to therapy. In this review, we discuss recent knowledge about the
microbiome and breast cancer, identifying specific characteristics of the human microbiome that may
serve to develop novel approaches for risk assessment, prevention and treatment for this disease
Cohort profile: the Hortega Study for the evaluation of non-traditional risk factors of cardiometabolic and other chronic diseases in a general population from Spain.
PURPOSE: The Hortega Study is a prospective study, which investigates novel determinants of selected chronic conditions with an emphasis on cardiovascular health in a representative sample of a general population from Spain. PARTICIPANTS: In 1997, a mailed survey was sent to a random selection of public health system beneficiaries assigned to the University Hospital Rio Hortega's catchment area in Valladolid (Spain) (n=11 423, phase I), followed by a pilot examination in 1999-2000 of 495 phase I participants (phase II). In 2001-2003, the examination of 1502 individuals constituted the Hortega Study baseline examination visit (phase III, mean age 48.7 years, 49% men, 17% with obesity, 27% current smokers). Follow-up of phase III participants (also termed Hortega Follow-up Study) was obtained as of 30 November 2015 through review of health records (9.5% of participants without follow-up information). FINDINGS TO DATE: The Hortega Study integrates baseline information of traditional and non-traditional factors (metabolomic including lipidomic and oxidative stress metabolites, genetic variants and environmental factors, such as metals), with 14 years of follow-up for the assessment of mortality and incidence of chronic diseases. Preliminary analysis of time to event data shows that well-known cardiovascular risk factors are associated with cardiovascular incidence rates, which add robustness to our cohort. FUTURE PLANS: In 2020, we will review updated health and mortality records of this ongoing cohort for a 5-year follow-up extension. We will also re-examine elder survivors to evaluate specific aspects of ageing and conduct geolocation to study additional environmental exposures. Stored biological specimens are available for analysis of new biomarkers. The Hortega Study will, thus, enable the identification of novel factors based on time to event data, potentially contributing to the prevention and control of chronic diseases in ageing populations
Gene-environment interaction analysis of redox-related metals and genetic variants with plasma metabolic patterns in a general population from Spain: The Hortega Study
Background: Limited studies have evaluated the joint influence of redox-related metals and genetic variation on metabolic pathways. We analyzed the association of 11 metals with metabolic patterns, and the interacting role of candidate genetic variants, in 1145 participants from the Hortega Study, a population-based sample from Spain. Methods: Urine antimony (Sb), arsenic, barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), molybdenum (Mo) and vanadium (V), and plasma copper (Cu), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) were measured by ICP-MS and AAS, respectively. We summarized 54 plasma metabolites, measured with targeted NMR, by estimating metabolic principal components (mPC). Redox-related SNPs (N = 291) were measured by oligo-ligation assay. Results: In our study, the association with metabolic principal component (mPC) 1 (reflecting non-essential and essential amino acids, including branched chain, and bacterial co-metabolism versus fatty acids and VLDL subclasses) was positive for Se and Zn, but inverse for Cu, arsenobetaine-corrected arsenic (As) and Sb. The association with mPC2 (reflecting essential amino acids, including aromatic, and bacterial co-metabolism) was inverse for Se, Zn and Cd. The association with mPC3 (reflecting LDL subclasses) was positive for Cu, Se and Zn, but inverse for Co. The association for mPC4 (reflecting HDL subclasses) was positive for Sb, but inverse for plasma Zn. These associations were mainly driven by Cu and Sb for mPC1; Se, Zn and Cd for mPC2; Co, Se and Zn for mPC3; and Zn for mPC4. The most SNP-metal interacting genes were NOX1, GSR, GCLC, AGT and REN. Co and Zn showed the highest number of interactions with genetic variants associated to enriched endocrine, cardiovascular and neurological pathways. Conclusions: Exposures to Co, Cu, Se, Zn, As, Cd and Sb were associated with several metabolic patterns involved in chronic disease. Carriers of redox-related variants may have differential susceptibility to metabolic alterations associated to excessive exposure to metals.This work was supported by the Strategic Action for Research in Health sciences [CP12/03080, PI15/00071, PI10/0082, PI13/01848, PI14/00874, PI16/01402, PI21/00506 and PI11/00726], CIBER Fisio patología Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBN) (CIBER-02-08-2009, CB06/03 and CB12/03/30,016), the State Agency for Research (PID2019-108973RB- C21 and C22), the Valencia Government (GRUPOS 03/101; PROMETEO/2009/029 and ACOMP/2013/039, IDI FEDER/2021/072 and GRISOLIAP/2021/119), the Castilla-Leon Government (GRS/279/A/08) and European Network of Excellence Ingenious Hypercare (EPSS-037093) from the European Commission. The Strategic Action for Research in Health sciences, CIBERDEM and CIBEROBN are initiatives from Carlos III Health Institute Madrid and cofunded with European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER). The State Agency for Research and Carlos III Health Institute belong to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. ADR received the support of a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434) (fellowship code “LCF/BQ/DR19/11740016”). MGP received the support of a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434, fellowship code LCFLCF/BQ/DI18/11660001). The funding bodies had no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript.S
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