32 research outputs found

    Users’ Awareness of Privacy on Online Social Networking Sites – Case Facebook

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    Online social networking offers a new, easy and inexpensive way to maintain already existing relationships and present oneself to others. However, the increasing number of actions in online services also gives a rise to privacy concerns and risks. In an attempt to understand the factors, especially privacy awareness, that influence users to disclose or protect information in online environment, we view privacy behavior from the perspectives of privacy protection and information disclosing. In our empirical study, we present results from a survey of 210 users of Facebook. Our results indicate, that most of our respondents, who seem to be active users of Facebook, disclose a considerable amount of private information. Contrary to their own belief, they are not too well aware of the visibility of their information to people they do not necessarily know. Furthermore, Facebook’s privacy policy and the terms of use were largely not known or understood by our respondents

    A trans-ancestral meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies reveals loci associated with childhood obesity

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    Although hundreds of genome-wide association studies-implicated loci have been reported for adult obesity-related traits, less is known about the genetics specific for early-onset obesity and with only a few studies conducted in non-European populations to date. Searching for additional genetic variants associated with childhood obesity, we performed a trans-ancestral meta-analysis of 30 studies consisting of up to 13005 cases (>= 95th percentile of body mass index (BMI) achieved 2-18 years old) and 15599 controls (consistentlyPeer reviewe

    Novel loci for childhood body mass index and shared heritability with adult cardiometabolic traits

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    The genetic background of childhood body mass index (BMI), and the extent to which the well-known associations of childhood BMI with adult diseases are explained by shared genetic factors, are largely unknown. We performed a genome-wide association study meta-analysis of BMI in 61,111 children aged between 2 and 10 years. Twenty-five independent loci reached genome-wide significance in the combined discovery and replication analyses. Two of these, located nearNEDD4LandSLC45A3, have not previously been reported in relation to either childhood or adult BMI. Positive genetic correlations of childhood BMI with birth weight and adult BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, diastolic blood pressure and type 2 diabetes were detected (R(g)ranging from 0.11 to 0.76, P-values Author summary Although twin studies have shown that body mass index (BMI) is highly heritable, many common genetic variants involved in the development of BMI have not yet been identified, especially in children. We studied associations of more than 40 million genetic variants with childhood BMI in 61,111 children aged between 2 and 10 years. We identified 25 genetic variants that were associated with childhood BMI. Two of these have not been implicated for BMI previously, located close to the genesNEDD4LandSLC45A3. We also show that the genetic background of childhood BMI overlaps with that of birth weight, adult BMI, waist-to-hip-ratio, diastolic blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and age at menarche. Our results suggest that the biological processes underlying childhood BMI largely overlap with those underlying adult BMI. However, the overlap is not complete. Additionally, the genetic backgrounds of childhood BMI and other cardio-metabolic phenotypes are overlapping. This may mean that the associations of childhood BMI and later cardio-metabolic outcomes are partially explained by shared genetics, but it could also be explained by the strong association of childhood BMI with adult BMI.Peer reviewe

    Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease

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    Birth weight (BW) is influenced by both foetal and maternal factors and in observational studies is reproducibly associated with future risk of adult metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease1. These lifecourse associations have often been attributed to the impact of an adverse early life environment. We performed a multi-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis of BW in 153,781 individuals, identifying 60 loci where foetal genotype was associated with BW (P <5x10-8). Overall, ˜15% of variance in BW could be captured by assays of foetal genetic variation. Using genetic association alone, we found strong inverse genetic correlations between BW and systolic blood pressure (rg-0.22, P =5.5x10-13), T2D (rg-0.27, P =1.1x10-6) and coronary artery disease (rg-0.30, P =6.5x10-9) and, in large cohort data sets, demonstrated that genetic factors were the major contributor to the negative covariance between BW and future cardiometabolic risk. Pathway analyses indicated that the protein products of genes within BW-associated regions were enriched for diverse processes including insulin signalling, glucose homeostasis, glycogen biosynthesis and chromatin remodelling. There was also enrichment of associations with BW in known imprinted regions (P =1.9x10-4). We have demonstrated that lifecourse associations between early growth phenotypes and adult cardiometabolic disease are in part the result of shared genetic effects and have highlighted some of the pathways through which these causal genetic effects are mediated

    Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease

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    Birth weight (BW) has been shown to be influenced by both fetal and maternal factors and in observational studies is reproducibly associated with future risk of adult metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease. These life-course associations have often been attributed to the impact of an adverse early life environment. Here, we performed a multi-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis of BW in 153,781 individuals, identifying 60 loci where fetal genotype was associated with BW (P\textit{P}  < 5 × 108^{-8}). Overall, approximately 15% of variance in BW was captured by assays of fetal genetic variation. Using genetic association alone, we found strong inverse genetic correlations between BW and systolic blood pressure (R\textit{R}g_{g} = -0.22, P\textit{P}  = 5.5 × 1013^{-13}), T2D (R\textit{R}g_{g} = -0.27, P\textit{P}  = 1.1 × 106^{-6}) and coronary artery disease (R\textit{R}g_{g} = -0.30, P\textit{P}  = 6.5 × 109^{-9}). In addition, using large -cohort datasets, we demonstrated that genetic factors were the major contributor to the negative covariance between BW and future cardiometabolic risk. Pathway analyses indicated that the protein products of genes within BW-associated regions were enriched for diverse processes including insulin signalling, glucose homeostasis, glycogen biosynthesis and chromatin remodelling. There was also enrichment of associations with BW in known imprinted regions (P\textit{P} = 1.9 × 104^{-4}). We demonstrate that life-course associations between early growth phenotypes and adult cardiometabolic disease are in part the result of shared genetic effects and identify some of the pathways through which these causal genetic effects are mediated.For a full list of the funders pelase visit the publisher's website and look at the supplemetary material provided. Some of the funders are: British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, National Institutes of Health, Royal Society and Wellcome Trust

    Mukana muutoksessa : toimintamalli työyhteisölähtöiseen kehittämiseen varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Tämän kehittämishankkeen alkusysäys oli varhaiskasvatukseen kohdistuneet laki- ja opetussuunnitelmamuutokset ja niiden vaikutukset käytännön työn tekemiseen. Kehittämishankkeen tarkoituksena oli vastata muutoshaasteisiin ja kehittää päiväkodin perustehtävän toteuttamista. Tavoitteena oli luoda työyhteisöön henkilöstön kehittämistoimintaa tukeva ja ohjaava toimintamalli. Kehittämishanke toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena, jossa olennaista oli päiväkodissa vaikuttavien toimijoiden osallistaminen sekä henkilöstön välinen vuorovaikutus. Tiedonhankinnassa käytettiin useampia menetelmiä, jotta kaikkien toimijoiden ääni saatiin kuuluville. Alkukartoitusta varten tehtiin kyselyt päiväkodin työntekijöille sekä huoltajille. Lisänäkökulmia työyhteisön kehittämiseen saatiin haastattelemalla kahta päiväkodinjohtajaa. Toimintamallin luomisen kannalta olennaisinta oli työpajatoiminta, jossa työntekijät osallistettiin kehittämään omaa työtään sekä uudistamaan ja muuttamaan päiväkodin toimintoja sekä toimintatapoja. Innovaatioita ja työyhteisölähtöistä kehittämistoimintaa käsittelevän tietoperustan sekä tiedonhankinnasta saadun tiedon perusteella kehittämishankkeen tuloksena luotiin työyhteisölähtöisen prosessikehittämisen toimintamalli. Toimintamalli auttaa esimiehiä organisoimaan ja johtamaan työyhteisön kehittämistoimintaa. Toimintamalli huomioi kehittämisprosessin jokaisen vaiheen, eli tavoitteen, toiminnan, päätöksenteon, käyttöön oton ja arvioinnin. Kehittämishankkeesta saatujen tulosten mukaan tärkeintä on luoda foorumit, joissa työntekijät aktivoidaan ja osallistetaan kehittämistoimintaan niin, että heillä on vaikutusmahdollisuuksia koko kehittämisprosessin ajan. Turvallisessa ilmapiirissä keskustelemalla ihmisten luovuus ja innovatiivisuus kasvavat, jolloin saavutetaan helpommin työtä uudistavia muutoksia.The starting point for this thesis were changes targeted at laws and curriculums related to early childhood education and how those changes influence every day practices. The purpose of this thesis was to react to the challenges those changes araise and to develop the core tasks carried out in a daycare centre. The aim of this thesis was to create an operating model for a work unit to support and lead the workplace development. The developmental approach in this thesis was an action research. Participation of all connected to the daycare centre and interaction between employees were essential. The data was collected with mixed methods, to make every participant´s voice heard. To get the basic information, there were questionnaires for daycare centre employees and guardians. More perspectives to workplace development were gained with interviews of two daycare centre directors. The most essential factor in creating the operating model was the workshop activity where employees participated in developing their workplace, changing and renewing of every day practices and ways of acting in the daycare centre. The operating model for workplace-oriented process development was created with both theoretical studies about innovation and workplace-oriented development and the results of data collection. The operating model is a tool for management to organize and lead workplace development. The operating model handles the development process as a whole, thus all the factors, aim, action, decision-making, implementation and evaluation were taken into consideration. According to the results of this thesis, it is important to create forums where employees are activated and encouraged to participate in the developing process, and they have possibilities to influence during the developing process. When there is a safe work-place atmosphere for people to communicate, their creativity and innovation increases and it is easier to make changes and renewals in the workplace

    Kätilön toiminta hätäsektiossa: oppimateriaali itsenäiseen opiskeluun

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    Keisarileikkaustaidon kehittyminen osaltaan on ollut parantamassa äiti- ja lapsikuolleisuustilastoja. 2000-luvulla suunnitellut keisarileikkaukset eivät ole lisääntyneet, mutta suunnittelemattomien, kuten hätäsektioiden määrä, kasvaa koko ajan. Näillä leikkauksilla on lyhyt historia takanaan, joten on tärkeää että jokainen tietää miten hätäsektiossa toimitaan. Työni tarkoitus on antaa tietoa kätilöopiskelijoille kätilön toiminnasta hätäsekti-ossa ja siten kehittää kätilöopiskelijoiden valmiutta toimia hätäsektion ilmetessä. On tärkeää tutustua myös oman sairaalan toimintaohjeisiin, vaikka tästä työstä saa hyvän pohjan toimia hätäsektiotilanteessa. Itse tuote tulee Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun käyttöön kätilötyön tunneille. Oppimateriaalin tiedot pohjautuvat tuoreimpiin ja luotettaviin lähteisiin. Tuot-teessa nousee erityisesti esille hätäsektiotilanteessa ilmenevät kätilön toiminta-ohjeet. Kirjallisuuden pohjalta tuotteelle on asetettu erikseen laatutavoitteet, joi-den pohjalta valmis työ on saatettu loppuun. Tuotteesta oli kaksi versiota, jota arvioivat kätilöopiskelijat ja muun alan opiske-lijat. Pääkriteereinä arvioinnissa nousivat esille tuotteen luotettavuus, sisällön ja ulkoasun kattavuus, tuotteen houkuttelevuus, informatiivisuus sekä luotetta-vuus. Arviointien perusteella varmistui lopullisen tuotteen muoto, joka arviointien perusteella osoittautui hyväksi. Jatkokehitysajatuksena nousi esille mahdollisuus kehittää tutkimus siitä, millai-set toimintatavat eri puolilla Suomea hätäsektiosta löytyy. Mahdollisesti myös kehittää videomateriaalia siitä, mitä välineitä sektiossa käytetään ja miten koko toimintaprosessi käytännössä tapahtuu.It is studied that evolving operative skills has been partly improving maternal and infant mortality statistics. The 2000´s planned caesarean sections have not increased, but unplanned, such as emergency caesarean sections number are increasing all the time. These operations have a short history behind them, so it is important that everyone knows how to act during an emergency caesarean sections. The main purpose of this study is to develop midwife students preparedness to act during emergency caesarean section and to get all the information that in-volves emergency section with this package. This study material is going to be part of midwifery student lessons, in Oulu University of Applied Sciences. All the information in this study material is based on national directives and guidelines which are based on Oulu University hospital norms. There were two different version of this product, which were evaluated by mid-wife students and other students. With the help of those students, I was able to choose one of the products, which was rated as a good study material. In future I think it would be important to examine how midwifes actions vary in every hospital in Finland. Or it could be a good way to develop this to make a video material, what includes how caesarean section is done by step by step