348 research outputs found

    Direct imaging constraints on planet populations detected by microlensing

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    Results from gravitational microlensing suggested the existence of a large population of free-floating planetary mass objects. The main conclusion from this work was partly based on constraints from a direct imaging survey. This survey determined upper limits for the frequency of stars that harbor giant exoplanets at large orbital separations. Aims. We want to verify to what extent upper limits from direct imaging do indeed constrain the microlensing results. We examine the current derivation of the upper limits used in the microlensing study and re-analyze the data from the corresponding imaging survey. We focus on the mass and semi-major axis ranges that are most relevant in context of the microlensing results. We also consider new results from a recent M-dwarf imaging survey as these objects are typically the host stars for planets detected by microlensing. We find that the upper limits currently applied in context of the microlensing results are probably underestimated. This means that a larger fraction of stars than assumed may harbor gas giant planets at larger orbital separations. Also, the way the upper limit is currently used to estimate the fraction of free-floating objects is not strictly correct. If the planetary surface density of giant planets around M-dwarfs is described as df_Planet ~ a^beta da, we find that beta ~ 0.5 - 0.6 is consistent with results from different observational studies probing semi-major axes between ~0.03 - 30 AU. Having a higher upper limit on the fraction of stars that may have gas giant planets at orbital separations probed by the microlensing data implies that more of the planets detected in the microlensing study are potentially bound to stars rather than free-floating. The current observational data are consistent with a rising planetary surface density for giant exoplanets around M-dwarfs out to ~30 AU.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A as Research Note, 3 page

    Discovery of the Widest Very Low Mass Binary

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    We report the discovery of a very low mass binary system (primary mass <0.1 Msol) with a projected separation of ~5100 AU, more than twice that of the widest previously known system. A spectrum covering the 1-2.5 microns wavelength interval at R ~1700 is presented for each component. Analysis of the spectra indicates spectral types of M6.5V and M8V, and the photometric distance of the system is ~62 pc. Given that previous studies have established that no more than 1% of very low mass binary systems have orbits larger than 20 AU, the existence of such a wide system has a bearing on very low mass star formation and evolution models.Comment: accepted ApJL, 4 page

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Extrasolar Planet HR 8799 b

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    [Abridged] We present 2.12-2.23 um high contrast integral field spectroscopy of the extrasolar planet HR 8799 b. Our observations were obtained with OSIRIS on the Keck II telescope and sample the 2.2 um CH4 feature, which is useful for spectral classification and as a temperature diagnostic for ultracool objects. The spectrum of HR 8799 b is relatively featureless, with little or no methane absorption, and does not exhibit the strong CH4 seen in T dwarfs of similar absolute magnitudes. Overall, we find that HR 8799 b has a spectral type consistent with L5-T2, although its SED is atypical compared to most field objects. We fit the 2.2 um spectrum and the infrared SED using the Hubeny & Burrows, Burrows et al., and Ames-Dusty model atmosphere grids, which incorporate nonequilibrium chemistry, non-solar metallicities, and clear and cloudy variants. No models agree with all of the data, but those with intermediate clouds produce significantly better fits. The largest discrepancy occurs in the J-band, which is highly suppressed in HR 8799 b. The best-fitting effective temperatures range from 1300-1700 K with radii between ~0.3-0.5 RJup. These values are inconsistent with evolutionary model-derived values of 800-900 K and 1.1-1.3 RJup based on the luminosity of HR 8799 b and the age of HR 8799, a discrepancy that probably results from imperfect atmospheric models or the limited range of physical parameters covered by the models. The low temperature inferred from evolutionary models indicates that HR 8799 b is ~400 K cooler than field L/T transition objects, providing further evidence that the L/T transition is gravity-dependent. With an unusually dusty photosphere, an exceptionally low luminosity for its spectral type, and hints of extreme secondary physical parameters, HR 8799 b appears to be unlike any class of field brown dwarf currently known.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures; accepted by Ap

    Spitzer 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron full-orbit lightcurves of WASP-18

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    We present new lightcurves of the massive hot Jupiter system WASP-18 obtained with the Spitzer spacecraft covering the entire orbit at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron. These lightcurves are used to measure the amplitude, shape and phase of the thermal phase effect for WASP-18b. We find that our results for the thermal phase effect are limited to an accuracy of about 0.01% by systematic noise sources of unknown origin. At this level of accuracy we find that the thermal phase effect has a peak-to-peak amplitude approximately equal to the secondary eclipse depth, has a sinusoidal shape and that the maximum brightness occurs at the same phase as mid-occultation to within about 5 degrees at 3.6 micron and to within about 10 degrees at 4.5 micron. The shape and amplitude of the thermal phase curve imply very low levels of heat redistribution within the atmosphere of the planet. We also perform a separate analysis to determine the system geometry by fitting a lightcurve model to the data covering the occultation and the transit. The secondary eclipse depths we measure at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron are in good agreement with previous measurements and imply a very low albedo for WASP-18b. The parameters of the system (masses, radii, etc.) derived from our analysis are in also good agreement with those from previous studies, but with improved precision. We use new high-resolution imaging and published limits on the rate of change of the mean radial velocity to check for the presence of any faint companion stars that may affect our results. We find that there is unlikely to be any significant contribution to the flux at Spitzer wavelengths from a stellar companion to WASP-18. We find that there is no evidence for variations in the times of eclipse from a linear ephemeris greater than about 100 seconds over 3 years.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Accpeted for publication in MNRA

    Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. X. Magnetic Braking of Prolate and Oblate Cores

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    The collapse and fragmentation of initially prolate and oblate, magnetic molecular clouds is calculated in three dimensions with a gravitational, radiative hydrodynamics code. The code includes magnetic field effects in an approximate manner: magnetic pressure, tension, braking, and ambipolar diffusion are all modelled. The parameters varied for both the initially prolate and oblate clouds are the initial degree of central concentration of the radial density profile, the initial angular velocity, and the efficiency of magnetic braking (represented by a factor fmb=10−4f_{mb} = 10^{-4} or 10−310^{-3}). The oblate cores all collapse to form rings that might be susceptible to fragmentation into multiple systems. The outcome of the collapse of the prolate cores depends strongly on the initial density profile. Prolate cores with central densities 20 times higher than their boundary densities collapse and fragment into binary or quadruple systems, whereas cores with central densities 100 times higher collapse to form single protostars embedded in bars. The inclusion of magnetic braking is able to stifle protostellar fragmentation in the latter set of models, as when identical models were calculated without magnetic braking (Boss 2002), those cores fragmented into binary protostars. These models demonstrate the importance of including magnetic fields in studies of protostellar collapse and fragmentation, and suggest that even when magnetic fields are included, fragmentation into binary and multiple systems remains as a possible outcome of protostellar collapse.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    LBT observations of the HR 8799 planetary system: First detection of HR8799e in H band

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    We have performed H and Ks band observations of the planetary system around HR 8799 using the new AO system at the Large Binocular Telescope and the PISCES Camera. The excellent instrument performance (Strehl ratios up to 80% in H band) enabled detection the inner planet HR8799e in the H band for the first time. The H and Ks magnitudes of HR8799e are similar to those of planets c and d, with planet e slightly brighter. Therefore, HR8799e is likely slightly more massive than c and d. We also explored possible orbital configurations and their orbital stability. We confirm that the orbits of planets b, c and e are consistent with being circular and coplanar; planet d should have either an orbital eccentricity of about 0.1 or be non-coplanar with respect to b and c. Planet e can not be in circular and coplanar orbit in a 4:2:1 mean motion resonances with c and d, while coplanar and circular orbits are allowed for a 5:2 resonance. The analysis of dynamical stability shows that the system is highly unstable or chaotic when planetary masses of about 5 MJup for b and 7 MJup for the other planets are adopted. Significant regions of dynamical stability for timescales of tens of Myr are found when adopting planetary masses of about 3.5, 5, 5, and 5 Mjup for HR 8799 b, c, d, and e respectively. These masses are below the current estimates based on the stellar age (30 Myr) and theoretical models of substellar objects.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, A&A, accepte

    PynPoint: An Image Processing Package for Finding Exoplanets

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    We present the scientific performance results of PynPoint, our Python-based software package that uses principle component analysis to detect and estimate the flux of exoplanets in two dimensional imaging data. Recent advances in adaptive optics and imaging technology at visible and infrared wavelengths have opened the door to direct detections of planetary companions to nearby stars, but image processing techniques have yet to be optimized. We show that the performance of our approach gives a marked improvement over what is presently possible using existing methods such as LOCI. To test our approach, we use real angular differential imaging (ADI) data taken with the adaptive optics assisted high resolution near-infrared camera NACO at the VLT. These data were taken during the commissioning of the apodising phase plate (APP) coronagraph. By inserting simulated planets into these data, we test the performance of our method as a function of planet brightness for different positions on the image. We find that in all cases PynPoint has a detection threshold that is superior to that given by our LOCI analysis when assessed in a common statistical framework. We obtain our best improvements for smaller inner working angles (IWA). For an IWA of ~ 0.29" we find that we achieve a detection sensitivity that is a factor of 5 better than LOCI. We also investigate our ability to correctly measure the flux of planets. Again, we find improvements over LOCI, with PynPoint giving more stable results. Finally, we apply our package to a non-APP dataset of the exoplanet beta Pictoris b and reveal the planet with high signal-to-noise. This confirms that PynPoint can potentially be applied with high fidelity to a wide range of high-contrast imaging datasets.Comment: 9 pages and 6 Figures. Accepted by MNRA

    A Multiplicity Census of Young Stars in Chamaeleon I

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    We present the results of a multiplicity survey of 126 stars spanning ~0.1-3 solar masses in the ~2-Myr-old Chamaeleon I star-forming region, based on adaptive optics imaging with the ESO Very Large Telescope. Our observations have revealed 30 binaries and 6 triples, of which 19 and 4, respectively, are new discoveries. The overall multiplicity fraction we find for Cha I (~30%) is similar to those reported for other dispersed young associations, but significantly higher than seen in denser clusters and the field, for comparable samples. Both the frequency and the maximum separation of Cha I binaries decline with decreasing mass, while the mass ratios approach unity; conversely, tighter pairs are more likely to be equal mass. We confirm that brown dwarf companions to stars are rare, even at young ages at wide separations. Based on follow-up spectroscopy of two low-mass substellar companion candidates, we conclude that both are likely background stars. The overall multiplicity fraction in Cha I is in rough agreement with numerical simulations of cloud collapse and fragmentation, but its observed mass dependence is less steep than predicted. The paucity of higher-order multiples, in particular, provides a stringent constraint on the simulations, and seems to indicate a low level of turbulence in the prestellar cores in Cha I.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Planets Around Low-Mass Stars (PALMS). II. A Low-Mass Companion to the Young M Dwarf GJ 3629 Separated By 0.2"

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    We present the discovery of a 0.2" companion to the young M dwarf GJ 3629 as part of our high contrast adaptive optics imaging search for giant planets around low-mass stars with the Keck-II and Subaru telescopes. Two epochs of imaging confirm the pair is co-moving and reveal signs of orbital motion. The primary exhibits saturated X-ray emission, which together with its UV photometry from GALEX point to an age younger than ~300 Myr. At these ages the companion lies below the hydrogen burning limit with a model-dependent mass of 46 +/- 16 Mjup based on the system's photometric distance of 22 +/- 3 pc. Resolved YJHK photometry of the pair indicates a spectral type of M7 +/- 2 for GJ 3629 B. With a projected separation of 4.4 +/- 0.6 AU and an estimated orbital period of 21 +/- 5 yr, GJ 3629 AB is likely to yield a dynamical mass in the next several years, making it one of only a handful of brown dwarfs to have a measured mass and an age constrained from the stellar primary.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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