24 research outputs found

    Analisis produk Tabunganku IB berbasis akad wadiah pada Bank BNI Syariah cabang Semarang

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    Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah, mempunyai banyak produk tabungan maupun pinjaman. Dari berbagai produk yang ditawarkan, penghimpunan dana dengan sistem wadi’ah yang paling banyak diminati oleh nasabah. Karena memiliki berbagai macam keunggulan, salah satunya bebas biaya pengelolaan rekening. TA ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana prosedur produk Tabunganku iB. Yang kedua yaitu, bagaimana analisis terhadap kendala dan kelebihan produk Tabunganku iB pada BNI Syariah Cabang Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kulitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, menggunakan data primer dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi langsung ke BNI Syariah Cabang Semarang dan melakukan wawancara secara sistematis untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi, serta menggunakan data sekunder penulis mengambil studi kepustakaan yaitu menelaah buku-buku literature yang berhubungan dengan penelitian yang dibahas. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa mekanisme produk Tabunganku iB yang dilaksanakan di BNI Syariah Cabang Semarang tidak berbeda dengan jenis Tabunganku iB yang ada di Bank-Bank yang lainnya yaitu berdasarkan syarat dan prosedur yang berlaku di BNI Syariah Cabang Semarang

    The Effect Of Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility On Corporate Profitability

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    The company's profitability is an important thing that companies use to evaluate the company's performance in a period, because profitability is a reflection of the company's ability to manage and allocate its resources. Good Corporate Governance is good corporate governance, which explains the relationship between various participants in the company that determines the direction of the company's financial performance. Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility is that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate social responsibility towards the environment and the surrounding community. The purpose of this study is to prove whether Good Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility affect the company's profitability. The research was conducted on manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2020 period. Analysis of the data model used in this study is a multiple linear regression model using SPSS 22. Data analysis uses the classical assumption test, namely the data normality test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test and hiteroscedasticity test. As well as t test and f test. The results showed that there was no effect of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee on the company's profitability. But the Independent Commissioner and CSR have a significant positive effect on profitability. Company profitability as measured by return on assets

    Indonesian Arabic Teachers Must Be Solutive In The Era Of Society 5.0

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    The emergence of technological sophistication that they are proud of has resulted in the problem of decreasing attitudes and behavior experienced by millennial students. Attitudes caused include a lack of morals, cyberbullying, and gadget addiction. So, changes in behavior must be followed up by Arabic teachers, and the challenge for Arabic teachers in Indonesia is to meet the Era of Society 5.0. This study aims to show that Arabic language teachers and community components must be able to deal with complexities. And teachers must be able to build good and conducive communication with students, parents, and the community. The right step to deal with it is to think and act on a solution because it is part of creative thinking reform. Literature study is one approach in this research. Arabic teachers who think relatively must prepare themselves to face the challenges of society 5.0 using (1) always being optimistic, (2) having a solid work team, (3) being communicative teachers, (4) being hard workers, (5) commitment, (6) simplifying problems, not taking lightly. The author hopes that Arabic language teachers, communities, and stakeholders in Indonesia can together create students with innovative and solutive characters. <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" SemiHidden="true" Un

    Peer Group Support Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Pengobatan Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Klampis Bangkalan

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    Lung tuberculosis is the most concern disease in the world now. In 2014, about 1,2 million people died by tuberculosis. Klampis district on January until March 2017 had 41 klien of lung tuberculosis, and 1 person has recurrence. The data presented that some of klien had disobedient in treatment. The purpose of this study was to increase the obedience of lung tuberculosis treatment in Klampis district Bangkalan. Design this study was Quasy Experiment with pre test and post test group. The sample of this study was 36 people with purposive sampling technics. The independent variable of this study was peer group support, and the dependent variable of this study was the obedience of lung tuberculosis treatment. The data in this study collection analyzed with chi square statistical test and Mc Nemar test. The result of this study with chi square statistical showed that the obedient of&nbsp; lung tuberculosis treatment had significant association (p=0,005) and the result of Mc Nemar test showed that the obedience of taking tb drug no mush significant change to the order obedience variable (p=0,004). The results of this study are peer group support has an influence on the level of adherence when taking medication and how to take medicine in pulmonary tuberculosis clients. It can be concluded that peer group support can be used as an additional intervention to improve medication adherence to pulmonary tuberculosis clients


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    This research is used to examine the character of children with special needs in learning mathematics for beginners using busy book learning media. This study uses a qualitative type of literature study method. The data collection method used in this research is in the form of existing documents. Character education for children with special needs is a conscious and planned effort carried out by schools by giving an award to children with special needs to instill noble values as a form of foundational character for the Indonesian nation, including religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard working, creative, independent, democratic, curious, friendly / communicative, care about the environment and responsibility. Which is in accordance with the type of student's disorder. Qualitative data is data in the form of words, sentences, and pictures in a discussion.Literature study is a series of activities related to the methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes, and managing research materials. Another understanding of literature study is looking for a theoretical reference that is relevant to the case or problem that has been found. References can be obtained through books, journals, research report articles, and sites on the internet. Keywords: The character of children with special needs, busy book media, learning mathematic

    Peer Group Support Change Perception of Homeless and Beggar

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    Introduction: Homeless and beggar are social problem in our society. The reason of people who becomes homeless and beggar can be influenced by internal factors such as lazy to work, mental and physical illness. Meanwhile, it also can be influenced by external factors, such as economy, geography, social, education, pshycology, culture and religion. The aimed of this study was to analyze the effect of peer group support to perception about the homeless and beggar. Method: A quasy experimental two group pre-post test purposive sampling design was used in this study. The subjects were homeless and beggar which stay at Lingkungan Pondok Sosial (Liponsos) Keputih-Surabaya for at least three day. There were 16 respondent who met to the inclusion criteria which divided into two group (controlled and treatment). Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with significance level α≤0.05. Result: The result showed that controlled group has significance level p=0.109 and treatment group has significance level p=0.017, statistically by using Mann Whitney U Test showed p=0.021. Discussion: It can be concluded that peer group support can change the perception about the homeless and beggar who stayed at Liponsos Surabaya. Peer group support can used continuously as social activity at Liponsos


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    The principal's policy in improving teacher professionalism will certainly greatly help the council of teachers to deepen an expertise in their profession.There are several policies made by school principals in improving the professionalism of MI Salafiyah teachers, including:1) the teacher must have a S1 diploma. 2) include the teacher council in education activities and professional teacher training. 3) involving the teacher council in education and training activities, seminars, workshops, workshops within the scope of the Minimal completeness criteria, and 4) including teacher working groups. In carrying out a policy certainly does not run smoothly without obstacles. obstacles faced by the principal, including:1) family problems. 2) division of time (time of activities always collide). 3) the location of the madrasa is far from urban areas. 4) internet access is inadequate. 5) discipline, and 6) the ability to control IT is of low quality.Keywords: policy, principal, teacher professionalis

    Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Islam Nonformal Dalam Pembentukan Akhlak Remaja(Studi Kasus di Gading Santren, Belang Wetan, Klaten Utara, Klaten Tahun 2017)

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    The research discuss about the implementatation of nonformal Islamic education in the formation of morals adolescents in Gading Santren, Belang Wetan, Klaten Utara, Klaten. The issues raised in this research based the event that happened today. The decline in morally adolescents include free association, abortion, brawl, drug use, cheating, and ditching school. In Klaten, the decline in adolescent morality is characterized in cases of promiscuity as there are junior high and high school adolescents performing dating and cases of sexual violence and crime, cases of theft by students, liquor parties, junior high school and high school students in Klaten who ditch the school. In preventing deviant of behavior in adolescents need to strengthen te implementation of religious education. The implementation of religious education in society (nonformal education). religious education is not only implemented in the family, school, but also in the community.The implementation of nonformal Islamic education in the community is an efort in implanting religious knowledges to adolescents in order to realize good attitude. The issues raised in this research is how the implementation of nonformal Islamic education in the formation of morals adolescents in Gading Santren, and what factors as supporters and inhibitors in the implementation. The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of nonformal Islamic education in the formation of morality of adolscents, along with supporting and inhibiting factors. The research methods used is qualitative research method using interview methods, observation, and documentation. While data analysis in this research use qualitative descriptive technique. The results of research pointing that implementation of nonformal Islamic education in the formation of morality of adolescents through recitation held by management mesjid Syarifuddins which is held every Saturday night at 20.00 in every home of teenage members. The material presented in the recitation is the study of religion and adolscence problematics. The method used in conveying the material using lecture methods, frequently asked question, and advice. Factors supporting the implementation of nonformal Islamic education in the formation of adolescent acts of the encouragement of parents and society, the availability of facilities in the implementation of management mesjid Syarifuddins. The inhibitors were less active participants during the recitation, and sometimes unable to fill the recitation, lack of consistency in teenagers to attend the recitation

    Peer Group Support on the Treatment Adherence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

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    Abstract. In recent years, pulmonary tuberculosis attracts the global concern as about 1.2 million people died of the disease by 2014. Treatment disobedience is one of the most factors causing the increase in mortality and morbidity rates. This study aimed to identify the effect of peer-group support towards treatment adherence in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The study used quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test groups. The sample was 36 people selected with purposive sampling method. The independent variable was peer group support, while the dependent variable was the treatment adherence. The data were analyzed by Chisquare test and McNemar‘s test. The results of Chi-square test showed that the peer group support had significant effect to treatment adherence in taking medication time sub-variable (p=0.005) and the McNemar‘s showed a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in mentioned sub-variable (p=0.004). The results proved that peer group support could affect the medication time adherence on pulmonary tuberculosis patients. It can be concluded that peer group support can be used as an optional intervention to increase the obedience of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment in patients

    Peer Group Support on the Treatment Adherence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

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    In recent years, pulmonary tuberculosis attracts the global concern as about 1.2 million people died of the disease by 2014. Treatment disobedience is one of the most factors causing the increase in mortality and morbidity rates. This study aimed to identify the effect of peer-group support towards treatment adherence in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The study used quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test groups. The sample was 36 people selected with purposive sampling method. The independent variable was peer group support, while the dependent variable was the treatment adherence. The data were analyzed by Chisquare test and McNemar‘s test. The results of Chi-square test showed that the peer group support had significant effect to treatment adherence in taking medication time sub-variable (p=0.005) and the McNemar‘s showed a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in mentioned sub-variable (p=0.004). The results proved that peer group support could affect the medication time adherence on pulmonary tuberculosis patients. It can be concluded that peer group support can be used as an optional intervention to increase the obedience of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment in patients