Open Journal Systems of University of Muhammadiyah Gresik
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    2689 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Anak Melalui Kegiatan Musical Water Glasses Experiment

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    This research aims to improve children's critical thinking skills through the musical water glasses experiment activity. This musical water glasses experiment is a learning activity that contains STEAM elements. This research uses the Classroom Action Research method, which is implemented through four repeated stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research subjects studied were 14 students from group B RA Al-Irsyad, Soreang, Bandung. Based on the results of data analysis, the critical thinking ability of children in group B RA Al-Irsyad, Soreang, Bandung before the musical water glasses experiment activity was implemented, obtained an average score of 34% which categorised as starting to develop. After implementing the musical water glasses experiment activity, children's critical thinking abilities in cycle I obtained an average score of 58%, which categorised as developing as expected and in cycle II it increased to 83.5%, which shows the category of developing very well. Thus, the musical water glasses experiment activity was proven to be able to improve the critical thinking skills of group B children at RA Al-Irsyad, Soreang, Bandung.  &nbsp

    The Role of Marketing Strategies in Increasing Fertilizer Sales at PT. XYZ

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    This Marketing strategy plays an important role in a company, where fertilizer companies like PT. ABC are one of the companies that must have a marketing strategy, the more attractive the marketing strategy is being carried out will be able to capture a wider target market and will gain a larger number of customers. The research is aimed at identifying marketing strategies in the face of highly competitive business competition and to identify the role of management strategy in an effort to increase sales at the fertilizer company PT. ABC, where the company is a private fertilizer that is engaged in the field of processing mineral dolomite magnesium into dolomit fertilizers. In this study the author uses qualitative methods, data collection techniques using direct observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of the observations and also the interview the author can conclude that the role of the marketing strategy carried out by the PT. ABC has succeeded in increasing the sales of fertilizers by determining segmentation, targeting, positioning and performing marketing mix strategy (marketing mix) with four elements namely: Product, Price, Place, Promotion where the roles of marketing strategies carried on at the P.T. ABC have been running optimally and can be seen with the corner data that has experienced improvement in the last few months.   Key words: Marketing Strategy, Increase Sales. &nbsp

    The Influence Current Ratio, Return on Equity and Debt to Equity Ratio toward Price Book Value

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of Current Ratio, Return on Equity and Debt to Equity Ratio on Price to Book Value in service companies in the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism sub-sector which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017- 2021 period. This study uses the theory of Financial Management related to the current ratio, Return On Equity debt to equity ratio and Price to Book Value. The approach used in this study is to use an associative approach and the type of data used is quantitative. The population in this study were 49 service companies in the hotel, restaurant and tourism sub-sector. The number of samples is 13 service companies in the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism sub-sector using pure positive sampling technique. The data analysis method used multiple linear regression analysis techniques, with the SPSS 27.0 application tool. The results showed that the current ratio has a negative and insignificant effect on Price to Book Value, Return on Equity has a positive and significant effect on Price to Book Value and the Debt to equity ratio has a negative and insignificant effect on Price to Book Value, in Service companies in the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism sub-sector which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Keywords : Current Ratio, Return on Equity, Debt To Equity Ratio, Price to Book Value


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    Saving means setting aside some of the money you have for savings. The benefits of saving can be achieved by being consistent and diligent in doing so. The Muhammadiyah Gresik University Real Work Lecture (KKN) Work Program, especially for Accounting Study Program students, has held outreach activities related to the "Let's Enjoy Saving from an Early Age" movement to grade 1 students at SD Negeri 2Sedayulawas. The results of this activity show an increase in students' understanding of the meaning and benefits of saving, as well as the importance of appreciating money for their future. This activity also educates them to develop independent character and discipline in managing finances


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    Cognitive development is closely related to an individual's knowledge and their way of processing information regarding situations, actions, and things observed in their surroundings. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the EduPearl Board as an educational play tool on the cognitive abilities of children at TK Istiqomah in Kota Cilegon. The research method utilized was qualitative, employing data collection techniques through observation and documentation. The research participants consisted of 17 children aged 5-6 years old at TK Istiqomah in Kota Cilegon. The research findings indicate that the EduPearl Board game is effective in enhancing the cognitive abilities of 5-6-year-old children, with all children receiving an assessment of 'very good'. Consequently, the conclusion drawn is that the EduPearl Board game is capable of improving the cognitive development of 5-6- year-old children, as evidenced by the highly positive assessments obtained from the research

    Toga Garden Cultivation (Plants Drug Family) in Sukobendu Village, Mantup District, Lamongan

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    In frame support development potency resource rural in Village Sukobendu in particular Hamlet Krajan 2, utilization And management environment can done with planting TOGA. Purpose of activity This is for increase knowledge And Skills inner society cultivating a garden TOGA. Method Which used in this activity is application steps which is implemented in cultivation park TOGA. devotion This face problem form lack of knowledge about caring for TOGA, so that solution Which offered is delivery about method nurse TOGA at a time demonstrate steps in planting TOGA. And results Which achieved on activities this gained a lot benefit like give knowledge about efficacy from a number of TOGA Which There is around public, method planting toga Which Good with practice making park TOGA Which can be utilized public around And method processing TOGA. Many kinds of solution Which offered is expected to be able overcome problem Which in facing by devotion


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kosa kata anak usia dini pada anak taman kanak-kanak Aisyah 3 Sidoarjo dengan penggunaan media visual. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan jumlah 11 siswa. Pada peneitian ini untuk teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan tes. Teknik analisis data dengan hasil pengamatan serta hasil tes siswa secara individu. Penelitian ini dilakukan 3 siklus, siklus I diperoleh rata-rata guru sejumlah 2,75 dengan jumlah persentase 68,75%, pada siklus II memperoleh rata-rata 3,7 dengan jumlah persentase 92% dan pada siklus III meningkat dengan memperoleh rata-rata 4 dengan jumlah persentase 100%. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I jumlah rata-rata yang diperoleh sebesar 2,7 dengan jumlah persentase 66%, pada siklus II diperoleh rata-rata 3,2 dengan jumlah persentase sebesar 79% dan meningkat pada siklus III dengan perolehan rata-rata 4 dan jumlah presentase 100%. Sedangkan hasil tes lisan rata-rata siswa memperoleh 2,77 dan perolehan presentase sebesar 69,25%, pada siklus II sebesar sebesar 3,10 dan perolehan presentase sebesar 77,5%. Dan meningkat pada siklus III perolehan rata-rata siswa 3,63 dan perolehan presentase sebesar 90,75%.Dapat disimpulkan dari hasil diatas, bahwa dengan penggunaan media video dapat meningkatkan kosa kata anak usia dini.     &nbsp

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Diferensiasi Pada Materi Konsep Geografi Melalui Problem Based Learning (PBL) Kelas X2 SMAN 4 MATARAM

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    This research aims to improve learning that motivates students by applying differentiated learning through problem-based learning, with reference to differentiation learning strategies can be done in 3 forms, namely: (1) content differentiation, (2) process and (3) product. This research is a classroom action research by carrying out steps in learning activities differentiated with geography concept material through BPL. The subjects of the study were grade X2 students of SMA N 4 Mataram. The object of this research is the material Concept of Geography. In accordance with the class action research step, the method of data collection using observation, documentation, data analysis using qualitative research steps, based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the impact of the actions and learning steps applied is positive because there is a significant change in the learning process that I do from the initially quiet classroom situation, because of one learning Direction, many students who are sleepy and often allow to leave, gradually experience changes to become more active and enthusiastic in learning. The application of this learning model is very effective in increasing student learning motivation, because as explained above that there is a change in student response in learning activities from initially students look passive to more active


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    Lembaga Pendidikan anak usia dini di Gresik, minat anak pada literasi berada pada kategori tinggi yaitu 64%. Melihat hasil tersebut diperlukan adanya variasi metode dalam pembelajaran agar budaya literasi anak meningkat. Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang dapat mengembangkan literasi anak yaitu metode read aloud. Berdasarkan observasi teramati bahwa ada satu Lembaga yang menggunakan metode read aloud yaitu Dikara Edu Center (DEC). Hal ini menjadi menarik karena dalam 3 bulan maka ada 6 judul buku yang dibacakan. Peneliti ingin menganalisis buku yang digunakan selama kegiatan pembelajaran dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam buku. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman melalui 3 langkah yaitu, data reduction,data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari-Maret 2023, Subjek penelitian peserta didik di DEC yang berjumlah 3 anak. Hasil penelitian dalam pemilihan buku, buku yang dipilih memiliki tampilan yang menarik, full colour, gambar setiap karakter jelas, tulisan tidak terlalu banyak dan ukurannya sesuai untuk anak usia dini, material yang digunakan kokoh dan buku aman jika digunakan oleh anak karena setiap sisi buku sudah dibuat tumpul. Buku yang digunakan merupakan buku yang mengajarkan tentang pengetahuan dan nilai-nilai kebaikan yang mampu membentuk revolusi mental anak

    Marketing Strategy To Carry Out Market Expansion At Gresik Petrokimia Hospital

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi strategi pemasaran Rumah Sakit Petrokimia Gresik dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar dan melakukan ekspansi, serta implementasi program Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Temuan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Rumah Sakit Petrokimia Gresik mengembangkan strategi pemasaran efektif, menggunakan berbagai saluran pemasaran seperti sosial media marketing, publikasi di media platform, sosialisasi ke beberapa perusahaan, mengidentifikasi sasaran pasar yang tepat, peningkatan layanan dan fasilitas, kerjasama dengan mitra strategis, promosi dan kampanye pemasaran, pemberian paket layanan menarik, fokus pada pengembangan dan retensi SDM, serta evaluasi dan monitoring strategi secara berkala. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting bagi pemahaman tentang peran pemasaran dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar dan strategi dalam melakukan ekspansi pasar. Kesimpulannya, Penelitian ini mengilustrasikan bahwa strategi pemasaran yang tepat sangat penting dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar dan untuk berhasil dalam melakukan ekspansi pasar. Dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar yang semakin kompetitif, setiap bisnis harus mampu membuat dan melaksanakan strategi pemasaran yang tepat agar tetap dapat bertahan dan bahkan berkembang. Kata Kunci : Ekspansi Pasar, Strategi Pemasaran, Program OHIH. ABSTRACT This research aims to disseminate marketing strategies for Petrokimia Gresik Hospital in facing market competition and expansion, as well as implementing Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene programs. The method in this research uses descriptive qualitative, with data collection through interviews and observation. The findings of this research show that Petrokimia Gresik Hospital developed an effective marketing strategy, using various marketing channels such as social media marketing, publication on media platforms, outreach to several companies, identifying the right target market, improving services and facilities, collaborating with strategic partners, promotions and marketing campaigns, providing attractive service packages, focusing on HR development and retention, as well as regular evaluation and monitoring of strategies. This research provides an important contribution to understanding the role of marketing in facing market competition and strategies in carrying out market expansion. In conclusion, this research illustrates that the right marketing strategy is very important in facing market competition and to be successful in carrying out market expansion. In facing increasingly competitive market competition, every business must be able to create and implement appropriate marketing strategies in order to survive and even develop. Keywords : Market Expansion, Marketing Strategy, OHIH Program


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