10 research outputs found

    Picenes in the Archaeological Museum Zadar - a note from Museum history

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    Krajem 1923. godine, za vrijeme talijanske vlasti u Zadru, današnji Arheološki muzej Zadar prešao je pod nadležnost Soprintendenza alle Antichità delle Marche e degli Abruzzi (Uprava za starine regija Marche i Abruzzi) u Anconi. Kulturna integracija Zadra i Italije u to je vrijeme bila jedno od pitanja važnih za uspješno provođenje procesa talijanizacije. U tu svrhu, ali vezano i uz (gotovo paralelna) uređenja novih stalnih postava u zadarskom i ankonitanskom mu­zeju, dogodio se niz razmjena arheološke građe između zadarskog muzeja i njemu nadležnoga muzeja u Anconi. U više je navrata u razdoblju između 1925. godine i Drugog svjetskog rata u Anconu odnošena građa s istraživanja rimskih nekropola Zadra i Nina, a kao protuusluga zadarskom muzeju organizirano je prenošenje triju bogatih picenskih grobova iz nekropola Cupra Marittime i Belmon­te Picena za potrebe ovdašnjeg novog postava. Prema raspoloživoj dokumentaciji, razmjenu je zatražio tadašnji direktor Uprave za starine Giuseppe Moretti, a odobrila ju je Opća uprava za starine i likovnu umjetnost u Rimu 27. veljače 1930. Nakon rasformiranja postava u Sv. Donatu i njegova prenošenja u zgradu današnjeg Sveučilišta u Zadru, grobovi više nisu izlagani, a njihov je sadržaj danas nepoznat. Ipak, u muzejskim se spremištima čuva nekoliko predmeta koje s više ili manje sigurnosti možemo pripisati trima picenskim grobnim cjelinama: brončana kaciga, masivni brončani kolut s nizom zadebljanja i cjeloviti apulski vrč, a moguće i ulomak ploče s urezanim figuralnim prikazom. U članku se u kratkim crta­ma donosi opis i osnovna interpretacija navedene građe te okolno­sti pod kojima se razmjena dogodila. U slučaju potonjega, autorica se oslanja na arhivske podatke koje je nedavno objavila Nicoletta Frapiccini, ravnateljica Nacionalnog arheološkog muzeja regije Marche u Anconi. Međumuzejska razmjena, kojom su tri bogato opremljena picenska groba dospjela u Arheološki muzej, zanimlji­va je bilješka iz povijesti Arheološkog muzeja Zadar koja pruža uvid u rad ove ustanove u jednom od težih razdoblja njezina djelovanja.At the end of 1923, during the Italian rule in Zadar, the present-day Ar­chaeological Museum Zadar came under the jurisdiction of the Soprint­endenza alle Antichità delle Marche e degli Abruzzi (Administration for Antiquities of the Marche and Abruzzi Regions) in Ancona. The cultural integration of Zadar and Italy at that time was one of the issues important for the successful implementation of the Italianization process. For this purpose, but also in connection with the (almost parallel) arrangement of the new permanent exhibitions in the Zadar and Ancona museums, there was a series of exchanges of archaeological material between the Archaeological Museum in Zadar and its competent museum in Ancona. On several occasions, between 1925 and World War II, materials from the Roman necropolises of Zadar and Nin were taken to Ancona. As a favour to the Archaeological Museum in Zadar, the transfer of three rich Picenian graves from the necropolises of Cupra Marittima and Belmonte Piceno was carried out for the purpose of a new exhibition here. According to available documentation, the exchange was requested by the then Di­rector of the Antiquities Directorate, Giuseppe Moretti, and approved by the General Administration for Antiquities and Fine Arts in Rome on February 27, 1930. After the disbanding of the exhibition in St. Donatus and its transfer to the building of today’s University of Zadar, the graves are no longer exhibited and their contents are unknown today. However, there are several items stored in the museum’s repositories that can more or less be attributed to the three Picenian graves: a bronze helmet, a mas­sive bronze ring with a series of knobs, and a complete Apulian jug, and possibly a fragment of a slab with a carved figural representation. The article provides a brief description and basic interpretation of the mate­rial in question and the circumstances under which the exchange took place. In the case of the latter, the author relies on archival data recently published by Nicoletta Frapiccini, director of the National Archaeological Museum of the Marche Region in Ancona. The inter-museum exchange, which brought three richly furnished Picenian graves to the Archaeologi­cal Museum Zadar, is an interesting note from its history, which provides insight into the work of this institution during one of its difficult periods

    Picenes in the Archaeological Museum Zadar - a note from Museum history

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    Krajem 1923. godine, za vrijeme talijanske vlasti u Zadru, današnji Arheološki muzej Zadar prešao je pod nadležnost Soprintendenza alle Antichità delle Marche e degli Abruzzi (Uprava za starine regija Marche i Abruzzi) u Anconi. Kulturna integracija Zadra i Italije u to je vrijeme bila jedno od pitanja važnih za uspješno provođenje procesa talijanizacije. U tu svrhu, ali vezano i uz (gotovo paralelna) uređenja novih stalnih postava u zadarskom i ankonitanskom mu­zeju, dogodio se niz razmjena arheološke građe između zadarskog muzeja i njemu nadležnoga muzeja u Anconi. U više je navrata u razdoblju između 1925. godine i Drugog svjetskog rata u Anconu odnošena građa s istraživanja rimskih nekropola Zadra i Nina, a kao protuusluga zadarskom muzeju organizirano je prenošenje triju bogatih picenskih grobova iz nekropola Cupra Marittime i Belmon­te Picena za potrebe ovdašnjeg novog postava. Prema raspoloživoj dokumentaciji, razmjenu je zatražio tadašnji direktor Uprave za starine Giuseppe Moretti, a odobrila ju je Opća uprava za starine i likovnu umjetnost u Rimu 27. veljače 1930. Nakon rasformiranja postava u Sv. Donatu i njegova prenošenja u zgradu današnjeg Sveučilišta u Zadru, grobovi više nisu izlagani, a njihov je sadržaj danas nepoznat. Ipak, u muzejskim se spremištima čuva nekoliko predmeta koje s više ili manje sigurnosti možemo pripisati trima picenskim grobnim cjelinama: brončana kaciga, masivni brončani kolut s nizom zadebljanja i cjeloviti apulski vrč, a moguće i ulomak ploče s urezanim figuralnim prikazom. U članku se u kratkim crta­ma donosi opis i osnovna interpretacija navedene građe te okolno­sti pod kojima se razmjena dogodila. U slučaju potonjega, autorica se oslanja na arhivske podatke koje je nedavno objavila Nicoletta Frapiccini, ravnateljica Nacionalnog arheološkog muzeja regije Marche u Anconi. Međumuzejska razmjena, kojom su tri bogato opremljena picenska groba dospjela u Arheološki muzej, zanimlji­va je bilješka iz povijesti Arheološkog muzeja Zadar koja pruža uvid u rad ove ustanove u jednom od težih razdoblja njezina djelovanja.At the end of 1923, during the Italian rule in Zadar, the present-day Ar­chaeological Museum Zadar came under the jurisdiction of the Soprint­endenza alle Antichità delle Marche e degli Abruzzi (Administration for Antiquities of the Marche and Abruzzi Regions) in Ancona. The cultural integration of Zadar and Italy at that time was one of the issues important for the successful implementation of the Italianization process. For this purpose, but also in connection with the (almost parallel) arrangement of the new permanent exhibitions in the Zadar and Ancona museums, there was a series of exchanges of archaeological material between the Archaeological Museum in Zadar and its competent museum in Ancona. On several occasions, between 1925 and World War II, materials from the Roman necropolises of Zadar and Nin were taken to Ancona. As a favour to the Archaeological Museum in Zadar, the transfer of three rich Picenian graves from the necropolises of Cupra Marittima and Belmonte Piceno was carried out for the purpose of a new exhibition here. According to available documentation, the exchange was requested by the then Di­rector of the Antiquities Directorate, Giuseppe Moretti, and approved by the General Administration for Antiquities and Fine Arts in Rome on February 27, 1930. After the disbanding of the exhibition in St. Donatus and its transfer to the building of today’s University of Zadar, the graves are no longer exhibited and their contents are unknown today. However, there are several items stored in the museum’s repositories that can more or less be attributed to the three Picenian graves: a bronze helmet, a mas­sive bronze ring with a series of knobs, and a complete Apulian jug, and possibly a fragment of a slab with a carved figural representation. The article provides a brief description and basic interpretation of the mate­rial in question and the circumstances under which the exchange took place. In the case of the latter, the author relies on archival data recently published by Nicoletta Frapiccini, director of the National Archaeological Museum of the Marche Region in Ancona. The inter-museum exchange, which brought three richly furnished Picenian graves to the Archaeologi­cal Museum Zadar, is an interesting note from its history, which provides insight into the work of this institution during one of its difficult periods

    Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research

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    Članak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloških istraživanja srednjopaleolitičkih nalazišta u Dalmaciji te geoloških istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena bušenja potencijalnih nalazišta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treće godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najvećim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalazišta Kaštel Štafilić – Resnik. Provedeno je također probno istraživanje jednog nalazišta u zaleđu Kaštela (Giljanovići/Karanušići) i geološka bušenja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika pećina in Kličevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of Kaštel Štafilić – Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of Kaštela (Giljanovići/Karanušići) and geological drillings

    Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research

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    Članak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloških istraživanja srednjopaleolitičkih nalazišta u Dalmaciji te geoloških istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena bušenja potencijalnih nalazišta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treće godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najvećim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalazišta Kaštel Štafilić – Resnik. Provedeno je također probno istraživanje jednog nalazišta u zaleđu Kaštela (Giljanovići/Karanušići) i geološka bušenja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika pećina in Kličevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of Kaštel Štafilić – Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of Kaštela (Giljanovići/Karanušići) and geological drillings

    The Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise Project: a summary of the 1st year of research

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    Članak donosi izvještaj prve godine istraživanja na projektu Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost. Provedena su probna iskopavanja Matetine pećine kod Kaštela, rekognosciranja zaleđa Kaštela, a nastavljena su ranije započeta istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici kod Benkovca i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalazišta Kaštel Štafilić. U metode dokumentiranja uvedeno je 3D fotografiranje, a u istraživanje električna rezistentna tomografija.The paper reports on the first year of research on the project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic - towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. Trial excavations were carried out in the Matetina pećina cave near Kaštela, field survey was conducted in the hinterland of Kaštela, and the investigations continued in Velika pećina cave in Kličevica and at the underwater Palaeolithic site of Kaštel Štafilić. New methods introduced within the project included documentation with 3D photography and investigation by Electrical Resistance Tomography

    The Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise Project: a summary of the 1st year of research

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    Članak donosi izvještaj prve godine istraživanja na projektu Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost. Provedena su probna iskopavanja Matetine pećine kod Kaštela, rekognosciranja zaleđa Kaštela, a nastavljena su ranije započeta istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici kod Benkovca i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalazišta Kaštel Štafilić. U metode dokumentiranja uvedeno je 3D fotografiranje, a u istraživanje električna rezistentna tomografija.The paper reports on the first year of research on the project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic - towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. Trial excavations were carried out in the Matetina pećina cave near Kaštela, field survey was conducted in the hinterland of Kaštela, and the investigations continued in Velika pećina cave in Kličevica and at the underwater Palaeolithic site of Kaštel Štafilić. New methods introduced within the project included documentation with 3D photography and investigation by Electrical Resistance Tomography

    Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age

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    Present-day people from England and Wales harbour more ancestry derived from Early European Farmers (EEF) than people of the Early Bronze Age . To understand this, we generated genome-wide data from 793 individuals, increasing data from the Middle to Late Bronze and Iron Age in Britain by 12-fold, and Western and Central Europe by 3.5-fold. Between 1000 and 875 BC, EEF ancestry increased in southern Britain (England and Wales) but not northern Britain (Scotland) due to incorporation of migrants who arrived at this time and over previous centuries, and who were genetically most similar to ancient individuals from France. These migrants contributed about half the ancestry of Iron Age people of England and Wales, thereby creating a plausible vector for the spread of early Celtic languages into Britain. These patterns are part of a broader trend of EEF ancestry becoming more similar across central and western Europe in the Middle to Late Bronze Age, coincident with archaeological evidence of intensified cultural exchange . There was comparatively less gene flow from continental Europe during the Iron Age, and Britain's independent genetic trajectory is also reflected in the rise of the allele conferring lactase persistence to ~50% by this time compared to ~7% in central Europe where it rose rapidly in frequency only a millennium later. This suggests that dairy products were used in qualitatively different ways in Britain and in central Europe over this period. [Abstract copyright: © 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.