Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research


Članak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloških istraživanja srednjopaleolitičkih nalazišta u Dalmaciji te geoloških istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena bušenja potencijalnih nalazišta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treće godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najvećim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalazišta Kaštel Štafilić – Resnik. Provedeno je također probno istraživanje jednog nalazišta u zaleđu Kaštela (Giljanovići/Karanušići) i geološka bušenja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika pećina in Kličevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of Kaštel Štafilić – Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of Kaštela (Giljanovići/Karanušići) and geological drillings

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