34 research outputs found

    Integración del farmacéutico comunitario en un equipo de Atención Domiciliaria: Estudio de costes de una experiencia piloto

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    Objetivo: Estimar la carga económica que suponen los pacientes adscritos al servicio de atención domiciliaria de atención primaria y el coste que supondría incluir un farmacéutico en este equipo. Método: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo de evaluación de la carga económica del programa de atención domiciliaria. Emplazamiento: CAP Montnegre de una ABS urbana de la ciudad de Barcelona. Participantes: Pacientes adscritos al servicio de atención domiciliaria que fueron atendidos entre enero y junio de 2014 por la enfermera gestora de casos del centro. Las farmacéuticas revisaron la medicación de los pacientes para identificar problemas relacionados con la medicación y proponer intervenciones al equipo de atención domiciliaria. Mediciones principales: Revisando los historiales clínicos de los pacientes, se recogieron los costes en atención primaria, especializada, urgencias, ingresos y pruebas en 6 meses. Se estimó necesaria una visita del farmacéutico cada 6 meses para evaluar el plan de actuación. Se calcularon los costes medios para cada nivel asistencial. Resultados: Participaron 50 pacientes que generaron un coste medio total en 6 meses de 3174,5€, siendo el 29% la atención primaria y el 66% la atención secundaria. El coste medio por paciente de la intervención farmacéutica fue de 116,4€ (lo que supondría un incremento del 3,7% de los costes generados por estos pacientes). Conclusión: El estudio muestra que el coste generado por los pacientes en atención domiciliaria es elevado y que la inclusión de un farmacéutico en el equipo supondría un coste relativamente bajo. Será necesario realizar estudios de coste-efectividad de intervenciones multidisciplinares con farmacéutico para evaluar el impacto clínico y la eficiencia de estas intervenciones

    Preferències dels estudiants en relació al tema d’estudi del TFG de Farmàcia (UB)

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524El TFG del grau de farmàcia UB es porta a terme en el marc d’un àmbit docent principal i integra coneixements de com a mínim, dos àmbits docents addicionals atès la seva funció integradora. En el moment de definir les directrius i organització de l’assignatura, es van establir a la Facultat de Farmàcia 27 àmbits docents. Tanmateix, les característiques del TFG quan a tipus de projectes o estudis es van establir inicialment en base a tres opcions..

    Recruitment Disruption and the Role of Unaffected Populations for Potential Recovery After the Pinna nobilis Mass Mortality Event

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    A devastating mass mortality event (MME) very likely caused by the protozoan Haplosporidium pinnae first detected in 2016 in the Western Mediterranean Sea, is pushing the endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis to near extinction. Populations recovery, if possible, will rely on larval dispersal from unaffected sites and potential recolonization through recruitment of resistant juveniles. To assess the impact of the MME on the species’ larval recruitment, an unprecedented network of larval collector stations was implemented over several thousands of kilometers along the Western Mediterranean coasts during the 3 years after the onset of the MME. The findings of this network showed a generalized disruption in recruitment with dramatic consequences for the recovery of the species. However, there were exceptions to this pattern and recruits were recorded in a few sites where the resident population had been decimated. This hints to the importance of unaffected populations as larval exporting sources and the role of oceanographic currents in larval transport in the area, representing a beacon of hope in the current extremely worrying scenario for this emblematic species.En prens

    Compartir ideas, la universidad va al instituto. Análisis de la primera edición de un proyecto de aprendizaje servicio transversal a la Universidad de Barcelona

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    Esta comunicación presenta las principales claves de análisis y evaluación de la 1a edición del proyecto Compartir Ideas. La Universidad va al instituto. Este es un proyecto de aprendizaje servicio transversal que consiste en un ciclo de conferencias-taller impartidas por estudiantes de la UB sobre temes de interés general relacionados con sus estudios. El objetivo es compartir conocimientos y conversar sobre un tema que la universidad trabaja y que será relevante para la formación del alumnado de secundaria.El proyecto cuenta con el apoyo del Vicerectorado de Política Docente y Lingüística de la Universitat de Barcelona

    Dark energy survey year 1 results: curved-sky weak lensing mass map

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    We construct the largest curved-sky galaxy weak lensing mass map to date from the DES first-year (DES Y1) data. The map, about 10 times larger than the previous work, is constructed over a contiguous ≈1500 deg2, covering a comoving volume of ≈10 Gpc3. The effects of masking, sampling, and noise are tested using simulations. We generate weak lensing maps from two DES Y1 shear catalogues, METACALIBRATION and IM3SHAPE, with sources at redshift 0.2 < z < 1.3, and in each of four bins in this range. In the highest signal-to-noise map, the ratio between the mean signal to noise in the E-mode map and the B-mode map is ∼1.5 (∼2) when smoothed with a Gaussian filter of σG = 30 (80) arcmin. The second and third moments of the convergence κ in the maps are in agreement with simulations. We also find no significant correlation of κ with maps of potential systematic contaminants. Finally, we demonstrate two applications of the mass maps: (1) cross-correlation with different foreground tracers of mass and (2) exploration of the largest peaks and voids in the maps

    Challenges for Sustained Observing and Forecasting Systems in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The Mediterranean community represented in this paper is the result of more than 30 years of EU and nationally funded coordination, which has led to key contributions in science concepts and operational initiatives. Together with the establishment of operational services, the community has coordinated with universities, research centers, research infrastructures and private companies to implement advanced multi-platform and integrated observing and forecasting systems that facilitate the advancement of operational services, scientific achievements and mission-oriented innovation. Thus, the community can respond to societal challenges and stakeholders needs, developing a variety of fit-for-purpose services such as the Copernicus Marine Service. The combination of state-of-the-art observations and forecasting provides new opportunities for downstream services in response to the needs of the heavily populated Mediterranean coastal areas and to climate change. The challenge over the next decade is to sustain ocean observations within the research community, to monitor the variability at small scales, e.g., the mesoscale/submesoscale, to resolve the sub-basin/seasonal and inter-annual variability in the circulation, and thus establish the decadal variability, understand and correct the model-associated biases and to enhance model-data integration and ensemble forecasting for uncertainty estimation. Better knowledge and understanding of the level of Mediterranean variability will enable a subsequent evaluation of the impacts and mitigation of the effect of human activities and climate change on the biodiversity and the ecosystem, which will support environmental assessments and decisions. Further challenges include extending the science-based added-value products into societal relevant downstream services and engaging with communities to build initiatives that will contribute to the 2030 Agenda and more specifically to SDG14 and the UN's Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development, by this contributing to bridge the science-policy gap. The Mediterranean observing and forecasting capacity was built on the basis of community best practices in monitoring and modeling, and can serve as a basis for the development of an integrated global ocean observing system

    Challenges for Sustained Observing and Forecasting Systems in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The Mediterranean community represented in this paper is the result of more than 30 years of EU and nationally funded coordination, which has led to key contributions in science concepts and operational initiatives. Together with the establishment of operational services, the community has coordinated with universities, research centers, research infrastructures and private companies to implement advanced multi-platform and integrated observing and forecasting systems that facilitate the advancement of operational services, scientific achievements and mission-oriented innovation. Thus, the community can respond to societal challenges and stakeholders needs, developing a variety of fit-for-purpose services such as the Copernicus Marine Service. The combination of state-of-the-art observations and forecasting provides new opportunities for downstream services in response to the needs of the heavily populated Mediterranean coastal areas and to climate change. The challenge over the next decade is to sustain ocean observations within the research community, to monitor the variability at small scales, e.g., the mesoscale/submesoscale, to resolve the sub-basin/seasonal and inter-annual variability in the circulation, and thus establish the decadal variability, understand and correct the model-associated biases and to enhance model-data integration and ensemble forecasting for uncertainty estimation. Better knowledge and understanding of the level of Mediterranean variability will enable a subsequent evaluation of the impacts and mitigation of the effect of human activities and climate change on the biodiversity and the ecosystem, which will support environmental assessments and decisions. Further challenges include extending the science-based added-value products into societal relevant downstream services and engaging with communities to build initiatives that will contribute to the 2030 Agenda and more specifically to SDG14 and the UN's Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development, by this contributing to bridge the science-policy gap. The Mediterranean observing and forecasting capacity was built on the basis of community best practices in monitoring and modeling, and can serve as a basis for the development of an integrated global ocean observing system

    Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing

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    We present cosmological results from a combined analysis of galaxy clustering and weak gravitational lensing, using 1321 deg 2 of griz imaging data from the first year of the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y1). We combine three two-point functions: (i) the cosmic shear correlation function of 26 million source galaxies in four redshift bins, (ii) the galaxy angular autocorrelation function of 650,000 luminous red galaxies in five redshift bins, and (iii) the galaxy-shear cross-correlation of luminous red galaxy positions and source galaxy shears. To demonstrate the robustness of these results, we use independent pairs of galaxy shape, photometric redshift estimation and validation, and likelihood analysis pipelines. To prevent confirmation bias, the bulk of the analysis was carried out while blind to the true results; we describe an extensive suite of systematics checks performed and passed during this blinded phase. The data are modeled in flat Λ CDM and w CDM cosmologies, marginalizing over 20 nuisance parameters, varying 6 (for Λ CDM) or 7 (for w CDM) cosmological parameters including the neutrino mass density and including the 457 × 457 element analytic covariance matrix. We find consistent cosmological results from these three two-point functions, and from their combination obtain S 8 ≡σ 8 (Ω m /0.3) 0.5 =0.783 +0.021 −0.025 and Ω m =0.264 +0.032 −0.019 for Λ CDM for w CDM, we find S 8 =0.794 +0.029 −0.027, Ω m =0.279 +0.043 −0.022, and w=−0.80 +0.20 −0.22 at 68% CL. The precision of these DES Y1 results rivals that from the Planck cosmic microwave background measurements, allowing a comparison of structure in the very early and late Universe on equal terms. Although the DES Y1 best-fit values for S 8 and Ω m are lower than the central values from Planck

    The Dark Energy Survey Data Release 1

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    We describe the first public data release of the Dark Energy Survey, DES DR1, consisting of reduced single epoch images, coadded images, coadded source catalogs, and associated products and services assembled over the first three years of DES science operations. DES DR1 is based on optical/near-infrared imaging from 345 distinct nights (August 2013 to February 2016) by the Dark Energy Camera mounted on the 4-m Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. We release data from the DES wide-area survey covering ~5,000 sq. deg. of the southern Galactic cap in five broad photometric bands, grizY. DES DR1 has a median delivered point-spread function of g = 1.12, r = 0.96, i = 0.88, z = 0.84, and Y = 0.90 arcsec FWHM, a photometric precision of < 1% in all bands, and an astrometric precision of 151 mas. The median coadded catalog depth for a 1.95" diameter aperture at S/N = 10 is g = 24.33, r = 24.08, i = 23.44, z = 22.69, and Y = 21.44 mag. DES DR1 includes nearly 400M distinct astronomical objects detected in ~10,000 coadd tiles of size 0.534 sq. deg. produced from ~39,000 individual exposures. Benchmark galaxy and stellar samples contain ~310M and ~ 80M objects, respectively, following a basic object quality selection. These data are accessible through a range of interfaces, including query web clients, image cutout servers, jupyter notebooks, and an interactive coadd image visualization tool. DES DR1 constitutes the largest photometric data set to date at the achieved depth and photometric precision.Comment: 30 pages, 20 Figures. Release page found at this url https://des.ncsa.illinois.edu/releases/dr