691 research outputs found

    Liver fat in the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes

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    Introduction: The epidemic of obesity has been accompanied by an increase in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, not all obese subjects develop these metabolic abnormalities. Hepatic fat accumulation is related to hepatic insulin resistance, which in turn leads to hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and a low HDL cholesterol con-centration. The present studies aimed to investigate 1) how intrahepatic as compared to intramyocellular fat is related to insulin resistance in these tissues and to the metabolic syndrome (Study I); 2) the amount of liver fat in subjects with and without the metabolic syndrome, and which clinically available markers best reflect liver fat content (Study II); 3) the effect of liver fat on insulin clearance (Study III); 4) whether type 2 diabetic patients have more liver fat than age-, gender-, and BMI-matched non-diabetic subjects (Study IV); 5) how type 2 diabetic patients using exceptionally high doses of insulin respond to addition of a PPARÎł agonist (Study V). Subjects and methods: The study groups consisted of 45 (Study I), 271 (Study II), and 80 (Study III) non-diabetic subjects, and of 70 type 2 diabetic patients and 70 matched control subjects (Study IV). In Study V, a total of 14 poorly controlled type 2 diabetic patients treated with high doses of insulin were studied before and after rosiglitazone treatment (8 mg/day) for 8 months. In all studies, liver fat content was measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and sub-cutaneous and intra-abdominal fat content by MRI. In addition, circulating markers of insulin resistance and serum liver enzyme concentrations were determined. Hepatic (i.v. insulin infusion rate 0.3 mU/kg∙min combined with [3-3H]glucose, Studies I, III, and V) and muscle (1.0 mU/kg min, Study I) insulin sensitivities were measured by the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Results: Fat accumulation in the liver rather than in skeletal muscle was associated with features of insulin resistance, i.e. increased fasting serum (fS) triglycerides and decreased fS-HDL cholesterol, and with hyperinsulinemia and low adiponectin concentrations (Study I). Liver fat content was 4-fold higher in subjects with as compared to those without the metabolic syndrome, independent of age, gender, and BMI. FS-C-peptide was the best correlate of liver fat (Study II). Increased liver fat was associated with both impaired insulin clearance and hepatic insulin resistance independent of age, gender, and BMI (Study III). Type 2 diabetic patients had 80% more liver fat than age-, weight-, and gender-matched non-diabetic subjects. At any given liver fat content, S-ALT underestimated liver fat in the type 2 diabetic patients as compared to the non-diabetic subjects (Study IV). In Study V, hepatic insulin sensitivity increased and glycemic control improved significantly during rosiglitazone treatment. This was associated with lowering of liver fat (on the average by 46%) and insulin requirements (40%). Conclusions: Liver fat is increased both in the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes independent of age, gender, and BMI. A fatty liver is associated with both hepatic insulin resistance and impaired insulin clearance. Rosi-glitazone may be particularly effective in type 2 diabetic patients who are poorly controlled despite using high insulin doses.Metabolisella oireyhtymĂ€llĂ€ tarkoitetaan sydĂ€n- ja verisuonisairauksien vaaratekijöiden kasaumaa, johon kuuluu keskivartalolihavuuden lisĂ€ksi kohonnut verenpaine, paastosokeri ja poikkeavat rasva-arvot (kohonneet triglyseridit ja matala hyvĂ€ (HDL)-kolesteroli). Vaikka metabolinen oireyhtymĂ€ ja tyypin 2 diabetes ovat yleisempiĂ€ lihavilla kuin normaalipainoisilla, on epĂ€selvÀÀ, miksi joillekin lihaville nĂ€itĂ€ hĂ€iriöitĂ€ ei kehity. Insuliini estÀÀ normaalisti maksan sokerin ja rasvojen tuotantoa, mutta rasvaisessa maksassa nĂ€mĂ€ vaikutukset ovat heikentyneet. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa selvitettiin, kuinka rasvainen maksa on henkilöillĂ€, joilla on metabolinen oireyhtymĂ€ tai tyypin 2 diabetes, ja mikĂ€ veren merkkiaine tai kehon koostumuksen poikkeavuus parhaiten heijastaa maksan rasvapitoisuutta. LisĂ€ksi tutkittiin, miten hoito insuliiniherkiste-lÀÀkeaineella (glitatsonilla) vaikuttaa poikkeuksellisen paljon insuliinia (keskimÀÀrin yli 200 yks/vrk) vaativien tyypin 2 diabeetikoiden maksan rasvapitoisuuteen, insuliinitarpeeseen ja hoitotasapainoon. Kaikissa osatöissĂ€ maksan rasvapitoisuus mitattiin magneettitutkimuksella. Insuliinin vaikutusta maksassa ja lihaksissa mitattiin suorilla menetelmillĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi mitattiin seerumin rasva-arvoja ja paastoinsuliini- ja maksaentsyymipitoisuuksia. Metabolinen oireyhtymĂ€ liittyi maksan- muttei lihaksensisĂ€isen rasvan kertymiseen. Maksan rasvaprosentti oli neljĂ€ kertaa suurempi henkilöillĂ€, joilla oli metabolinen oireyhtymĂ€ kuin henkilöillĂ€, joilla oireyhtymÀÀ ei ollut. Seerumin paastoinsuliinin ja C-peptidin pitoisuudet heijastivat parhaiten maksan rasvapitoisuutta. Insuliinin vaikutus oli alentunut henkilöillĂ€, joilla maksan rasvapitoisuus oli koholla. Tyypin 2 diabeetikoilla todettiin olevan merkittĂ€vĂ€sti enemmĂ€n rasvaa maksassa kuin yhtĂ€ lihavilla henkilöillĂ€, joilla ei ollut diabetesta. Seerumin maksa-arvot aliarvioivat maksan rasvan mÀÀrÀÀ tyypin 2 diabeetikoilla. Insuliiniherkiste vĂ€hensi maksan rasvapitoisuuden ja insuliinitarpeen puoleen verrattuna tilanteeseen ennen hoitoa. Insuliiniherkistehoidon aikana sokeritasapaino ja maksan insuliiniherkkyys paranivat. Maksa on rasvoittunut henkilöillĂ€, joilla on metabolinen oireyhtymĂ€, ja etenkin potilailla, joilla on tyypin 2 diabetes. Insuliiniherkistehoito vaikuttaa tehokkaalta sellaisilla tyypin 2 diabeetikoille, joilla on korkea insuliinitarve rasvamaksasta johtuen

    Nine-year incident diabetes is predicted by fatty liver indices: the French D.E.S.I.R. study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fatty liver is known to be linked with insulin resistance, alcohol intake, diabetes and obesity. Biopsy and even scan-assessed fatty liver are not always feasible in clinical practice. This report evaluates the predictive ability of two recently published markers of fatty liver: the Fatty Liver Index (FLI) and the NAFLD fatty liver score (NAFLD-FLS), for 9-year incident diabetes, in the French general-population cohort: Data from an Epidemiological Study on the Insulin Resistance syndrome (D.E.S.I.R).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>At baseline, there were 1861 men and 1950 women, non-diabetic, aged 30 to 65 years. Over the follow-up, 203 incident diabetes cases (140 men, 63 women) were identified by diabetes-treatment or fasting plasma glucose ≄ 7.0 mmol/l. The FLI includes: BMI, waist circumference, triglycerides and gamma glutamyl transferase, and the NAFLD-FLS: the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, insulin, alanine aminotransferase, and asparate aminotransferase. Logistic regression was used to determine the odds ratios for incident diabetes associated with categories of the fatty liver indices.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In comparison to those with a FLI < 20, the age-adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for diabetes for a FLI ≄ 70 was 9.33 (5.05-17.25) for men and 36.72 (17.12-78.76) for women; these were attenuated to 3.43 (1.61-7.28) and 11.05 (4.09 29.81), after adjusting on baseline glucose, insulin, hypertension, alcohol intake, physical activity, smoking and family antecedents of diabetes; odds ratios increased to 4.71 (1.68-13.16) and 22.77 (6.78-76.44) in those without an excessive alcohol intake. The NAFLD-FLS also predicted incident diabetes, but with odds ratios much lower in women, similar in men.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These fatty liver indexes are simple clinical tools for evaluating the extent of liver fat and they are predictive of incident diabetes. Physicians should screen for diabetes in patients with fatty liver.</p

    Phosphodiesterase 3B Is Localized in Caveolae and Smooth ER in Mouse Hepatocytes and Is Important in the Regulation of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism

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    Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are important regulators of signal transduction processes mediated by cAMP and cGMP. One PDE family member, PDE3B, plays an important role in the regulation of a variety of metabolic processes such as lipolysis and insulin secretion. In this study, the cellular localization and the role of PDE3B in the regulation of triglyceride, cholesterol and glucose metabolism in hepatocytes were investigated. PDE3B was identified in caveolae, specific regions in the plasma membrane, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In caveolin-1 knock out mice, which lack caveolae, the amount of PDE3B protein and activity were reduced indicating a role of caveolin-1/caveolae in the stabilization of enzyme protein. Hepatocytes from PDE3B knock out mice displayed increased glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol levels, which was associated with increased expression of gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes/enzymes including, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor Îł, sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c and hydroxyl-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. In conclusion, hepatocyte PDE3B is localized in caveolae and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and plays important roles in the regulation of glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol metabolism. Dysregulation of PDE3B could have a role in the development of fatty liver, a condition highly relevant in the context of type 2 diabetes

    Association of the rs738409 polymorphism in PNPLA3 with liver damage and the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a genome-wide association scan, the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs738409 in the patatin-like phospholipase 3 gene (<it>PNPLA3</it>) was strongly associated with increased liver fat content. We investigated whether this SNP is associated with the occurrence and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the Japanese population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>SNP rs738409 was genotyped by the Taqman assay in 253 patients with NAFLD (189 with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis [NASH] and 64 with simple steatosis) and 578 control subjects. All patients with NAFLD underwent liver biopsy. Control subjects had no metabolic disorders. For a case-control study, the <it>χ</it><sup>2</sup>-test (additive model) was performed. Odds ratios (ORs) were adjusted for age, gender, and body mass index (BMI) by using multiple logistic regression analysis with genotypes (additive model), age, gender, and BMI as the independent variables. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to test the independent effect of risk allele on clinical parameters while considering the effects of other variables (age, gender, and BMI), which were assumed to be independent of the effect of the SNP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The risk allele (G-allele) frequency of rs738409 was 0.44 in the control subjects and 0.60 in patients with NAFLD; this shows a strong association with NAFLD (additive model, <it>P </it>= 9.4 × 10<sup>-10</sup>). The OR (95% confidence interval) adjusted for age, gender, and BMI was 1.73 (1.25-2.38). Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that the G-allele of rs738409 was significantly associated with increases in aspartate transaminase (AST) (<it>P </it>= 0.00013), alanine transaminase (ALT) (<it>P </it>= 9.1 × 10<sup>-6</sup>), and ferritin levels (<it>P </it>= 0.014), and the fibrosis stage (<it>P </it>= 0.011) in the patients with NAFLD, even after adjustment for age, gender, and BMI. The steatosis grade was not associated with rs738409.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found that in the Japanese population, individuals harboring the G-allele of rs738409 were susceptible to NAFLD, and that rs738409 was associated with plasma levels of ALT, AST, and ferritin, and the histological fibrosis stage. Our study suggests that <it>PNPLA3 </it>may be involved in the progression of fibrosis in NAFLD.</p

    The effects of insulin resistance on individual tissues: an application of a mathematical model of metabolism in humans

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    Whilst the human body expends energy constantly, the human diet consists of a mix of carbohydrates and fats delivered in a discontinuous manner. To deal with this sporadic supply of energy, there are transport, storage and utilisation mechanisms, for both carbohydrates and fats, around all tissues of the body. Insulin-resistant states such as type 2 diabetes and obesity are characterised by reduced efficiency of these mechanisms. Exactly how these insulin-resistant states develop, for example whether there is an order in which tissues become insulin resistant, is an active area of research with the hope of gaining a better overall understanding of insulin resistance. In this paper we use a previously derived system of 12 first-or der coupled differential equations that describe the transport between, and storage in, different tissues of the human body. We briefly revisit the derivation of the model before parametrising the model to account for insulin resistance. We then solve the model numerically, separately simulating each individual tissue as insulin resistant, and discuss and compare these results, drawing three main conclusions. The implications of these results are in accordance with biological intuition. First, insulin resistance in a tissue creates a knock-on effect on the other tissues in the body, whereby they attempt to compensate for the reduced efficiency of the insulin resistant tissue. Secondly, insulin resistance causes a fatty liver; and the insulin resistance of tissues other than the liver can cause fat to accumulate in the liver. Finally, although insulin resistance in individual tissues can cause slightly reduced skeletal-muscle metabolic flexibility, it is when the whole body is insulin resistant that the biggest effect on skeletal muscle flexibility is see

    Hepatic steatosis does not cause insulin resistance in people with familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia

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    Item does not contain fulltextAIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Hepatic steatosis is strongly associated with hepatic and whole-body insulin resistance. It has proved difficult to determine whether hepatic steatosis itself is a direct cause of insulin resistance. In patients with familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia (FHBL), hepatic steatosis is a direct consequence of impaired hepatic VLDL excretion, independently of metabolic derangements. Thus, patients with FHBL provide a unique opportunity to investigate the relation between increased liver fat and insulin sensitivity. METHODS: We included seven male participants with FHBL and seven healthy matched controls. Intrahepatic triacylglycerol content and intramyocellular lipid content were measured using localised proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS). A two-step hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp, using stable isotopes, was assessed to determine hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity. RESULTS: (1)H-MRS showed moderate to severe hepatic steatosis in patients with FHBL. Basal endogenous glucose production (EGP) and glucose levels did not differ between the two groups, whereas insulin levels tended to be higher in patients compared with controls. Insulin-mediated suppression of EGP during lower dose insulin infusion and insulin-mediated peripheral glucose uptake during higher dose insulin infusion were comparable between FHBL participants and controls. Baseline fatty acids and lipolysis (glycerol turnover) at baseline and during the clamp did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In spite of moderate to severe hepatic steatosis, people with FHBL do not display a reduction in hepatic or peripheral insulin sensitivity compared with healthy matched controls. These results indicate that hepatic steatosis per se is not a causal factor leading to insulin resistance. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN35161775

    Implication of free fatty acids in thrombin generation and fibrinolysis in vascular inflammation in Zucker rats and evolution with aging

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    Background: The metabolic syndrome (MetS) and aging are associated with modifications in blood coagulation factors, vascular inflammation, and increased risk of thrombosis. Objectives: Our aim was to determine concomitant changes in thrombin generation in the blood compartment and at the surface of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and its interplay with adipokines, free fatty acids (FFA), and metalloproteinases (MMPs) in obese Zucker rats that share features of the human MetS. Methods: Obese and age-matched lean Zucker rats were compared at 25 and 80 weeks of age. Thrombin generation was assessed by calibrated automated thrombography (CAT). Results: Endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) was increased in obese rats independent of platelets and age. Clot half-lysis time was delayed with obesity and age. Interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ and IL-13 were increased with obesity and age respectively. Addition of exogenous fibrinogen, leptin, linoleic, or palmitic acid increased thrombin generation in plasma whereas adiponectin had an opposite effect. ETP was increased at the surface of VSMCs from obese rats and addition of exogenous palmitic acid further enhanced ETP values. Gelatinase activity was increased in aorta at both ages in obese rats and MMP-2 activity was increased in VSMCs from obese rats. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated in MetS an early prothrombotic phenotype of the blood compartment reinforced by procoagulant properties of dedifferentiated and inflammatory VSMCs. Mechanisms involved (1) increased fibrinogen and impaired fibrinolysis and (2) increased saturated fatty acids responsible for additive procoagulant effects. Whether specifically targeting this hypercoagulability using direct thrombin inhibitors would improve outcome in MetS is worth investigating
