62 research outputs found

    The effects of carboxylic acids in aluminum anodizing

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    Hard-anodized alumina coatings were formed in sulfuric acid at low temperature and high current density in the presence of carboxylic acid additives. Citric acid, trimesic acid, mellitic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) were utilized in varying concentrations. The additives were chosen for their capacity to form complexes with tri-valent aluminum and hence impart chemical stability to the coatings. The coatings were sealed in boiling water, and corrosion resistance was observed in a high pH solution of potassium hydroxide. The coatings were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess coating thickness and pore dimensions. Thicker coatings were produced when the additive inhibited oxide coating dissolution, increasing corrosion resistance. Overall, carboxylic acid additives showed a positive impact on corrosion resistance when coupled with sealants. More research in this field could improve products used in cleaning and cooking environments to withstand conditions of high and low pH

    Otępienie i depresja po udarze mózgu

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    Wstęp: U pacjentów po udarze mózgu usprawnianych w Oddziałach Rehabilitacji oprócz niepełnosprawności fizycznej występują zaburzenia emocjonalne i poznawcze. Mogą one być wynikiem udaru, ale mogą również występować bez związku z udarem. Bez względu na etiologię i mechanizm powstawania wymagają uwzględnienia w pracy z pacjentem, gdyż wpływają na proces usprawniania, ryzyko kolejnego udaru oraz na umieralność. Cel: Ocena częstości występowania depresji i otępienia w grupie pacjentów po udarze mózgu, a także związku ich występowania z cechami socjo-demograficznymi i klinicznymi. Materiał i metody: Dokonano przeglądu dokumentacji pacjentów. Przeanalizowano dokumentację 124 pacjentów w wieku od 37 do 91 lat wypisanych z Oddziału Rehabilitacji Neurologicznej w okresie od 01.01.2012 do 31.07.2013. Obecność otępienia i depresji stwierdzano na podstawie klinicznej diagnozy postawionej przez psychologów posiłkujących się testami: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) i Krótkim Testem Stanu Psychicznego (KTSP) oraz skalą Hamiltona i skalą Becka. Wyniki: Otępienie stwierdzano u 46% pacjentów po udarze mózgu usprawnianych w Oddziale Rehabilitacji Neurologicznej Ośrodka Rehabilitacji Narządu Ruchu „Krzeszowice”, a depresję u blisko 39%. U osób w wieku powyżej 65 lat stwierdzono większą szansę wystąpienia otępienia w porównaniu do osób młodszych (OR=5,91; 95%CI: 2,52-13,89). Występowanie afazji było związane z pięciokrotnie większą szansą wystąpienia otępienia (OR=5,74; 95%CI: 1,93-17,11). Płeć, wykształcenie oraz pozostałe czynniki kliniczne i socjo-demograficzne nie były związane z występowaniem otępienia. Nie stwierdzono związku pomiędzy występowaniem depresji a otępieniem, wiekiem, płcią, wykształceniem, liczbą współmieszkańców, typem udaru, lokalizacją udaru, liczbą udarów, czasem od udaru, nadciśnieniem tętniczym, cukrzycą oraz afazją. Wnioski: Depresja i otępienie towarzyszą niepełnosprawności po udarze mózgu. Otępienie częściej występuje u osób powyżej 65 roku życia oraz u pacjentów z afazją. Ponieważ depresja i otępienie zwiększają ryzyko kolejnego udaru mózgu oraz u osób na nie cierpiących stwierdza się wyższą śmiertelność w porównaniu do pacjentów bez tych schorzeń, powinno się je wcześnie wykrywać i leczyć aby zapobiegać ich skutkom.Introduction: In addition to physical impairment, post-stroke patients also display emotional and cognitive disorders, e.g., depression and dementia, which may result from a stroke or occur independently of it. Because these disorders affect treatment outcome, the risk of a subsequent stroke, and mortality, they should be taken into account during rehabilitation. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of depression and dementia among post-stroke patients and to assess the correlation between these disorders and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of medical documentation of 124 post‑stroke patients hospitalised in a neurological rehabilitation ward from 1 January 2012 to 31 July 2013 was conducted. Depression and dementia were diagnosed by psychologists using the Mini-Mental State Examination, Short Test of Mental State, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, and Beck Depression Inventory. Results: a total of 46% of post-stroke patients rehabilitated in the Krzeszowice Rehabilitation Centre were diagnosed with dementia, and 39% were diagnosed with depression. Persons aged over 65 years had a higher chance of dementia compared to younger persons (OR=5.91, 95%CI: 2.52–13.89). Aphasia correlated with a five times higher chance of dementia (OR=5.74, 95%CI: 1.93–17.11). Sex, education, and other analysed clinical and sociodemographic characteristics did not correlate with dementia. No correlation was found between depression and dementia, age, sex, education, number of inhabitants, the type, location and number of strokes, time since stroke, hypertension, diabetes, or aphasia. Conclusions: Dementia and depression were diagnosed in a group of post-stroke patients. Dementia was more prevalent among persons aged over 65 years and persons with aphasia. Because depression and dementia increase the risk of a subsequent stroke and mortality in post-stroke patients, both disorders should be diagnosed and treated early to prevent their effects

    Effects of contrast-enhanced ultrasound treatment on neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer

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    Purpose: Preclinical and clinical data indicate that contrast-enhanced ultrasound can enhance tumor perfusion and vessel permeability, thus, improving chemotherapy accumulation and therapeutic outcome. Therefore, we investigated the effects of high mechanical index (MI) contrast-enhanced Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) on tumor perfusion in breast cancer. Methods: In this prospective study, breast cancer patients were randomly assigned to receive either 18 minutes of high MI CDUS during chemotherapy infusion (n = 6) or chemotherapy alone (n = 5). Tumor perfusion was measured before and after at least six chemotherapy cycles using motion-model ultrasound localization microscopy. Additionally, acute effects of CDUS on vessel perfusion and chemotherapy distribution were evaluated in mice bearing triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Results: Morphological and functional vascular characteristics of breast cancer in patients were not significantly influenced by high MI CDUS. However, complete clinical tumor response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy was lower in high MI CDUS-treated (1/6) compared to untreated patients (4/5) and size reduction of high MI CDUS treated tumors tended to be delayed at early chemotherapy cycles. In mice with TNBC high MI CDUS decreased the perfused tumor vessel fraction (p < 0.01) without affecting carboplatin accumulation or distribution. Higher vascular immaturity and lower stromal stabilization may explain the stronger vascular response in murine than human tumors. Conclusion: High MI CDUS had no detectable effect on breast cancer vascularization in patients. In mice, the same high MI CDUS setting did not affect chemotherapy accumulation although strong effects on the tumor vasculature were detected histologically. Thus, sonopermeabilization in human breast cancers might not be effective using high MI CDUS protocols and future applications may rather focus on low MI approaches triggering microbubble oscillations instead of destruction. Furthermore, our results show that there are profound differences in the response of mouse and human tumor vasculature to high MI CDUS, which need to be further explored and considered in clinical translation

    Host Antimicrobial Peptides: the promise of new treatment strategies against Tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a devastating infectious disease and remerges as a global health emergency due to an alarming rise of antimicrobial resistance to its treatment. Despite of the serious effort that has been applied to develop effective antitubercular chemotherapies, the potential of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) remains underexploited. A large amount of literature is now accessible on the AMP mechanisms of action against a diversity of pathogens; nevertheless, research on their activity on mycobacteria is still scarce. In particular, there is an urgent need to integrate all available interdisciplinary strategies to eradicate extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. In this context, we should not underestimate our endogenous antimicrobial proteins and peptides as ancient players of the human host defense system. We are confident that novel antibiotics based on human AMPs displaying a rapid and multifaceted mechanism, with reduced toxicity, should significantly contribute to reverse the tide of antimycobacterial drug resistance. In this review, we have provided an up to date perspective of the current research on AMPs to be applied in the fight against TB. A better understanding on the mechanisms of action of human endogenous peptides should ensure the basis for the best guided design of novel antitubercular chemotherapeutics

    Hiperprolactynemia and women fertility at reproductive age.

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    Wstęp: Prolaktyna to hormon kojarzony głównie z laktacją oraz z karmieniem piersią. Jest to niezbędny hormon w czasie ciąży oraz po porodzie. Zdarza się również że, pomimo iż, kobieta nie jest w ciąży poziom tego hormonu jest powyżej normy. Mówimy wtedy o hiperprolaktynemii.Hiperprolaktynemia to jeden z najczęstszych zaburzeń endokrynologicznych. Ma ona wpływ na życie oraz płodność kobiet. Hiperprolaktynemii towarzyszą charakterystyczne objawy jak zatrzymanie krwawienia miesięcznego, mlekotok oraz inne objawy towarzyszące.Cel: Podjęto próbę zbadania hiperprolaktynemii i jej wpływu na płodność oraz codzienne życie. Materiał i metody badawcze: Posłużono się w tym celu kwestionariuszem ankietowym składającym się z 35 pytań. Badanie przeprowadzone zostało na grupie 70 kobiet u których zdiagnozowano hiperprolaktynemie. Wyniki: Wykonane badanie pokazuje, że najczęściej kobiety zgłaszają się do specjalisty z powodu męczących dolegliwości oraz niepłodności. Najczęściej przyczyna hiperprolaktynemii pozostaje niewyjaśniona. Hiperprolaktynemia znacząco wpływa na życie rodzinne, zawodowe a także na relacje ze znajomymi.Wnioski: Hiperprolaktynemia ma wpływ na płodność kobiet. Najczęstszymi objawami są zmęczenie oraz drażliwość, a także ból głowy, silny przyrost masy ciała i ból piersi. Najczęstszą formą leczenia jest kuracja farmakologiczna.Introduction: Prolactin is a hormone connected physiologically with lactation and breast feeding. It is necessary hormone during pregnancy and after childbirth. In some cases level or prolactin maybe higher than normal and this situation is manifested by many various symptoms. We call it is hyperprolactinaemia. Hyperprolactinaemia is the one of the most common disorders associated with endocrine disorders. Hyperprolactinaemia affects on female life and fertility. This disease is characterized by stop menstrual bleeding, galactorrhoea and other characteristic symptoms. Aim: The objective of this work was to examine the effect of hyperprolactinaemia on female fertility and the daily life. Material and researching methods: It is use questionnaire consisting of 35 questions. The research was conducted on 70 women with the diagnosis of hyperprolactinaemia. Results: The conducted research shows that woman mostly report to a specialist due to the hyperprolactinaemia influence on their fertility. The most common cause of hyperprolactinaemia remains unexplained. Hyperprolactinaemia significantly affects on their daily life, career and social relations. Conclusions: Hyperprolactinaemia has huge impact on female fertility. The most frequent symptoms of hyperprolactinaemia include fatigue and irritability, also are headache, weight gain and breast pain. Hyperprolactinaemia is mostly treated by pharmacological methods

    Subject matter of the local referendum

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    Praca koncentruje się wokół zakresu przedmiotowego referendum lokalnego. W związku z brakiem jednolitej linii orzeczniczej sądów administracyjnych oraz wątpliwościami interpretacyjnymi w doktrynie, podstawowym celem badawczym pracy jest wskazanie zakresu przedmiotowego referendum lokalnego, a w szczególności zakresu tego referendum obejmującego zadania istotne dla wspólnoty samorządowej a nie mieszczące się w zadaniach jednostek samorządu terytorialnego.The work focuses on the subject matter of the local referendum. In accordance with the lack of a unitary line of jurisprudence of administrative courts and interpretation doubts in the doctrine, the basic research aim of the paper is to indicate the subject scope of the local referendum, and in particular the scope of this referendum including tasks important for the local community and not contained in the tasks of local government units

    Professional development for school administrators: Effects on school climate

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    School administrators have long been considered to be the educational leaders of the community. It is the school administrator\u27s role to set the tone, or climate, of the building. Moore (1998) stated that there is a strong link between principal\u27s leadership behavior and school climate. A positive school climate correlates strongly with increased student achievement and motivation (Stolp, 1994). Beck and Murphy (1993) observed that the metaphors of school leadership have changed frequently over the years. No sooner have school administrators assimilated one recommended approach when they are seemingly urged to move in a different direction. State Department of Education and State Legislatures are concerned with the impact the school leader has on the total educational program, and passage of incentives such as the Educational Reform Act of 1993 in Massachusetts, has resulted in the restructuring of many school systems. To accomplish this goal, a large amount of resources have been allocated to finance professional development activities for administrators. However, limited research exists as to the returns on investments for such funding. The purpose of this research is to see what effects professional development for administrators has on school climate. This research project is ex post facto. Research data was collected from the responses obtained from three different distributions of a questionnaire. The research questions addressed were: (1) What are the characteristics of a positive and supportive school climate? (2) What relationship exists between school leadership and school climate? and (3) What differences exist over a three year period with respect to administrative attitudes within the school climate? In response to research question one, means, standard deviations, and range of scores were calculated. The subscales that received the most favorable responses were teacher-student relations and student activities, while the lowest scores were student behavioral values and parent and community-school relations. In response to research question two, a correlation matrix was used. Results showed the subscale administration with strong correlations in six out of a possible 8 subscales. When combining the total correlations over the three year period, administration had the third highest possible correlations. These results show the significant impact administration has over all aspect of school climate. For research question three, several statistical tests and procedures such as the one sample t-test, independent group analysis ANOVA, Scheffe Multiple Comparisons, and the Krushal Wallis Non Parametric Independent Group Comparisons were performed and calculated. All showed little difference in the scores between 1996 and 1999. Three was however, a difference in scores from 1996 and 1998, and then again from 1998 and 1999. With professional development for administrators, school climate improved between the year 1998, (M=2.54) and 1999 (M=3.71). By analyzing the responses of this questionnaire, this study showed that the school administrators participation in professional development activities had a positive impact on school climate

    Identity, Community, and 'Worldly' Society in the Apophthegmata Patrum

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    The tension inherent in the way that committed Christians relate to the world has been a perennial theme in the history of religious life. This tension is already present in early ascetical texts such as the Apophthegmata Patrum, the record of sayings attributed to the Desert Fathers and Mothers of Late Antique Egypt. In my thesis, I consider how the ‘world’ (κόσμος) and people who belong to the world (κοσμικοί) are treated in the Systematic Collection of the Apophthegmata Patrum, arguing that the subjects who speak in the text negotiated a path between intentional separation from the world and ongoing engagement with the society that had formed them. Despite ascetics’ rejection of worldly influences and preoccupations, the text of the Apophthegmata demonstrates that the boundary between ascetic communities and secular society was permeable enough to require ongoing negotiation and to allow ascetics to interact with and influence the larger culture.Master of Theology (ThM

    The influence of cryptochrome on proper functioning of nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Białka znane jako kryptochromy (CRYs) są znane z pełnienia funkcji fotoreceptorów światła niebieskiego o istotnej roli w synchronizowaniu zegara okołodobowego, ale mogą również działać jako magnetoreceptory, co zostało opisane u różnych gatunków, szczególnie owadów. Jedną z głównych cech CRY jest promowana przez światło interakcja z białkiem zegara TIMELESS (TIM), skutkująca jego ubikwitynacją i degradacją. Nie mniej jednak jest wiele innych białek i procesów, na które działają CRYs. Przedmiotem tego badania było przeanalizowanie jak wyciszenie kryptochromowego RNA wpłynie na ilość i profil snu/aktywności Drosophila, jak również ich negatywną geotaksję. Co więcej, podjęte zostały próby wyjaśnienia zaobserwowanych skutków.Proteins known as cryptochromes (CRYs) are known to function as blue-light sensitive photoreceptors with an important role as circadian synchronizer, but they may as well act as magnetoreceptors, what is described in various species, especially insects. One of CRY’s main features is light-promoted interaction with circadian protein TIMELESS (TIM), resulting in its ubiquitination and degradation. Nonetheless there are many other proteins and processes CRYs do influence. Object of this study was to analyse how interference with cryptochrome RNA in glial cells and neurons would affect Drosophila sleep/activity profile and quantity, as well as negative geotaxis. Furthermore, attempts were made in order to explain observed effects