11 research outputs found

    Spatialized streaming audio in multi-user virtual training environments

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    Dans cet article, nous décrivons l'ajout d'une communication audio 3D au Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML). Celui-ci permet la communication vocale directe entre participants des environnements virtuels d'entraßnement. Afin d'obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles, nous avons étudié divers modÚles acoustiques spatiaux et diverses possibilités actuelles du langage VRML. L'adaptation d'un modÚle acoustique 3D aux caractéristiques des environnements-cibles d'entraßnement médical, ainsi que l'intégration -indépendante de la plateforme utilisée- d'un systÚme de streaming média au langage VRML constituent notre contribution au développement de ces environnements

    Computer-Assisted Decomposition of the Electromyograms

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    The paper analyses the scope of multimodal parametric search (MPS) as the means for the decomposition of the electromyograms (EMGs). The approach is based on a predefined set of signal sources that are described by some parameters. These signal sources are searched for in a superimposed signal by calculation of the Euclidian distance and looking for its minimum. The signal sources are applied successively, according to the change of their parameters, and peeled off at the minimum Euclidian distance found. The minima detected are then displayed in parametric space as a parametric representation. We showed that such a technique is reliable enough for the decomposition of needle EMGs at low contraction forces. Applied to surface EMGs, it still discerns different phenomena, although not always with a direct relationship to the reality. It is because of the method's ambiguity, amplitude ratio dependency, and a bias in the distribution of the detected signal components. Finally, we introduce..

    Computer-assisted exercise ECG analysis: real-time scheduling within MS-DOS on PCs

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    Computer analysis and monitoring of the exercise electrocardiograms (ECG) have been advantageously applied for a longer time. Recently, an overwhelming influence of personal computers (PCs) has a visible impact in this field as well. Such PC environment has been used in development of a software package for the on-line exercise ECG analysis. This paper reveals the core of the application, i.e., a built-in real-time executive. A three-phase design approach is described: first, recognition of the tasks and their structure, second, evaluation of the task time complexities, and third, allocation of the tasks and implementation in C++ in the MS-DOS PC environment. Performance of the built real-time multitasking environment is finally studied for the worst-case situation using a prototype PC installation. Keywords: real-time executive, multitasking, on-line exercise ECG analysis, performance evaluation 1 Introduction The exercise ECG [1] has evolved into a diagnostic and therapeutic means ..