1,177 research outputs found

    Biología y control del gusano del tomate Heliothis zea (Boddie) en Panamá

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    Un método sencillo y económico fue utilizado para la cría de Heliothis zea, con el propósito de estudiar el ciclo de este insecto y realizar pruebas toxicológicas en el laboratorio. Las mazorcas en estado lechoso permitieron un desarrollo satisfactorio de los estadios larvales III, IV, V y VI; para los estadios I y II el uso de barbas tiernas como alimento presenta algunas limitaciones para un buen desarrollo larvario. El ciclo de vida de Heliothis zea, desde huevo hasta adulto tuvo una duración de 34 días a 27 grados Centígrados y con 90 porciento de humedad relativa. Se evaluaron tres insecticidas para determinar su toxicidad sobre las larvas del segundo estadio. Utilizando el método de contacto obligado, la mortalidad fue evaluada a las 24 horas obteniéndose como resultado que el producto Baytroid fue más eficaz seguido por Ambush, en tanto que el Dipterex resultó ser el menos tóxico. Estos productos fueron utilizados en el campo para el control del gusano del tomate, con diferentes frecuencias de aplicación. Los insecticidas Baytroid y Ambush ofrecieron similares efectos de control para la frecuencia de siete y catorce días contra Heliothis zea en tanto que Dipterex fue el tratamiento menos efectivo, y su mejor frecuencia de aplicación fue a los siete días

    Relocation and seismotectonic interpretation of the seismic swarm of August – December of 2012 in the Linares area, northeastern Mexico

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    We relocated 52 events of 2.5 ≤ Mc ≤ 3.6 from a seismic sequence of over 250 events that occurred during July-December 2012 southwest of the Linares area, northeastern Mexico. To examine this swarm four seismic stations were installed in the region and operated during different time periods from September to December. Relocation of the swarm showed that the earthquake hypocentral depths were at 8 (±5) km, and the time residuals had values ≤ 0.38 s. The fault plane solutions were generated for individual earthquakes and through the use of the composite mechanism technique. The focal mechanism solutions show pure reverse faulting; the SW dipping NNW – SSE trending nodal plane is the inferred fault plane (strike ~150°, dip ~50° and rake ~67°), which reveals that maximum horizontal stress (SHmax > Shmin > Sv) predominates in the area. RESUMEN En este trabajo relocalizamos 52 sismos en el rango de 2.5 ≤ Mc ≤ 3.6 de una secuencia sísmica de más de 250 eventos que ocurrió al suroeste de la ciudad de Linares, N.L., durante los meses de julio – diciembre de 2012, en el noreste de México. Para estudiar este enjambre se instalaron cuatro estaciones sismológicas en la región de interés, las cuales operaron durante diferentes periodos entre septiembre y diciembre. La relocalización de la secuencia demostró que las profundidades hipocentrales fueron de 8 (±5) km, y los residuales de los tiempos de arribo tuvieron valores ≤ 0.38 s. Se generaron soluciones del plano de falla para sismos individuales, así como a través de la técnica de mecanismos compuestos. La solución de los mecanismos focales encontrada corresponde con fallamiento inverso con rumbo NNW-SSE y buzamiento hacia el SW para el plano nodal inferido (rumbo ~150°, buzamiento ~50° y ángulo de deslizamiento ~67°), el cual revela que el esfuerzo horizontal máximo predomina en el área de estudio (SHmax > Shmin > Sv)

    Transient versus static electron spin relaxation in Mn2+ complexes relevant as MRI contrast agents

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    [Abstract] The zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameters of the [Mn(EDTA)(H2O)]2–·2H2O and [Mn(MeNO2A)(H2O)]·2H2O systems were estimated by using DFT and ab initio CASSCF/NEVPT2 calculations (EDTA = 2,2′,2″,2‴-(ethane-1,2-diylbis(azanetriyl))tetraacetate; MeNO2A = 2,2′-(7-methyl-1,4,7-triazonane-1,4-diyl)diacetate). Subsequent molecular dynamics calculations performed within the atom-centered density matrix propagation (ADMP) approach provided access to the transient and static ZFS parameters, as well as to the correlation time of the transient ZFS. The calculated ZFS parameters present a reasonable agreement with the experimental values obtained from the analysis of 1H relaxation data. The correlation times calculated for the two systems investigated turned out to be very short (τc ∼ 0.02–0.05 ps), which shows that the transient ZFS is modulated by molecular vibrations. On the contrary, the static ZFS is modulated by the rotation of the complexes in solution, which for the small complexes investigated here is characterized by rotational correlation times of τR ∼ 35–60 ps. As a result, electron spin relaxation in small Mn2+complexes is dominated by the static ZFS.España. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; CTQ2013-43243-PEspaña. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; CTQ2015-71211-RED

    From the simplest equations of Hydrodynamics to science and engineeringmodeling skills

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    [EN] The development of modeling skills is a very important issue in Science teaching nowadays. The present workillustrates how, from the simplest equations of hydrodynamics, it is possible to contribute to this end. Bernoulliand continuity equations are included in Physics syllabi of secondary and university levels, and can be seen as alinking between general and professional education. By means of the proposed project, students are taken throughgeneral stages which are usually present in any engineering project or research work based on modeling and simu-lation. such as the formulation of the problem, the statement of the Physics model, a computational simulationand the comparison between theory and experiments. This kind of project allows for the development of modelingskills and also to some other typical skills of the scientist's and engineer's pro les nowadays, such as tting andgraphing analysis. It is common to see that secondary and rst year university courses do not contribute muchto the formation of modeling skills, instead they rather contribute to particular skills from the perspective of thedi erent subjects. On the other hand, students are usually more motivated for the modeling of real world situationsthan for idealized ones.[ES] El desarrollo de habilidades relacionadas con la modelación es un aspecto esencial en la enseñanza de las ciencias hoy en día. El presente trabajo ilustra una propuesta de cómo desarrollar habilidades de modelación físico-matemáticas desde las ecuaciones más simples de la hidrodinámica, es decir, la ecuación de Bernoulli y la ecuación de continuidad. Estas ecuaciones representan la conservación de la energía y de la masa, respectivamente, y están presentes comúnmente en los programas de Física para la Enseñanza Secundaria y Universidad. A través del proyecto propuesto, el estudiante transita a través de etapas generales usualmente presentes en los proyectos de innovación ingenieril o de investigación, es decir, el surgimiento de la idea inicial, el planteamiento del modelo físico, la exploración computacional del mismo, y la comparación con medidas experimentales. El proyecto presentado hace uso directo de habilidades tales como la realización de ajustes y análisis gráficos, típicas en los perfiles de ingenieros e investigadores en la actualidad. Por otro lado, los estudiantes presentan más motivación por aquellas situaciones más cercanas a la realidad que por las muy idealizadas.This work has been partially supported by funds of the Interdisciplinar Modeling Group InterTech from the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.Castro-Palacio, JC.; Velázquez-Abad, L.; Perea, MH.; Navarro-Pardo, E.; Acosta-Iglesias, D.; Fernández-De-Córdoba-Castellá, P. (2017). Desarrollo de habilidades de modelación desde las ecuaciones más simples de la Hidrodinámica. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 10(2):211-222. doi:10.4995/msel.2017.7143SWORD211222102Mendonça, P. C. C., & Justi, R. (2013). The Relationships Between Modelling and Argumentation from the Perspective of the Model of Modelling Diagram. International Journal of Science Education, 35(14), 2407-2434. doi:10.1080/09500693.2013.811615Chapman S.J. (2003). Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill Series in General Engineering.Fishbane P.M., Gasiorowicz, S. & Thornton S. (1996). Physics for scientists and engineers. Prentice Hall.Justi, R. S., & Gilbert, J. K. (2002). Science teachers’ knowledge about and attitudes towards the use of models and modelling in learning science. International Journal of Science Education, 24(12), 1273-1292. doi:10.1080/09500690210163198Nair, C. S., Patil, A., & Mertova, P. (2009). Re-engineering graduate skills – a case study. European Journal of Engineering Education, 34(2), 131-139. doi:10.1080/03043790902829281Patil A.S. (2005). The global engineering criteria for the development of a global engineering profession. World Transaction on Engineering Education 4(1), 49-52.Radcliffe D.F. (2005). Innovation as a meta attribute for graduate engineers. International Journal of Engineering Education 21(2), 194-199.Resnick R., Halliday D., & Krane K. (1999). Physics. 4th Ed. Mexico: CECSA.Wedelin, D., Adawi, T., Jahan, T., & Andersson, S. (2015). Investigating and developing engineering students’ mathematical modelling and problem-solving skills. European Journal of Engineering Education, 40(5), 557-572. doi:10.1080/03043797.2014.987648Wellington P., Thomas I., Powell I., & Clarke B. (2002). Authentic assessment applied to engineering and business undergraduate consulting teams. International Journal of Engineering Education 18(2), 168-179

    Polarization independent 2×2 multimode interference coupler with bricked subwavelength metamaterial

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    The silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform enables high integration density in photonic integrated circuits while maintaining compatibility with CMOS fabrication processes. Nevertheless, its inherently high modal birefringence hinders the development of polarization-insensitive devices. The dispersion and anisotropy engineering leveraging subwavelength grating (SWG) metamaterials makes possible the development of polarization agnostic waveguide components. In this work we build upon the bricked SWG metamaterial nanostructures to design a polarization independent 2×2 multimode interference (MMI) coupler for the 220 nm SOI platform, operating in the telecom O-band. The designed device exhibits a 160 nm bandwidth with excess loss, polarization dependent loss and imbalance below 1 dB and phase error lower than 5°.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PID2019-106747RB-I00), Junta de Andalucía (P18-RT-1453, UMA20-FEDERJA-158), Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades (FPU16/06762, FPU19/02408) and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Polarization-insensitive multimode interference coupler based on bricked subwavelength gratings

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    The recently proposed bricked patterning enables enhanced performance in integrated photonics devices based on subwavelength gratings, including polarization insensitivity. We report on the design of a polarization-agnostic 2×2 multimode interference coupler for the 220 nm silicon-on-insulator platform using the bricked SWG metamaterial, operating in telecom O-band.We acknowledge funding from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PID2019-106747RB-I00), Junta de Andalucía (P18-RT-1453, UMA-FEDERJA-158), Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades (FPU16/06762, FPU19/02408). Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mating strategy is determinant of adenovirus prevalence in European bats

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    Adenoviruses are double-strained DNA viruses found in a great number of vertebrates, including humans. In order to understand their transmission dynamics, it is crucial, even from a human health perspective, to investigate how host traits influence their prevalence. Bats are important reservoirs for adenoviruses, and here we use the results of recent screenings in Western Europe to evaluate the association between characteristic traits of bat species and their probability of hosting adenoviruses, taking into account their phylogenetic relationships. Across species, we found an important phylogenetic component in the presence of adenoviruses and mating strategy as the most determinant factor conditioning the prevalence of adenoviruses across bat species. Contrary to other more stable mating strategies (e.g. harems), swarming could hinder transmission of adenoviruses since this strategy implies that contacts between individuals are too short. Alternatively, bat species with more promiscuous behavior may develop a stronger immune system. Outstandingly high prevalence of adenoviruses was reported for the Iberian species Pipistrellus pygmaeus, P. kuhlii and Nyctalus lasiopterus and we found that in the latter, males were more likely to be infected by adenoviruses than females, due to the immunosuppressing consequence of testosterone during the mating season. As a general trend across species, we found that the number of adenoviruses positive individuals was different across localities and that the difference in prevalence between populations was correlated with their geographic distances for two of the three studied bat species (P. pygmaeus and P.kuhlii). These results increase our knowledge about the transmission mechanisms of adenoviruses.This work received support from: grant number: SAF2006-12784-C02/01-02 to JE, JJ, IC; URLs to sponsors’ websites: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.7eeac5cd345b4f34f09dfd1001432ea0/?vgnextoid=beebec05f2a7d210VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD; grant numbers: SAF2009-09172 to JE, JJ; URLs to sponsors’ websites: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.7eeac5cd345b4f34f09dfd1001432ea0/?vgnextoid=fe5aec1eb658c310VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD; grant numbers: SAF2013-47194-P to JE, JJ, GP, OP; URLs to sponsors’ websites: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.7eeac5cd345b4f34f09dfd1001432ea0/?vgnextoid=0b7f11a1c35d0610VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD; grant numbers: SAF2017-89355-P to JE, JJ, GP, OP, JB; URLs to sponsors’ websites: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.7eeac5cd345b4f34f09dfd1001432ea0/?vgnextoid=abf192b9036c2210VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD; grant numbers: PI15CIII/00028 to IC, MMIC; URLs to sponsors’ websites: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    The presence of Merkel cell carcinoma polyomavirus is associated with a distinct phenotype in neoplastic Merkel cell carcinoma cells and their tissue microenvironment

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    Aims: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive primary neuroendocrine tumor of the skin, associated with Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) in 49-89% of cases, depending on the country of origin and the techniques of detection. The presence of MCPyV defines heterogeneity in MCC; MCPyV-negative cases bear a much higher mutational load, with a distinct ultraviolet signature pattern featuring C > T transitions, as a consequence of exposure to ultraviolet light radiation. MCC stroma has not been thoroughly studied, although MCC patients benefit from therapy targeting PD1/PDL1. Methods and results: In this study, using Tissue Microarrays and immunohistochemistry, we have analyzed a series of 219 MCC cases in relation to the presence of MCPyV, and confirmed that the presence of MCPyV is associated with changes not only in the neoplastic cells, but also in the composition of the tumor stroma. Thus, MCPyV, found in 101/176 (57,4%) analyzable cases, exhibits changes in its tumor morphology, the density of the inflammatory infiltrate, the phenotype of the neoplastic cells, and the cell composition of the tumor stroma. MCPyV presence is negatively correlated with a higher level of p53 expression, and associated with a very high frequency (86%) of HLA-I expression loss, a higher apoptotic index, and a stroma richer in T-cells, cytotoxic T-cells, macrophages, PDL1-positive macrophages, and B-cells. Conclusions: Our findings provide evidence of the basic heterogeneity of MCC, supporting the hypothesis that the presence of MCPyV may induce a rich inflammatory response, which is at least partially avoided through loss of HLA-I antigen expression. On the other hand, MCPyV-negative cases show a much higher frequency of stronger p53 expression and, probably, p53 alterations.Dr. Piris is the principal investigator of all the projects funding this study. This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competence (MINECO, RTICC ISCIII and CIBERONC) (SAF2013-47416-R, RD06/0020/0107-RD012/0036/0060 and Plan Nacional I+D+I: PI17/2172, PI16/01294 and PIE15/0081), AECC, and the Madrid Autonomous Community

    Confort ambiental en vivienda de interés social en Cali.

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    Los escritores realizan un análisis de la situación de confort a nivel urbano y de VIS en la ciudad de Cali. Presentan en forma condensada la información de vientos, insolación e isotermas típicas, y determinan las islas de calor. Un examen critico indica que la planeación urbana es deficiente en términos de sostenibilidad y confort, y que podría mejorarse potenciado micro climas reguladores de altas temperaturas, y diseño paisajística urbano. Respecto a las VIS, muestran estadísticas y ediciones que conforman la percepción común de in confortabilidad dándole un carácter científico a esta creencia. Los autores respaldan técnicamente la evaluación del confort y muestran el método, e indican que la oferta de urbanizaciones VIS no posee respaldo científico en sus pretensiones de sostenibilidad. Finalmente demuestran, con una aplicación práctica, que es posible mejorar la VIS hasta lograr en confort de manera económica siguiendo una secuencia lógica y académica.El confort ambiental y el clima en la vivienda de interés social (VIS) -- Fenomenología energética del edificio -- Relación del paisaje y del contexto urbano de la vivienda de interés social con el confort -- Caso de estudio- indagaciones -- Vivienda de interés social (VIS) sostenible - propuesta de mejoramient

    NG2 antigen is involved in leukemia invasiveness and central nervous system infiltration in MLL-rearranged infant B-ALL

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    Mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL)-rearranged (MLLr) infant B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (iMLLr-B-ALL) has a dismal prognosis and is associated with a pro-B/mixed phenotype, therapy refractoriness and frequent central nervous system (CNS) disease/relapse. Neuron-glial antigen 2 (NG2) is specifically expressed in MLLr leukemias and is used in leukemia immunophenotyping because of its predictive value for MLLr acute leukemias. NG2 is involved in melanoma metastasis and brain development; however, its role in MLL-mediated leukemogenesis remains elusive. Here we evaluated whether NG2 distinguishes leukemia-initiating/propagating cells (L-ICs) and/or CNS-infiltrating cells (CNS-ICs) in iMLLr-B-ALL. Clinical data from the Interfant cohort of iMLLr-B-ALL demonstrated that high NG2 expression associates with lower event-free survival, higher number of circulating blasts and more frequent CNS disease/relapse. Serial xenotransplantation of primary MLL-AF4 + leukemias indicated that NG2 is a malleable marker that does not enrich for L-IC or CNS-IC in iMLLr-B-All. However, NG2 expression was highly upregulated in blasts infiltrating extramedullar hematopoietic sites and CNS, and specific blockage of NG2 resulted in almost complete loss of engraftment. Indeed, gene expression profiling of primary blasts and primografts revealed a migratory signature of NG2 + blasts. This study provides new insights on the biology of NG2 in iMLLr-B-ALL and suggests NG2 as a potential therapeutic target to reduce the risk of CNS disease/relapse and to provide safer CNS-directed therapies for iMLLr-B-ALL