124 research outputs found

    Prenatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants and changes in infant growth and childhood growth trajectories

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    BACKGROUND: Children are born with a burden of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) which may have endocrine disrupting properties and have been postulated to contribute to the rise in childhood obesity. The current evidence is equivocal, which may partly because many studies investigate the effects at one time point during childhood. We assessed associations between prenatal exposure to POPs and growth during infancy and childhood. METHODS: We used data from two Belgian cohorts with cord blood measurements of five organochlorines [(dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB-138, -150, -180)] (N = 1418) and two perfluoroalkyl substances [perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)] (N = 346). We assessed infant growth, defined as body mass index (BMI) z-score change between birth and 2 years, and childhood growth, characterized as BMI trajectory from birth to 8 years. To evaluate associations between POP exposures and infant growth, we applied a multi-pollutant approach, using penalized elastic net regression with stability selection, controlling for covariates. To evaluate associations with childhood growth, we used single-pollutant linear mixed models with random effects for child individual, parametrized using a natural cubic spline formulation. RESULTS: PCB-153 was associated with increased and p,p'-DDE with decreased infant growth, although these results were imprecise. No clear association between any of the exposures and longer-term childhood growth trajectories was observed. We did not find evidence of effect modification by child sex. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that prenatal exposure to PCB-153 and p,p'-DDE may affect infant growth in the first two years, with no evidence of more persistent effects

    Evaluation of neurological effects of cerium dioxide nanoparticles doped with different amounts of zirconium following inhalation exposure in mouse models of Alzheimer’s and vascular disease

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    Increasing evidence from toxicological and epidemiological studies indicates that the brain is an important target for ambient (ultrafine) particles. Disturbance of redox-homeostasis and inflammation in the brain are proposed as possible mechanisms that can contribute to neurotoxic and neurodegenerative effects. Whether and how engineered nanoparticles (NPs) may cause neurotoxicity and promote neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) is largely unstudied. We have assessed the neurological effects of subacute inhalation exposures (4 mg/m3 for 3 h/day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks) to cerium dioxide (CeO2) NPs doped with different amounts of zirconium (Zr, 0%, 27% and 78%), to address the influence of particle redox-activity in the 5xFAD transgenic mouse model of AD. Four weeks post-exposure, effects on behaviour were evaluated and brain tissues were analysed for amyloid-β plaque formation and reactive microglia (Iba-1 staining). Behaviour was also evaluated in concurrently exposed non-transgenic C57BL/6J littermates, as well as in Western diet-fed apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE-/-) mice as a model of vascular disease. Markers of inflammation and oxidative stress were evaluated in brain cortex. The brains of the NP-exposed 5xFAD mice revealed no accelerated amyloid-β plaque formation. No significant treatment-related behaviour impairments were observed in the healthy C57BL/6J mice. In the 5xFAD and ApoE-/- models, the NP inhalation exposures did not affect the alternation score in the X-maze indicating absence of spatial working memory deficits. However, following inhalation exposure to the 78% Zr-doped CeO2 NPs changes in forced motor performance (string suspension) and exploratory motor activity (X-maze) were observed in ApoE-/- and 5xFAD mice, respectively. Exposure to the 78% doped NPs also caused increased cortical expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the C57BL/6J mice. No significant treatment-related changes neuroinflammation and oxidative stress were observed in the 5xFAD and ApoE-/- mice. Our study findings reveal that subacute inhalation exposure to CeO2 NPs does not accelerate the AD-like phenotype of the 5xFAD model. Further investigation is warranted to unravel whether the redox-activity dependent effects on motor activity as observed in the mouse models of AD and vascular disease result from specific neurotoxic effects of these NPs

    Altered non-coding RNA expression profile in F1 progeny 1 year after parental irradiation is linked to adverse effects in zebrafish

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    Gamma radiation produces DNA instability and impaired phenotype. Previously, we observed negative effects on phenotype, DNA methylation, and gene expression profiles, in offspring of zebrafish exposed to gamma radiation during gametogenesis. We hypothesize that previously observed effects are accompanied with changes in the expression profile of non-coding RNAs, inherited by next generations. Non-coding RNA expression profile was analysed in F1 offspring (5.5 h post-fertilization) by high-throughput sequencing 1 year after parental irradiation (8.7 mGy/h, 5.2 Gy total dose). Using our previous F1-γ genome-wide gene expression data (GSE98539), hundreds of mRNAs were predicted as targets of differentially expressed (DE) miRNAs, involved in pathways such as insulin receptor, NFkB and PTEN signalling, linking to apoptosis and cancer. snRNAs belonging to the five major spliceosomal snRNAs were down-regulated in the F1-γ group, Indicating transcriptional and post-transcriptional alterations. In addition, DEpiRNA clusters were associated to 9 transposable elements (TEs) (LTR, LINE, and TIR) (p = 0.0024), probable as a response to the activation of these TEs. Moreover, the expression of the lincRNAs malat-1, and several others was altered in the offspring F1, in concordance with previously observed phenotypical alterations. In conclusion, our results demonstrate diverse gamma radiation-induced alterations in the ncRNA profiles of F1 offspring observable 1 year after parental irradiation.publishedVersio

    Identifying Key Factors for Accelerating the Transition to Animal-Testing-Free Medical Science through Co-Creative, Interdisciplinary Learning between Students and Teachers

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    Even with the introduction of the replacement, reduction, refinement (the three Rs) approach and promising technological developments in animal-testing-free alternatives over the past two decades, a significant number of animal tests are still performed in medical science today. This article analyses which factors could accelerate the transition to animal-free medical science, applying the multi-level perspective (MLP) framework. The analysis was based on qualitative research, including a desk study (literature review and document analysis), lectures from experts, and nine online focus group sessions with experts on 26 July 2021. These were undertaken as part of an honours project between May and September 2021 to identify barriers, levers, and opportunities for accelerating this transition. The MLP framework identifies required changes at three levels: innovations and new practices (niche level), the current (bio)medical research system (regime level), and larger societal forces (landscape level). All three levels interact in a non-linear fashion. The model enabled us to identify many relevant factors influencing the transition to animal-testing-free medical science and enabled priority setting. Our findings supported the formulation of six "focus areas" to which stakeholders could devote efforts in order to accelerate the transition to animal-testing-free medical science: (1) thorough and translatable new approach methods (NAMs) for human-relevant medical research; (2) open science and sharing data; (3) targeted funding for NAMs; (4) implementing and modernising legislation for NAMs; (5) interdisciplinary education on animal-testing-free medical science; and (6) facilitating a shift in societal views, as this would be of benefit to both animals and humans. It is proposed that these focus areas should be implemented in parallel

    Characterizing the Chemical Profile of Incidental Ultrafine Particles for Toxicity Assessment Using an Aerosol Concentrator

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    Incidental ultrafine particles (UFPs) constitute a key pollutant in industrial workplaces. However, characterizing their chemical properties for exposure and toxicity assessments still remains a challenge. In this work, the performance of an aerosol concentrator (Versatile Aerosol Concentration Enrichment System, VACES) was assessed to simultaneously sample UFPs on filter substrates (for chemical analysis) and as liquid suspensions (for toxicity assessment), in a high UFP concentration scenario. An industrial case study was selected where metal-containing UFPs were emitted during thermal spraying of ceramic coatings. Results evidenced the comparability of the VACES system with online monitors in terms of UFP particle mass (for concentrations up to 95 µg UFP/m3 ) and between filters and liquid suspensions, in terms of particle composition (for concentrations up to 1000 µg/ m3). This supports the applicability of this tool for UFP collection in view of chemical and toxicological characterization for incidental UFPs. In the industrial setting evaluated, results showed that the spraying temperature was a driver of fractionation of metals between UF (<0.2 µm) and fine (0.2– 2.5 µm) particles. Potentially health hazardous metals (Ni, Cr) were enriched in UFPs and depleted in the fine particle fraction. Metals vaporized at high temperatures and concentrated in the UF fraction through nucleation processes. Results evidenced the need to understand incidental particle formation mechanisms due to their direct implications on particle composition and, thus, exposure. It is advisable that personal exposure and subsequent risk assessments in occupational settings should include dedicated metrics to monitor UFPs (especially, incidental).What’s important about this paper: Our work addresses the challenge of characterizing the bulk chemical composition of ultrafine particles in occupational settings, for exposure and toxicity assessments. We tested the performance of an aerosol concentrator (VACES) to simultaneously sample ultrafine particles (UFPs) on filter substrates and as liquid suspensions, in a high UFP concentration scenario. An industrial case study was selected where metal-bearing UFPs were emitted. We report the chemical exposures characterized in the industrial facility, and evidence the comparability of the VACES system with online monitors for UFP particle mass (up to 95 µg UFP/m3) as well as between UFP chemical composition on filters and in suspension. This supports the applicability of this tool for UFP collection in view of chemical and toxicological characterization of exposures to incidental UFPs in workplace settings.Highlights: - The VACES system is a useful tool for UFP sampling in high-concentration settings; - UFP collected simultaneously on filters and in suspension showed good comparability; - UFP chemical profiles were characterized; - Health-hazardous metals Ni and Cr accumulated in UFPs; - Understanding emission mechanisms is key to identifying exposure sources.This work was funded by SIINN ERA-NET (project id: 16), the Spanish MINECO (PCIN-2015-173-C02-01) and the French agency (Region Hauts de France). The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project CEX2018-000794-S; Severo Ochoa) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (project number: AGAUR 2017 SGR41) provided support for the indirect costs for the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC). We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vitro toxicity of industrially relevant engineered nanoparticles in human alveolar epithelial cells: air–liquid interface versus submerged cultures

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    Diverse industries have already incorporated within their production processes engineered nanoparticles (ENP), increasing the potential risk of worker inhalation exposure. In vitro models have been widely used to investigate ENP toxicity. Air–liquid interface (ALI) cell cultures have been emerging as a valuable alternative to submerged cultures as they are more representative of the inhalation exposure to airborne nano-sized particles. We compared the in vitro toxicity of four ENP used as raw materials in the advanced ceramics sector in human alveolar epithelial-like cells cultured under submerged or ALI conditions. Submerged cultures were exposed to ENP liquid suspensions or to aerosolised ENP at ALI. Toxicity was assessed by determining LDH release, WST-1 metabolisation and DNA damage. Overall, cells were more sensitive to ENP cytotoxic effects when cultured and exposed under ALI. No significant cytotoxicity was observed after 24 h exposure to ENP liquid suspensions, although aerosolised ENP clearly affected cell viability and LDH release. In general, all ENP increased primary DNA damage regardless of the exposure mode, where an increase in DNA strand-breaks was only detected under submerged conditions. Our data show that at relevant occupational concentrations, the selected ENP exert mild toxicity to alveolar epithelial cells and exposure at ALI might be the most suitable choice when assessing ENP toxicity in respiratory models under realistic exposure conditions

    In Vitro Toxicity of Industrially Relevant Engineered Nanoparticles in Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells: Air-Liquid Interface versus Submerged Cultures

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Engineered Nanomaterials Exposure and Risk Assessment: Occupational Health and SafetyDiverse industries have already incorporated within their production processes engineered nanoparticles (ENP), increasing the potential risk of worker inhalation exposure. In vitro models have been widely used to investigate ENP toxicity. Air-liquid interface (ALI) cell cultures have been emerging as a valuable alternative to submerged cultures as they are more representative of the inhalation exposure to airborne nano-sized particles. We compared the in vitro toxicity of four ENP used as raw materials in the advanced ceramics sector in human alveolar epithelial-like cells cultured under submerged or ALI conditions. Submerged cultures were exposed to ENP liquid suspensions or to aerosolised ENP at ALI. Toxicity was assessed by determining LDH release, WST-1 metabolisation and DNA damage. Overall, cells were more sensitive to ENP cytotoxic effects when cultured and exposed under ALI. No significant cytotoxicity was observed after 24 h exposure to ENP liquid suspensions, although aerosolised ENP clearly affected cell viability and LDH release. In general, all ENP increased primary DNA damage regardless of the exposure mode, where an increase in DNA strand-breaks was only detected under submerged conditions. Our data show that at relevant occupational concentrations, the selected ENP exert mild toxicity to alveolar epithelial cells and exposure at ALI might be the most suitable choice when assessing ENP toxicity in respiratory models under realistic exposure conditions.This research was funded by CERASAFE (www.cerasafe.eu; accessed on 26 October 2021), with the support of ERA-NET SIINN (project id:16) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT; SIINN/0004/2014). This work was also supported by the NanoBioBarriers project (PTDC/MED-TOX/31162/2017), co-financed by the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) through European Regional Development Funds (FEDER/FNR) and FCT; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects PCIN-2015-173-C02-01 and CEX2018-000794- S-Severo Ochoa), and by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation (CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number 29/2016 within PNCDI III). M.J. Bessa (SFRH/BD/120646/2016) and F. Brandão (SFRH/BD/101060/2014) are recipients of FCT PhD scholarships under the framework of Human Capital Operating Program (POCH) and European Union funding. The Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences, of the ICBAS—University of Porto, offered additional funds. S. Fraga thanks FCT for funding through program DL 57/2016–Norma transitória (Ref. DL-57/INSA-06/2018). Thanks are also due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to EPIUnit (UIDB/04750/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of adverse outcome pathways in the safety evaluation of food additives

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    Funder: ILSI EuropeAbstract: In the last decade, adverse outcome pathways have been introduced in the fields of toxicology and risk assessment of chemicals as pragmatic tools with broad application potential. While their use in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors has been well documented, their application in the food area remains largely unexplored. In this respect, an expert group of the International Life Sciences Institute Europe has recently explored the use of adverse outcome pathways in the safety evaluation of food additives. A key activity was the organization of a workshop, gathering delegates from the regulatory, industrial and academic areas, to discuss the potentials and challenges related to the application of adverse outcome pathways in the safety assessment of food additives. The present paper describes the outcome of this workshop followed by a number of critical considerations and perspectives defined by the International Life Sciences Institute Europe expert group

    Rational design of highly potent broad-spectrum enterovirus inhibitors targeting the nonstructural protein 2C

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    There is a great need for antiviral drugs to treat enterovirus (EV) and rhinovirus (RV) infections, which can be severe and occasionally life-threatening. The conserved nonstructural protein 2C, which is an AAA+ ATPase, is a promising target for drug development. Here, we present a structure-activity relationship study of a previously identified compound that targets the 2C protein of EV-A71 and several EV-B species members, but not poliovirus (PV) (EV-C species). This compound is structurally related to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drug fluoxetine—which also targets 2C—but has favorable chemical properties. We identified several compounds with increased antiviral potency and broadened activity. Four compounds showed broad-spectrum EV and RV activity and inhibited contemporary strains of emerging EVs of public health concern, including EV-A71, coxsackievirus (CV)-A24v, and EV-D68. Importantly, unlike (S)-fluoxetine, these compounds are no longer neuroactive. By raising resistant EV-A71, CV-B3, and EV-D68 variants against one of these inhibitors, we identified novel 2C resistance mutations. Reverse engineering of these mutations revealed a conserved mechanism of resistance development. Resistant viruses first acquired a mutation in, or adjacent to, the α2 helix of 2C. This mutation disrupted compound binding and provided drug resistance, but this was at the cost of viral fitness. Additional mutations at distantly localized 2C residues were then acquired to increase resistance and/or to compensate for the loss of fitness. Using computational methods to identify solvent accessible tunnels near the α2 helix in the EV-A71 and PV 2C crystal structures, a conserved binding pocket of the inhibitors is proposed

    Monitoring of Farm-Level Antimicrobial Use to Guide Stewardship: Overview of Existing Systems and Analysis of Key Components and Processes

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    peer-reviewedThe acknowledgment of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a major health challenge in humans, animals and plants, has led to increased efforts to reduce antimicrobial use (AMU). To better understand factors influencing AMR and implement and evaluate stewardship measures for reducing AMU, it is important to have sufficiently detailed information on the quantity of AMU, preferably at the level of the user (farmer, veterinarian) and/or prescriber or provider (veterinarian, feed mill). Recently, several countries have established or are developing systems for monitoring AMU in animals. The aim of this publication is to provide an overview of known systems for monitoring AMU at farm-level, with a descriptive analysis of their key components and processes. As of March 2020, 38 active farm-level AMU monitoring systems from 16 countries were identified. These systems differ in many ways, including which data are collected, the type of analyses conducted and their respective output. At the same time, they share key components (data collection, analysis, benchmarking, and reporting), resulting in similar challenges to be faced with similar decisions to be made. Suggestions are provided with respect to the different components and important aspects of various data types and methods are discussed. This overview should provide support for establishing or working with such a system and could lead to a better implementation of stewardship actions and a more uniform communication about and understanding of AMU data at farm-level. Harmonization of methods and processes could lead to an improved comparability of outcomes and less confusion when interpreting results across systems. However, it is important to note that the development of systems also depends on specific local needs, resources and aims
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