55 research outputs found

    The influence of cultural background in intercultural dementia care: exemplified by Sami patients

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    Vitenskapelig artikkel. Omhandler betydningen av kultur i kommunikasjon med samiske personer med demens.Aim: To gain knowledge about how the original culture may influence communication and interaction with institutionalised patiens with dementia and of what particular cultural aspects may come to the fore, exemplified by Sami patients. Method: Qualitative narrative interviews with 15 interviewees, family members of Sami patients with dementia and nursing staff experienced with dementia care were conducted. Hermeneutic, thematic analysis was used. Findings: Although the way dementia influence mental functions, language, etc. is universal, behaviours, reactions and responses may be coloured by patient's background culture. Knowledge of language, cultural codes and the patient's former life are primary keys to understanding. Rhythm of life, spirituality, sining and tangible aspects of traditional culture like clothes and food constitute important aspects of culture-appropriate care

    Culturally congruent and linguistically correct translations of proms as a basis for communication in healthcare

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    Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are questionnaires used in clinical settings to provide information of a patient’s health status. In encounters with ethnic minority patients, translations of these are needed. However, producing linguistically correct and culturally congruent translations of PROMs is complicated. The aim of the study was to investigate the challenges of translating PROMs according to standard translatory rules. The methods were literature research, forward-and-back translations, discussions with those doing the translations, and in-depth interviews with other translators. Thematic analysis. The findings showed that forward-and-back translation was not found to result in meaningful translations for patients. One key issue was poor/incorrect translations; this often occurred due to translators being unfamiliar with biomedical terminology, the exact concepts do not exist as such in the target language, the professional terms are not used in every day/oral language, and/or the patient's level of education made understanding the PROMs difficult. Successful medical treatment depends on PROMs being understood and correctly filled in. Poor/incorrect translations may cause important background information to be missed, which can potentially result in insufficient treatment or even misdiagnosis.publishedVersio

    Culturally congruent and linguistically correct translations of proms as a basis for communication in healthcare

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License.Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are questionnaires used in clinical settings to provide information of a patient’s health status. In encounters with ethnic minority patients, translations of these are needed. However, producing linguistically correct and culturally congruent translations of PROMs is complicated. The aim of the study was to investigate the challenges of translating PROMs according to standard translatory rules. The methods were literature research, forward-and-back translations, discussions with those doing the translations, and in-depth interviews with other translators. Thematic analysis. The findings showed that forward-and-back translation was not found to result in meaningful translations for patients. One key issue was poor/incorrect translations; this often occurred due to translators being unfamiliar with biomedical terminology, the exact concepts do not exist as such in the target language, the professional terms are not used in every day/oral language, and/or the patient's level of education made understanding the PROMs difficult. Successful medical treatment depends on PROMs being understood and correctly filled in. Poor/incorrect translations may cause important background information to be missed, which can potentially result in insufficient treatment or even misdiagnosis.publishedVersio

    ”Between a rock and a hard place”: newly graduated nurses` assessment of postoperative pain.

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    ”Between a rock and a hard place”. Newly graduated nurses` assessment of postoperative pain. Despite concerns about postoperative pain assessment and management, research demonstrate that many patients still suffer unnecessarily. Nurses‟ competence and knowledge are keys to successful pain relief. In this qualitative study newly graduated nurses` 1) assessment of patients` post-operative pain, and 2) efforts to increase their personal professional knowledge are explored through two focus group interviews, each with six surgical unit nurses. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to Kvale‟s methodology. Factors such as multidisciplinary collaboration, routines for assessment of pain, environment, and adaptation of practical and theoretical knowledge, impacted greatly on how newly graduated nurses assessed and understood post operative pain. They found it challenging to communicate their perceptions of patients‟ post operative pain to members of the interdisciplinary team, particularly to surgeons. As they found that what they learned during 2 their nurses‟ training was inadequate on a specialized unit, they easily became part of its culture and routines. Greater emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration is necessary. Further shared perception of strategies for pain relief should be developed

    Digitalisering i skolen: en stein til byrden eller en kilde til Ăžkt kunnskap? En kvalitativ dokumentanalyse av et utvalg aktĂžrers tanker og fortellinger om den digitale skolen

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    Denne oppgaven handler om den digitale skolens rolle i utredelsen av sosiale ulikheter blant norske barn i dag. FormÄlet med oppgaven er Ä undersÞke hvilke tanker og fortellinger aktÞrer fra skolefeltet har om den digitale skolen, og hvorvidt disse fortellingene kan si noe om den sosiale ulikheten. Det har ogsÄ vÊrt et mÄl og kartlegge hvordan opplÊringen i digitale ferdigheter foregÄr i dag, og om den enkelte elev sin Þkonomiske, sosiale og kulturelle kapital har noe Ä si for lÊringsutbyttet eleven fÄr i den digitale opplÊringen. Oppgavens empiriske materiale bestÄr av et utvalg skolepolitiske dokumenter i form av styringsdokumenter, og ulike aktÞrer sine ytringer i den offentlige debatten. Den metodiske tilnÊrmingen som har blitt anvendt er en kvalitativ dokumentanalyse med enkelte trekk fra ideanalysen. Det teoretiske rammeverket i oppgaven bestÄr av Bourdieus teorier om makt, klasse og samfunnsstruktur, i tillegg til en beskrivelse av velferdsstaten, den norske modell og pedagogiske endringsprosesser. Teoriene brukes i oppgavens diskusjonsdel for Ä bidra til Ä tolke resultat. NÄr det gjelder forholdet mellom den digitale opplÊringen og sosial ulikhet blant elevene viser funnene gjort i analysen at det basert pÄ hvordan den digitale opplÊringen gjÞres i dag, tilsynelatende finnes sosiale ulikheter i elevenes digitale kompetanse, og at disse kan Þke dersom det ikke settes inn utjevnende tiltak. Koronapandemien har vÊrt med pÄ Ä synliggjÞre disse forskjellene, og dermed ogsÄ satt problematikken pÄ dagsorden igjen

    Providing safe maternity care under challenging conditions in rural Ethiopia : a qualitative study

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    Background: Women’s health and the reduction in the global maternal mortality rate is a research priority worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the structural conditions that influence the maternity care provided for women in rural Ethiopia. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was conducted, composed of 28 individual in-depth interviews with midwives and women who had given birth during the past 8 months, and observations of maternity care at health centres and a primary hospital. A thematic analysis was conducted. Results: The midwives do their utmost to save the lives of mothers and prioritise saving lives over providing compassionate care. Inadequate resources, such as equipment, medicine and water, affect the quality of care they provide for the birthing women. This creates a conflict between the midwives’ ideals and what conditions allow them to do. Families and the women’s network play important roles in providing care and support to the women who give birth in health facilities. Conclusions: Structural conditions make it difficult for Ethiopian midwives in rural areas to provide optimal maternity care. In addition to the availability of professional midwifery care, the expectant mothers’ families and networks also tend to provide important support and care. Further studies on how to improve the quality of maternity care from the women’s perspective are needed. Keywords: Maternity care, Childbirth, Structural conditions, Qualitative method, Rural area, Ethiopia.publishedVersio

    Coping with moral distress on acute psychiatric wards: A qualitative study

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    Background: Nurses working within acute psychiatric settings often face multifaceted moral dilemmas and incompatible demands. Methods: Qualitative individual and focus group interviews were conducted. Ethical considerations: Approval was received from the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. Ethical Research Guidelines were followed. Participants and research context: Thirty nurses working within acute psychiatric wards in two mental health hospitals. Results: Various coping strategies were used: mentally sorting through their ethical dilemmas or bringing them to the leadership, not ‘bringing problems home’ after work or loyally doing as told and trying to make oneself immune. Colleagues and work climate were important for choice of coping strategies. Discussion: Nurses’ coping strategies may influence both their clinical practice and their private life. Not facing their moral distress seemed to come at a high price. Conclusions: It seems essential for nurses working in acute psychiatric settings to come to terms with distressing events and identify and address the moral issues they face. As moral distress to a great extent is an organisational problem experienced at a personal level, it is important that a work climate is developed that is open for ethical discussions and nourishes adaptive coping strategies and moral resilience.publishedVersio

    A Migratory Divide Among Red-Necked Phalaropes in the Western Palearctic Reveals Contrasting Migration and Wintering Movement Strategies

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    Non-breeding movement strategies of migratory birds may be expected to be flexibly adjusted to the distribution and quality of habitat, but only few studies compare movement strategies between populations using distinct migration routes and wintering areas. In thisour study, individual movement strategies of Rred-necked pPhalaropes Phalaropus lobatus, a long-distance migratory wader using saline waters in the non-breeding period, were studied using light-level geolocators. Results revealed the existence of two populations with distinct migration routes and wintering areas: one breeding in the north-eastern North Atlantic and migrating ca. 10,000 km oversea to the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean and the other breeding in Fennoscandia and Russia migrating ca. 6,000 km – largely over land – to the Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean). In line with our expectations, the transoceanic migration between the North Atlantic and the Pacific was associated with proportionately longer wings, a more even spread of stopovers in autumn and a higher migration speed in spring compared to the migration between Fennoscandian-Russian breeding grounds and the Arabian Sea. In the wintering period, birds wintering in the Pacific were stationaryresided in roughly a singlethe same area, whereas individuals wintering in the Arabian Sea showed individually consistent movementsd extensively between different areas, reflecting differences in spatio-temporal variation in primary productivity between the two wintering areas. Our study is unique in showing how habitat distribution shapes movement strategies over the entire non-breeding period within a species.Peer reviewe
