1,048 research outputs found

    Photosynthesis of C3 and C4 Species in Response to Increased CO2 Concentration and Drought Stress

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    Photosynthetic gas exchange in response to increased carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) and drought stress of two C3 (wheat and kale) and two C4 species (Echinochloa crusgallii and Amaranthus caudatus) were analysed. Plants were grown in controlled growth chambers with ambient (350 mol mol-1) and doubled ambient [CO2]. Drought was given by withholding water until the plants severely wilted, whereas the control plants were watered daily. Even though stomatal conductance (Gs) of C4 species either under ambient or double [CO2] was lower than those in C3, doubled [CO2] decreased Gs of all species under well watered conditions. As a result, the plants grown under doubled [CO2] transpired less water than those grown under ambient [CO2]. Photosynthesis (Pn) of the C4 species was sustained during moderate drought when those of the C3 species decreased significantly. Doubled [CO2] increased photosynthesis of C3 but not of C4 species. Increased [CO2] was only able to delay Pn reduction of all species due to the drought, but not remove it completely. The positive effects of increased [CO2] during moderate drought and the disappearance of it under severe drought suggesting that metabolic effect may limit photosynthesis under severe drought

    Klorofil Floresen dari Spesies C3 dan C4 dalam Responnya terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan

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    Klorofil floresen fotosintesis dari dua spesies C3 (gandum dan kale) dan dua spesies C4 (Echinochloa cursgallii dan Amaranthus caudatus) dianalisis dalam responnya terhadap cekaman kekeringan di rumah kaca. Tumbuhan ditanam dalam pot berdiameter 15 cm selama sebulan kemudian diberi perlakuan kekeringan dengan penundaan penyiraman hingga tumbuhan layu. Kuantum efisiensi maksimum dari sistem cahaya II fotosintesis (Fv/Fm), quenching foto kimia (qP) dan non-fotokimia (qN) dianalisis untuk mengetahui keadaan fotosintesis tumbuhan selama cekaman kekeringan. Walaupun tidak ada pola yang jelas dalam hal status air dari spesies C3 dan C4, cekaman kekeringan yang diberikan menyebabkan penurunan kadar air medium (MWC), potensial air (WP) dan potensial osmotik (OP) semua spesies.  Gandum mamiliki nilai WP dan OP yang paling rendah sementara E. crusgallii memiliki nilai yang paling tinggi akibat cekaman kekeringan. Kekeringan menyebabkan penurunan laju fotosintesis pada semua spesies yang ditandai dengan penurunan qP, namun hanya kale dan A. caudatus yang mengalami peningkatan qN akibat cekaman kekeringan. Tetap stabilnya qP dari E. crusgallii pada awal cekaman mungkin berkaitan dengan mekanisme C4 yang dimiliki oleh spesies ini.  Penurunan Fv/Fm pada E. crusgallii pada periode akhir cekaman menunjukkan bahwa spesies ini mengalami fotoinhibisi disebabkan cekaman kekeringan


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    Tujuan penulisan ini, untuk mengelaborasi fenomena Pancasila dalam konteks sosial politik NKRI.Pancasila selalu diuji “kesaktian”nya, sehingga berbagai wacana dinamis selalu mengemuka, terutama dalam tataran praksis kenegaraan. Kini Presiden Jokowi telah mengangkat Pengarah dan Kepala Unit Presiden Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila melalui Keputusan Presiden No 31/M/2017. Ironis, pentingnya Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan dasar NKRI seakan tergantung kepada rejim penguasa. Peringatan 1 Juni kembali hadir, bahkan menjadi libur nasional, setalah “cuti” di rejim orde baru, dan kalah populer dengan hari kesaktian Pancasila 1 Oktober. Di sisi lain praktik Pancasila dihadapkan pada pengaruh liberalisasi demokrasi dan pasar bebas, dan telah mendorong para elite negara dan warga masuk wilayah materialisme yang sangat pragmatis, bahkan ditengarai terjebak praktik korupsi yang amat masif di level eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif. Situasi ini mendorong Pancasila berada dalam situasi paradoks. Keyword: Pancasila; Paradoks; Ideologi; Kekuasaa

    Physiological Responses and Fruit Retention of Carambola Fruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) Induced by 2,4-D and GA3

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    One of the problems in cultivation of carambola fruit is the high of flower and fruit drop during fruit development. To understand these problems and to improve fruit retention, the content of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and total sugar in carambola fruit and leaves were analysed in response to application of gibberellic acid (GA3) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The experiments used 1,5 year old of carambola plants (Averrhoa carambola L. var Dewi) grown in polybag of 40 x 50 cm. GA3 with the concentration of 0, 20, 40, and 60 ppm and 2,4-D of 0, 5, 10, and 15 ppm were applied to the flower and the supporting leaves of carambola plant. The parameters analysed were number of flower drop, fruit formation, fruit retention, number of harvestable fruit per cluster, fruit weight per cluster, the content of sugar in the leaves and IAA in the fruit. The result showed that IAA content of the fruit increased in response to single as well as combination of GA3 and 2,4-D application. Sugar content of the leaves also increased in response to GA3 and 2,4-D application; however, the pattern was different with that of IAA. The best treatment to improve fruit retention was a single application of 10 ppm 2,4-D or 60 ppm GA3, and combined application of 5 ppm 2,4-D and 60 ppm GA3. Key words: fruit drop, fruit retention, carambola fruit, auxin, gibberelli

    Respon Pertumbuhan Spesies C3 dan C4 terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan dan Konsentrasi CO2 tinggi

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    Growth response of two C3 (wheat and kale) and two C4 species (Echinochloa crusgallii and Amaranthus caudatus) were analyzed in response to drought stress under different CO2 concentrations, i.e. ambient (350 ppm) and double ambient (700 ppm).  Drought was given by withholding water for several days until the plants were wilted.  Drought stress reduced relative water content (RWC), water potential (Yw), osmotic potential (Ys), net photosynthesis (Pn) and plant growth of all species.  During moderate drought Pn of C3 species decreased considerably, while that of C4 species was still sustained, suggesting that C4 cycle is important to sustain Pn during the beginning of the drought.  Doubled [CO2] enhanced growth of all species indicated by increase of plant height and leaf area, but the growth of C3 species was higher than that of C4 one.  Increase of growth due to high [CO2] was associated with an increase of Pn in C3 species but not in C4 species.  High [CO2] caused C4 species had RWC, Yw and Ys higher than C3 species during drought stress.  Increase of growth in C4 species may be associated by an increase of plant water status due to high [CO2].   

    Cellular and Ultrastructure Alteration of Plant Roots in Response to Metal Stress

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    Metal stress is among the important environmental stresses, which influences the growth and development of plants and crops in many areas in the biosphere. Root is an important gate for the absorption of water and mineral nutrition which in many types of lands is also accompanied by a higher concentration of metal elements, either essential (such as Fe, Mn, and Cu) or non-essential metal elements or heavy metals (such as Al, Pb, Hg, Cd, and Ag). In response to metal stress, plant roots sometimes develop a cellular structure to prevent excessive concentration of metal components to avoid toxic effects and cellular damage. Physiological and biochemical responses at the cellular level, which result in ultrastructure changes may occur due to or to avoid the negative effect of metal toxicity. In many cases it was followed by the reduction of root growth followed by discontinuing entirely plant growth. On the other hand, the structural changes are an important part of root mechanism to sustain the plant from metal toxicity. In this chapter, different changes in the cellular ultrastructure resulting from toxic damage or indicating tolerance response to metal stress will be elucidated

    The Language of Gratitude: “Alhamdulillah” as an Expression of Appreciation to Improve Well-Being

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    The expression of gratitude is an emotion that has a significant expression in influencing happiness as well as individual well-being and increasing optimism in life. The expression of gratitude is also able to foster better relationships in social life. This study aims to explore the concept of gratitude in Indonesian communities by looking at the role of language as a medium of appreciation through expression. By using verbal expression, a person can convey the expression of appreciation and give appreciation to others for every good in life behavior. Each individual consciously expresses sincere gratitude with their language. Furthermore the adoption of religious language such as the expression "Alhamdulillah" and so on as an expression of gratitude provide its own happiness satisfaction to improve well-being. Gratitude with a particular language shows pro-social behavior, encourages each other in creating a positive reciprocal cycle in shaping a broader social and cultural context and creates acceptance in each individual, building stronger transedental relationships. The role of language provides a strong bond to form the habitual behavior of gratitude and leads to optimism and a more positive outlook on life especially certain expressions in a community that become a positive feedback loop in social communication

    إعداد المادة التعليمية لمهارة الكلام من الحوار القرآني في سورة الكهف نموذجا

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    The background of the research comes from learners’ difficulties in developing their language competencies especially speaking skill. Therefore, Arabic learning for foreign learner needs a good quality of speaking skill. It is really necessary to develop their speaking skill through good expressions and grammar in speaking especially for advanced learner. In this case, the researcher found that learners of Arabic speaking skill are still poor and uncreative because learners still do not notice the art of Arabic speaking. Through this underlying reason, the researcher composes sample of Arabic learning material for speaking skill inspired from dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi. Hence, it leads to the question about the appropriate example in Surah Al Kahfi which is suitable for learning Arabic speaking skill. This research uses descriptive analysis method consisting of: 1) Data Resource, 2) Data Collection, 3) Data Analysis, 4) Composing Learning Material. The result of this research shows that: 1) the dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi consists of three kinds of dialogue with various forms and models; 2) the dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi has special features which are able to be inspiration as learning model to sharpen Arabic speaking skill; 3) the dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi can be a guidance in composing learning material especially for speaking with artistic Arabic expressions

    Regenerasi Kalus Jati (Tectona grandis L.F.) dengan zat pengatur tumbuh IAA (Indole-3-Acetid Acid) dan kinetin secara In Vitro

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    Jati (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) merupakan tanaman yang sangat populer sebagai penghasil bahan baku untuk industri perkayuan karena memiliki kualitas dan nilai jual yang sangat tinggi. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi kebutuhan bibit dalam jumlah banyak yaitu melalui teknik in vitro. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan kalus tanaman jati secara in vitro dengan pemberian IAA dan kinetin. Kombinasi perlakuan IAA (0,5 ppm dan 1 ppm) dan kinetin (1 ppm, 3 ppm, dan 5 ppm). terhadap jumlah kalus A1K2 (91,6%), diameter kalus A2K3 (42,62 mm), bobot kalus A2K3 (844,4 mg), karakteristik kalus dan kombinasi perlakuan yang menghasilkan kalus terbanyak adalah A1K2 (IAA 0,5 ppm dan kinetin 3 ppm)

    Problem solving pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Indonesia (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Buku yang berisi tentang problematika pembelajaran bahasa arab di Indonesia dan solusinya cocok untuk pembelajar bahasa arab daan pengajar bahasa ara