Publikasi Online Fakultas Biologi UNSOED (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman)
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    356 research outputs found

    Deteksi Senyawa Psikotropika pada Jamur Koprofil yang Ditemukan di Wilayah Eks Karesidenan Banyumas Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian sebelumnya pada tahun 2018 di wilayah Eks Karesidenan Banyumas (Kabupaten: Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, dan Cilacap) mendapatkan adanya 12 genera jamur koprofil yang yaitu Panaeolus, Coprinopsis, Stropharia, Tricholoma, Lycoperdon, Ascobolus, Rhodocybe, Conocybe, Bolbitius, Leucocoprinus, Mycena, dan Hypholoma; Indeks dominansi genera jamur koprofil di wilayah eks Karesidenan Banyumas adalah sebesar 0,329; dan Jamur koprofil yang diperoleh dengan frekuensi kemunculan paling banyak adalah Coprinopsis (34,4%) dan Panaeolus (30,1%). Sebagai langkah awal dari pengenalan potensi psikotropika yang terkandung dalam jamur-jamur koprofil yang diperoleh di lingkungan sekitar, maka telah dilaksanakan penelitian mengenai deteksi keberadaan senyawa tersebut pada jamur-jamur koprofil yang telah didapatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya kandungan senyawa psikotropika pada jamur-jamur koprofil yang diperoleh di wilayah Eks Karesidenan Banyumas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode eksperimental-kualitatip dengan teknik analisis Chemical Spot Test/Uji Warna terhadap keberadaan kandungan senyawa psikotropika pada jamur-jamur yang diperoleh menggunakan Reagen Ehrlich dan Reagen Marquis. Data hasil deteksi senyawa psikotropika pada jamur koprofil yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dari ke 12 genera tersebut, 3 spesies dari masing-masing genus yaitu Panaeolus sp., Conocybe sp., dan Stropharia sp. terdeteksi sebagai spesies jamur psikotropika dengan memberikan reaksi warna yang positip pada kedua maupun salah satu reagen uji

    Keefektifan Pemberian Konsentrasi Limbah pada Akar Wangi (Vetiveria zizanoides ) Berbasis Sistem Constructed Wetland terhadap Limbah Cair Batik

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    Industri skala kecil atau skala besar dalam proses pengolahannya menghasilkan limbah cair dan padat. industri batik memberikan kontribusi dalam menghasilkan limbah cair. Indikator kimia merupakan salah satu cara untuk pengujian kualitas perairan dengan analisis BOD, COD. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi pencemaran dengan melakukan pengolahan limbah sebelum dibuang yaitu menggunakan tanaman akar wangi berbasis sistem rawa buatan (Constructed Wetland). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keefektifan pemberian konsentrasi limbah berbeda menggunakan tanaman akar wangi berbasis sistem rawa buatan (Constructed Wetland) terhadap kadar BOD, COD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan degsain RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) dengan 4 kali perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan dengan tanaman sebanyak 6 anakan akar wangi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, tanaman akar wangi memiliki keefektifan terhadap kadar BOD, COD limbah cair industri batik. Pemberian konsentrasi limbah cair batik terbaik yaitu 75% dengan penurunan kada BOD 68% dan penurunan kadar COD 66%


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    ABSTRAKMalnutrisi akibat kekurangan protein saat kehamilan berisiko melahirkan bayi berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) dan berdampak pada pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi anak. Kekurangan protein saat kehamilan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya gangguan mineralisasi gigi, ganggguan maturasi gigi, hambatan erupsi gigi,  kegoyahan gigi bahkan kehilangan gigi akibat penurunan kualitas tulang alveolar. Protein sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses metabolisme kalsium dalam tulang dan gigi. Vitamin D3 berperan dalam homeostasis kalsium dan fosfor yang dibutuhkan untuk mineralisasi jaringan keras termasuk tulang dan gigi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui umur pertama erupsi dan panjang pertumbuhan gigi insisivus mandibula sentralis kanan dan kiri saat masa erupsi pada anak malnutrisi yang menyusu pada induk dengan perlakuan diet protein dan suplementasi vitamin D3. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratoris dengan rancangan post test only control group design.  Sampel penelitian menggunakan 30 ekor tikus Rattus novergicus galur wistar yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu 2 kelompok kontrol meliputi kontrol positif (K+) berupa anak tikus dengan berat badan (BB) normal yang menyusu pada induk yang diberikan perlakuan diet protein standar dan suplementasi vitamin D dosis 0,036 IU/ hari peroral serta kontrol negatif (K-) berupa anak tikus malnutrisi yang menyusu pada induk yang diberikan perlakuan diet protein rendah selama masa menyusui. Kelompok perlakuan meliputi 3 kelompok anak tikus malnutrisi yang menyusu pada induk dengan diet protein standar dengan suplementasi vitamin D dosis 0,036 IU/ hari peroral (P1), diet protein standar dengan suplementasi vitamin D dosis 0,036 IU/ hari peroral (P2) serta diet protein standar saja selama masa menyusui. Hari pertama erupsi diukur secara visual dan panjang pertumbuhan gigi diukur pada umur 14 hari dan 22 hari dengan menggunakan sliding caliper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa erupsi paling cepat terjadi pada kelompok K+ kemudian P1. Kelompok P2 dan P3 mengalami kecepatan erupsi yang sama yaitu pada rerata umur 10,2 hari, sedangkan kelompok K- mengalami erupsi gigi paling lambat yaitu mencapai rerata umur 11,5 hari. Pemberian diet protein standar dan vitamin D3 dosis 0,036 IU/hari peroral menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap panjang pertumbuhan gigi. Pemberian diet protein standar menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna terhadap panjang pertumbuhan gigi. Pemberian diet protein rendah dan vitamin D3 dosis 0,036 IU/hari peroral menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna terhadap panjang pertumbuhan gigi insisivus sentralis mandibula kiri namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada regio kanan. Kombinasi diet protein standar dengan vitamin D3 dosis 0,036 IU/ hari per oral yang saat masa menyusui mempercepat waktu erupi gigi dan meningkatkan panjang pertumbuhan gigi insisivus sentralis mandibula kanan dan kiri anak tikus dari umur 14 hingga 22 hari.


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    AbstraCTRoot-knot nematode is one of the parasitic nematodes on plants that can cause losses in agriculture. Plant parasites are one of the obstacles to increasing the growth of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.). One of the plant parasites that causes the decrease in tomato plants is the root-knot nematode caused by Meloidygne hapla. Nematodes can infect plants through their roots and can live in tissues causing disruption of root work. The large number of losses in agriculture requires nematode controllers to overcome these nematode attacks. The use of chemical nematicides is widely used by farmers to overcome nematode attacks, but this can have a negative impact on the environment, so alternative nematicides that are environmentally friendly are needed. This study aims to determine the potential ability of the Nematode Trapping Fungus isolated from the Lau Kawar area as a biocontrol agent to press the attack of Meloidogyne hapla on tomato plants. In this study, a completely randomized design was used with 5 treatments namely K(-), K(+), KBF (Carbofuran), LK TS, and LK TK with 3 replications each for 35 days. In vitro assay of nematode-trapping fungi on free-living nematodes was carried out and the test results showed that LK TS isolate had the ability to reduce nematode numbers by 94.5% and LK TK isolate by 86.1% at 24 hours of observation. Based on the bioassay test results, the isolates LK TS and LK TK had the ability to act as biocontrol agents in suppressing the number of vermiform nematodes, root swelling, and root knots in tomato plant roots. LK TS isolate could reduce the number of root nodes by 78% and LK TK isolates by 57.5%. The use of Meloidogyne hapla in research is a nematode that has the lowest infectious power compared to other types of nematodes. There was no significant difference in the effect of nematode infection on the growth of tomato plants.


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    Water is a basic necessity for living things. The catchment area (DTA) is very important to be conserved to maintain water availability and prevent the exploitation of springs. Studies on water and land conservation in Beji Village, Ngawen Sub-district are still very limited, especially DTA outside Wonosadi indigenous forest area. This study aims to study structure and composition of tree vegetation in DTA Wonosadi, Gunungkidul. Determination of DTA analyzed by using ArcGIS 10.2 with overlay of Hydrogeology Map, Indonesian Earth Map (RBI), and QuickBird Image. Analysis of vegetation in the analysis using Microsoft Excel software. Tree vegetation analysis used 10 m x 10 m square plot (40 plots) on each vegetation density class of DTA. The results showed that area of DTA Wonosadi was 23.300.924 m2. S. macrophylla King has highest density overall. S. macrophylla King, Tectona grandis L and Tectona grandis L has the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) of each vegetation class. This research concluded that tree vegetation structure in DTA Wonosadi is dominated by poles growth form. Tectona grandis L. is species that has the highest INP, which potentially affect ground water availability and reduce water discharge


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    Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) can be used as a treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasis because it contains essential oils where there are flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and saponins which can inhibit growth and kill fungal cells of Candida albicans. The purpose of this study was to determine the antifungal activity of basil leaf extract (O. basilicum) with variations in the concentration of the solution to the inhibition of C. albicans in vitro in vulvovaginal candidiasis. This study was an experimental study with basil leaf extract samples with various concentrations of 6.25 mg / ml; 12.5 mg / ml; 25 mg / ml; 50 mg / ml; 100 mg / ml; control (+) by giving 2% ketoconazole and control (-) by giving 10% DMSO. The research method uses disc diffusion test. Phytochemical tests of basil leaves showed that the leaves contained flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and saponins positively. The inhibition of C. albicans is best in the extract of O. basilicum leaves with a concentration of 100 mg/ml. The greater the concentration of the extract given, the more inhibited power will be formed because the concentration of the bioactive components contained in the extract is higher. Key Words: Basil leaf extract, Candida albicans, Inhibitory power, Antifungal compound


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    Etnobotani merupakan ilmu tentang pemanfaatan keanekaragaman tumbuhan di alam oleh masyarakat lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan etnobotani tumbuhan Avicennia di Desa Pagatan Besar Kabupaten Tanah Laut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari kajian botani tumbuhan Avicennia berhabitus pohon, akar nafas, batang monopodial bentuk bulat, daun tunggal, bunga majemuk, buah sejati tunggal dan terdapat tiga spesies: Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba dan Avicennia officinalis. Kajian farmakologi digunakan sebagai obat antifertilitas/KB. Kajian etnoekologi terdiri dari faktor biotik yang sesuai untuk menunjang pertumbuhan, keberadaan Avicennia sebagai pencegah abrasi, penahan gelombang dan penahan angin serta memiliki penyebaran populasi masih banyak pada fase pra reproduktif dan kategori tidak kritis. Pada kajian etnososioantropologi sebagai penanda air laut akan pasang. Kajian etno-ekonomi sebagai kayu bakar, cemilan, tutup botol kecap, arang dan objek wisata. Kajian etno-linguistik diberi nama api-api dikarenakan bersifat panas ketika terkena getahnya dan dimanfaatkan sebagai kayu bakar yang menghasilkan api

    The Application of Two Steps Culture in Agarwood, Aquilaria malaccensis, In Vitro Culture Improves Microshoots Induction and Development

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    Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) is an important species with high economic value and has many benefits, which led to an overexploitation in its natural habitat.  An effort to both provides sufficient seedling for agarwood cultivation and conservation is therefore much needed. This study has been carried out with a view to determine the effect of media types and BAP concentrations in two steps cultivation system on agarwood microshoot induction. This was a two stage-experiments i.e., microshoots induction and optimizing shoot development.  The research results showed that the interaction between different media type and BAP concentrations had no significant effect on agarwood microshoot induction.  Subsequent culture on MS media without any BAP addition showed that explant derived from MS medium solidified with 2.5 gr. L-1 Phytagel produced 2.36 ± 0.48 shoots/explant and 3.69 ± 1.16 leaves/explant.  In addition, explant derived from culture on MS medium supplemented with 4 µM BAP produced 2.28 ± 0.61 shoots/explant. This is for the first time the application of two steps culture system for Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) has been deployed and how the habituation phenomenon is handled


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    Heavy metals can generally act as EDCs. Likewise chromium hexavalent may serve as a Endocrine Disrupter, especially the fish reproductive system. This study aims to determine the effect of chromium hexavalent on estradiol content, ovarian development and liver of nilem female (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.), the researchers also want to see the dose of chromium hexavalent most influential on estradiol levels, ovarian development, and liver of nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.) as well as the interaction between reproduction parameters with water quality of maintenance media of nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.).This study uses the method of "quantitative experimental". The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design with treatment of chromium hexavalent dose of 0, 0.009, 0.018, 0.027 and 0.036 mg/L performed in 5 replications at 3 stages, ie 1st, 2nd, and 3th months post-spawning maintenance. At 1st month of maintenance, chromium hexavalent did not significantly affect the reproductive parameters of GSI (Gonadosomatic Index), fecundity, HSI and estradiol. The chromium hexavalent had no significant effect on GSI, fecundity and estradiol and significantly affected HSI at 2nd months of maintenance. Chromium hexavalent significantly affected GSI, fecundity, HSI and estradiol in a 3th month maintenance trial


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    The Pasirbatang rehabilitation zone is part of the Ciremai Mountain National Park (TNGC) which is on the south side has experienced degradation. Therefore, planting was carried out in this zone with local species in 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the vegetation structure and richness of the Ficus clan in the rehabilitation zone. This research was conducted in July-September 2018 with the method of placing the sampling plot on the specified path. A total of 31 species were found at various levels of growth with the Important Value Index (IVI) at the tree level (192.12%) in the form of Pinus merkusii, pole level (66.38%) in the form of Nauclea lanceolata, sapling level (141.72%) and seedlings (148.69%) in the form of Caliandra callothyrsus. Potential of Ficus spp is spread in various growth rates, namely species of F. septica, F. ampelas, F. variegata and F. fistulosa with the highest density at seedling level (166 ind / ha), and followed by sapling levels (64 ind / ha), poles (16 ind / ha) and trees (0.67 ind / ha). This Ficus wealth is considered important for the zone rehabilitation program in the Mount Ciremai National Par


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