48 research outputs found

    Indonesian Geography Regional Study Results in UNP Students

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    Regional Geography Indonesia courses are subject areas of expertise in the Department of Geography FIS UNP. Based on an initial survey of learning outcomes in the Regional Geography Indonesia course in the last five years it was revealed that the achievement of learning outcomes was classified as low to moderate. Students who mastered the material 85% not more than 15% students and the average student who mastered the material 68%, meaning that students get a value of B. This study aims to determine the direct and indirect influence of the use of learning resources, the ability to read maps and socioeconomic status as well as learning motivation towards the learning outcomes of Indonesian Regional Geography. The research method used is quantitative with a path analysis approach. The population of this research is all students majoring in Geography who have taken Indonesian Regional Geography courses totalling 507 people. The research sample was drawn by proportional random sampling of 84 respondents. The analysis shows the use of learning resources (X1) the ability to read maps (X2) socioeconomic status (X3) and motivation to learn (Y), which directly or indirectly influence the regional learning outcomes of Indonesian geography (Z)

    Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Berbasis Ekowisata-Kultural di Seribu Air Terjun Nagari Dalko Kabupaten Agam

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    Tourist objects are everything that is unique, beautiful, and of high value in the form of diversity of natural and artificial wealth which is the target or destination of tourist recreational visits so that tourist destinations are called destinations. Nagari Dalko has a tourist attraction in the form of a waterfall called the Thousand Waterfalls which has the potential to be developed into a national and even international tourist destination. This waterfall has the potential to become a new tourist destination, but because of its less than optimal management and promotion, it is neglected and there are not many visitors. The purpose of this activity is to develop the Waterfall to become one of the favorite natural tourist destinations in Nagari Dalko and promote it through the Website. The development concept offered by the PKM Team is based on cultural ecotourism, which combines the concept of ecotourism with local culture and traditions. The method used in this community service is ABCD (Asset, Bassed, Community and Development) by providing understanding and skills training to the Pokdarwis Community and the Community with a system of discussions, tutorials, and mentoring. The results of these activities include (a) Community and Pokdarwis are able to understand the concept of cultural ecotourism-based tourism development. (b) Community and Pokdarwis are able to conceptualize events that combine cultural tourism with nature tourism, (c) Able to promote the Waterfall by utilizing the Website and social media

    The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Type Numbered Heads Together to Improved Students Learning Competence of BiologyClass X MIA 2 SMA Negeri 2 Solok Selatan

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    Students’ competency in learning of  Biology at class X MIA2  of SMAN 2 Solok Selatan are not optimum yet. It is necessary to increase students’ competency by implementing cooperative learning model of Numbered Heads Together type. This research aim to approve students’ competency in learning Biology by applied of Numbered Heads Together Model. This research done in two cycles ( P1 and P2 plus 1 precycle P0). Each cycle consisted of three lessons. There are four phases in the cycle; planning, action, observation, and reflection. The instruments of the research were observation sheet on the teachers activities, learning competence and questionnaire research. The data was collected through observation and a learning achievement test. The data analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that the students’ activity and competency were increase. The students’ achievement involved the cognitive, that is the number of students who passed were P0 64,00%, P1 76,00% to P2 88,00%. The students affective were P0 56,00%, P1 63,07% to P2 77,73%. and the students’ psychomotoric were P0 59,00%, P1 68,28% to P2 78,71%. Research questionnaire containing statements student responses to the application of Numbered Heads Together Model increased from P1 80.86% to P2 84.93% . It can be concluded that the using of Numbered Heads Together increased students’ competency in learning Biology at X MIA2 class of SMAN 2 Solok Selatan


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    Based on the observations of researchers in the field, it can be seen that the application of self-discipline must still be improved and evaluated to be even better because self-discipline is one of the character education that is quite difficult to apply, especially in the discipline of school lesson tasks. This study aims to determine the evaluation of the implementation of self-discipline in students of SMK Taruna Pekanbaru. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive approach using the CIPP method (Context, Input, Process, and Product). The instruments used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study were found in terms of the context of program implementation as expected. This suitability can be seen from the background of the problem of evaluating this implementation which is clearly carried out, namely to improve the implementation of character education, especially in an attitude of respect, solidarity, tolerance, love for the motherland, nationalism, and responsibility. In terms of inputs, which include the resources owned, plans, and strategies in implementing self-discipline that has been applied in the environment of SMK Taruna Pekanbaru well.The Process aspect is as expected. This is due to the side of the person in charge, namely the principal, vice principal, and related teachers, as well as the TNI and Polri who are used as partners. There are many products and even all students come on time, enter classes according to the study hours schedule, wear full school attributes, and are neat in dressing

    Pelatihan Karya Tulis Ilmiah Guru Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan Se Kecamatan Padang Barat

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    Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, motivasi guru PJOK Kecamatan Padang Barat Kota Padang dalam menulis artikel karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ilmiah. Metode kegiatan pelatihan karya ilmiah ini dengan ceramah, praktik mendelay, pembuatan karya ilmiah yang siap diterbitkan dalam jurnal ilmiah. Adapun materi (1) standar riset dan struktur artikel ilmiah, (2) template artikel dan mencari references berbasis teknologi, (3) references mendelay dan praktik menulis artikel dan (4) cara submit artikel (5) praktik menulis artikel masing-masing peserta. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 25 orang guru PJOK Padang Barat Kota Padang. Tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian di ruang sidang Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan UNP. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan dapat simpulkan hasil pengabdiab beriku: (1) adanya peningkatan pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan motivasi guru PJOK se Kec. Padang barat, (2) Peningkatan keterampilan guru PJOK SD Padang Barat Kota Padang dalam penulisan artikel sebanyak 25 artikel yang dihasilkan oleh peserta berupa produk dari kegiatan pengabdian ini. Tercapainya target luaran yang dihasilkan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini Artikel jurnal nasional bereputasi (Sinta 4/5/6), Berita Koran terbitan Padang Ekspress dan video kegiata

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning dan Problem Based Learning dengan Self Confidence Terhadap Hasil Belajar Atletik Lari Jarak Pendek

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    The purpose of this study is to see the impact of three factors, namely  the Project Based Learning Model, the Problem Based Learning Learning Model, and the Level of Confidence (Self Confidence), on learning achievement in the discipline of Short Distance Running Athletics among students of State Junior High School 23 Pekanbaru. The method used in this study is a quasi-experiment with a quantitative approach. This study involved two sample groups, namely the experimental group and the control group, consisting of a total of 40 students. Data is collected through observations, tests, and documentation. The results of the data analysis showed several important findings as follows: First, the PjBL Learning Model has a significant impact on the learning achievement of Short Distance Running Athletics in students. Second, the PBL  Model also has a significant impact on the learning achievement of Short Distance Running Athletics in students. Third, Self Confidence also has a significant influence on the learning achievement of Short Distance Running Athletics in students. Conclusion, the PjBL Learning Model, PBL  Learning Model, and Self Confidence together contribute significantly to the achievement of Short Distance Running Athletics learning in students. Keywords: Learning Model Project Based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Self Confidence, and Learning Outcome


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    Tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) merupakan komoditas tanaman pangan yang memegang peranan penting di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas padi adalah dengan penerapan metode SRI (The System of Rice Intensification). Kendala yang didapati dalam penerapan budidaya padi metode SRI di lapangan adalah gulma yang sulit diatasi. Permasalahan gulma pada budidaya padi SRI dapat diatasi dengan cara pemakaian mulsa organik. Mulsa organik meliputi bahan sisa pertanian yang secara ekonomis kurang bermanfaat seperti jerami padi, daun jagung, dan paitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis mulsa organik yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi metode SRI dalam menekan pertumbuhan gulma. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan mulsa dengan dosis 10 ton/ha yaitu, mulsa jerami padi (A1); mulsa daun jagung (A2); mulsa daun paitan (A3). Data pengamatan dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan F hitung perlakuan yang berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai jenis mulsa organik belum berpengaruh terhadap komponen pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai jenis mulsa organik memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap bobot segar gulma yang disiangi pada 3, 5, 7 MST. Mulsa organik jerami padi, daun jagung, dan daun paitan dengan dosis 10 ton/ha belum mampu menekan pertumbuhan gulma setelah tanaman padi memasuki umur 3 MST. Mulsa organik jenis jerami padi dan daun jagung menghasilkan bobot segar gulma yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan mulsa daun paitan


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    Dalam bidang konseling dan psikologi, pendekatan lintas budaya dipandang sebagai kekuatan keempat setelah pendekatan psikodinamik, behavioral dan humanistik (Paul Pedersen, 1991). Banyak pengarang menulis tentang konseling lintas budaya sering dari populasi minoritas mereka sendiri, mengartikan secara berbeda-beda sebagaimana keragaman dan perbedaan budayanya. Dalam konseling lintas budaya terlibat adanya relasi antara konselor dan konseli Bagaimanapun relasi yang terjadi dalam konseling adalah relasi dalam situasi kemanusiaan, artinya baik konselor maupun klien adalah manusia dengan karakteristiknya masing–masing, baik karakteristik kepribadiannya maupun karakteristik nilai, moral dan budaya yang dibawa masing– masing. Dengan demikian relasi konseling tidaklah sederhana. Konselor harus memiliki kesadaran adanya perbedaan karakteristik (pribadi, nilai, moral, budaya) antara dirinya dengan kliennya, serta menghargai keunikan kliennya. Perbedaan-perbedaan ini bagaimanapun akan mempengaruhi proses konseling. Di sinilah perlunya konseling berwawasan lintas budaya, yaitu konseling yang mengakomodasi adanya perbedaan budaya antara konselor dan klien. Konseling berwawasan lintas budaya efektif untuk mengeleminir kemungkinan munculnya perilaku konselor yang menggunakan budayanya sendiri (counselor encaptulation) sebagai acuan dalam proses konselin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: tingkat sikap dan hasil belajar serta kuatu atau tidaknya hubungan keduanya dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMPN Kota Padang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengsn bentuk penelitian korelasional. Subjek penelitian adalah 176 peserta didik kelas VII dan VIII SMPN Kota Padang. Hasil penelitian analisis dari sikap peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa sikap peserta didik sangat positif sebanyak 33 orang atau sebesar 19%, pada kategori positif sebanyak 80 orang atau 45,45%, pada kategori kurang positif sebanyak 25 orang atau sebesar 15%, pada kategori negatif sebanyak 38 orang atau sebesar 22%. Hasil analisis data membuktikan bahwa hasil belajar adalah 77,13 berada pada kategori tinggi. Namun angka tersebut belum maksimal, sehingga mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Dari hasil korelasi Pearson Product Moment terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan signifikan antara sikap dengan hasil belajar dan koefisien korelasinya adalah 0,210. Dengan penelitian ini didapatkan informasi tentang hubungan sikap peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dengan hasil belajar di SMPN Kota Padang.Kata Kunci : Sikap, Hasil Belaja

    The effect of lateral run training, zig-zag run training and motivation practice on player’s agility women’s football

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    Based on the observation of the researcher is the low motivation to practice and the low agility of the female player Rajawali Football Club Padang The purpose of this study was effect of lateral run training, zig-zag run training, and motivation practice on player’s agility rajawali women’s football club Padang. This type of research is a quasi-experimental method that uses treatment with a Level 2 x 2 design, namely a factorial experiment involving two factors. The sample of this research is the female player Rajawali FC Padang who is 17 years old, totaling 20 people. Motivation practice data was measured using a questionnaire, and to measure football agility using the Illinois Agility test, then continued with testing requirements analysis of variance and data analysis using variance (ANAVA) 2 x 2. The results of data analysis showed that: (1) There was no difference in the effect of the lateral run training form and the zig-zag run training on the agility soccer players, (2) There was no interaction between the lateral run training, zig-zag run training and the player’s motivation on the agility soccer players