e-Journal Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah (UIN Raden Fatah Palembang)
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    Optimasi Pelayanan Pelanggan: Suatu Penelitian Analisis Kualitas Layanan

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    This research aims to optimize customer service through the analysis of service quality using a qualitative approach. Through the collection of descriptive data in the form of written and oral language from observable respondents, the study seeks to delve into individual or group phenomena related to customer service. The research methodology adopts the Miles and Huberman model with a focus on data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results of this data analysis are expected to provide a complex overview of customer service quality, identify weaknesses or deficiencies that may exist, and provide a basis for improvement recommendations. This research contributes to understanding customer expectations and perceptions, advancing the understanding of customer service in the context of modern business, and providing a foundation for company strategies to achieve a competitive advantage through superior customer service.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan pelanggan melalui analisis kualitas layanan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Melalui pengumpulan data deskriptif berupa bahasa tertulis dan lisan dari responden yang dapat diamati, penelitian ini mencoba mendalami fenomena individu atau kelompok terkait dengan pelayanan pelanggan. Metode penelitian mengadopsi model Miles dan Huberman dengan fokus pada penyajian data, reduksi data, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil analisis data ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran kompleks tentang kualitas layanan pelanggan, mengidentifikasi kelemahan atau kekurangan yang mungkin ada, dan memberikan dasar untuk rekomendasi perbaikan. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam memahami ekspektasi dan persepsi pelanggan, memajukan pemahaman tentang pelayanan pelanggan dalam konteks bisnis modern, dan memberikan landasan untuk strategi perusahaan dalam mencapai keunggulan kompetitif melalui pelayanan pelanggan yang unggul


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    Terdapat dua tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini. (1) Untuk mengetahui gaya leadership yang dikembangkan oleh Kepala Sekolah terhadap karakter islami guru di SMP Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta. (2) Untuk mengetahui implikasi gaya leadership Kepala Sekolah terhadap karakter islami guru di SMP Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah dan salah satu guru yang mengampu mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Dalam penelitian ini, data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada tiga. (1) Gaya leadership yang dikembangkan oleh Kepala Sekolah terhadap karakter islami guru di SMP Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta adalah kegitan tahsin, kegiatan ngaji kitab, kegiatan tausiyah, kegiatan muqoddaman online, kegiatan MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran), kegiatan supervisi dinas, pengembangan karakter dengan menggunakan cara-cara unik dari Kepala Sekolah, dan menggunakan metode bicara dari hati ke hati. (2) Implikasi dari gaya leadership Kepala Sekolah sangat efektif dan signifikan terhadap karakter islami guru di SMP Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta


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    Differentiated learning is a form of effort in a series of learning that pays attention to the needs of students in terms of learning readiness, student learning profiles, interests and talents. So through differentiation learning carried out by educators it is hoped that they can achieve the target of fulfilling the independent curriculum, namely giving freedom to students of different religions to develop their talents and interests and produce a profile of Pancasila students who are targeted in this independent curriculum. In terms of differentiated learning, it can be in accordance with the philosophy of thought according to Ki Hajar Dewantara which states that education "guides" the nature of each student so that he is able to achieve the highest safety and happiness as a human being or a member in a society. In this case the educator acts as a facilitator who can provide direction so that the student does not lose his way and can become a complete human being


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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana penerapan sistem  e-voting dalam pemilihan kepala desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan  di Desa Lubuk Karet Kecamatan Betung.  Sistem e-voting yaitu suatu metode pengumpulan suara dengan menggunakan perangkat elektronik. Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesiapan kominfo dan panitia pelaksana dalam pemilihan kepala desa  dengan menggunakan e-voting tahun 2021 dan  juga untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat serta solusi dari penerapan sistem e-voting dalam pemilihan kepala desa di Desa Lubuk Karet tahun 2021. Jenis  penelitian  yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu tipe penelitian yang mendiskripsikan secara jelas tentang penerapan sistem e-voting pada pemilihan kepala desa di Desa Lubuk Karet serta dengan terjun langsung kelapangan dalam pengumpulan data  yaitu wawancara, dokumentasi dalam pengumpulan data. Adapun teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori implementasi dari George Edwards III. Hasil  penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem e-voting dalam pemilihan kepala desa di Desa Lubuk Karet Kecamatan Betung Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun 2021 berjalan dengan kurang  baik dengan ditunjukkan angka partisipan sebanyak  2.135 dari mata pilih 3.100.  Tetapi masih  ada beberapa hambatan dari sosialisasi dan komunikasi dari pihak panitia pelaksana terhadap masyarakat lansia yang masih awam, sistem komputer tidak bisa di nyalakan terlalu lama yang akan  mengakibatkan gangguan  terhadap perangkat.This study explalins how to application the e-voting system in villalge heald elections. This resealrch wals conducted in Lubuk Kalret Villalge, Betung District. The e-voting system is al method of collecting votes using electronic devices. The purpose of this study wals to determine the realdiness of the Ministry of Communicaltion alnd Informaltics alnd the application committee in selecting villalge healds using e-voting in 2021 alnd allso to find out the inhibiting falctors alnd solutions for application the e-voting system in the election of villalge healds in Lubuk Kalret Villalge in 2021. The type of resealrch used is descriptive quallitaltive resealrch, nalmely the type of resealrch thalt clealrly describes the application of the e-voting system in the election of villalge healds in Lubuk Kalret Villalge alnd by directly palrticipalting in daltal collection, nalmely interviews, documentaltion in daltal collection. The theory implementation from George Edwards III. The results of this study indicalte thalt the implementaltion of the e-voting system in the election of villalge healds in Lubuk Kalret Villalge, Betung District, Balnyualsin Regency in 2021 went quite well with the number of palrticipalnts showing 2,135 out of 3,100 voters. But there alre still some obstalcles from sociallizaltion alnd communicaltion from the implementing committee to the elderly who alre still laly people, the computer system calnnot be turned on for too long which will caluse interference with the device

    The Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis Model in the Used Motorcycle Sale Advertising on Facebook: A Case Study

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    This article examines the use of the Fairclough Model of Critical Discourse Analysis to strengthen the context of the advertisement discourse for used motorcycles sales on Facebook. Case studies were conducted at Ninja R/Rr Sales and Purchases Group for the Klaten, Yogyakarta, Solo, and surrounding areas. This research aims to signify the use of Critical Discourse Analysis to strengthen the advertising discourse. The study implements a qualitative descriptive method with critical discourse analysis technique. The data were collected from the sales advertisements of used motorbikes posted on Ninja R/Rr Sales and Purchases Group for the Klaten, Jogja, Solo, and surrounding areas. The data were analyzed using the three dimensions of Critical Discourse Analysis of the Fairclough Model, consisting of the textual dimension, the discursive dimension, and the social dimension. The results highlight three viewpoints. In the textual dimension, the advertisements offer a clear and easy-to-understand structure. In the discursive dimension, the advertisements construct appropriate meanings contextually. In the social dimension, the advertisements represent social values related to the ownership of used motorbikes

    Front Anti Komunis dan Front Pembela Islam: Studi Komparatif dalam Perspektif Sejarah

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    This article aims to compare the Anti-Communist Front (FAK) and the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) in a historical perspective. This research uses a historical method through four stages, namely collecting data or sources (heuristics), source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. In its analysis, this research uses a socio-political approach, so that this research is not only narrative-descriptive, but more analytical-descriptive. The results of this research show that FAK and FPI are two movements that use Islamic ideology as the basic guideline for their movement. FAK and FPI used Islamic ideology as the basis for their struggle due to the influence of Isa Anshary and Rizieq Shihab who belonged to Islamic fundamentalism and made da'wah the key to the start of their movement. Furthermore, FAK and FPI also aim to provide resistance to the PKI and the ideology of communism, and thoughts of liberalism, secularism, and actions that are far from Islamic religious judgments. The conclusion in the article is that the implementation of the FAK and FPI movements can influence socio-political aspects in Indonesia due to the stimulus of Islamic preaching that has been instilled in all FAK and FPI cadres.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan Front Anti Komunis (FAK) dan Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dalam perspektif sejarah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode historis dengan melalui empat tahap, yakni pengumpulan data atau sumber-sumber (heuristik), kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Dalam analisisnya, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi-politik, sehingga penelitian ini tidak hanya bersifat naratif-deskriptif, melainkan lebih kepada analitis-deskriptif. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa FAK dan FPI merupakan dua gerakan yang menggunakan ideologi Islam sebagai sebagai pedoman dasar pergerakannya. FAK dan FPI menggunakan ideologi Islam sebagai dasar perjuangan disebabkan oleh pengaruh Isa Anshary dan Rizieq Shihab yang merupakan termasuk dalam fundamentalisme Islam dan menjadikan dakwah sebagai kunci awal pergerakannya. Lebih jauh, FAK dan FPI juga bertujuan untuk memberikan perlawanan terhadap PKI dan ideologi komunisme, dan pemikiran liberalisme, sekulerisme, serta perbuatan yang jauh dari penilaian agama Islam. Kesimpulan dalam artikel yaitu implementasi gerakan FAK dan FPI dapat mempengaruhi aspek sosial-politik di Indonesia akibat stimulus dakwah Islam yang telah ditanamkan kepada seluruh kader FAK dan FPI


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    The aim of this research is to determine the use of Audio Visual Media in Islamic Religious Education Subjects to Improve the Learning Activities of Class V Students of Sd Negeri 09 Palembang in PAI-BP subjects. The model in this research uses Kurt Lewin's research which consists of 4 stages, namely; planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The results of this research can be explained as follows SD Negeri 09 Palembang : a. The use of audio visual media has been proven to improve student learning outcomes in groups. This is demonstrated by the achievement of learning completeness results which reached 88.33%. (first cycle 71.66% to 88.33%). b. The use of audio-visual media can increase teacher activity in the material "closer to the names of Allah SWT (Asmaul-Husna)". This is proven by a significant increase in the results of observations of teacher activities from 60.53% in the first cycle to 90.48% in the second cycle. c. The use of audio-visual media can increase students' activities in the material "closer to the names of Allah SWT (Asmaul-Husna)". This is proven by a significant increase in the results of observing student activities from 57.89% in the first cycle to 85.71% in the second cycle


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    Indonesia, as a majority-Muslim nation, has become a focal point for several countries and a primary focus in the context of religious moderation. Therefore, it is crucial for us to comprehend the principles of religious moderation, which play a pivotal role in Islam. Profound knowledge of religion obtained through educational institutions like boarding schools and madrasah, along with the effective role of scholars and kiai as exemplars of religious behavior, aids in upholding stability in religious comprehension within Indonesian society. Boarding school stands as one among various religious institutions, serving the dual function of imparting, understanding, and deepening Islamic teachings, as well as disseminating religious knowledge to society. The boarding school AL-Mazaya Paser implements a curriculum that integrates general education with pesantren education, allowing for the effective internalization of values of religious moderation and contributing to the development of knowledge within the pesantren. This study utilizes a qualitative descriptive approach, aiming to elucidate the circumstances or phenomena observed in the field based on collected data, narrated in words or sentences, categorized to draw conclusions and provide solutions to emerging issues, supported by empirical data at boarding school Al-Mazaya Paser. By applying pesantren and madrasah curricula and operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Kabupaten Paser, boarding school Al-Mazaya Paser integrates boarding school education with formal and boarding school curricula. Furthermore, this boarding school adheres to the principle of “Religious Moderation” as a genuine embodiment of the institution’s vision and missio

    Strategi Pemasaran Pendidikan Interaktif di SD IT Al Bukhori School Banyuasin

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    This research aims to analyze the interactive education marketing strategy at Al Bukhori School in Banyuasin, and identify inhibiting and supporting factors for the implementation of this strategy. Conducted at Al Bukhori School, Jl Meritai Raya Perumahan Anggrek Indah Banyuasin, this study employs a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive methods. Data is acquired through field observations and in-depth analysis to provide insights into the interactive education marketing strategy. The research findings indicate that product, price, promotion, and people are key indicators in the interactive education marketing strategy. This strategy focuses on a positive image through school community relations and appropriate pricing. It is discovered that promotion and people's involvement play a crucial role in the success of marketing educational services. However, the research also identifies inhibiting factors, such as financial constraints and a lack of public awareness about interactive education.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi pemasaran pendidikan interaktif di Sekolah SD IT Al Bukhori School Banyuasin, serta mengidentifikasi faktor penghambat dan pendukung implementasi strategi tersebut. Dilakukan di SD IT Al Bukhori School, Jl Meritai Raya Perumahan Anggrek Indah Banyuasin, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi lapangan dan analisis mendalam untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang strategi pemasaran pendidikan interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk, harga, promosi, dan orang merupakan indikator utama dalam strategi pemasaran pendidikan interaktif. Strategi ini terfokus pada citra positif melalui hubungan masyarakat sekolah dan penentuan harga yang sesuai. Ditemukan bahwa promosi dan keterlibatan orang berperan penting dalam keberhasilan pemasaran jasa pendidikan. Meskipun demikian, penelitian juga mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor penghambat, seperti kendala finansial dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pendidikan interaktif


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    Education plays an important role in shaping human character and personality as well as providing a foundation of faith and devotion. However, the problem of morality among students, especially related to the influence of foreign cultures, loss of respect for teachers and parents, and low adherence to religious values, is a serious challenge. Public criticism of the weakness of religious education in shaping moral character emerges, causing a gap between religious knowledge and practical experience. This study examines the formation of religious culture at SMP Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau as an effort to overcome morality problems among students. With a qualitative approach, this research uses a case study method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted using the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that SMP Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau has various religious activities and cultures, such as 3S culture, prayer before and after learning, nail hygiene inspection, recitation of Shalawat, Dhuha, and Zhuhur prayers in congregation, and other religious activities. The establishment of a religious culture involves creating an atmosphere, internalizing values, modeling, and habituation. Supporting factors involve the cooperation of the school community, parents, environment, facilities, media, and funds. However, student activeness and limited implementation time become inhibiting factors. Improving religious culture in schools requires the perseverance and participation of all parties. Therefore, this article underlines the need for a paradigm shift in religious education and the development of a religious culture as an effort to build moral character among students


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