Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Berbasis Ekowisata-Kultural di Seribu Air Terjun Nagari Dalko Kabupaten Agam


Tourist objects are everything that is unique, beautiful, and of high value in the form of diversity of natural and artificial wealth which is the target or destination of tourist recreational visits so that tourist destinations are called destinations. Nagari Dalko has a tourist attraction in the form of a waterfall called the Thousand Waterfalls which has the potential to be developed into a national and even international tourist destination. This waterfall has the potential to become a new tourist destination, but because of its less than optimal management and promotion, it is neglected and there are not many visitors. The purpose of this activity is to develop the Waterfall to become one of the favorite natural tourist destinations in Nagari Dalko and promote it through the Website. The development concept offered by the PKM Team is based on cultural ecotourism, which combines the concept of ecotourism with local culture and traditions. The method used in this community service is ABCD (Asset, Bassed, Community and Development) by providing understanding and skills training to the Pokdarwis Community and the Community with a system of discussions, tutorials, and mentoring. The results of these activities include (a) Community and Pokdarwis are able to understand the concept of cultural ecotourism-based tourism development. (b) Community and Pokdarwis are able to conceptualize events that combine cultural tourism with nature tourism, (c) Able to promote the Waterfall by utilizing the Website and social media

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