1,035 research outputs found

    A Robust Reactive Static Obstacle Avoidance System for Surface Marine Vehicles

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    This paper is centered on the guidance systems used to increase the autonomy of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). The new Robust Reactive Static Obstacle Avoidance System (RRSOAS) has been specifically designed for USVs. This algorithm is easily applicable, since previous knowledge of the USV mathematical model and its controllers is not needed. Instead, a new estimated closed-loop model (ECLM) is proposed and used to estimate possible future trajectories. Furthermore, the prediction errors (due to the uncertainty present in the ECLM) are taken into account by modeling the USV's shape as a time-varying ellipse. Additionally, in order to decrease the computation time, we propose to use a variable prediction horizon and an exponential resolution to discretize the decision space. As environmental model an occupancy probability grid is used, which is updated with the measurements generated by a LIDAR sensor model. Finally, the new RRSOAS is compared with other SOA (static obstacle avoidance) methods. In addition, a robustness study was carried out over a set of random scenarios. The results obtained through numerical simulations indicate that RRSOAS is robust to unknown and congested scenarios in the presence of disturbances, while offering competitive performance with respect to other SOA methods

    Fractionation and fluxes of metals and radionuclides during the recycling process of phosphogypsum wastes applied to mineral CO2 sequestration

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    The industry of phosphoric acid produces a calcium-rich by-product known as phosphogypsum, which is usually stored in large stacks of millions of tons. Up to now, no commercial application has been widely implemented for its reuse because of the significant presence of potentially toxic contaminants. This work confirmed that up to 96% of the calcium of phosphogypsum could be recycled for CO2 mineral sequestration by a simple two-step process: alkaline dissolution and aqueous carbonation, under ambient pressure and temperature. This CO2 sequestration process based on recycling phosphogypsum wastes would help to mitigate greenhouse gasses emissions. Yet this work goes beyond the validation of the sequestration procedure; it tracks the contaminants, such as trace metals or radionuclides, during the recycling process in the phosphogypsum. Thus, most of the contaminants were transferred from raw phosphogypsum to portlandite, obtained by dissolution of the phosphogypsum in soda, and from portlandite to calcite during aqueous carbonation. These findings provide valuable information for managing phosphogypsum wastes and designing potential technological applications of the by-products of this environmentally-friendly proposal.Junta de Andalucía P10-RNM-6300, P12- RNM-226

    Design of asymptotically optimal improper constellations with hexagonal packing

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    This paper addresses the problem of designing asymptotically optimal improper constellations with a given circularity coefficient (correlation coefficient between the constellation and its complex conjugate). The designed constellations are optimal in the sense that, at high signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and for a large number of symbols, yield the lowest probability of error under an average power constraint for additive white Gaussian noise channels. As the number of symbols grows, the optimal constellation is the intersection of the hexagonal lattice with an ellipse whose eccentricity determines the circularity coefficient. Based on this asymptotic result, we propose an algorithm to design finite improper constellations. The proposed constellations provide significant SNR gains with respect to previous improper designs, which were generated through a widely linear transformation of a standard M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation constellation. As an application example, we study the use of these improper constellations by a secondary user in an underlay cognitive radio network.The work of Jesús A. López-Fernández and R. G. Ayestarán was partly supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under project TEC2017-86619-R (ARTEINE), and by the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias under project GRUPIN-IDI2018-000191. The work of I. Santamaria was partly supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain, and AEI/FEDER funds of the E.U., under grant TEC2016-75067-C4-4-R (CARMEN) and TEC2015-69648-REDC (Red COMONSENS). The work of C. Lameiro was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grant LA 4107/1-1

    ¿Absorbe nuestro cuerpo las ondas electromagnéticas?

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    Mediante un proceso de aprendizaje activo (“Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo”) pretendemos focalizar la atención de nuestros alumnos de enseñanzas universitarias técnicas sobre las ondas electromagnéticas. Debido a la proliferación de los teléfonos celulares, tiene sentido preguntarnos si nuestro cuerpo absorbe las radiaciones electromagnéticas o, bien si somos “transparentes” a ellas. Nos concentraremos en las ondas de RF y elaboraremos una práctica de laboratorio porque estamos convencidos de que para un aprendizaje activo es muy conveniente medir alguna magnitud física relacionada con el objetivo de aprendizaje. Mediremos la exposición usando el exposímetro Satimo EME Spy 140 en tres situaciones diferentes: el exposímetro aislado, el exposímetro entre dos personas y el exposímetro rodeado por botellas de agua. Con los resultados obtenidos, y mediante el SAR (Specific Absorption Rate o Tasa de absorción específica) de las personas y el SAR del agua, seremos capaces de obtener la intensidad de la onda reflejada y transmitida. De la intensidad transmitida separaremos la parte absorbida por el cuerpo (o por el agua, según el caso) de la intensidad que puede alcanzar el exposímetro y, por tanto, ser medida. Sólo el 5% de la intensidad inicial llegará al exposímetro, siendo reflejado el 88%. El 7% que falta es la intensidad absorbida por nuestro cuerpo. Como la intensidad queda apantallada en un 95% si el exposímetro fuera un teléfono móvil su cobertura podría quedar disminuida.Through a process of active learning ("Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I learn") we intend to focus the attention of our technical university students on electromagnetic waves. Due to the proliferation of cell phones, it makes sense to ask whether our body absorbs electromagnetic radiation, or rather whether we are “transparent” to them. We will concentrate on the RF waves and we will develop a laboratory practice because we are convinced that for an active learning is very convenient to measure a physical quantity related to the learning objective. We will measure the exposition using the dosimeter Satimo EME Spy 140 in three different situations: the isolated dosimeter, the dosimeter between two people and the dosimeter surrounded by water bottles. With the results, and taking into account the people SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) and the water SAR, we will be able to obtain the intensity of the reflected and transmitted wave. From the transmitted intensity we will separate the absorbed into the body (or water, as appropriate) the intensity that can reach the dosimeter and therefore be measured. Only 5% of the initial intensity reaches the dosimeter, 88% being reflected. The 7% missing is the intensity absorbed by our body. As the intensity is shielded by 95% if the dosimeter was actually a mobile phone its coverage would be reduced.Parte de este trabajo ha sido financiado con un Proyecto de Investigación concedido por la Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha y, además, por un convenio de colaboración con la Fundación de CajaSol, actualmente “La Caixa”. Uno de los autores, A.B.V., agradece el apoyo del Vicerrectorado de Tecnologías de la Información de la Universidad de Alicante a través del proyecto GITE-09006-UA

    Study of the microbiota associated to Ruditapes decussatus and Ruditapes philippinarum clams by 16S rRNA metabarcoding, dilution to extinction, and culture-based techniques

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    The study of the microbiota associated to clams is important not only to know their sanitary status but also to prevent pathobiology events. The use of different microbiological techniques can help to obtain a better picture of the bacterial diversity of clams as well as to isolate new bacterial taxa. In this study, two clam species, Ruditapes decussatus and R. philippinarum, were analyzed in two locations of Galicia (northwest of Spain) in April and October, by combining classic culturing, dilution-to-extinction approach, and 16S rRNA gene target sequencing. 16S rRNA gene target sequencing revealed a great diversity within the clam samples, shedding light into the vast microbial communities associated to these bivalves. All samples were dominated by the same bacterial genera in the different periods, namely Mycoplasma, Vibrio, and Cutibacterium. The α-diversity in the samples obtained during the month of October was lower and showed the dominance of rare bacterial taxa, such as Methylobacterium or Psychrobacter. Dilution-to-extinction technique demonstrated its usefulness to culture rare bacterial taxa that were not found in clams under the classic culturing techniques, including Rahnella, Brachybacterium, Micrococcus, Jantinobacter, and Lelliottia. Altogether, our study provides valuable information on the microbiota associated to R. decussatus and R. philippinarum, demonstrating the high complexity and dynamics of these microbial populationsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported in part by grant AGL2013-42628-R and AGL2016-77539-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain)S

    Bienestar psicológico, personalidad y actividad física. Un estilo de vida para la vida adulta

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    Practice of physical activity is increasingly important for people both as a recreational activity as a health activity. Although it is difficult to find human behaviors that do not have any influence on the health and well-being, it´s possible to show conduct that are among the most important risk factors of major health problems today such as consumption alcohol, obesity and snuff. Regular healthy physical exercise following programmes or frequent and regular autonomous activities improves mental health, autonomy, memory, speed, body image and the feeling of wellbeing, while producing personal stability characterised by optimism, emotional clarity and mental flexibility, leading to a longer life and better health. This model of psychological wellbeing based on the development of human potential and physical exercise, indicates that some aspects of psychological wellbeing are perceived as being more important than others (e.g., self-acceptance, personal growth or life purpose) when studied in relation to autonomy or coping strategies. This study picks perceptions of subjective well-being of adults (N = 482) aged between 24 and 46 years using Scale psychological welfare Ryff's, self-efficacy indicators and persistence questionnaire, all corresponding to the Spanish poblation. The data analysis suggests a positive correspondence between the indices of psychological well-being perceived with the way personal of to oriente and perceive their physical activity. We see the importance of pedagogical transmission of physical activity as a model of psychological well-being as a basis for healthy behaviors in adulthood.ResumenLa práctica de la actividad física es cada vez más im­portante para las personas tanto como actividad recrea­tiva, como actividad de salud. Aunque es difícil encon­trar comportamientos humanos que no tienen ninguna in­fluencia en la salud y el bienestar, es posible señalar conductas entre los factores de riesgo más importantes de los principales problemas de salud como el consumo de alcohol, la obesidad y el tabaco. Programas de ejerci­cio físico saludable regular o actividades autónomas re­gulares y frecuentes, mejoran la salud mental, la auto­nomía, la memoria, la velocidad, la imagen corporal y la sensación de bienestar, produciendo una estabilidad per­sonal caracterizada por el optimismo, la claridad emo­cional y la flexibilidad mental, llevando a una vida más larga y con mejor salud. Este modelo de bienestar psi­cológico basado en el desarrollo del potencial humano y el ejercicio físico, indica que algunos aspectos del bie­nestar psicológico son percibidos como más importantes que otros (por ejemplo, la autoaceptación, el crecimiento personal o el propósito de la vida) cuando se estudian en relación con la autonomía o estrategias de afrontamiento. Este estudio recoge las percepciones del bienestar subje­tivo de los adultos (N = 482) de entre 24 y 46 años utili­zando la escala de bienestar psicológico de Ryff, los in­dicadores de autoeficacia y el cuestionario de persisten­cia, todos ellos correspondientes a la población española. El análisis de los datos sugiere una correspondencia po­sitiva entre los índices de bienestar psicológico percibi­dos, con la forma personal de orientar y percibir su acti­vidad física. Vemos la importancia de la transmisión pe­dagógica de la actividad física como un modelo de bie­nestar psicológico y favorecedor de comportamientos saludables en la edad adultaAbstractPractice of physical activity is increasingly important for people both as a recreational activity as a health activity. Although it is difficult to find human behaviors that do not have any influence on the health and well-being, it´s possible to show conduct that are among the most important risk factors of major health problems today such as consumption alcohol, obesity and snuff. Regular healthy physical exercise following programmes or frequent and regular autonomous activities improves mental health, autonomy, memory, speed, body image and the feeling of wellbeing, while producing personal stability characterised by optimism, emotional clarity and mental flexibility, leading to a longer life and better health. This model of psychological wellbeing based on the development of human potential and physical exercise, indicates that some aspects of psychological wellbeing are perceived as being more important than others (e.g., self-acceptance, personal growth or life purpose) when studied in relation to autonomy or coping strategies. This study picks perceptions of subjective well-being of adults (N = 482) aged between 24 and 46 years using Scale psychological welfare Ryff's, self-efficacy indicators and persistence questionnaire, all corresponding to the Spanish poblation. The data analysis suggests a positive correspondence between the indices of psychological well-being perceived with the way personal of to oriente and perceive their physical activity. We see the importance of pedagogical transmission of physical activity as a model of psychological well-being as a basis for healthy behaviors in adulthood

    Caracterización de los vendedores informales estacionales de la carrera 5ta de Santa Marta 2006

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    En esta investigación se caracterizó social y económicamente al empleo informal estacional de Santa Marta, para realizar un diagnóstico que permita detallar las tendencias y las causas del fenómeno, de tal forma que se pueda establecer políticas y estrategias conducentes a mejorar el nivel de vida de los trabajadores informales. Dentro de las variables sociales se estudiaron el nivel de ingreso, afiliación al régimen contributivo de los servicios de salud y el nivel educativo. Dentro de las económicas se analizó, el número de personas que trabajan los establecimientos (objeto de estudio), horas laboradas, ingreso laboral y niveles de afiliación a la seguridad social. Para tal efecto se tomó como muestra de estudio los vendedores informales estacionales ubicados en la avenida Campo Serrano (carrera quinta) entre las avenidas Santa Rita (calle 22) y la del Ferrocarril (calle 10)

    A Wearable System for Multisensory Stimulation Therapy for Children

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    Multisensory stimulation therapy involves the simultaneous stimulation of several senses in a relaxing environment to achieve a variety of therapeutic outcomes for client with conditions affecting sensory and cognitive processes. We present, StimuHat, a wearable system for therapists to visually stimulate patients. We conducted a pilot study in which a therapist used StimuHat in sessions with three children with profound brain damage. The results showed that StimuHat appears to have stimulated the children and created positive relaxation and engagement in them

    Protein Concentrates on Tepary Bean (Phaseolus acutifolius Gray) as a Functional Ingredient: In silico Docking of Tepary Bean Lectin to Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma

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    The tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius Gray) is a US–Mexico frontier native crop, produces high yields in agriculture, and needs to be reconsidered because of its nutritional and functional properties. This study aimed to determine the technological and nutritional properties of flours and protein concentrates of tepary bean, besides determining an in silico agonist effect of tepary bean lectin to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ). We evaluated the technological properties of raw samples (tepary flour and tepary protein concentrate) and cooked samples (tepary flour and tepary protein concentrate). The flours present a significant difference (p 0.05), and cooked tepary bean protein concentrate presented complete gelation at a lower concentration (2%). Nutritionally, raw samples present a protein percentage of 23.46 ± 0.06 and 71.38 ± 0.44 and cooked samples present a protein percentage of 25.27 ± 0.04 and 62.69 ± 0.14; a chemical score of 72, 86, 82, and 72; in vitro protein digestibility (%) = 48.20 ± 0.31, 49.80 ± 0.80, 61.77 ± 1.70, and 63.61 ± 4.19; and C-PER = 0.86, 1.34, 1.93, and 1.81, respectively. All the samples showed methionine + cysteine as the limiting amino acid. All these nutritional data are very similar to the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). SDS-PAGE preserves the lectin fraction in both protein concentrates. The in silico study of tepary lectin (PDB: 6tt9) shows that there were seven peptides that presented values below −120 kcal/mol: PEW, VSVGF, PSQK, TTPW, ATSF, ITY, and TSF, with VSVGF, PSQK, and PEW having the highest affinity for active sites of the PAPRγ receptor (binding energies from −5.32 to −7.04 kcal/mol). These peptides could show antiadipogenic or antidiabetic activity based on the intermolecular bond energies and open an interesting research item