80 research outputs found

    Estudio CFD del ascenso del cohete VEGA

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    [ES] Uno de los puntos más críticos durante el lanzamiento de un vehículo espacial se encuentra en los primeros instantes. En este periodo en el que se produce una gran aceleración, esta genera una gran cantidad de ruido y vibraciones que pueden afectar en gran medida a la carga de pago y a la estructura del objeto en cuestión. Este proyecto es parte de una investigación de la Universitat Politécnica de València en colaboración con la Agencia Espacial Europea. El trabajo trata de simular el despegue y el ascenso de un vehículo espacial mediante el uso de la mecánica de fluidos computacional y, con ello, analizar tanto el impacto de dichas vibraciones como la influencia que tiene el movimiento del vehículo en la generación y la propagación de ruido. Por otra parte, también se ha buscado la optimización de la malla en uso con la finalidad de simular con mayor precisión el comportamiento del flujo que se eyecta por la tobera de la aeronave. Mediante la visualización de las fotografías de Schlieren y el SPL (Sound Pressure Level), se observa cómo el movimiento del cohete tiene un gran impacto sobre la generación de ruido en el fairing del cohete. Dichas simulaciones se realizan mediante la herramienta OpenFOAM que utiliza un software gratuito y de código abierto.[EN] One of the critical points during a spacecraft launching happens in the firsts moments of this process. In this period, a huge acceleration is produced and it causes a big amount of noise and vibrations that can largely affect the payload and the structure of the space vehicle. This project is part of an investigation from ``Universitat Politécnica de València'' in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA). The goal of this task is to simulate the stages of take-off and initial climb from a spacecraft using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and, thus, to analyse the impact of these vibrations and the influence that the movement of the vehicle has in the noise generation and propagation. Otherwise, also the optimisation of the mesh use has been sought in orther to simulate, with a better precision, the flow behaviour by the noozle. Thanks to the pictures of Schlieren and the SPL (Sound Pressure Level), it is observed that the rocket's movement has a big influence in the noise generation in the rocket's fairing. These simulations are performed by the tool OpenFOAM that uses free software and open source.[CA] Un dels punts cr´ıtics durant el llan¸cament d’un vehicle espacial es troba en els primers instants. En aquest per´ıode es produeix una gran acceleraci´o, aquesta genera una gran quantitat de soroll y de vibracions que poden afectar en gran manera la c`arrega de pagament i l’estrucutur a del objecte. Aquest projecte forma part d’una investigaci´o amb la Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia en col·laboraci´o amb l’Ag`encia Espacial Europea (ESA). Aquest estudi tracta de simular l’enlairament i l’ascens d’un vehicle espacial mitjan¸cant l’´us de la mec`anica de fluids computacional i, amb aix`o, analitzar tant l’impacte d’aquestes vibracions com la influ`encia que te el moviment del vehicle en la generaci´o i la propagaci´o de sorroll. D’altra banda, tamb´e s’ha buscat l’optimitzaci´o de la malla utilitzada amb la finalitat de simular amb una major precisi´o, el comportament del flux que se ejecta per la tovera de l’aeronau.Mitjan¸cant la visualitzaci´o de les fotografies de Schlieren i el SPL, s’observa com el moviment del coet t´e un gran influx sobre la gneraci´o de soroll en el fairing del coet. Aquestes simualcions es realitzen per mitj`a de l’eina OpenFOAM que utilitza un software gratu¨ıt i de codi obert.García Melero, C. (2020). Estudio CFD del ascenso del cohete VEGA. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/151898TFG

    Evaluation of a workshop to teach a new surgical technique in abdominal wall reconstruction.

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    Purpose Assess the utility of a hands-on workshop on abdominal wall reconstruction for teaching the posterior components separation (PCS) with transversus abdominis release. Methods Our department has been organizing a training course on abdominal wall reconstruction for the last 6 years. It is a 2-day-long course and 10–12 surgeons with experience in abdominal wall surgery attend to every course. The first day is dedicated to theoretical lectures and two simultaneous live surgeries, and the second day there is a cadaver dissection. Feedback from the trainees was collected at the end of the workshop. A survey was sent to all the surgeons who had completed the course at least a year ago, to inquire how the course had improved their surgical practice. Results From 2013 to April 2017, we have made 15 editions of the course. A total of 192 surgeons from Europe, South Africa and Middle East attended. All the surgeons answered the survey that was carried out at the end of the course. It showed a very high level of satisfaction in more than 98% of the cases. The second survey was answered by 79 surgeons (41.15%). 96% of the surgeons had modified, after attending the course, their way of dealing with complex abdominal wall problems. Only 29% of the surgeons had made a TAR before attending the course, while 86% are performing it after attending the course and 60% do it on a regular basis. In fact, 43% of surgeons have performed more than five posterior component separations in the last year. Conclusions A workshop of abdominal wall surgery that combines live surgery, theoretical content and a cadaver lab can be a very useful tool to expand the use of new surgical techniques.pre-print424 K

    Ecological studies in Alto Guadalquivir wetlands : a first step towards the application of conservation plans

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    This paper reviews the most recent studies carried out in the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands. Data on wetland inventory and classification in typologies, faunal and floral community values are presented as well as the effects that agricultural pollutants have on some aquatic species. These results support the need for a correct wetland policy that allows for the conservation of these aquatic ecosystems.Este trabajo revisa los estudios más recientes llevados a cabo en los humedales de la comarca del Alto Guadalquivir. Se presentan datos sobre el inventario de humedales y su clasificación en tipologías, los valores más relevantes de sus comunidades de flora y fauna y los efectos que ejercen los contaminantes agrícolas sobre algunas especies. Estos resultados apoyan la necesidad de una correcta política de humedales que permita la conservación de estos ecosistemas acuáticos

    Metal-free organic polymer for the preparation of a reusable antimicrobial material with real-life application as an absorbent food pad

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    There is a strong need to reduce food waste while maintaining the quality of packaged food. Thus, we have prepared a new fully organic and metal-free antimicrobial polymer, with the aim of increasing both the shelf life and safety of packaged meat. This antimicrobial polymer is based on widely available commercial acrylic monomers with covalently linked vanillin motifs, which are naturally occurring essential oils with antimicrobial characteristics. The film-shaped antibacterial polymeric material shows antibacterial activity for Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes with an R parameter of up to 3.18, 3.37 and 2.00 and inhibition % of up to 99.95%, 99.96%, and 99.02%, respectively. To show the potential of these materials, we conducted a proof of concept experiment in which the antimicrobial polymer film was used as an absorbent food pad. The results show that the use of the antimicrobial polymer film can increase the shelf life of a packaged meat product by 50%. Since the antimicrobial activity is based on a covalently anchored group, there is no antimicrobial agent diffusion, and the antimicrobial activity persists beyond the first use because it is easily washable and reusable for at least 10 cycles.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional), the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion ´ (PID2020–113264RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001 1033) and "La Caixa" Foundation (the project leading to these results has received funding from the "La Caixa" Foundation, under agreement LCF/ PR/PR18/51130007)

    Long-term outcomes after prophylactic use of onlay mesh in midline laparotomy.

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    Background The prevalence of incisional hernias (IHs) is still high after midline laparotomy (ML). There is an increasing body of evidence that prophylactic mesh placement (PMP) can be safe and efficient in the short-term outcomes, but there still are some concerns about the potential long-term complications of these meshes. This study describes our long-term PMP experience. Methods Observational and prospective study including all patients undergoing the use of prophylactic onlay large-pore polypropylene meshes for the closure of ML since 2008 to 2014. Outcome measures included demographics, perioperative details, wound complications, recurrences, reoperations and chronic complications. Results A cohort of 172 patients was analysed: 75% elective surgery, 25% emergency cases. Mean age was 68 years with mean body mass index (BMI) of 28.6 kg/m2. Wound classification: 6.4% clean; 85% clean-contaminated; 1.2% contaminated and 8.1% dirty. Follow-up of patients was up to 8 years (mean: 5 ± 1.6). Two meshes were removed due to chronic infection in first six postoperative months. Of the 13 patients (9.02%) who developed IH, 5 of them have been reoperated for IH repair without any difficulty related to previous mesh. During follow-up, 8 patients have been reoperated for other reasons and the integrity of abdominal wall was also checked. After the comparative study, higher BMI and emergency surgery were still risk factors for IH despite PMP. Conclusions In our setting, the use of polypropylene prophylactic meshes in MLs is safe, efficient and durable.pre-print977 K

    Effectiveness of Text Message Reminders on Adherence to Inhaled Therapy in Patients With Asthma : Prospective Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Poor adherence to inhaled medication in asthma patients is of great concern. It is one of the main reasons for inadequate asthma control. The goal of the research was to determine if motivational messages using short message service (SMS, or text) improved adherence to inhaled medication in patients with asthma. A prospective multicenter randomized parallel-group clinical trial was conducted in 10 asthma clinics in Spain. Adherence was assessed with electronic monitors (Smartinhaler, Adherium Ltd) connected to inhalers. Patients in the SMS group received psychologist-developed motivational messages every 3 days for 6 months. There were 53 patients in the SMS group and 88 patients in the control group. After 6 months, mean electronic adherence was 70% (SD 17%) in the intervention group and 69% (SD 17%) in the control group (P =.82). Significant differences between the study groups in morning and evening adherence to inhaled therapy, asthma control, exhaled nitric oxide levels, or improvement of lung functions were not observed. Motivational messages were not useful to improve adherence to inhaled asthma medication compared with usual care

    Annexin A6 modulates TBC1D15/Rab7/StARD3 axis to control endosomal cholesterol export in NPC1 cells

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    Cholesterol accumulation in late endosomes is a prevailing phenotype of Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC1) mutant cells. Likewise, annexin A6 (AnxA6) overexpression induces a phenotype reminiscent of NPC1 mutant cells. Here, we demonstrate that this cellular cholesterol imbalance is due to AnxA6 promoting Rab7 inactivation via TBC1D15, a Rab7-GAP. In NPC1 mutant cells, AnxA6 depletion and eventual Rab7 activation was associated with peripheral distribution and increased mobility of late endosomes. This was accompanied by an enhanced lipid accumulation in lipid droplets in an acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT)-dependent manner. Moreover, in AnxA6-deficient NPC1 mutant cells, Rab7-mediated rescue of late endosome-cholesterol export required the StAR-related lipid transfer domain-3 (StARD3) protein. Electron microscopy revealed a significant increase of membrane contact sites (MCS) between late endosomes and ER in NPC1 mutant cells lacking AnxA6, suggesting late endosome-cholesterol transfer to the ER via Rab7 and StARD3-dependent MCS formation. This study identifies AnxA6 as a novel gatekeeper that controls cellular distribution of late endosome-cholesterol via regulation of a Rab7-GAP and MCS formation.Peer reviewe

    The association between the tumor immune microenvironments and clinical outcome in low-grade, early-stage endometrial cancer patients

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    Endometrial tumors show substantial heterogeneity in their immune microenvironment. This heterogeneity could be used to improve the accuracy of current outcome prediction tools. We assessed the immune microenvironment of 235 patients diagnosed with low-grade, early-stage endometrial cancer. Multiplex quantitative immunofluorescence was carried out tomeasure CD8, CD68, FOXP3, PD-1,and PD-L1markers, aswell as cytokeratin (CK), on tissuemicroarrays. Clustering results revealed five robust immune response patterns, each associated with specific immune populations, cell phenotypes, and cell spatial clustering.Most samples (69%) belonged to theimmune-desert subtype, characterized by lowimmune cell densities. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL)-rich samples (4%) displayed high CD8+ T-cell infiltration, as well as a high percentage of CD8/PD-1+ cells. Immune-exclusion samples (19%) displayed the lowest CD8+ infiltration combined with high PD-L1 expression levels in CK+ tumor cells. In addition, they demonstrated high tumor cell spatial clustering as well as increased spatial proximity of CD8+/PD-1+ andCK/PD-L1+ cells.FOXP3andmacrophage-rich phenotypes (3%and 4% of total samples) displayed relatively high levels of FOXP3+ regulatory T-cells and CD68+ macrophages, respectively. These phenotypes correlated with clinical outcomes, with immune-exclusion tumors showing an association with tumor relapse. When compared with prediction models built using routine pathological variables, models optimized with immune variables showed increased outcome prediction capacity (AUC = 0.89 versus 0.78) and stratification potential. The improved prediction capacity was independent of mismatch repair protein status and adjuvant radiotherapy treatment. Further, immunofluorescence results could be partially recapitulated using single-marker immunohistochemistry (IHC) performed on whole tissue sections. TIL-rich tumors demonstrated increased CD8+ T-cells by IHC, while immune-exclusion tumors displayed a lack of CD8+ T-cells and frequent expression of PD-L1 in tumor cells. Our results demonstrate the capability of the immune microenvironment to improve standard prediction tools in low-grade, early-stage endometrial carcinomasCEA and IgM were funded by Fundación La Marató de TV3. This project was supported by grants from Partners of Choice Network from AstraZeneca and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI17/01723 and PI21/00920), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ‘A way to achieve Europe’ (FEDER). We thank Marco Cassano (Lunaphore Technologies) for his help in writing the manuscrip

    CD44 modulates cell migration and invasion in Ewing sarcoma cells

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    The chimeric EWSR1::FLI1 transcription factor is the main oncogenic event in Ewing sarcoma. Recently, it has been proposed that EWSR1::FLI1 levels can fluctuate in Ewing sarcoma cells, giving rise to two cell populations. EWSR1::FLI1low cells present a migratory and invasive phenotype, while EWSR1::FLI1high cells are more proliferative. In this work, we described how the CD44 standard isoform (CD44s), a transmembrane protein involved in cell adhesion and migration, is overexpressed in the EWSR1::FLI1low phenotype. The functional characterization of CD44s (proliferation, clonogenicity, migration, and invasion ability) was performed in three doxycycline-inducible Ewing sarcoma cell models (A673, MHH-ES1, and CADO-ES1). As a result, CD44s expression reduced cell proliferation in all the cell lines tested without affecting clonogenicity. Additionally, CD44s increased cell migration in A673 and MHH-ES1, without effects in CADO-ES1. As hyaluronan is the main ligand of CD44s, its effect on migration ability was also assessed, showing that high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HMW-HA) blocked cell migration while low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (LMW-HA) increased it. Invasion ability was correlated with CD44 expression in A673 and MHH-ES1 cell lines. CD44s, upregulated upon EWSR1::FLI1 knockdown, regulates cell migration and invasion in Ewing sarcoma cells.: This project was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grant numbers PI20CIII/00020, DTS18CIII/00005, Asociación Pablo Ugarte, grant numbers TRPV205/18; Asociación Candela Riera, Asociación Todos Somos Iván & Fundación Sonrisa de Alex, grant numbers TVP333-19, TVP-1324/15; ASION, grant number TVP141/17. Enrique Fernández-Tabanera is supported by Asociación Candela Riera, Asociación Todos Somos Iván & Fundación Sonrisa de Alex, Saint T. Cervera is supported by Asociación Pablo Ugarte and Raquel M. Melero is supported by a CIBERER contract

    Characterizing the Invasive Tumor Front of Aggressive Uterine Adenocarcinoma and Leiomyosarcoma

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    The invasive tumor front (the tumor-host interface) is vitally important in malignant cell progression and metastasis. Tumor cell interactions with resident and infiltrating host cells and with the surrounding extracellular matrix and secreted factors ultimately determine the fate of the tumor. Herein we focus on the invasive tumor front, making an in-depth characterization of reticular fiber scaffolding, infiltrating immune cells, gene expression, and epigenetic profiles of classified aggressive primary uterine adenocarcinomas (24 patients) and leiomyosarcomas (11 patients). Sections of formalin-fixed samples before and after microdissection were scanned and studied. Reticular fiber architecture and immune cell infiltration were analyzed by automatized algorithms in colocalized regions of interest. Despite morphometric resemblance between reticular fibers and high presence of macrophages, we found some variance in other immune cell populations and distinctive gene expression and cell adhesion-related methylation signatures. Although no evident overall differences in immune response were detected at the gene expression and methylation level, impaired antimicrobial humoral response might be involved in uterine leiomyosarcoma spread. Similarities found at the invasive tumor front of uterine adenocarcinomas and leiomyosarcomas could facilitate the use of common biomarkers and therapies. Furthermore, molecular and architectural characterization of the invasive front of uterine malignancies may provide additional prognostic information beyond established prognostic factors