13 research outputs found

    Planet-proofing the global food system

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    Without a great food system transformation, the world will fail to deliver both on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. There are five grand challenges to be faced, by science and society, to effect that transformation

    Confirming the unusual temperature dependence of the electric-field gradient in Zn

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    The electric-field gradient (EFG) at nuclei in solids is a sensitive probe of the charge distribution. Experimental data, which previously only existed in insulators, have been available for metals with the development of nuclear measuring techniques since about 1970. An early, systematic investigation of the temperature dependence of the EFG in metals, originally based on results for Cd, but then also extended to various other systems, has suggested a proportionality to T 3/2 . However, later measurements in the structurally and electronically similar material Zn, which demonstrated much more complex behavior, were largely ignored at the time. The present experimental effort has confirmed the reliability of this unexpected behavior, which was previously unexplained

    Rethinking Land in the Anthropocene: from Separation to Integration

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    Nur wenn sich unser Umgang mit Land grundlegend Ă€ndert, können die Klimaschutzziele erreicht, der dramatische Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt abgewendet und das globale ErnĂ€hrungssystem nachhaltig gestaltet werden. Der WBGU schlĂ€gt fĂŒnf exemplarische Mehrgewinnstrategien vor, um Konkurrenzen zwischen NutzungsansprĂŒchen zu ĂŒberwinden. Diese sollten durch fĂŒnf Governance-Strategien vorangetrieben werden, darunter insbesondere die Setzung geeigneter Rahmenbedingungen, eine Neuorientierung der EUPolitik und die Errichtung von Gemeinschaften gleichgesinnter Staaten.Only if there is a fundamental change in the way we manage land can we reach the targets of climate-change mitigation, avert the dramatic loss of biodiversity and make the global food system sustainable. The WBGU proposes five multiple-benefit strategies illustrating ways of overcoming competition between rival claims to the use of land. These should be promoted by five governance strategies, especially by setting suitable framework conditions, reorienting EU policy and establishing alliances of like-minded states

    Hyperfine interactions and diffusion of Cd in TiO2_{2} (rutile)

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    In the current work, we present an investigation of the electronic and defect structure in (TiO2_{2}) rutile monocrystals by virtue of time differential perturbed angular γ\gamma - γ\gamma correlation spectroscopy. Studies were performed using 111m^{111m}Cd, implanted at ISOLDE/CERN complemented with diffusion studies and density functional theory calculations. Hyperfine field parameters have been probed as a function of temperature between 298 K and 873 K. The results demonstrate that 111m^{111m}Cd implanted rutile has two local environments. The first environment is characterized with parameters attributed to Cd localized at the cationic site which goes relatively along with a specific case where a charged supercell Cd:Ti(2e−^{−}) is in the scope. The origin of the second fraction could be rising from the subsurface regions where according to a tracer diffusion study the major part of implant is bounded featuring different diffusion mechanisms. Performed abinitioab initio calculations suggest that the disruptive surface environment could contain apical or equatorial vacancies near the probe, inducing high electric field gradients for the second fraction. Current results seem to differ from those obtained before with different methods of probing (Ag/Cd and In/Cd)

    Ten new insights in climate science 2021: A horizon scan

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    Non-technical summary We summarize some of the past year's most important findings within climate change-related research. New research has improved our understanding about the remaining options to achieve the Paris Agreement goals, through overcoming political barriers to carbon pricing, taking into account non-CO2 factors, a well-designed implementation of demand-side and nature-based solutions, resilience building of ecosystems and the recognition that climate change mitigation costs can be justified by benefits to the health of humans and nature alone. We consider new insights about what to expect if we fail to include a new dimension of fire extremes and the prospect of cascading climate tipping elements. Technical summary A synthesis is made of 10 topics within climate research, where there have been significant advances since January 2020. The insights are based on input from an international open call with broad disciplinary scope. Findings include: (1) the options to still keep global warming below 1.5 °C; (2) the impact of non-CO2 factors in global warming; (3) a new dimension of fire extremes forced by climate change; (4) the increasing pressure on interconnected climate tipping elements; (5) the dimensions of climate justice; (6) political challenges impeding the effectiveness of carbon pricing; (7) demand-side solutions as vehicles of climate mitigation; (8) the potentials and caveats of nature-based solutions; (9) how building resilience of marine ecosystems is possible; and (10) that the costs of climate change mitigation policies can be more than justified by the benefits to the health of humans and nature. Social media summary How do we limit global warming to 1.5 °C and why is it crucial? See highlights of latest climate science. </jats:sec