105 research outputs found

    Estimating extreme flood events:Assumptions, uncertainty and error

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    Hydrological extremes are amongst the most devastating forms of natural disasters both in terms of lives lost and socio-economic impacts. There is consequently an imperative to robustly estimate the frequency and magnitude of hydrological extremes. Traditionally, engineers have employed purely statistical approaches to the estimation of flood risk. For example, for an observed hydrological timeseries, each annual maximum flood is extracted and a frequency distribution is fit to these data. The fitted distribution is then extrapolated to provide an estimate of the required design risk (i.e. the 1 % Annual Exceedance Probability – AEP). Such traditional approaches are overly simplistic in that risk is implicitly assumed to be static, in other words, that climatological processes are assumed to be randomly distributed in time. In this study, flood risk estimates are evaluated with regards to traditional statistical approaches as well as Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)/El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditional estimates for a flood-prone catchment in eastern Australia. A paleo-reconstruction of pre-instrumental PDO/ENSO occurrence is then employed to estimate uncertainty associated with the estimation of the 1 % AEP flood. The results indicate a significant underestimation of the uncertainty associated with extreme flood events when employing the traditional engineering estimates

    Resident Cellular Components of the Human Lung Current Knowledge and Goals for Research on Cell Phenotyping and Function

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    The purpose of the workshop was to identify still obscure or novel cellular components of the lung, to determine cell function in lung development and in health that impacts on disease, and to decide promising avenues for future research to extract and phenotype these cells. Since robust technologies are now available to identify, sort, purify, culture, and phenotype cells, progress is now within sight to unravel the origins and functional capabilities of lung cells in developmental stages and in disease. The Workshop's agenda was to first discuss the lung's embryologic development, including progenitor and stem cells, and then assess the functional and structural cells in three main compartments of the lung: (1) airway cells in bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium and bronchial glands (basal, secretory, ciliated, Clara, and neuroendocrine cells); (2) alveolar unit cells (Type 1 cells, Type 2 cells, and fibroblasts in the interstitium); and (3) pulmonary vascular cells (endothelial cells from different vascular structures, smooth muscle cells, and adventitial fibroblasts). The main recommendations were to: (1) characterize with better cell markers, both surface and nonsurface, the various cells within the lung, including progenitor cells and stem cells; (2) obtain more knowledge about gene expression in specific cell types in health and disease, which will provide insights into biological and pathologic processes; (3) develop more methodologies for cell culture, isolation, sorting, co-culture, and immortalization; and (4) promote tissue banks to facilitate the procurement of tissue from normal and from diseased lung for analysis at all levels

    Comparison of Physical Properties of Untreated and Heat Treated Beech and Hornbeam

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    Istraživanjem fizikalnih svojstava toplinski obrađene bukovine i grabovine utvrđeno je da je njihova srednja vrijednost manja i signifikantno se razlikuje od srednjih vrijednosti fizikalnih svojstava neobrađene bukovine i grabovine. Srednja vrijednost gustoće u apsolutno suhom stanju toplinski obrađene bukovine manja je za 8,5 % od neobrađene, a za grabovinu je ona manja za 7,5 %. Smanjenje srednjih vrijednosti maksimalnih utezanja toplinski obrađene bukovine i grabovine u odnosu prema neobrađenoj još je veće. Maksimalno radijalno utezanje toplinski obrađene bukovine manje je za 7 %, maksimalno tangencijalno utezanje za 23,5 %, a maksimalno volumno utezanje za 19,3 % od istih fizikalnih svojstava neobrađene bukovine. Toplinski obrađena grabovina ima srednju vrijednost maksimalnoga radijalnog utezanja za 123 %, maksimalnoga tangencijalnog utezanja za 86 % i maksimalnoga volumnog utezanja za 99,5 % manju od istih fizikalnih svojstava neobrađene grabovine. Takvim smanjenjem maksimalnih utezanja u radijalnome i tangencijalnom smjeru toplinskom obradom grabovina postaje znatno prihvatljivija za izradu proizvoda za koje je važna dimenzionalna stabilnost.The investigation of physical properties of heat treated beech wood and hornbeam wood found that their average value is lower and significantly different from average values of physical properties of untreated beech wood and hornbeam wood. The average value of density in absolutely dry condition of heat treated beech wood is smaller by 8.5% from the untreated, and the hornbeam wood is smaller by 7.5%. Reduction of average values of maximum shrinkage of heat treated beech wood and hornbeam wood is even bigger in relation to the untreated wood. Maximum radial shrinkage of heat treated beech wood is smaller by 7%, maximum tangential shrinkage by 23.5% and maximum volumetric shrinkage by 19.3% compared to the same physical properties of untreated beech wood. Heat treated hornbeam wood has an average value of maximum radial shrinkage smaller by 123%, maximum tangential shrinkage by 86% and maximum volume shrinkage by 99.5% compared to the same physical properties of untreated hornbeam wood. With such reduction in the maximum shrinkage in radial and tangential direction using heat treatment, hornbeam becomes particulary suitable for making products where dimensional stability is important

    The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes

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    The genetic architecture of common traits, including the number, frequency, and effect sizes of inherited variants that contribute to individual risk, has been long debated. Genome-wide association studies have identified scores of common variants associated with type 2 diabetes, but in aggregate, these explain only a fraction of heritability. To test the hypothesis that lower-frequency variants explain much of the remainder, the GoT2D and T2D-GENES consortia performed whole genome sequencing in 2,657 Europeans with and without diabetes, and exome sequencing in a total of 12,940 subjects from five ancestral groups. To increase statistical power, we expanded sample size via genotyping and imputation in a further 111,548 subjects. Variants associated with type 2 diabetes after sequencing were overwhelmingly common and most fell within regions previously identified by genome-wide association studies. Comprehensive enumeration of sequence variation is necessary to identify functional alleles that provide important clues to disease pathophysiology, but large-scale sequencing does not support a major role for lower-frequency variants in predisposition to type 2 diabetes

    New Blood Pressure-Associated Loci Identified in Meta-Analyses of 475,000 Individuals

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    Background - Genome-wide association studies have recently identified >400 loci that harbor DNA sequence variants that influence blood pressure (BP). Our earlier studies identified and validated 56 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) associated with BP from meta-analyses of exome chip genotype data. An additional 100 variants yielded suggestive evidence of association. Methods and Results - Here, we augment the sample with 140 886 European individuals from the UK Biobank, in whom 77 of the 100 suggestive SNVs were available for association analysis with systolic BP or diastolic BP or pulse pressure. We performed 2 meta-analyses, one in individuals of European, South Asian, African, and Hispanic descent (pan-ancestry, ≈475 000), and the other in the subset of individuals of European descent (≈423 000). Twenty-one SNVs were genome-wide significant (P<5×10-8) for BP, of which 4 are new BP loci: rs9678851 (missense, SLC4A1AP), rs7437940 (AFAP1), rs13303 (missense, STAB1), and rs1055144 (7p15.2). In addition, we identified a potentially independent novel BP-associated SNV, rs3416322 (missense, SYNPO2L) at a known locus, uncorrelated with the previously reported SNVs. Two SNVs are associated with expression levels of nearby genes, and SNVs at 3 loci are associated with other traits. One SNV with a minor allele frequency <0.01, (rs3025380 at DBH) was genome-wide significant. Conclusions - We report 4 novel loci associated with BP regulation, and 1 independent variant at an established BP locus. This analysis highlights several candidate genes with variation that alter protein function or gene expression for potential follow-up

    Novel Loci for Adiponectin Levels and Their Influence on Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Traits : A Multi-Ethnic Meta-Analysis of 45,891 Individuals

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    J. Kaprio, S. Ripatti ja M.-L. Lokki työryhmien jäseniä.Peer reviewe

    Studies on the actions of the nematode FMRFamide like neuropeptide PF1

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXM017567 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    A Structure-Activity study of the neuropeptide PF1, SDPNFLRFamide, using the dorsal body wall muscle of the chicken nematode, Ascaridia galli

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    The action of a range of N terminally modified peptides structurally related to the nematode peptide PF1, SDPNFLRFamide, has been investigated using a dorsal muscle strip preparation from the chicken nematode, Ascaridia galli. Acetylcholine contracts this muscle preparation in a concentration-dependent manner when applied in the range 1-100 µM with an EC50 value of 9 µM. These contractions are reduced in the presence of PF1 and its analogues, with a threshold effect of PF1 of around 1 nM and an IC50 value of 470 nM against 10 µM acetylcholine. All the PF1 analogues tested were less potent than PF1 in reducing the acetylcholine contractions, indicating the importance of the N terminal amino acids in the action of PF1 in this preparatio