10 research outputs found

    ToxicitĂ© cellulaire d’un herbicide organophosphorĂ©, le glufosinate d’ammonium, et de son principal mĂ©tabolite : Induction d’un stress oxydatif et modifications des voies de diffĂ©renciation sur un modĂšle murin in vitro de culture primaire de cellules souches neurales

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    The glufosinate-ammonium (GLA) is an organophosphorus herbicide commonly used in agriculture. Many cases of intentional ingestions have highlighted its neurotoxicity. However, its effects on neurodevelopment are not well studied. Indeed, the brain is an important target of GLA due to its structural homology with glutamate, the main excitatory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. Our previous data are shown that a perinatal exposure to low doses of GLA induces disturbances in neurogenesis and in neuroblasts migration from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulbs. These changes are associated with the development of autism spectrum disorders in the offspring. My thesis is in the continuity of his work and addresses the cellular and molecular aspects involved in early exposure to GLA. Since we are continuously exposed to pesticides, but also to their metabolites, I studied in parallel the effects of the main metabolite of GLA, the 4 methylphosphinyl-2-oxo-butanoic acid (PPO).The first work of my thesis was to develop an in vitro protocol for the primary culture of neural stem cells from the subventricular zone of mice, for the analysis of the neurotoxic effects of GLA and PPO. The results of the first study of my thesis showed an induction of related oxidative stress involving the glutamatergic system, and associated with a disruption of calcium homeostasis. Since neural stem cells are sensitive to the effects of oxidative stress, in a second study, I studied the impact of these effects on the cellular differentiation mechanisms of neural stem cells. My results indicated a significant effect of exposure to GLA and PPO on the formation and maintenance of the subventricular neurogenic niche in vitro. GLA and PPO interfere with the formation of ependyma and induce a disruption in the neuroglial differentiation of neural stem cells, without influencing their growth or proliferation capacity.All these data highlight on the interest of studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms linked to the neurotoxicity of the active substances of pesticides, the metabolites of these same pesticides, but also the mixtures of active substances and metabolites to which we are continuously exposed in our environment.Le glufosinate d’ammonium (GLA) est un herbicide organophosphorĂ© couramment utilisĂ© en agriculture. De nombreux cas d’ingestions intentionnelles ont mis en Ă©vidence sa neurotoxicitĂ©. Cependant, ses effets sur le neurodĂ©veloppement ne sont peu Ă©tudiĂ©s. En effet, le cerveau est une cible importante du GLA en raison de son homologie de structure avec le glutamate, principal neurotransmetteur excitateur du systĂšme nerveux central. Des rĂ©sultats prĂ©cĂ©dents du laboratoire ont permis de montrer qu’une exposition pĂ©rinatale Ă  de faibles doses de GLA induisait des perturbations de la neurogenĂšse et de la migration des neuroblastes au niveau de la zone sous ventriculaire vers les bulbes olfactifs. Ces modifications sont associĂ©es Ă  l’apparition de troubles du spectre autistique dans la descendance. Ma thĂšse s’inscrit dans la continuitĂ© de ses travaux en abordant les aspects cellulaires et molĂ©culaires mis en jeux lors d’une exposition prĂ©coce au GLA. Etant donnĂ© que dans la vie de tous les jours, nous sommes continuellement exposĂ©s aux pesticides mais Ă©galement Ă  leurs mĂ©tabolites, j’ai Ă©tudiĂ© en parallĂšle les effets du principal mĂ©tabolite du GLA, l’acide 4-mĂ©thylphosphinyl-2-oxo-butanoĂŻque (PPO).Le premier travail de ma thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©velopper un protocole in vitro de culture primaire de cellules souches neurales issues de la zone sous-ventriculaire de souris pour l’analyse des effets neurotoxiques du GLA et du PPO. Les rĂ©sultats de la premiĂšre Ă©tude de ma thĂšse montrent une induction d’un stress oxydatif liĂ© impliquant le systĂšme glutamatergique et associĂ© Ă  une perturbation de l’homĂ©ostasie calcique. Etant donnĂ© que les cellules souches neurales sont sensibles aux effets d’un stress oxydatif, dans une seconde Ă©tude, j’ai Ă©tudiĂ© l’impact de ces effets sur les mĂ©canismes de diffĂ©renciation cellulaire des cellules souches neurales. Mes rĂ©sultats indiquent un effet significatif d’une exposition au GLA et au PPO sur la formation et le maintien de la niche neurogĂ©nique sous-ventriculaire in vitro. Le GLA et le PPO interfĂšrent avec la formation de l’épithĂ©lium Ă©pendymaire et induisent une perturbation dans la diffĂ©renciation neurogliale des cellules souches neurales, sans influencer leur capacitĂ© de croissance ou de prolifĂ©ration.L’ensemble des donnĂ©es de cette thĂšse mettent l’accent sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’étudier les mĂ©canismes cellulaires et molĂ©culaires liĂ©s Ă  la neurotoxicitĂ© des substances actives des pesticides, des mĂ©tabolites de ces mĂȘmes pesticides, mais Ă©galement des mĂ©langes substances actives-mĂ©tabolites auxquels nous sommes continuellement exposĂ©s dans notre environnement

    Cellular toxicity of an organophosphate herbicide, ammonium glufosinate, and its main metabolite : Induction of oxidative stress and alteration in cell differentiation in an in vitro mouse model of primary neural stem cell culture

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    Le glufosinate d’ammonium (GLA) est un herbicide organophosphorĂ© couramment utilisĂ© en agriculture. De nombreux cas d’ingestions intentionnelles ont mis en Ă©vidence sa neurotoxicitĂ©. Cependant, ses effets sur le neurodĂ©veloppement ne sont peu Ă©tudiĂ©s. En effet, le cerveau est une cible importante du GLA en raison de son homologie de structure avec le glutamate, principal neurotransmetteur excitateur du systĂšme nerveux central. Des rĂ©sultats prĂ©cĂ©dents du laboratoire ont permis de montrer qu’une exposition pĂ©rinatale Ă  de faibles doses de GLA induisait des perturbations de la neurogenĂšse et de la migration des neuroblastes au niveau de la zone sous ventriculaire vers les bulbes olfactifs. Ces modifications sont associĂ©es Ă  l’apparition de troubles du spectre autistique dans la descendance. Ma thĂšse s’inscrit dans la continuitĂ© de ses travaux en abordant les aspects cellulaires et molĂ©culaires mis en jeux lors d’une exposition prĂ©coce au GLA. Etant donnĂ© que dans la vie de tous les jours, nous sommes continuellement exposĂ©s aux pesticides mais Ă©galement Ă  leurs mĂ©tabolites, j’ai Ă©tudiĂ© en parallĂšle les effets du principal mĂ©tabolite du GLA, l’acide 4-mĂ©thylphosphinyl-2-oxo-butanoĂŻque (PPO).Le premier travail de ma thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©velopper un protocole in vitro de culture primaire de cellules souches neurales issues de la zone sous-ventriculaire de souris pour l’analyse des effets neurotoxiques du GLA et du PPO. Les rĂ©sultats de la premiĂšre Ă©tude de ma thĂšse montrent une induction d’un stress oxydatif liĂ© impliquant le systĂšme glutamatergique et associĂ© Ă  une perturbation de l’homĂ©ostasie calcique. Etant donnĂ© que les cellules souches neurales sont sensibles aux effets d’un stress oxydatif, dans une seconde Ă©tude, j’ai Ă©tudiĂ© l’impact de ces effets sur les mĂ©canismes de diffĂ©renciation cellulaire des cellules souches neurales. Mes rĂ©sultats indiquent un effet significatif d’une exposition au GLA et au PPO sur la formation et le maintien de la niche neurogĂ©nique sous-ventriculaire in vitro. Le GLA et le PPO interfĂšrent avec la formation de l’épithĂ©lium Ă©pendymaire et induisent une perturbation dans la diffĂ©renciation neurogliale des cellules souches neurales, sans influencer leur capacitĂ© de croissance ou de prolifĂ©ration.L’ensemble des donnĂ©es de cette thĂšse mettent l’accent sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’étudier les mĂ©canismes cellulaires et molĂ©culaires liĂ©s Ă  la neurotoxicitĂ© des substances actives des pesticides, des mĂ©tabolites de ces mĂȘmes pesticides, mais Ă©galement des mĂ©langes substances actives-mĂ©tabolites auxquels nous sommes continuellement exposĂ©s dans notre environnement.The glufosinate-ammonium (GLA) is an organophosphorus herbicide commonly used in agriculture. Many cases of intentional ingestions have highlighted its neurotoxicity. However, its effects on neurodevelopment are not well studied. Indeed, the brain is an important target of GLA due to its structural homology with glutamate, the main excitatory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. Our previous data are shown that a perinatal exposure to low doses of GLA induces disturbances in neurogenesis and in neuroblasts migration from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulbs. These changes are associated with the development of autism spectrum disorders in the offspring. My thesis is in the continuity of his work and addresses the cellular and molecular aspects involved in early exposure to GLA. Since we are continuously exposed to pesticides, but also to their metabolites, I studied in parallel the effects of the main metabolite of GLA, the 4 methylphosphinyl-2-oxo-butanoic acid (PPO).The first work of my thesis was to develop an in vitro protocol for the primary culture of neural stem cells from the subventricular zone of mice, for the analysis of the neurotoxic effects of GLA and PPO. The results of the first study of my thesis showed an induction of related oxidative stress involving the glutamatergic system, and associated with a disruption of calcium homeostasis. Since neural stem cells are sensitive to the effects of oxidative stress, in a second study, I studied the impact of these effects on the cellular differentiation mechanisms of neural stem cells. My results indicated a significant effect of exposure to GLA and PPO on the formation and maintenance of the subventricular neurogenic niche in vitro. GLA and PPO interfere with the formation of ependyma and induce a disruption in the neuroglial differentiation of neural stem cells, without influencing their growth or proliferation capacity.All these data highlight on the interest of studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms linked to the neurotoxicity of the active substances of pesticides, the metabolites of these same pesticides, but also the mixtures of active substances and metabolites to which we are continuously exposed in our environment

    Neurodevelopmental effects of natural and synthetic ligands of estrogen and progesterone receptors in zebrafish eleutheroembryos

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    International audienceNatural and synthetic estrogens and progestins are widely used in human and veterinary medicine and are detected in waste and surface waters. Our previous studies have clearly shown that a number of these substances targets the brain to induce the estrogen-regulated brain aromatase expression but the consequences on brain development remain virtually unexplored. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the effect of estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4) and norethindrone (NOR), a 19-nortestosterone progestin, on zebrafish larval neurogenesis. We first demonstrated using real-time quantitative PCR that nuclear estrogen and progesterone receptor brain expression is impacted by E2, P4 and NOR. We brought evidence that brain proliferative and apoptotic activities were differentially affected depending on the steroidal hormone studied, the concentration of steroids and the region investigated. Our findings demonstrate for the first time that steroid compounds released in aquatic environment have the capacity to disrupt key cellular events involved in brain development in zebrafish embryos further questioning the short- and long-term consequences of this disruption on the physiology and behavior of organisms

    Perinatal exposure to glufosinate ammonium herbicide impairs neurogenesis and neuroblast migration through cytoskeleton destabilization

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    Neurogenesis, a process of generating functional neurons from neural precursors, occurs throughout life in restricted brain regions such as the subventricular zone (SVZ). During this process, newly generated neurons migrate along the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb to replace granule cells and periglomerular neurons. This neuronal migration is pivotal not only for neuronal plasticity but also for adapted olfactory based behaviors. Perturbation of this highly controlled system by exogenous chemicals has been associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. We reported recently that perinatal exposure to low dose herbicide glufosinate ammonium (GLA), leads to long lasting behavioral defects reminiscent of Autism Spectrum Disorder-like phenotype in the offspring (Laugeray, Herzine et al. 2014) . Herein, we demonstrate that perinatal exposure to low dose GLA induces alterations in neuroblast proliferation within the SVZ and abnormal migration from the SVZ to the olfactory bulbs. These disturbances are not only concomitant to changes in cell morphology, proliferation and apoptosis, but are also associated with transcriptomic changes. Therefore, we demonstrate for the first time that perinatal exposure to low dose GLA alters SVZ neurogenesis. Jointly with our previous work, the present results provide new evidence on the link between molecular and cellular consequences of early life exposure to the herbicide GLA and the onset of ASD-like phenotype later in life

    X-ray Radiotherapy Impacts Cardiac Dysfunction by Modulating the Sympathetic Nervous System and Calcium Transients

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    International audienceRecent epidemiological studies have shown that patients with right-sided breast cancer (RBC) treated with X-ray irradiation (IR) are more susceptible to developing cardiovascular diseases, such as arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, and conduction disturbances after radiotherapy (RT). Our aim was to investigate the mechanisms induced by low to moderate doses of IR and to evaluate changes in the cardiac sympathetic nervous system (CSNS), atrial remodeling, and calcium homeostasis involved in cardiac rhythm. To mimic the RT of the RBC, female C57Bl/6J mice were exposed to X-ray doses ranging from 0.25 to 2 Gy targeting 40% of the top of the heart. At 60 weeks after RI, Doppler ultrasound showed a significant reduction in myocardial strain, ejection fraction, and atrial function, with a significant accumulation of fibrosis in the epicardial layer and apoptosis at 0.5 mGy. Calcium transient protein expression levels, such as RYR2, NAK, Kir2.1, and SERCA2a, increased in the atrium only at 0.5 Gy and 2 Gy at 24 h, and persisted over time. Interestingly, 3D imaging of the cleaned hearts showed an early reduction of CSNS spines and dendrites in the ventricles and a late reorientation of nerve fibers, combined with a decrease in SEMA3a expression levels. Our results showed that local heart IR from 0.25 Gy induced late cardiac and atrial dysfunction and fibrosis development. After IR, ventricular CSNS and calcium transient protein expression levels were rearranged, which affected cardiac contractility. The results are very promising in terms of identifying pro-arrhythmic mechanisms and preventing arrhythmias during RT treatment in patients with RBC

    Multiple effects of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium and its main metabolite on neural stem cells from the subventricular zone of newborn mice

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    International audienceThe globally used herbicide glufosinate-ammonium (GLA) is structurally analogous to the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, and is known to interfere with cellular mechanisms involved in the glutamatergic system. In this report, we used an in vitro model of murine primary neural stem cell culture to investigate the neurotoxicity of GLA and its main metabolite, 4-methylphosphinico-2-oxobutanoic acid (PPO). We demonstrated that GLA and PPO disturb ependymal wall integrity in the ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ) and alter the neuro-glial differentiation of neural stem cells. GLA and PPO impaired the formation of cilia, with reduced Celsr2 expression after PPO exposure. GLA promoted the differentiation of neuronal and oligodendroglial cells while PPO increased B1 cell population and impaired neuronal fate of neural stem cells. These results confirm our previous in vivo report that developmental exposure to GLA alters neurogenesis in the SVZ, and neuroblast migration along the rostral migratory stream. They also highlight the importance of investigating the toxicity of pesticide degradation products. Indeed, not only GLA, but also its metabolite PPO disrupts V-SVZ homeostasis and provides a novel cellular mechanism underlying GLA-induced neurodevelopmental toxicity. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate a neurotoxic activity of a metabolite of GLA different from that of GLA active substance for the very first time

    XLF/Cernunnos loss impairs mouse brain development by altering symmetric proliferative divisions of neural progenitors

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    Summary: XLF/Cernunnos is a component of the ligation complex used in classical non-homologous end-joining (cNHEJ), a major DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway. We report neurodevelopmental delays and significant behavioral alterations associated with microcephaly in Xlf−/− mice. This phenotype, reminiscent of clinical and neuropathologic features in humans deficient in cNHEJ, is associated with a low level of apoptosis of neural cells and premature neurogenesis, which consists of an early shift of neural progenitors from proliferative to neurogenic divisions during brain development. We show that premature neurogenesis is related to an increase in chromatid breaks affecting mitotic spindle orientation, highlighting a direct link between asymmetric chromosome segregation and asymmetric neurogenic divisions. This study reveals thus that XLF is required for maintaining symmetric proliferative divisions of neural progenitors during brain development and shows that premature neurogenesis may play a major role in neurodevelopmental pathologies caused by NHEJ deficiency and/or genotoxic stress