415 research outputs found

    In vitro gastrointestinal digestion impact on the bioaccessibility and antioxidant capacity of bioactive compounds from tomato flours obtained after conventional and ohmic heating extraction

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    In times of pandemic and when sustainability is in vogue, the use of byproducts, such as fiber-rich tomato byproducts, can be an asset. There are still no studies on the impact of extraction methodologies and the gastrointestinal tract action on bioactive properties. Thus, this study used a solid fraction obtained after the conventional method (SFCONV) and a solid fraction after the ohmic method (SFOH) to analyze the effect of the gastrointestinal tract on bioactive compounds (BC) and bioactivities. Results showed that the SFOH presents higher total fiber than SFCONV samples, 62.47 ± 1.2459.06 ± 0.67 g/100 g DW, respectively. Both flours present high amounts of resistant protein, representing between 11 and 16% of insoluble dietary fiber. Furthermore, concerning the total and bound phenolic compounds, the related antioxidant activity measured by 2,2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) radical cation decolorization assay presented significantly higher values for SFCONV than SFOH samples (p < 0.05). The main phenolic compounds identified in the two flours were gallic acid, rutin, and p-coumaric acid, and carotenoids were lycopene, phytofluene, and lutein, all known as health promoters. Despite the higher initial values of SFCONV polyphenols and carotenoids, these BCs OH flours were more bioaccessible and presented more antioxidant capacity than SFCONV flours, throughout the simulated gastrointestinal tract. These results confirm the potential of ohmic heating to modify the bioaccessibility of tomato BC, enhancing their concentrations and improving their antioxidant capacity.The authors would like to thank to “MultiBiorefinery: Estratégias multiuso para a valorização de uma gama alargada de subprodutos agroflorestais e das pescas: Um passo em frente na criação de uma biorrefinaria” financiado pelo Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016403) e pelo Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa(LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016403), na sua componente FEDER e pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. na componente nacional (SAICTPAC/0040/2015). The authors would also like to thank the scientific collaboration under the FCT project UID/Multi/50016/2019, UID-BIM-00009- 2020, and UID/BIO/04469/2020. The author Marta Coelho would like to acknowledge FCT for your grant with the reference (grant number SFRH/BD/111884/2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of a local single dose administration of growth hormone on the osseointegration of titanium implants

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of growth hormone (GH) on endosteal implant?s surface at the early stages of osseointegration. Sixty tapered acid-etched titanium implants were divided into four groups: i) Collagen, used as a control group; and three experimental groups, where after collagen coating, GH was administered directly to the surface in varying concentrations: ii) 0.265 mg, iii) 0.53 mg, and iv) 1 mg. Implants were placed in an interpolated fashion in the anterior flange of C3, C4 or C5 of 15 sheep with minimum distance of 6 mm between implants. After 3-, 6- and 12-weeks of healing samples were harvested, histologically processed, qualitatively and quantitatively assessed for bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO). Statistical analysis as a function of time in vivo and coating resulted in no significant differences for BIC and BAFO at any evaluation time point. Histological evaluation demonstrated similar osseointegration features for all groups with woven bone formation at 3 weeks and progressive replacement of woven for lamellar bone in close contact with the implant surface and within the implant?s threads. A single local application of growth hormone to the surface of titanium implants did not yield improved implant osseointegration independent of healing time

    Repeated co-option of HMG-box genes for sex determination in brown algae and animals

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    In many eukaryotes, genetic sex determination is not governed by XX/XY or ZW/ZZ systems but by a specialized region on the poorly studied U (female) or V (male) sex chromosomes. Previous studies have hinted at the existence of a dominant male-sex factor on the V chromosome in brown algae, a group of multicellular eukaryotes distantly related to animals and plants. The nature of this factor has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that an HMG-box gene acts as the male-determining factor in brown algae, mirroring the role HMG-box genes play in sex determination in animals. Over a billion-year evolutionary timeline, these lineages have independently co-opted the HMG box for male determination, representing a paradigm for evolution’s ability to recurrently use the same genetic “toolkit” to accomplish similar tasks.</p

    Exercise training prevents skeletal muscle damage in an experimental sepsis model

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    OBJECTIVE: Oxidative stress plays an important role in skeletal muscle damage in sepsis. Aerobic exercise can decrease oxidative stress and enhance antioxidant defenses. Therefore, it was hypothesized that aerobic exercise training before a sepsis stimulus could attenuate skeletal muscle damage by modulating oxidative stress. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic physical preconditioning on the different mechanisms that are involved in sepsis-induced myopathy. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to either the untrained or trained group. The exercise training protocol consisted of an eight-week treadmill program. After the training protocol, the animals from both groups were randomly assigned to either a sham group or a cecal ligation and perforation surgery group. Thus, the groups were as follows: sham, cecal ligation and perforation, sham trained, and cecal ligation and perforation trained. Five days after surgery, the animals were euthanized and their soleus and plantaris muscles were harvested. Fiber cross-sectional area, creatine kinase, thiobarbituric acid reactive species, carbonyl, catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were measured. RESULTS: The fiber cross-sectional area was smaller, and the creatine kinase, thiobarbituric acid reactive species and carbonyl levels were higher in both muscles in the cecal ligation and perforation group than in the sham and cecal ligation and perforation trained groups. The muscle superoxide dismutase activity was higher in the cecal ligation and perforation trained group than in the sham and cecal ligation and perforation groups. The muscle catalase activity was lower in the cecal ligation and perforation group than in the sham group. CONCLUSION: In summary, aerobic physical preconditioning prevents atrophy, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation and improves superoxide dismutase activity in the skeletal muscles of septic rats

    Polyphenol profile by UHPLC-MS/MS, anti-glycation, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of several samples of propolis from the northeastern semi-arid region of Brazil

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    Clonal expansion across the seas as seen through CPLP-TB database: A joint effort in cataloguing Mycobacterium tuberculosis genetic diversity in Portuguese-speaking countries

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    This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY/4.0/).Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major health problem within the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP). Despite the marked variation in TB incidence across its member-states and continued human migratory flux between countries, a considerable gap in the knowledge on the Mycobacterium tuberculosis population structure and strain circulation between the countries still exists. To address this, we have assembled and analysed the largest CPLP M. tuberculosis molecular and drug susceptibility dataset, comprised by a total of 1447 clinical isolates, including 423 multidrug-resistant isolates, from five CPLP countries. The data herein presented reinforces Latin American and Mediterranean (LAM) strains as the hallmark of M. tuberculosis populational structure in the CPLP coupled with country-specific differential prevalence of minor clades. Moreover, using high-resolution typing by 24-loci MIRU-VNTR, six cross-border genetic clusters were detected, thus supporting recent clonal expansion across the Lusophone space. To make this data available to the scientific community and public health authorities we developed CPLP-TB (available at http://cplp-tb.ff.ulisboa.pt), an online database coupled with web-based tools for exploratory data analysis. As a public health tool, it is expected to contribute to improved knowledge on the M. tuberculosis population structure and strain circulation within the CPLP, thus supporting the risk assessment of strain-specific trends.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathogenesis of reproductive failure induced by Trypanosoma vivax in experimentally infected pregnant ewes

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    The present study was aimed at investigating the effect of experimental infection by Trypanosoma vivax in different\ud stages of pregnancy, determining the pathogenesis of reproductive failure, and confirming transplacental\ud transmission. We used 12 pregnant ewes distributed into four experimental groups: G1, was formed by three ewes\ud infected with T. vivax in the first third of pregnancy (30 days); G2 comprised three infected ewes in the final third of\ud pregnancy (100 days); G3 and G4 were composed of three non-infected ewes with the same gestational period,\ud respectively. Each ewe of G1 and G2 was inoculated with 1.25 × 105 tripomastigotes. Clinical examination,\ud determination of parasitemia, serum biochemistry (albumin, total protein, glucose, cholesterol, and urea), packed\ud cell volume (PCV), serum progesterone, and pathological examination were performed. Placenta, amniotic fluid,\ud blood and tissues from the fetuses and stillbirths were submitted to PCR. Two ewes of G1 (Ewe 1 and 3) presented\ud severe infection and died in the 34th and 35th days post-infection (dpi), respectively; but both fetuses were\ud recovered during necropsy. In G2, Ewe 5 aborted two fetuses on the 130th day (30 dpi) of pregnancy; and Ewe 6\ud aborted one fetus in the 140th day (40 dpi) of gestation. Ewes 2 and 4 delivered two weak lambs that died five\ud days after birth. Factors possibly involved with the reproductive failure included high parasitemia, fever, low PCV,\ud body score, serum glucose, total protein, cholesterol, and progesterone. Hepatitis, pericarditis, and encephalitis were\ud observed in the aborted fetuses. The presence of T. vivax DNA in the placenta, amniotic fluid, blood, and tissues\ud from the fetuses confirms the transplacental transmission of the parasite. Histological lesion in the fetuses and\ud placenta also suggest the involvement of the parasite in the etiopathogenesis of reproductive failure in ewes

    Search for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering at a nuclear reactor with CONNIE 2019 data

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    The Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment (CONNIE) is taking data at the Angra 2 nuclear reactor with the aim of detecting the coherent elastic scattering of reactor antineutrinos with silicon nuclei using charge-coupled devices (CCDs). In 2019 the experiment operated with a hardware binning applied to the readout stage, leading to lower levels of readout noise and improving the detection threshold down to 50 eV. The results of the analysis of 2019 data are reported here, corresponding to the detector array of 8 CCDs with a fiducial mass of 36.2 g and a total exposure of 2.2 kg-days. The difference between the reactor-on and reactor-off spectra shows no excess at low energies and yields upper limits at 95% confidence level for the neutrino interaction rates. In the lowest-energy range, 50-180 eV, the expected limit stands at 34 (39) times the standard model prediction, while the observed limit is 66 (75) times the standard model prediction with Sarkis (Chavarria) quenching factors.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figure

    Centrosome amplification arises before neoplasia and increases upon p53 loss in tumorigenesis

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    The uploaded article version is the Epub Ahead of Print version of the article, posted online 8 May 2018. It has been submitted to peer-review.The deposited article version contains attached the supplementary materials within the pdf.Centrosome abnormalities are a typical hallmark of human cancers. However, the origin and dynamics of such abnormalities in human cancer are not known. In this study, we examined centrosomes in Barrett's esophagus tumorigenesis, a well-characterized multistep pathway of progression, from the premalignant condition to the metastatic disease. This human cancer model allows the study of sequential steps of progression within the same patient and has representative cell lines from all stages of disease. Remarkably, centrosome amplification was detected as early as the premalignant condition and was significantly expanded in dysplasia. It was then present throughout malignant transformation both in adenocarcinoma and metastasis. The early expansion of centrosome amplification correlated with and was dependent on loss of function of the tumor suppressor p53 both through loss of wild-type expression and hotspot mutations. Our work shows that centrosome amplification in human tumorigenesis can occur before transformation, being repressed by p53. These findings suggest centrosome amplification in humans can contribute to tumor initiation and progression.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia–Harvard Medical School Program Portugal grant: (HMSP-CT/SAU-ICT/0075/2009); Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro; European Molecular Biology Organization Installation; Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastroenterologia.N/