275 research outputs found

    Analisis Peranan Pemerintah Terhadap Praktik Greenwashing Dalam Strategi Investasi Keuangan Berkelanjutan Berbasis ESG

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    Sustainable Finance is one of the government's steps in preserving the Environment. A concrete form of sustainable finance is an ESG-based sustainable investment. Financial Service Institutions, Issuers, Banks, and Public Companies are required to implement Sustainable Finance in order to achieve a national economy that grows stably, inclusively, and sustainably and can prevent forms of investment in business activities that use excessive resources that have the potential to damage the Environment, these demands are based on POJK Number 51 /POJK.03/2017. However, the regulation still does not regulate specific classifications and indicators for companies that do use nature as one of their business prospects, as a result of which Greenwashing practices often occur indirectly. Therefore, according to the author, OJK as an institution in charge of regulating and supervising financial services activities in the Banking sector, Capital Market sector, and IKNB sector, must make special arrangements related to Greenwashing practices so as to eliminate ambiguity in implementing Sustainable Finance in ESG-based Sustainability Investment strategies


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Emotional Intelligence, Lingkungan Kerja, dan Reputasi Perusahaan terhadap turnover intention yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja pada karyawan generasi milenial dimasa pandemik Covid yang berlokasi di Jabodetabek. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah non-probability sampling dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara online, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 200 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda yang diolah dengan menggunakan software SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Turnover Intention (2) Emotional Intelligence berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja (3) lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja . (4) Reputasi perusahaan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja. (5) Emotional intelligence berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap turnover intention yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja. (6) Lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap turnover intention yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja . (7) Reputasi perusahaan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap turnover intention yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja . (8) Emotional intelligence berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap turnover intention. (9) Kepuasan kerja  berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap turnover intention. (10) Reputasi perusahaan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Penelitian ini masih memiliki beberapa keterbatasan antara lain penyebaran kuesioner yang dilakukan secara online, sehingga terkadang tidak menunjukkan pendapat responden yang sebenarnya karena perbedaan pemikiran atau pemahaman. Jumlah responden yang hanya 200 orang tentu masih kurang menggambarkan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Objek penelitian hanya difokuskan pada karyawan generasi milenial di wilayah Jabodetabek. Beberapa implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan dapat meningkatkan tingkat emotional intelligence karyawan, lingkungan kerja, dan reputasi perusahaan untuk dapat lebih meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan kerja  karyawan. Masih perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan indikator atau variabel yang berbeda untuk mengkaji penyebab tingginya turnover intention khususnya pada generasi milenial.Kata kunci: Emotional Intelligence, Lingkungan Kerja, Reputasi Perusahaan, Kepuasan Kerja, Turnover Intention. This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence, work environment, and company reputation on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction for millennial generation employees during the Covid pandemic located in Greater Jakarta. The sampling technique used in this study is non-probability sampling with data collection methods using questionnaire distributed online, with a total of 200 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression processed using SPSS software. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on Turnover Intention (2) Emotional Intelligence has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. (3) The work environment has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. (4) Company reputation has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. (5) Emotional Intelligence has a significant positive effect on turnover intention, mediated by job satisfaction. (6) Work environment has a significant positive effect on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction. (7) Company reputation has a significant positive effect on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction. (8) Emotional Intelligence has a significant positive effect on turnover intention. (9) Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on turnover intention. (10) Company reputation has a significant positive effect on turnover intention. This study still has several limitations, among others, the distribution of questionnaires conducted online, so that sometimes it does not show the actual opinion of the respondents due to differences in thinking or understanding. The number of respondents, which is only 200 people, is of course still lacking in describing the actual situation. The object of research is only focused on millennial generation employees in the Greater Jakarta area. Some of the implications of this research are that companies can increase the level of emotional intelligence of employees, work environment, and company reputation to be able to further increase the level of employee job satisfaction. It is still necessary to do further research using different indicators or variables to examine the causes of high turnover intention, especially in the millennial generation.Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Work Environment, Company Reputation, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention


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    Serangan Port Scanning dapat menjadi masalah untuk kedepannya bagi jaringan jika tidak diatasi karena dapat merusak sistem dengan melakukan serangan lanjutan. Port Scanning memiliki dua tipe serangan yaitu non stealth scan dan stealth scan, stealh scan merupakan jenis port scanning yang lebih berbahaya dari pada non stealth scan. Stealh scan merupakan serangan yang dapat dianggap aktivitas normal bagi pendeteksi serangan, untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu teknik untuk mengenali ciri dari serangan stealh scan. Peneliti mengklasifikasi serangan stealh scan berdasarkan tiga jenis yaitu FIN scan, NULL scan dan XMAS scan, untuk mengenali ciri dari serangan tersebut dibutuhkan klasifikasi dari pola serangan dari tiga jenis tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan algoritma naive bayes untuk mengklasifikasikan ketiga jenis tersebut berdasarkan pola serangan. Pada paper ini peneliti akan membuat skenario sendiri untuk mengambil datasetnya dan setelah itu dataset akan diubah file nya melalui proses featue extraction. Tujuan dari feature extraction itu sendiri untuk mengubah file .pcap menjadi .csv, file .csv berguna untuk mempermudah peneliti mengenali pola dari serangan stealh scan. Pada penelitian ini setelah didapat pola serangan yang didapat dari informasi paket yang berasal dari tcp header dan ip header, pola tersebut peniliti amati dan dicari nilai probabilitasnya. Setelah didapat nilai probabilitasnya peneliti merancang sistem IDS menggunakan bahasa python dan mengimplementasikan algoritma naive bayes. Peneliti melakukan pengujian sistem IDS menggunakan naĂŻve bayes sebanyak 10 kali. Hasil dari penelitian ini sendiri mendapatkan bahwa akurasi naive bayes sangat baik dalam deteksi dan pengklasifikasian berdasarkan jenis serangan dengan hasil untuk rata-rata akurasi FIN scan 99.04%, NULL scan 98.94%, XMAS scan 99.13% dan all out attack sebesar 99.10

    Strategi Copywriting dalam Meningkatkan Kerjasama Pada Telkom Indonesia

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    Copywriting has a close relationship in a branding, copywriting is a bridge to targeted consumers. Copywriting has become a trend that can be found anywhere from start-up companies to companies that are already developing, which one of which is Telkom Indonesia. Telkom Indonesia uses copywriting as one of the strategies to improve the company's performance in running the launched program. These new programs include the FCC (Fisheries Cyber Center) program. This research aims to see the copywriting strategy in increasing cooperation with Telkom Indonesia. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The method of data collection is through observation, interviews and documentation, while data analysis uses reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the analysis show that Telkom Indonesia's copywriting strategy uses effective communication and applies AIDA theory. So that with the copywriting strategy, Telkom Indonesia can increase cooperation and run the program

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengering Kakao Menggunakan Panel Surya Dengan Kapasitas 2 Kg

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    Indonesia memiliki iklim yang mendukung pengunaan panel surya pertanian kakao di disetiap provinsi. Terutama di negara berkembang, industri di berbagai bidang semakin meningkat. Salah satunya ialah industri pangan yang mengolah bahan mentah menjadi makanan olahan siap saji dengan berbagai variasinya. Contoh makanan yang sangat populer adalah coklat. Bahan dasar coklat adalah biji kakao, yang menyebabkan peningkatan permintaan biji kakao, yang merupakan bahan dasar coklat. Biji kakao digunakan sebagai bahan dalam minuman, campuran kembang gula, dan yang lainnya. Karena kandungan lemak yang tinggi dari biji kakao, biji kakao juga dapat diolah menjadi “cocoa butter”, wewangian, dan obat. Dan jika digunakan dengan benar akan menghasilkan produk yang menguntungkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan berapa heater yang lebih cepat proses pengeringannya. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap uji coba pengeringan menggunaan heater. Ternyata heater berpengaruh terhadap cepatnya proses pengeringan biji kakao. Dengan menggunakan 2 heater, lama pengeringan 24 jam, 2 kg biji kakao basah menjadi 897 gr biji kakao kering

    Evaluasi Usabilitas Virtual Interface dan Virtual Experience Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation pada Aplikasi Gamelan Bonang Penerus: Indonesia

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    Abstrak. Perkembangan sebuah teknologi antarmuka baru dengan menggunakan teknologi virtual reality seperti pada aplikasi gamelan bonang penerus, telah membangkitkan peluang baru dalam melestarikan budaya alat musik daerah di Indonesia. Namun, pengembangan pada aplikasi ini masih perlu evaluasi dari perspektif Virtual Interface penggunaan. Metode evaluasi ini diperlukan untuk mengukur usability dari aplikasi virtual reality gamelan bonang penerus berdasarkan dari perspektif Virtual Experience pengguna dan menggunakan metode heuristic evaluation untuk mendeteksi masalah pada fungsionalitas produk. Selama dalam proses evaluasi VX pada desain dan sistem interaktif pada aplikasi, diperlukan saran dari evaluator yang mahir dibidangnya untuk menjadi dasar dari penilaian tampilan antar muka pada aplikasi gamelan bonang penerus. Hasil dari analisa ini secara umum masih memiliki gangguan kecil sampai gangguan sedang pada fitur yang tersedia sehingga hasil analisa dapat ditindaklanjuti untuk peninjauan perbaikan dari aplikasi gamelan bonang penerus dan dapat dipakai sebagai praktis keilmuan untuk pengembangan aplikasi sejenisnya.   Abstract. The development of a new interface technology using virtual reality technology such as in the gamelan bonang penerus application, has generated new opportunities in preserving the culture of regional musical instruments in Indonesia. However, the development of this application still needs evaluation from the perspective of Virtual Interface usage. This evaluation method is needed to measure the usability of the gamelan bonang penerus virtual reality application based on the user's Virtual Experience perspective and uses the heuristic evaluation method to detect problems in product functionality. During the VX evaluation process on the design and interactive system in the application, suggestions from evaluators proficient in their fields are needed to be the basis for evaluating the interface of the gamelan bonang penerus application. The results of this analysis generally still have minor to moderate disturbances in the features available so that the results of the analysis can be followed up for a review the improvement of the gamelan bonang penerus application and can be used as practical knowledge for the development of similar applications

    Comparison of Antioxidant and Antihyaluronidase Activities in Extract of Basil Leaves (Ocimum americanum L.) with Eugenol Compound

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    Aging is a slow progressive loss of the ability of tissue to repair or regenerate and maintain its normal structure and function. Free radicals has been one of the aging factor, because free radicals can damage molecule in the body like lipid and protein. Antioxidant can help protect the body from free radicals. Has been known from many studies that there is many fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidant and antiaging (antihyaluronidase). One of that is basil leaves (Ocimum americanum L.). And one of the compound which can be found quite much in basil leaves is eugenol. This study aims to reveal comparison of the antioxidant and antihyaluronidase potential possessed in etanol extract of basil leaves compare to Eugenol compound. The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) radicals scavanging antioxidant activity was measured based on the reaction method of ferrous ammonium sulphate and phenanthroline with little modification. The antihyaluronidase activity was detected by measuring the amount of Hyaluronic Acid based on method that has been told by Sigma Aldrich and Tu & Tawata (2015) with little modification. Eugenol had an IC50 value for H2O2  radicals scavenging activity as of 100,82 ± 8.60 ”g/mL and basil leaves extract was 171,68 ± 2.21 ”g/mL. While hyaluronidase inhibition activity from eugenol was 26,69 ± 2.89 ”g/mL and basil leaves extract was 65,37 ± 3.96 ”g/mL. In summary, eugenol compound which can be found in extract of basil leaves (Ocimum americanum L.) has better H2O2 radicals scavanging activity and  hyaluronidase enzyme inhibitory activity than the extract of basil leaves (Ocimum americanum L.). Thus, present study described maybe eugenol is the main antioxidant and antiaging potential compound  in basil leaves extract

    Impact of forest plantation on methane emissions from tropical peatland

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    Tropical peatlands are a known source of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere, but their contribution to atmospheric CH4 is poorly constrained. Since the 1980s, extensive areas of the peatlands in Southeast Asia have experienced land‐cover change to smallholder agriculture and forest plantations. This land‐cover change generally involves lowering of groundwater level (GWL), as well as modification of vegetation type, both of which potentially influence CH4 emissions. We measured CH4 exchanges at the landscape scale using eddy covariance towers over two land‐cover types in tropical peatland in Sumatra, Indonesia: (a) a natural forest and (b) an Acacia crassicarpa plantation. Annual CH4 exchanges over the natural forest (9.1 ± 0.9 g CH4 m−2 year−1) were around twice as high as those of the Acacia plantation (4.7 ± 1.5 g CH4 m−2 year−1). Results highlight that tropical peatlands are significant CH4 sources, and probably have a greater impact on global atmospheric CH4 concentrations than previously thought. Observations showed a clear diurnal variation in CH4 exchange over the natural forest where the GWL was higher than 40 cm below the ground surface. The diurnal variation in CH4 exchanges was strongly correlated with associated changes in the canopy conductance to water vapor, photosynthetic photon flux density, vapor pressure deficit, and air temperature. The absence of a comparable diurnal pattern in CH4 exchange over the Acacia plantation may be the result of the GWL being consistently below the root zone. Our results, which are among the first eddy covariance CH4 exchange data reported for any tropical peatland, should help to reduce the uncertainty in the estimation of CH4 emissions from a globally important ecosystem, provide a more complete estimate of the impact of land‐cover change on tropical peat, and develop science‐based peatland management practices that help to minimize greenhouse gas emissions

    Fc-Optimized Anti-CD25 Depletes Tumor-Infiltrating Regulatory T Cells and Synergizes with PD-1 Blockade to Eradicate Established Tumors

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    CD25 is expressed at high levels on regulatory T (Treg) cells and was initially proposed as a target for cancer immunotherapy. However, anti-CD25 antibodies have displayed limited activity against established tumors. We demonstrated that CD25 expression is largely restricted to tumor-infiltrating Treg cells in mice and humans. While existing anti-CD25 antibodies were observed to deplete Treg cells in the periphery, upregulation of the inhibitory Fc gamma receptor (FcγR) IIb at the tumor site prevented intra-tumoral Treg cell depletion, which may underlie the lack of anti-tumor activity previously observed in pre-clinical models. Use of an anti-CD25 antibody with enhanced binding to activating FcγRs led to effective depletion of tumor-infiltrating Treg cells, increased effector to Treg cell ratios, and improved control of established tumors. Combination with anti-programmed cell death protein-1 antibodies promoted complete tumor rejection, demonstrating the relevance of CD25 as a therapeutic target and promising substrate for future combination approaches in immune-oncology
