43 research outputs found

    European Joint Doctorates: myth or reality?

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    Today, there is a lack of consensus for the full implementation of common programmes recognizing the “highest” level of higher education in Europe. Even though cotuttelle agreements are widely used for international joint supervision of PhD theses, these are merely bilateral and individual case-based agreements, far away from a real joint degree under a legal framework that establishes the programme. This article aims to describe the experience of the authors in the management and coordination of a joint doctoral programme between 2015 and 2019 and the results obtained from the interrogation of official websites about the reality in Europe concerning such programmes. Our conclusion is that, still in the 21st century, there is a huge gap to be overcome before the existence of Joint International/European Doctorates can be considered an everyday reality. Although various attempts have been made in the last 20 years, there is still a long way to go for Higher Education institutions to integrate all aspects of such programmes, and to make them something more and different than an additional Diploma Supplement. In the authors´ opinion, major efforts must be made by the administrative bodies, although the drive of the academic staff is crucial for success.  [ES] Today, there is a lack of consensus for the full implementation of common programmes recognizing the “highest” level of higher education in Europe. Even though cotuttelle agreements are widely used for international joint supervision of PhD theses, these are merely bilateral and individual case-based agreements, far away from a real joint degree under a legal framework that establishes the programme. This article aims to describe the experience of the authors in the management and coordination of a joint doctoral programme between 2015 and 2019 and the results obtained from the interrogation of official websites about the reality in Europe concerning such programmes. Our conclusion is that, still in the 21st century, there is a huge gap to be overcome before the existence of Joint International/European Doctorates can be considered an everyday reality. Although various attempts have been made in the last 20 years, there is still a long way to go for Higher Education institutions to integrate all aspects of such programmes, and to make them something more and different than an additional Diploma Supplement. In the authors´ opinion, major efforts must be made by the administrative bodies, although the drive of the academic staff is crucial for success.Coy Fuster, P.; Canovas, S.; Van Soom, A.; Bernabo, N.; Lonergan, P.; Schellander, K. (2020). European Joint Doctorates: myth or reality?. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1109-1117. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11209OCS1109111730-05-202

    Culture Medium and Sex Drive Epigenetic Reprogramming in Preimplantation Bovine Embryos.

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    Assisted reproductive technologies impact transcriptome and epigenome of embryos and can result in long-term phenotypic consequences. Whole-genome DNA methylation profiles from individual bovine blastocysts in vivo- and in vitro-derived (using three sources of protein: reproductive fluids, blood serum and bovine serum albumin) were generated. The impact of in vitro culture on DNA methylation was analyzed, and sex-specific methylation differences at blastocyst stage were uncovered. In vivo embryos showed the highest levels of methylation (29.5%), close to those produced in vitro with serum, whilst embryos produced in vitro with reproductive fluids or albumin showed less global methylation (25-25.4%). During repetitive element analysis, the serum group was the most affected. DNA methylation differences between in vivo and in vitro groups were more frequent in the first intron than in CpGi in promoters. Moreover, hierarchical cluster analysis showed that sex produced a stronger bias in the results than embryo origin. For each group, distance between male and female embryos varied, with in vivo blastocyst showing a lesser distance. Between the sexually dimorphic methylated tiles, which were biased to X-chromosome, critical factors for reproduction, developmental process, cell proliferation and DNA methylation machinery were included. These results support the idea that blastocysts show sexually-dimorphic DNA methylation patterns, and the known picture about the blastocyst methylome should be reconsidered

    The ALMA Early Science View of FUor/EXor objects. IV. Misaligned Outflows in the Complex Star-forming Environment of V1647 Ori and McNeil's Nebula

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the star-forming environment surrounding V1647 Ori, an outbursting FUor/EXor pre-MS star. Dust continuum and the (J = 2 - 1) 12^{12}CO, 13^{13}CO, C18^{18}O molecular emission lines were observed to characterize the V1647 Ori circumstellar disc and any large scale molecular features present. We detect continuum emission from the circumstellar disc and determine a radius r = 40 au, inclination i = 17^{\circ}9+6^{+6}_{-9} and total disc mass of Mdisk_{\mathrm{disk}} of ~0.1 M_{\odot}. We do not identify any disc structures associated with nearby companions, massive planets or fragmentation. The molecular cloud environment surrounding V1647 Ori is both structured and complex. We confirm the presence of an excavated cavity north of V1647 Ori and have identified dense material at the base of the optical reflection nebula (McNeil's Nebula) that is actively shaping its surrounding environment. Two distinct outflows have been detected with dynamical ages of ~11,700 and 17,200 years. These outflows are misaligned suggesting disc precession over ~5500 years as a result of anisotropic accretion events is responsible. The collimated outflows exhibit velocities of ~2 km s1^{-1}, similar in velocity to that of other FUor objects presented in this series but significantly slower than previous observations and model predictions. The V1647 Ori system is seemingly connected by an "arm" of material to a large unresolved structure located ~20"" to the west. The complex environment surrounding V1647 Ori suggests it is in the early stages of star formation which may relate to its classification as both an FUor and EXor type object.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Understanding the applicability of terahertz flow-guided nano-networksfor medical applications

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    Terahertz-based nano-networks are emerging as a groundbreaking technology able to play a decisive role in future medical applications owing to their ability to precisely quantify figures, such as the viral load in a patient or to predict sepsis shock or heart attacks before they occur. Due to the extremely limited size of the devices composing these nano-networks, the use of the Terahertz (THz) band has emerged as the enabling technology for their communication. However, the characteristics of the THz band, which strictly reduce the communication range inside the human body, together with the energy limitations of nano-nodes make the in-body deployment of nano-nodes a challenging task. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel in-body flow-guided nano-network architecture consisting of three different devices: i) nano-node, ii) nano-router, and iii) bio-sensor. As the performance of this type of nano-network has not been previously explored, a theoretical framework capturing all its particularities is derived to properly model its behavior and evaluate its feasibility in real medical applications. Employing this analytical model, a thorough sensitivity study of its key parameters is accomplished. Finally, we analyze the terahertz flow-guided nano-network design to satisfy the requirements of several medical applications of interest

    Metatranscriptomes reveal functional variation in diatom communities from the Antarctic Peninsula

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    Functional genomics of diatom-dominated communities from the Antarctic Peninsula was studied using comparative metatranscriptomics. Samples obtained from diatom-rich communities in the Bransfield Strait, the western Weddell Sea and sea ice in the Bellingshausen Sea/Wilkins Ice Shelf yielded more than 500K pyrosequencing reads that were combined to produce a global metatranscriptome assembly. Multi-gene phylogenies recovered three distinct communities, and diatom-assigned contigs further indicated little read-sharing between communities, validating an assembly-based annotation and analysis approach. Although functional analysis recovered a core of abundant shared annotations that were expressed across the three diatom communities, over 40% of annotations (but accounting for <10% of sequences) were community-specific. The two pelagic communities differed in their expression of N-metabolism and acquisition genes, which was almost absent in post-bloom conditions in the Weddell Sea community, while enrichment of transporters for ammonia and urea in Bransfield Strait diatoms suggests a physiological stance towards acquisition of reduced N-sources. The depletion of carbohydrate and energy metabolism pathways in sea ice relative to pelagic communities, together with increased light energy dissipation (via LHCSR proteins), photorespiration, and NO3 uptake and utilization all pointed to irradiance stress and/or inorganic carbon limitation within sea ice. Ice-binding proteins and cold-shock transcription factors were also enriched in sea ice diatoms. Surprisingly, the abundance of gene transcripts for the translational machinery tracked decreasing environmental temperature across only a 4 degrees C range, possibly reflecting constraints on translational efficiency and protein production in cold environments.Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) [PTDC/MAR/72630]; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (under the scope of the International Polar Year (IPY)) [POL2006-00550/CTM]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Observations of gas flows inside a protoplanetary gap

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    Gaseous giant planet formation is thought to occur in the first few million years following stellar birth. Models predict that giant planet formation carves a deep gap in the dust component (shallower in the gas). Infrared observations of the disk around the young star HD142527, at ~140pc, found an inner disk ~10AU in radius, surrounded by a particularly large gap, with a disrupted outer disk beyond 140AU, indicative of a perturbing planetary-mass body at ~90 AU. From radio observations, the bulk mass is molecular and lies in the outer disk, whose continuum emission has a horseshoe morphology. The vigorous stellar accretion rate would deplete the inner disk in less than a year, so in order to sustain the observed accretion, matter must flow from the outer-disk into the cavity and cross the gap. In dynamical models, the putative protoplanets channel outer-disk material into gap-crossing bridges that feed stellar accretion through the inner disk. Here we report observations with the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) that reveal diffuse CO gas inside the gap, with denser HCO+ gas along gap-crossing filaments, and that confirm the horseshoe morphology of the outer disk. The estimated flow rate of the gas is in the range 7E-9 to 2E-7 Msun/yr, which is sufficient to maintain accretion onto the star at the present rate

    DNA methylation and gene expression changes derived from assisted reproductive technologies can be decreased by reproductive fluids.

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    The number of children born since the origin of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) exceeds 5 million. The majority seem healthy, but a higher frequency of defects has been reported among ART-conceived infants, suggesting an epigenetic cost. We report the first whole-genome DNA methylation datasets from single pig blastocysts showing differences between in vivo and in vitro produced embryos. Blastocysts were produced in vitro either without (C-IVF) or in the presence of natural reproductive fluids (Natur-IVF). Natur-IVF embryos were of higher quality than C-IVF in terms of cell number and hatching ability. RNA-Seq and DNA methylation analyses showed that Natur-IVF embryos have expression and methylation patterns closer to in vivo blastocysts. Genes involved in reprogramming, imprinting and development were affected by culture, with fewer aberrations in Natur-IVF embryos. Methylation analysis detected methylated changes in C-IVF, but not in Natur-IVF, at genes whose methylation could be critical, such as IGF2R and NNAT

    Imaging the water snow-line during a protostellar outburst

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    A snow-line is the region of a protoplanetary disk at which a major volatile, such as water or carbon monoxide, reaches its condensation temperature. Snow-lines play a crucial role in disk evolution by promoting the rapid growth of ice-covered grains^1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Signatures of the carbon monoxide snow-line (at temperatures of around 20 kelvin) have recently been imaged in the disks surrounding the pre-main-sequence stars TW Hydra^7, 8, 9 and HD163296 (refs 3, 10), at distances of about 30 astronomical units (au) from the star. But the water snow-line of a protoplanetary disk (at temperatures of more than 100 kelvin) has not hitherto been seen, as it generally lies very close to the star (less than 5 au away for solar-type stars^11). Water-ice is important because it regulates the efficiency of dust and planetesimal coagulation5, and the formation of comets, ice giants and the cores of gas giants^12. Here we report images at 0.03-arcsec resolution (12 au) of the protoplanetary disk around V883 Ori, a protostar of 1.3 solar masses that is undergoing an outburst in luminosity arising from a temporary increase in the accretion rate^13. We find an intensity break corresponding to an abrupt change in the optical depth at about 42 au, where the elevated disk temperature approaches the condensation point of water, from which we conclude that the outburst has moved the water snow-line. The spectral behaviour across the snow-line confirms recent model predictions^14: dust fragmentation and the inhibition of grain growth at higher temperatures results in soaring grain number densities and optical depths. As most planetary systems are expected to experience outbursts caused by accretion during their formation^15, 16, our results imply that highly dynamical water snow-lines must be considered when developing models of disk evolution and planet formation

    Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks

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    Species assemblages often have a non-random nested organization, which in vertebrate scavenger (carrion-consuming) assemblages is thought to be driven by facilitation in competitive environments. However, not all scavenger species play the same role in maintaining assemblage structure, as some species are obligate scavengers (i.e., vultures) and others are facultative, scavenging opportunistically. We used a database with 177 vertebrate scavenger species from 53 assemblages in 22 countries across five continents to identify which functional traits of scavenger species are key to maintaining the scavenging network structure. We used network analyses to relate ten traits hypothesized to affect assemblage structure with the role of each species in the scavenging assemblage in which it appeared. We characterized the role of a species in terms of both the proportion of monitored carcasses on which that species scavenged, or scavenging breadth (i.e., the species normalized degree), and the role of that species in the nested structure of the assemblage (i.e., the species paired nested degree), therefore identifying possible facilitative interactions among species. We found that species with high olfactory acuity, social foragers, and obligate scavengers had the widest scavenging breadth. We also found that social foragers had a large paired nested degree in scavenger assemblages, probably because their presence is easier to detect by other species to signal carcass occurrence. Our study highlights differences in the functional roles of scavenger species and can be used to identify key species for targeted conservation to maintain the ecological function of scavenger assemblages