131 research outputs found

    Transformations of a teacher in her relationship with a deafblind student

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    Cuando comenzamos a trabajar en la escuela tenemos un bagaje vivido como alumno que condiciona nuestra forma de dar clase y las expectativas que podemos tener hacia el alumnado, en general y al de necesidades educativas, en especial. Sin embargo, estas concepciones se pueden cambiar. El profesorado puede reconstruir su identidad docente haciendo prevalecer su pasión por la educación y con el apoyo de compañeros y compañeras. La historia de vida que se presenta es el de una maestra de Educación Infantil que tiene en su aula a una alumna inmigrante sordociega. En ella se muestra la transformación de su idea sobre la integración, avanzando a una concepción inclusiva. Este cambio se basa en procesos de reflexión individuales y en diálogos con otros compañeros y compañeras suponiendo que ampliase sus ideas acerca de lo positivo de la educación inclusiva y que las mejoras que buscaba en la alumna se extendiesen a todo el centro y fuera de este. La transformación de las creencias de la docente ha sido muy positiva para la familia de la alumna y para la propia alumna que se encuentran enun aula inclusiva con una educación lo más normalizada posible

    Trece años de evaluación compartida en Educación Física

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    En este trabajo realizamos una revisión de trece años de experiencia docente e investigación educativa sobre la Autoevaluación y la Evaluación Compartida en Educación Física. En una primera parte llevamos a cabo una revisión del estado de la cuestión, describimos el objeto de estudio y la metodología utilizada, para pasar posteriormente a analizar los resultados generales de estos trece años de experimentación. Los resultados los hemos organizado en dos grandes apartados: a-ventajas y posibilidades y b- inconvenientes, dificultades y posibles soluciones, de modo que puedan ser de utilidad para el profesorado interesado en el estudio y la puesta en práctica de este tipo de sistemas de evaluación

    Characterization of miniaturized metamaterial resonators coupled to planar transmission lines through parameter extraction

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    In this paper, a method for obtaining the electrical characteristics of metamaterial resonators coupled to planar transmission lines is proposed. This parameter extraction technique is based on the comparison between the measured or full wave electromagnetic simulated transmission and reflection characteristics of a host line loaded with such resonators and those obtained from its lumped element equivalent circuit model previously reported by some of the authors. The resonant particles considered in this study are split ring resonators, spiral resonators, and other electrically small resonant particles based on two metal levels. The interest in this technique lies in the lack of analytical models providing the electrical parameters of several of the considered ultrasmall resonator topologies due to their complexity. From the extracted parameters, it is concluded that the circuit models predict very accurately the frequency responses of the considered structures for the different resonators under study. There is an increasing interest in the synthesis of metamaterial transmission lines with extremely small unit cell size. In order to achieve dimensions close to or even below g /100, it is imperative to use complex resonator topologies that combine broadside coupling and extremely elongated metallic strips etched in different metal levels connected through vias. This justifies the proposed technique. Thus, this work is useful in aiding the synthesis of microwave components based on resonant type metamaterial transmission lines.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias de España-TEC2007-68013-C02 METAINNOVACentro de Innovación y Desarrollo de España-CIMITEC (UAB)-2005SGR0624Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias-(subvención FPU)-AP2005-452

    Response to a Salmonella Typhimurium challenge in piglets supplemented with protected sodium butyrate or Bacillus licheniformis : effects on performance, intestinal health and behavior

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    Salmonella spp. is one of the worldwide leading causes of food-borne illnesses for which the inclusion of probiotics or organic acids in animal feeds can be useful control methods. Experimental models are utilized to test the efficacy of strategies against pathogens, but they exhibit limitations which may preclude finding sensible evaluation parameters. The objective of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of 2 different feed additives; a Bacillus licheniformis based probiotic and a protected sodium butyrate (SB) salt, using an experimental model of salmonellosis and, second, to explore if behavior analysis can be used as a sensible evaluation tool for additives evaluation. A total of 78 piglets weaned at 24 d, 8.3 kg BW, were used. Seventy-two were placed in 3 rooms of 8 pens (3 animals/pen) with evenly distributed treatments (n = 8): CON, control group with plain diet; PRO, plain diet with 1 kg/t of Proporc (10 9 cfu of B. licheniformis /kg of feed), and BUT, plain diet with 3 kg/t of Gustor BP70 (2.1 g of partially protected SB salt/kg of feed). Remaining piglets (n = 6) were separated and used as a challenge negative control. The experiment lasted 16 d. After 1 wk of adaptation, animals were challenged with 5 × 10 8 cfu of Salmonella Typhimurium. One pig per pen was euthanized and sampled at d 4 and 8 post-inoculation (PI). There were no significant differences among treatments for ADFI, ADG, G:F, rectal temperature, fecal consistency, pH, ammonia, short-chain fatty acids and lactic acid concentrations, cytokine TNF-α, Pig-MAP acute-phase proteins and histological parameters. However, both products were equally able to reduce colonization and shedding of Salmonella (P = 0.016 for PRO and BUT vs. CON). In addition, PRO treatment had a positive effect on behavioral displays, particularly exploring (P < 0.05 vs. CON), feeding (P < 0.05 vs. CON and BUT) and other active behaviors (P < 0.05 vs. CON and BUT) in the morning period (0830 to 1030 h). In the afternoon (1400 to 1600 h), the challenge effect was most significant. Pigs were less active after the challenge (P < 0.001), with a decrease in positive contacts (P = 0.004), exploration (P < 0.001) and feeding behaviors (P < 0.001) on d 3 PI, in comparison with before the challenge. Accordingly, many lying conducts increased at d 3 PI (P < 0.05). In conclusion, both treatments had positive effects against Salmonella, and behavior analysis appears to be a sensible tool to be considered

    Sustainable development city-beach in Alicante

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    [EN] Tourism development in recent decades has involved a large urban development in coastal areas, with different anthropogenic structural interventions on the coast such as the construction of commercial buildings and marinas, which has led to intense erosion and large imbalances in the last century. This situation also affects the city of Alicante, with the area between the port of Alicante and the Huertas Cape, one of the most depressed areas of the city, due to various actions carried out since the 70s, for anthropic example fillers for building marinas, jetties and broken in poor condition because they are made of sandstone, and a bad connection between the two parts of the city. In this work the creation of a new promenade that communicates both zones is proposed, creating new beaches eliminating anthro- pogenic fillings and the remains of breakwaters along the coast, the union of diverse marine area in one marina, and the insertion of an artificial reef multipurpose. With all this it is to improve the attraction of the area, and increase the mobility of the city on the coast.Aragonés, L.; García-Barba, J.; Villacampa, Y.; López, I.; Gómez Martín, ME.; Pagán, J. (2017). Sustainable development city-beach in Alicante. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 12(4):704-712. doi:10.2495/SDP-V12-N4-704-712S70471212

    Coupling UV light and US irradiation with CDEO for the removal of progesterone

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    This work focusses on the improvement of the efficiency of Conductive Diamond Electrochemical Oxidation (CDEO) by coupling US and UV irradiation in the degradation of progesterone from wastewater. Results show that CDEO is a promising technology for the degradation of progesterone, just the opposite of that observed for single sonolysis and photolysis technologies, which only entail a slight removal of progesterone and nil mineralization. Coupling UV light and US irradiations with CDEO seems to have a very positive effect, improving results obtained by single CDEO very significantly. Conductive Diamond Sono Electrochemical Oxidation (CDSEO) mainly seems to improve the transfer of pollutants to the conductive-diamond surface, while Conductive Diamond Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (CDPEO) seems to promote the formation of radicals from oxidants produced electrochemically. Soft oxidation conditions are obtained with the single application of both irradiation technologies, whereas an efficient mineralization is attained with CDEO, CDSEO, CDPEO and Conductive Diamond Sono-Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (CDSPEO). However, the high energy demands of US irradiation technologies advices against the use of CDSEO and CDSPEO

    Tipologías de profesorado universitario en función de la evaluación aplicada a los futuros docentes

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    En el presente trabajo se analizan las diferentes tipologías de profesorado universitario en función de los sistemas de evaluación que utilizan. A partir de escalas fiables y válidas, se han realizado análisis multivariantes (cluster y ANOVAS) con una muestra de 217 profesores universitarios de Formación Inicial del Profesorado de 14 universidades. Los resultados sugieren la existencia de tres tipos de docentes, en función de los instrumentos de evaluación que utilizan: a) profesorado innovador, b) profesorado orientado a la calificación, y c) profesorado ecléctico con un fuerte componente práctico. Se analizan, por último, las implicaciones educativas que estos resultados pudieran tener

    Holistic assessment of the microbiome dynamics in the substrates used for commercial champignon (Agaricus bisporus) cultivation

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    Microorganisms strongly influence and are required to generate the selective substrate that provides nutrients and support for fungal growth, and ultimately to induce mushroom fructification under controlled environmental conditions. In this work, the fungal and bacterial microbiota living in the different substrates employed in a commercial crop (compost phase I, II and III, flush 1 and 2, and casing material on day 1, 6 and 8 after compost casing and during flush 1 and 2) have been characterized along the different stages of cultivation by metataxonomic analysis (16S rRNA and ITS2), analysis of phospholipid fatty acid content (PLFAs) and RT-qPCR. Additionally, laccase activity and the content of lignin and complex carbohydrates in compost and casing have been quantified. The bacterial diversity in compost and casing increased throughout the crop cycle boosted by the connection of both substrates. As reflected by the PLFAs, the total living bacterial biomass appears to be negatively correlated with the mycelium of the crop. Agaricus bisporus was the dominant fungal species in colonized substrates, displacing the pre-eminent Ascomycota, accompanied by a sustained increase in laccase activity, which is considered to be a major product of protein synthesis during the mycelial growth of champignon. From phase II onwards, the metabolic machinery of the fungal crop degrades lignin and carbohydrates in compost, while these components are hardly degraded in casing, which reflects the minor role of the casing for nourishing the crop. The techniques employed in this study provide a holistic and detailed characterization of the changing microbial composition in commercial champignon substrates. The knowledge generated will contribute to improve compost formulations (selection of base materials) and accelerate compost production, for instance, through biotechnological interventions in the form of tailored biostimulants and to design environmentally sustainable bio-based casing materialsThe project was funded by the H2020 programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 742966 and also funded by the ADER project grant no. 2016-IDD-00013. [Correction added on 07 August 2020 after first online publication: Figures 3 and 5 have been corrected in this version