41 research outputs found

    Authigenic carbonates from the Cascadia subduction zone and their relation to gas hydrate stability

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    Authigenic carbonates are intercalated with massive gas hydrates in sediments of the Cascadia margin. The deposits were recovered from the uppermost 50 cm of sediments on the southern summit of the Hydrate Ridge during the RV Sonne cruise SO110. Two carbonate lithologies that differ in chemistry, mineralogy, and fabric make up these deposits. Microcrystalline high-magnesium calcite (14 to 19 mol% MgCO3) and aragonite are present in both semiconsolidated sediments and carbonate-cemented clasts. Aragonite occurs also as a pure phase without sediment impurities. It is formed by precipitation in cavities as botryoidal and isopachous aggregates within pure white, massive gas hydrate. Variations in oxygen isotope values of the carbonates reflect the mineralogical composition and define two end members: a Mg-calcite with δ18O =4.86‰ PDB and an aragonite with δ18O =3.68‰ PDB. On the basis of the ambient bottom-water temperature and accepted equations for oxygen isotope fractionation, we show that the aragonite phase formed in equilibrium with its pore-water environment, and that the Mg-calcite appears to have precipitated from pore fluids enriched in 18O. Oxygen isotope enrichment probably originates from hydrate water released during gas-hydrate destabilization

    Detecting hydrate and fluid flow from bottom simulating reflector depth anomalies

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    Methane hydrates, ice-like compounds that consist of water and methane, represent a potentially enormous unconventional methane resource that may play a critical role in climate change and ocean acidification; however, it remains unclear how much hydrate exists. Here, using a newly developed three-dimensional (3-D) thermal technique, we reveal a novel method for detecting and quantifying methane hydrate. The analysis reveals where fluids migrate in three dimensions across a continental margin and is used to quantify hydrate with meter-scale horizontal resolution. Our study, located at Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon (United States), suggests that heat flow and hydrate concentrations are coupled and that 3-D thermal analysis can be used to constrain hydrate and fluid flow in 3-D seismic data. Hydrate estimates using this technique are consistent with 1-D drilling results, but reveal large, previously unrecognized swaths of hydrate-rich sediments that have gone undetected due to spatially limited drilling and sampling techniques used in past studies. The 3-D analysis suggests that previous hydrate estimates based on drilling at this site are low by a factor of approximately three

    Fluid accumulation along the Costa Rica subduction thrust and development of the seismogenic zone

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    20 pages, 12 figuresIn 2011 we acquired an 11 × 55 km, 3-D seismic reflection volume across the Costa Rica margin, NW of the Osa Peninsula, to accurately image the subduction thrust in 3-D, to examine fault zone properties, and to infer the hydrogeology that controls fluid accumulation along the thrust. Following processing to remove water column multiples, noise, and acquisition artifacts, we constructed a 3-D seismic velocity model for Kirchhoff prestack depth migration imaging. Images of the plate boundary thrust show high-reflection amplitudes underneath the middle to lower slope that we attribute to fluid-rich, poorly drained portions of the subduction thrust. At ∼ 5 km subseafloor, beneath the upper slope, the plate interface abruptly becomes weakly reflective, which we interpret as a transition to a well-drained subduction thrust. Mineral dehydration during diagenesis may also diminish at 5 km subseafloor to reduce fluid production and contribute to the downdip change from high to low amplitude. There is also a layered fabric and systems of both thrust and normal faults within the overriding plate that form a >plumbing system.> Faults commonly have fault plane reflections and are presumably fluid charged. The faults and layered fabric form three compartmentalized hydrogeologic zones: (1) a shallow NE dipping zone beneath the slope, (2) a steeply SW dipping zone beneath the shelf slope break, and (3) a NE dipping zone beneath the shelf. The more direct pathway in the middle zone drains the subduction thrust more efficiently and contributes to reduced fluid pressure, elevates effective stress, and creates greater potential for unstable coseismic slip. ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights ReservedAmerican Geophysical UnionThis project was funded with a grant from the National Science Foundation, OCE-0851380. This is UTIG contribution 2792Peer Reviewe

    Seismic characteristics of gas hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon

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    Influence of incoming plate relief on overriding plate deformation and earthquake nucleation: Cocos Ridge subduction (Costa Rica)

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    European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May 2020We present a 2D p-wave velocity (Vp) model and a coincident multichannel seismic reflection profile mapping the structure of the southern Costa Rica margin and incoming Cocos Ridge. The seismic profiles image the ocean and overriding plates from the trench across the entire offshore margin, including the structures involved in the 2002 Mw6.4 Osa earthquake. The overriding plate consists of three domains: Domain I at the margin front displays thin-skinned deformation of an imbricated-thrust system composed of fractured rocks with relatively low Vp. Domain II under the middle continental shelf is comparatively less fractured, showing ~15 km long landward-dipping reflection packages and discrete active deformation of the shelf sediment and seafloor. Domain III in the inner shelf is little fractured and appears to be dominated by elastic deformation, with inactive structures of an extensional basin consisting of tilted blocks overlain by ~2 km-thick gently landward-dipping strata. The velocity structure supports the argument that the bulk of the margin is highly consolidated rock possibly similar to outcrops in the Osa Peninsula. Thick-skinned tectonics probably causes the uplift of Domains II and III. The incoming oceanic plate shows crustal thickness variations from ~14 km at the trench (Cocos Ridge) to 6-7 km beneath the continental shelf. We combine (1) inter-plate geometry and velocity-derived fracturing degree at the base of the overriding plate, (2) tectonic stresses and brittle strain above the inter-plate boundary extracted from 3D numerical models, and (3) earthquake locations, to investigate potential relationships between structure and earthquake generation. The 2002 Osa earthquake and its aftershocks appear to have nucleated at the leading flank of two subducting seamounts, coinciding with the area of highest tectonic overpressure in numerical models. Both estimated rock fracturing and modelled brittle strain, steadily increase from the leading flank of the subducting seamounts to their top, which we interpret to reflect the progressive damage caused by the incoming plate relief. Therefore, the analysis supports a spatial and temporal relationship between subducting seamount location, upper plate fracturing, brittle strain, tectonic overpressure, and earthquake nucleatio

    Hydrate Ridge—A Gas Hydrate System in a Subduction Zone Setting

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    Hydrate Ridge is a 6–10 km wide, 22 km long N–S striking thrust ridge within the Cascadia accretionary prism offshore of Oregon in the NE Pacific Ocean. Over the past four decades it has been a primary focus site for studies of gas hydrate/free gas systems within a convergent margin setting. A local peak called the North Hydrate Ridge (NHR), located at a depth of 590 m, hosts the first documented cold seep system driven by convergent margin processes and supports chemosynthetic communities sustained by the anaerobic oxidation of methane. A southern peak at 780 m depth, known as the South Hydrate Ridge (SHR), is actively venting gas around an area of seafloor bacterial mats and a 40 m high carbonate chimney within a long-lived vent system separate from NHR. Bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) observed in seismic profiles indicate these vents are part of a broad gas hydrate province that extends across all of Hydrate Ridge. Hydrate Ridge has been the focus of extensive geophysical surveys, water column acoustic and sampling surveys, high-resolution seafloor mapping using remotely operated, autonomous and deep-towed vehicles, seafloor fluid flow monitoring, and a site for the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). All of these are in support or complementing Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drilling efforts during Legs 146 and 204 to quantify and characterize the gas hydrate/free gas system. Hydrate concentrations are up to 45% of pore space (30% of total volume), but typically 2–20%, and are strongly coupled with the structure and stratigraphy within the thrust ridge

    High density of structurally controlled, shallow to deep water fluid seep indicators imaged offshore Costa Rica

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    21 pages, 15 figuresWe used high-resolution mapping to document 161 sites of potential fluid seepage on the shelf and slope regions where no geophysical seep indicators had been reported. Identified potential seabed seepage sites show both high-backscatter anomalies and bathymetric expressions, such as pockmarks, mounds, and ridges. Almost all identified seabed features are associated with bright spots and flat spots beneath, as mapped within the 3-D seismic grid. We obtained EM122 multi-beam data using closely spaced receiver beams and 4-5 times overlapping multi-beam swaths, which greatly improved the sounding density and geologic resolvability of the data. At least one location shows an acoustic plume in the water column on a 3.5 kHz profile, and this plume is located along a fault trace and above surface and subsurface seepage indicators. Fluid indicators are largely associated with folds and faults within the sediment section, and many of the faults continue into and offset the reflective basement. A dense pattern of normal faults is seen on the outer shelf in the multi-beam bathymetry, backscatter, and 3-D seismic data, and the majority of fluid seepage indicators lie along mapped fault traces. Furthermore, linear mounds, ridges, and pockmark chains are found on the upper, middle, and lower slope regions. The arcuate shape of the shelf edge, projection of the Quepos Ridge, and high density of potential seep sites suggest that this area may be a zone of former seamount/ridge subduction. These results demonstrate a much greater potential seep density and distribution than previously reported across the Costa Rican margin. ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights ReservedThis work has been supported by NSF grants OCE-0851529 and OCE-0851380Peer Reviewe

    Structural controls on the hydrogeology of the Costa Rica subduction thrust NW of the Osa Peninisula

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    American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2013, San FranciscoThree-dimensional seismic reflection data from the Costa Rica margin NW of the Osa peninsula have enabled us to map the subduction megathrust from the trench to ~12 km subseafloor beneath the shelf. The subduction thrust has a large, abrupt downdip transition in seismic reflection amplitude from very high to low amplitude 6 km subseafloor beneath the upper slope. This transition broadly corresponds with an increase in concentration of microseismic earthquakes potentially due to a significant increase in plate coupling (Bangs et al., 2012, AGU Fall Meeting, T13A-2587), thus linking seismic reflection amplitude to fluid content and mechanical coupling along the fault. A detailed look at the overriding plate reflectivity shows numerous high-amplitude, continuous seismic reflections through the upper plate, many of which are clearly reversed-polarity from the seafloor reflection and are thus likely active fluid conduits through the overriding margin wedge, the slope cover sediment, and the seafloor. Broadly, the structural grain of the margin wedge trends E-W and dips landward across the lower slope and onto the shelf, presumably due to stress imparted by subducting ridges. However, directly above the abrupt high-to-low plate-boundary reflection amplitude transition, structures within the overlying margin wedge reverse dip, steepen, and change strike to an ESE direction. Within this zone we interpret a set of parallel reflections with small offsets and reverse-polarity as high-angle reverse faults that act as fluid conduits leading directly into shallow fluid migration systems described by Bangs et al., 2012 (AGU Fall Meeting, T13A-2587) and Kluesner et al. [this meeting]. The coincidence between the plate-boundary reflection amplitude patterns and the change in structure implies that the fluid migration pathways that drain the plate interface are locally disrupted by overriding plate structure in two possible ways: 1) by focusing up dip fluid migration along the plate interface into a thinner but richer fluid zone along the subduction thrust, or 2) by creating a more direct, nearly vertical route along high-angle reverse faults through the overlying margin wedge to the seafloor (possibly shortened by a factor of two) and draining deeper portions of the plate-boundary more efficientlyPeer reviewe

    Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Southern Hydrate Ridge

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    This paper presents a seismic sequence and structural analysis of a high-resolution three-dimensional seismic reflection survey that was acquired in June 2000 in preparation for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 204. The seismic data were correlated with coring and logging results from nine sites drilled in 2002 during Leg 204. The stratigraphic and structural evolution of this complex accretionary ridge through time, as inferred from seismic-stratigraphic units and depositional sequences imaged by the seismic data, is presented as a series of interpreted seismic cross sections and horizon time or isopach maps across southern Hydrate Ridge. Our reconstruction starts at ~1.2 Ma with a shift of the frontal thrust from seaward to landward vergent and thrusting of abyssal plain sediments over the older deformed and accreted units that form the core of Hydrate Ridge. From ~1.0 to 0.3 Ma, a series of overlapping slope basins with shifting depocenters was deposited as the main locus of uplift shifted northeastward. This enigmatic landward migration of uplift may be related to topography on the subducted plate, which is now deeply buried beneath the upper slope and shelf. The main locus of uplift shifted west to its present position at ~0.3 Ma, probably in response to a change to a seaward-vergent frontal thrust and related sediment underplating and duplexing. This structural and stratigraphic history has influenced the distribution of gas hydrate and free gas by causing variable age and permeability of sediments beneath and within the gas hydrate stability zone, preferential pathways for fluid migration, and varying amounts of decompression and gas dissolution