363 research outputs found


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    Este estudo avaliou os métodos de pesquisa e técnicas de contabilidade em anais do Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração - EnANPAD 2016 dentro da linha CON - Contabilidade, bem como traçou o perfil da pesquisa dessa área. A metodologia da pesquisa adotada constituiu-se de um estudo descritivo, com análise documental e abordagem qualitativa. Foram analisados 52 resumos de artigos da área CON – Contabilidade e verificou-se que a contabilidade ainda é uma área pouco representativa dentro do evento EnANPAD, representando 4% dos trabalhos. Os temas Controladoria e Contabilidade Gerencial; e Contabilidade Financeira foram os mais relevantes considerando a quantidade de artigos; e os subtemas de maior relevância foram International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Análise de Desempenho e Auditoria. Relativamente às Instituições de Ensino Superior participantes do evento, as mais relevantes em termos de publicações nos Anais do EnANPAD 2016 foram Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB);Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) e Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). O Estado que mais contribuiu foi o de Santa Catarina, representando 12 do total de 52 artigos. A área de CON – Contabilidade tem a maioria de seus artigos de natureza quantitativa

    Assessment of ocular beta radiation dose distribution due to 106Ru/106Rh brachytherapy applicators using MCNPX Monte Carlo code

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    Purpose: Melanoma at the choroid region is the most common primary cancer that affects the eye in adult patients. Concave ophthalmic applicators with 106Ru/106Rh beta sources are the more used for treatment of these eye lesions, mainly lesions with small and medium dimensions. The available treatment planning system for 106Ru applicators is based on dose distributions on a homogeneous water sphere eye model, resulting in a lack of data in the literature of dose distributions in the eye radiosensitive structures, information that may be crucial to improve the treatment planning process, aiming the maintenance of visual acuity. Methods: The Monte Carlo code MCNPX was used to calculate the dose distribution in a complete mathematical model of the human eye containing a choroid melanoma; considering the eye actual dimensions and its various component structures, due to an ophthalmic brachytherapy treatment, using 106Ru/106Rh beta-ray sources. Two possibilities were analyzed; a simple water eye and a heterogeneous eye considering all its structures. Two concave applicators, CCA and CCB manufactured by BEBIG and a complete mathematical model of the human eye were modeled using the MCNPX code. Results and Conclusion: For both eye models, namely water model and heterogeneous model, mean dose values simulated for the same eye regions are, in general, very similar, excepting for regions very distant from the applicator, where mean dose values are very low, uncertainties are higher and relative differences may reach 20.4%. For the tumor base and the eye structures closest to the applicator, such as sclera, choroid and retina, the maximum difference observed was 4%, presenting the heterogeneous model higher mean dose values. For the other eye regions, the higher doses were obtained when the homogeneous water eye model is taken into consideration. Mean dose distributions determined for the homogeneous water eye model are similar to those obtained for the heterogeneous eye model, indicating that the homogeneous water eye model is a reasonable one. The determined isodose curves give a good visualization of dose distributions inside the eye structures, pointing out their most exposed volume....................................................Cite this article as:Barbosa NA, da Rosa LAR, de Menezes AF, Reis JP, Facure A, Braz D. Assessment of ocular beta radiation dose distribution due to 106Ru/106Rh brachytherapy applicators using MCNPX Monte Carlo code. Int J Cancer Ther Oncol 2014; 2(3):02038. DOI: 10.14319/ijcto.0203.

    Brief Research Report: Expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in T Lymphocytes and Their Relationship With the Periparturient Period and the Endometrial Cytology of Dairy Cows During the Postpartum Period

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    The present study sought to evaluate the expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in blood T lymphocytes during the periparturient period and their relationship with uterine health in dairy cows, as determined by endometrial cytology and serum concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), which are indicators of a negative energy balance. The second objective of this study was to investigate whether the expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in T lymphocytes is associated with the serum acute phase-protein haptoglobin concentration during the periparturient period. To address these objectives, 26 clinically healthy dairy cows were used. Peripheral blood was collected 14 days prepartum (T-14), at calving (T0), and 30 days postpartum (T30) to measure the expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in blood T lymphocytes by flow cytometry. In addition, we collected blood at T0, 10 days after parturition (T10), and T30 to obtain serum and determine the serum concentrations of NEFA, BHB, and Hp. Endometrial cytology was performed at T10, 20 days after parturition (T20), and T30. In the present study, we observed higher expression of CTLA-4 and PD-1 in T lymphocytes at parturition and in the prepartum period, which could indicate a relationship between these immune checkpoints and immunological tolerance during gestation in dairy cattle. In addition, a negative association between the expression of these immune checkpoints prepartum or at parturition and endometrial cytology at T20 and T30 was observed, indicating the negative implications of these immune response regulators in susceptibility to infections. This finding was further corroborated by the relationship between the serum concentration of haptoglobin and the expression of CTLA-4 and PD-1 by T lymphocytes. However, we did not observe a relationship between the indicators of negative energy balance, evaluated by the serum concentrations of BHB and NEFA, and the expression of the immune checkpoint markers studied. Thus, our findings represent an initial step that paves the way for the development of new therapeutic alternatives directed by the host with the objective of increasing the resistance of dairy cattle to infections in this critical period of life

    Anatomic Bases for Brachial Plexus Block of Capuching (Sapajus libidinosus)

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    Background: In captivity, capuchin monkeys compete for space and rank. Fights can result in traumas, especially to the limbs, requiring interventions that are often outpatient. Local anesthesia as a tool in these procedures, as an aid to chemical restraint, is very relevant for small outpatient surgeries, or even for pain relief. Knowledge of peripheral nerve anatomy is essential to perform local anesthesia. Thus the objective of the present study was to determine, by anatomical studies of the brachial plexus region, the best access pathways for anesthetic blocking of the nerve.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven adult capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) were used, weighing 2-3 kg, fixed and preserved in formaldehyde aqueous solution at 10%. In five of these animals the supraclavicular, infraclavicular and axillar regions were dissected to visualize the muscles, clavicle and bracchial plexus nerves. An analogical pachymeter was used to measure the depth of the plexus in relation to the cranial and caudal clavicle face and axillary fossa, comparing the length of two hypodermic needles (13x4.5 mm and 15x5 mm). Simulation of the anesthetic block was tested in two animals: before dissecting an acrylic varnish solution was injected using a syringe and 13x4.5 mm needle in the supraclavicular, infraclavicular regions and axillary fossa. To assess the positioning points of the syringe, dissection was performed and the varnish perfusion in the plexus was observed. For the anesthetic block in the supraclavicular region the dorsal median of the clavicle with a 95º deltoclavicular angle with the needle perpendicular to the skin was taken as point of reference. In the infraclavicular the reference point was the caudal face of the median clavicle with an 80º deltoclavicular angle. In the axillar region, with the limb at 90º, the syringe was positioned perpendicular to the axillar at the height of the mid portion of the thorax. The mean and standard deviation of the skin-brachial plexus distance for the supraclavicular, infraclavicular and axillar techniques were, respectively, 1.76 ± 0.1387 cm, 1.12 ± 0.239 cm and 1.59 ± 0.365 cm. These data showed the viability of executing the anesthesia technique by three access pathways. However, in the supraclavicular access pathway in the anesthetic simulation with the 13x4.5 mm hypodermic needle, the stain diffused to the plexus, showing, when compared with the 1.76 cm mean skin- plexus distance a safe distance to prevent the needle from perforating the nerve.Discussion: The techniques reported in the human literature for brachial plexus block presented a series of complications, with incomplete blocks and hemorrhages when the axillar access pathway was used and presented risk of pneumothorax in the supraclavicular. In the capuchin monkey the supraclavicular access pathway in anesthetic simulation with 13x4.5mm hypodermic needle showed a safe distance for the needle not to perforate the nerve, so that the use of this needle could be indicated in 2-3 kg animals. However, hypodermic needles are not recommended for use in this area because of the risk of perforating the subclavicular artery close to the plexus. As an alternative some anesthesiologists use the infraclavicular access pathway with atraumatic needles recommended for brachial plexus block, with relative success and fewer complications. Although the supraclavicular region showed the best depth in relation to the technique used here, anesthetic tests should be made to confirm the efficaciousness of executing the brachial plexus anesthetic technique in capuchin monkeys using atraumatic needles for nerve block

    Relação entre doença de alzheimer e diabetes mellitus tipo 2 / Relationship between alzheimer's disease and diabetes mellitus type 2

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    A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma demência neurodegenerativa caracterizada histopatologicamente pela deposição de peptídios beta amiloides (A?) no cérebro, levando a morte neuronal e perda sináptica. Esta patologia afeta indivíduos, sua maioria, em idade avançada. A idade também funciona como fator de risco no Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DM2), caracterizado pela resistência periférica a insulina decorrente do defeito no receptor para esse hormônio, causando hiperglicemia. Ambas doenças são crônicas, comumente acometendo um mesmo indivíduo, levando a hipótese de haver uma relação entre essas doenças. Em pacientes com DM2 a hiperglicemia crônica gera aumento em espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROS), que levam a disfunção endotelial com desregulação neurovascular e lesão vascular, esta última associada a neurodegeneração. O aumento na concentração de ROS em DM2 está envolvido também com disfunção mitocondrial e aceleração da deposição de A? no cérebro

    Patologias atuais: a compulsão e a sociedade dos excessos: Current pathologies: compulsion and the society of excesses

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    O artigo em tela tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos biopsicossociais da conduta compulsiva de consumo. Propõe-se a apresentar os elementos psicológicos contidos nesse comportamento, além de verificar quais são os resultados decorrentes dessa compulsão. O consumo compulsivo, também chamado de oniomania, é um transtorno causado pela ansiedade despertada pela necessidade de comprar e saciada, somente, quando é materializada a aquisição daquilo que se deseja comprar. O estudo em questão pode ser classificado como sendo de cunho bibliográfico, a partir da análise de documentos publicados em forma de artigos científicos e livros em formato digital

    The Genome of Anopheles darlingi, the main neotropical malaria vector

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    Anopheles darlingi is the principal neotropical malaria vector, responsible for more than a million cases of malaria per year on the American continent. Anopheles darlingi diverged from the African and Asian malaria vectors ∼100 million years ago (mya) and successfully adapted to the New World environment. Here we present an annotated reference A. darlingi genome, sequenced from a wild population of males and females collected in the Brazilian Amazon. A total of 10 481 predicted protein-coding genes were annotated, 72% of which have their closest counterpart in Anopheles gambiae and 21% have highest similarity with other mosquito species. In spite of a long period of divergent evolution, conserved gene synteny was observed between A. darlingi and A. gambiae. More than 10 million single nucleotide polymorphisms and short indels with potential use as genetic markers were identified. Transposable elements correspond to 2.3% of the A. darlingi genome. Genes associated with hematophagy, immunity and insecticide resistance, directly involved in vectorhuman and vectorparasite interactions, were identified and discussed. This study represents the first effort to sequence the genome of a neotropical malaria vector, and opens a new window through which we can contemplate the evolutionary history of anopheline mosquitoes. It also provides valuable information that may lead to novel strategies to reduce malaria transmission on the South American continent. The A. darlingi genome is accessible at www.labinfo.lncc.br/index.php/anopheles- darlingi. © 2013 The Author(s)

    Tema e variantes do mito: sobre a morte e a ressurreição do boi

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    Mineral analysis of rabbit meat produced in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Análise mineral da carne de coelho produzida em Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Many authors have been pointed out that there is a lack of a more comprehensive database on mineral composition of ingredients used in man and animal nutrition. The goal of this project was to assess the mineral composition of the rabbit meat, an usual protein source in the Mediterranean diet, considered one of the most complete and healthy diet in the whole world. Ninth five rabbits of 72 days of life were slaughtered and their longissimus dorsi tissues were collected. Neutron Activation Analysis of each sample was carried-out to assess the mineral content of many elements present in the rabbit muscle samples. An edible portion of 100g presents: Cl = 52.2 ± 13.2; Cr = 0.118 ± 0.020; Cs = 0.0079 ± 0.0016; K = 485 ± 65; Mg = 39.4 ± 4.0; Na = 36.0 ± 8.0; Rb = 1.18 ± 0.17; Zn = 1.03 ± 0.19. Results for Cs and Rb are unheard-of at all in the world. Ba, Br, Ce, U e As were also analysed, and their contents were below of their detection limits. Database of several elements is a helpful tool to formulate human diet. Rabbit meat certainly is a low caloric choice, with less sodium and more potassium than beef.<br>Muitos autores têm chamado atenção para a falta de dados mais abrangentes sobre a composição mineral de produtos usados na alimentação humana e animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar a composição mineral da carne de coelho, fonte de proteínas comum na dieta mediterrânea, considerada uma das dietas mais completas e saudáveis do mundo. Noventa e cinco coelhos de 72 dias de vida foram abatidos e seus tecidos longissimus dorsi foram coletados. A técnica nuclear de análise por ativação neutrônica foi empregada no intuito de obter-se as concentrações de diversos elementos presentes nas amostras de músculo de coelho usadas na alimentação humana. Uma porção comestível de 100 g apresenta: Cl = 52,2 ± 13,2; Cr = 0,118 ± 0,020; Cs = 0,0079 ± 0,0016; K = 485 ± 65; Mg = 39,4 ± 4,0; Na = 36,0 ± 8,0; Rb = 1,18 ± 0,17; Zn = 1,03 ± 0,19. Os resultados para a presença de Cs e Rb em músculo de coelhos são inéditos na literatura mundial. Ba, Br, Ce, U e As também foram analisados, e suas concentrações encontravam-se abaixo dos limites de detecção. O conjunto de dados de muitos elementos pode servir de ferramenta na formulação de dieta humana. A carne de coelho é certamente uma opção menos calórica, com menos sódio e mais potássio que a carne bovina