128 research outputs found

    Switching to nevirapine-based HAART in virologically-suppressed patients: influence of a longer twice-daily induction period on once-a-day dosing

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    We are conducting a multicenter, randomized, controlled, prospective, open trial to evaluate both the efficacy and toxicity of nevirapine (NVP) (given twice [BID] or once daily [QD]) in virologically-suppressed patients on a PIbased HAART. NVP BID dosing is maintained for 2 months after the switch in both groups

    Protective Activity of Broccoli Sprout Juice in a Human Intestinal Cell Model of Gut Inflammation

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    Benefits to health from a high consumption of fruits and vegetables are well established and have been attributed to bioactive secondary metabolites present in edible plants. However, the effects of specific health-related phytochemicals within a complex food matrix are difficult to assess. In an attempt to address this problem, we have used elicitation to improve the nutraceutical content of seedlings of Brassica oleracea grown under controlled conditions. Analysis, by LC-MS, of the glucosinolate, isothiocyanate and phenolic compound content of juices obtained from sprouts indicated that elicitation induces an enrichment of several phenolics, particularly of the anthocyanin fraction. To test the biological activity of basal and enriched juices we took advantage of a recently developed in vitro model of inflamed human intestinal epithelium. Both sprouts’ juices protected intestinal barrier integrity in Caco-2 cells exposed to tumor necrosis factor under marginal zinc deprivation, with the enriched juice showing higher protection. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that the extent of rescue from stress-induced epithelial dysfunction correlated with the composition in bioactive molecules of the juices and, in particular, with a group of phenolic compounds, including several anthocyanins, quercetin-3-Glc, cryptochlorogenic, neochlorogenic and cinnamic acids

    Successful Pre- and Posttransplant Sofosbuvir-Based Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Treatment in Persons Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

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    This retrospective study reports the data of sofosbuvir-based anti-hepatitis C virus treatment in 24 candidates and 24 recipients of liver transplantation coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus. Sustained virologic response was cumulatively 85% (90% and 100% in those treated with optimal schedules pre- and posttransplant, respectively).This retrospective study reports the data of sofosbuvir-based anti-hepatitis C virus treatment in 24 candidates and 24 recipients of liver transplantation coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus. Sustained virologic response was cumulatively 85% (90% and 100% in those treated with optimal schedules pre- and posttransplant, respectively)

    From Early Contraction to Post-Folding Fluid Evolution in the Frontal Part of the BĂłixols Thrust Sheet (Southern Pyrenees) as Revealed by the Texture and Geochemistry of Calcite Cements

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    Structural, petrological and geochemical (δ13C, δ18O, clumped isotopes, 87Sr/86Sr and ICP-MS) analyses of fracture-related calcite cements and host rocks are used to establish a fluid-flow evolution model for the frontal part of the Bóixols thrust sheet (Southern Pyrenees). Five fracture events associated with the growth of the thrust-related Bóixols anticline and Coll de Nargó syncline during the Alpine orogeny are distinguished. These fractures were cemented with four generations of calcite cements, revealing that such structures allowed the migration of different marine and meteoric fluids through time. During the early contraction stage, Lower Cretaceous seawater circulated and precipitated calcite cement Cc1, whereas during the main folding stage, the system opened to meteoric waters, which mixed with the connate seawater and precipitated calcite cement Cc2. Afterwards, during the post-folding stages, connate evaporated marine fluids circulated through newly formed NW-SE and NE-SW conjugate fractures and later through strike-slip faults and precipitated calcite cements Cc3 and Cc4. The overall paragenetic sequence reveals the progressive dewatering of Cretaceous marine host sediments during progressive burial, deformation and fold tightening and the input of meteoric waters only during the main folding stage. This study illustrates the changes of fracture systems and the associated fluid-flow regimes during the evolution of fault-associated folds during orogenic growth

    L'applicazione delle "Linee guida" del progetto europeo COME-IN! Cooperazione per una piena accessibilit\ue0 ai musei - verso una maggiore inclusione. L'esempio del Museo Archeologico di Udine

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    Dal 2014 il Museo Archeologico di Udine ha iniziato un percorso orientato all’accessibilità della struttura museale, degli allestimenti e delle iniziative culturali organizzate, che è approdato, grazie ai finanziamenti del progetto europeo COME-IN! ad una nuova fase di rivisitazione in termini di accessibilità e inclusività. Questo processo ha riguardato non solo l’allestimento del Museo Archeologico, inaugurato nel 2013, ma ha interessato l’intera struttura e in generale i servizi forniti dai Civici Musei di Udine. L’obiettivo di inserire in maniera armoniosa ed equilibrata tutti gli interventi previsti da progetto si è concretizzato nel coinvolgimento di professionisti e associazioni che hanno collaborato in base alle proprie competenz

    TMEM219 regulates the transcription factor expression and proliferation of beta cells

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    Pancreatic beta cells replenishment is considered the next therapeutic option for type 1 diabetes; while stimulating endogenous beta cells proliferation is the “holy grail” for those patients with exhausted beta cell mass. Here we are demonstrating that the pro-apoptotic receptor TMEM219 is expressed in fetal pancreas, in beta cell precursors and in in vitro embryonic-derived endocrine progenitors. TMEM219 signaling negatively regulates beta cells at early stages and induces Caspase 8-mediated cell death. Pharmacological blockade of TMEM219 further rescued beta cell precursor and proliferation markers, and decreased cell death, both in islets and in in vitro-derived endocrine progenitors, allowing for beta cell preservation. While addressing the upstream controlling TMEM219 expression, we determined the TMEM219 miRNet; indeed, one of those miRNAs, miR-129-2, is highly expressed in human islets, particularly in patients at risk or with established type 1 diabetes. miR-129-2 mimic downregulated TMEM219 expression in islets, in in vitro embryonic-derived endocrine progenitors and in highly proliferating insulinoma-derived cells. Moreover, miR-129-2 inhibitor induced a TMEM219 overexpression in insulinoma-derived cells, which restored cell proliferation and functional markers, thus acting as endogenous regulator of TMEM219 expression. The TMEM219 upstream regulator miR129-2 controls the fate of beta cell precursors and may unleash their regenerative potentials to replenish beta cells in type 1 diabetes

    Intercultural Education through Religious Studies (IERS): COMENIUS Multilateral project

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    [EN] Religious and cultural diversity are today more than ever a critical and political challenge as the recent emergencies related to geo-political and economical global transformations clearly show. European countries are concerned by a big immigration flow that demands an educational effort in order to foster the mutual understanding and integration. According to Toledo guiding principles, IERS project meets the needs of an innovative approach in teaching about religions and beliefs at school by providing teachers of humanistic disciplines with new tools that help teachers and pupils to plunge deeper into religions and cultures of non-european countries, as well as raising the knowledge of the religious traditions that contributed to the common European cultural Identity, promoting it in the best way suited for encourage intra -and extra- European cultural dialogue attitudes. The Project aims to support the development of social, civic and intercultural transversal key competences by educating towards a positive understanding of cultural and religious differences, a readiness to engage in dialogue and to avoid or manage conflicts. By encouraging teachers and pupils to expose themselves to the differences and commonalities of religious topics, it promotes also the values of democracy, equality and human rights as it deals with social and civic dimensions of both intercultural and interreligious dialogue. The project will involve high school in-service teachers by developing a complete set of didactical tools and training experiences. The results will be: 1. A baseline study which analyzes the actual situation of teaching about religions throughout Europe; 2. New innovative didactic tools such as Multimedia Digital Modules to be used in classroom activities, accompanied by a Handbook with didactical guidelines for teachers. 3. Teacher support activities (virtual community, training activities, developing of didactical projects to apply in classroom)
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