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    حماية حقوق الأقليات وفقاً لقواعد القانون الدولي العام والتشريعات الوطنية : أكراد العراق نموذجاً ـ دراسة مقارنة

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    The issue of minorities is not a new topic, but the study of its political, cultural and social dimensions did not find sufficient opportunity except in the current era, especially at the international level. Nevertheless, the issue of protecting the rights of minorities remains controversial and raises many questions that remain within the limits of limited attempts that do not reflect a general legal policy. The problem of protecting the rights of minorities in international law and national legislation continued to be described as the most obscure and complex issue. Minorities are not a phenomenon isolated from the structure of the international community. The stability of the social fabric allows the countries of the world today to come to the conclusion that most of these countries are not mono- nationalism and it is not ethnically, nationally, linguistically or religiously homogeneous. They are multinational and multi-ethnic, although some of these countries do not suffer from the inability to reconcile the interests of the different groups within them and their particularities. Thus, we find that there are countries, within narrow limits, do not know the problem of minorities, where they enjoy full national and collective rights, and the freedom to express their freedom and identity. The problem appears on a larger scale, where the countries in which ethnic minorities live is still persecuted, preventing them from their rights and from maintaining their independent ethnic existence within the state’s fabric by placing reservations on international texts and legislation, and restrictions in national laws, not obligating them to apply them at the national level, which leads to Instability and peaceful and security coexistence Through the foregoing, a framework has been identified in which to try to address the topics of the study by answering the specific problem and activating the means of protection and control by following the descriptive analytical approach to clarify the study. International and national texts and legislations were also dealt with in order to document them from a legal point of view. The study dealt with seven chapters, the first chapter entitled: Fundamentals ofResearch, which includes five sections. The first topic included the introduction and the importance of the topic, the reason for choosing it, and its objectives, and the second topic included the research problem, its questions, hypotheses, and methodology, and it dealt with in the third topic the limits of the research, ii: terms, means and tools, and the fourth topic included previous studies, and the research contribution to human thought, and the fifth topic included the structure of the research. The second chapter is entitled: the concept of the minority and determining the standard and types of minorities. It includes three sections; the first topic is the definition of the minority in language and terminology, the second topic is the criteria used in defining minorities, in terms of topic, number and feelings. The third section looks at types of religious minorities, linguistic minorities and ethnic minorities. The third chapter is entitled: Classification of Non-Muslims in Islamic Jurisprudence, and this chapter includes five investigations, the first topic is the definition of protection in jurisprudence and law, the second topic is the definition of righting jurisprudence and law, The third one is the division of land in Islam. The fourth is the definition of non-Muslims in the lands of Islam. The fifth topic is the legality of the Dhimmacontract and its legitimacy in Islam. The fourth chapter entitledas: Public and private rights of Kurdish minorities and the various Iraqi constitutions. It includes five sections, the first topic is the public and private rights of Kurdish minorities the geographical location and population distribution of the Iraqi Kurds, the second topic is the general civil and political rights of the Iraqi Kurds, and the third topic is the private civil and political rights of the Iraqi Kurds. The fourth topic deals with the public and private rights of the Kurds of Iraq. The fifth topic: The Kurds of Iraq in their constitution before the independence of Iraq in 1960 The fifth chapter is entitled: The fifth chapter is entitled Restrictions on the exercise of minority rights and protection mechanisms in international conventions in application to the Kurds of Iraq. It has three sections; the first topic is legal nature and the restrictions that are presented on them. The secondtopic:Mechanisms for protecting the rights of Kurdish minorities in accordance with international conventions, the third topic is Subcommittee on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Kurdish Minorities. Chapter Six, entitled: The role of international committees, the Security Council and the International Court of Justice in protecting Kurdish minorities in Iraq, this chapter includes foursections, The first topic is the role of the committees concerned with protecting the rights of the Kurdish minority in Iraq. The second topic: the International Committee and the Ajmer Cross, implementing the rules for protecting the Kurdish minority in Iraq. The third topic: the role of the Security Council in protecting Kurdish minorities in Iraq, and the fourth topic: The role of the International Court of Justice in protecting Kurdish minorities in Iraq. Chapter Seven entitled: The Impact of the Kurdish Minority on the Stability and Security of Iraq”. The Kurds of Iraq as a Model quote; It includes four topics, the first topic is the Kurds and their geographical distribution, the second topic is the crisis of multiple identity the Kurdish minority, the third topic, the role of external parties in fueling the Kurdish The study dealt with seven chapters. The first chapter is entitled as: Fundamentals of Research, which includes five sections: Some of the most important research findings are: 1- Minority rights are above all international, national and local rights and political considerations. It addresses the conscience of every human being regardless of differences of origin, race, religion, colour, or divergence of intellectual ideologies. 2- Most of the protection afforded to ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities is of an indirect nature, and indirect protection means that in many relevant legal texts there is no reference to the minorities themselves. 3- The system for the protection of minorities within the framework of general international law, which represents the most advanced step in the legalization of rights, has been deficient, as it has not reached the broad global stage, as a number of groups remain outside the protection. 4- Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 restored the direct protection of minorities to general international law, albeit in its individual sense, but it remains weak despite being rich in new concepts and details. Its weakness is due to the fact that it has reduced the specific obligations of states, satisfied with general obligations, and leaves them with room for the way they choose to deal with minorities. 5- The main obstacle to public international law in its briefing and radical treatment of the issue of minorities is its collision with existing State entities. It is true that the rush to meet the aspirations of minorities may lead to global instability and increase internal and international conflicts, but failure to address the protection of minority rights or address them in the wrong ways will remain a persistent problem. 6- Regional security and stability can only be achieved within the framework of national and global security and stability Recommendations of this research are: 1- Special attention should be paid to ensuring that minorities are not discriminated against and enjoy all their rights on an equal basis and free from political quotas. 2- States should ensure, protect and promote the rights of minorities in public international law to reach the global stage and national legislation by incorporating them into constitutions so protect could involve all minorities. 3- Ensure and protect the rights of minorities at the international and national levels through the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law, thus achieving the principle of justice and action among minorities to establish the principle of guaranteeing the right of defense to a lawyer. 4- The loyalty of national institutions is often held for their countries, as they are the ones who choose them. To complete the international attention to the rights of minorities, regional institutions similar to national institutions are required and each State is provided with a regional observer to give impartiality to their performance. 5- The United Nations is responsible for the development of international human rights mechanisms and must abide by the principles enshrined in the Charter, the Universal Declaration and international conventions. 6- The necessity of activating the international mechanisms for protecting the rights of minorities through our recognition of deterrent sanctions, and not just writing reports, denouncing and denouncing the various practices of the rules of public international law. Justice and equality are the secret to the success of solutions to the issue of protecting the rights of minorities, and without them, it may be difficult to find real solutions to such issues, just as the solution to the problem of protecting the rights of minorities cannot exist within political and social systems that were primarily the reason for distorting the problem of minorities to lose confidence in them

    أثر الفقر على أوضاع الأطفال النازحين: دراسة حالة ولاية الخرطوم في الفترة من 2013م ـــ2018م

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    The research is represented in poverty impact on displaced children in Khartoum state from (2013-2018) within this period poverty created many social, educational and economic problems. There is link with poverty and children conditions, wheretheir families are not able to meet children needs properly. The research aimed to prove impacts result in poverty on displacedchildren. To achieve research objectives, through theoretical study and hypothesis testing the research proved that Poverty is a cause of diseases in among displaced children, weaken academic level in schools, the lack of family support and bad houses conditions force children to stay in streets, the need for moneyforces female displaced children into prostitution alsothe need of money forces displaced children to work hardly and commit crimes in early ages. The research recommended for applying national and international laws andlegislations to protect children rights, Providing school feeding and reform school environment to keep pupils in. Civil societies and humanitarian organizations raise displaced families ofawareness of ties importance and help their communities

    دراسة مقارنة

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    Environmental crime is considered a crime distinct from other crimes, and this distinction is the cause of a real crisis for environmental legislation as a result of the failure to comprehend the traditional templates of criminalization for the requirements of this crime, especially with regard to the composition of this crime at the level of the material, moral and even legal pillar. However, the Sudanese criminal legislation did not abandon the established principles of criminal jurisprudence in the field of the environment (no crime and no penalty except with a text) (there is no responsibility except for an illegal act committed with intent or committed negligently) this on the one hand and on the other hand the Environmental Protection Law of 2001 He may be right in protecting the environment, because he considers environmental crimes as mere violations, so I hope to introduce an environmental criminal law that takes into account the special nature of environmental crime. Protecting the environment in light of the traditional concepts of criminal law, as despite all the development of Sudanese environmental legislation, at the level of criminalization and punishment, environmental crime still encounters many problems on several levels, which we try to analyze in this research. The study dealt with the topic in four chapters. The first of them was devoted to clarifying the concept of the environment and environmental pollution. Then the second chapter discussed the elements of the environment covered by protection and the nature of the interest intended to be protected. The third chapter included the concept of environmental crimes and environmental crimes. Its characteristics and pillars. The fourth chapter includes the substantive and procedural role of environmental legislation in protecting the environment. In order to cover the different dimensions of the study, a number of scientific approaches were used, such as the documentary method, the descriptive and analytical method. The study reached several results, the most important of which is the weakness of environmental legislation in protecting the environment for several reasons, the first of which is the large number of environmental legislation, which led to a lack of awareness of it and its ineffectiveness, the second of which is the weakness of the penalties involved in it, and the third being called environmental crimes by violations, which leads to indifference to the environmental environment and the danger of its pollution. Rather, individuals and the state It finds no objection to the perpetration of activities harmful to the environment. The study concluded with several recommendations, the most important of which are the development of an environmental criminal law and the rehabilitation of judges in the field of environment

    فتاة من حلب الصفحات من5 الى 62The Girl form Aleppo ترجمة الفصل الاول من كتاب

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    I have chosen this novel and translated it from English to Arabic because there was no any translated version in Arabic for this novel and for my interest deeply to this story. It’s An inspiring story of a disabled girl and her escape from the hell of war. Nujeen Mustafa has palsy and cannot walk. This did not prevent her from facing the unimaginable difficulties of traveling in her wheelchair from Syria in search of a new life. Sharing her full story for the first time, Nujeen tells the detail of her childhood and disability, as well as details of her treeful journey across the Mediterranean to Greece and finally to Germany to get the education and medical treatment she needs. Nujeen's story has already touched millions, and in this book she wrote with Christina Lamb. Stuck in a fifth-floor apartment in Aleppo and unable to go to school, she taught herself to speak English by watching American television. With civil war raging between Assad's forces and ISIS fighters around them, Nujeen and her family fled first to their home country of Kobani, then Turkey before joining thousands of displaced people on a journey to Europe and asylum. She said that she wanted to come to Europe to become an Astronaut, meet the Queen and learn how to walk. In her powerful and positive voice, Nujeen tells the story of what it really means to be a refugee, growing up under a dictatorship only until your life is ruined by war; Leave your beloved homeland to become dependent on others. It's the story of our time told through the incredible courage of a gorgeous girl who is determined to keep smiling

    حسن الحديث فيما ورد بالتذكير والتأنين في القرآن الكريم ودلالاته اللغوية: دراسة نحوية دلالية

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    Toxicological Studies on Some Snakes Venoms Using Experimental Rats

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    الخلفية: سم الثعبان هو خليط مركب من بروتينات إنزيمية و لا إنزيمية ذات وظائف فسيولوجية مرضية محددة التي تختلف بإختلاف نوع الحية و بين افراد النوع الواحد. الهدف: يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة التأثيرات السمية لسموم الكوبرا المصرية، الكوبرا النوبية و الأفعى القرناء على جرذان التجارب. الطريقة: في البدء تم إجراء اختبار لتحديد الأفعى الآكثر سمية و الأسرع فتكا وذلك بتقسيم مجموعة من جرذان التجارب الى ثلاث مجموعات، المجموعة الأولى حقنت بالحد الأدنى من الجرعة المميتة لسم الكوبرا المصرية و الثانية حقنت بالحد الأدنى من الجرعة المميتة لسم الكوبرا النوبية و المجموعة الثالثة حقنت بالحد الأدنى من الجرعة المميتة لسم الأفعى القرناء.أجريت مزيد من التجارب على سم الكوبرا المصرية؛ تم حساب الجرعة نصف القاتلة باستخدام طريقة كاربر؛ من ثم تم تقسيم مجموعة أخرى من جرذان التجارب الى ثلاث مجموعات(٥ جرذان لكل مجموعة)، حقنت المجموعة الأولى بمحلول فسيولوجي (كلوريد الصوديوم) و التي استخدمت كمجموعة ضابطة، المجموعة الثانية حقنت بجرعة سامة مقدارها(0.08مج/كجم) من سم الأفعى المصرية، اما المجموعة الثالثة فقد حقنت بجرعة قاتلة (0.5 مج/كجم) من سم الكوبرا المصرية؛ على هذه المجموعات الثلاث تمت ملاحظة التغيرات العصبية و السلوكية ومن ثم سحبت عينات من الدم لتحليل صورة الدم و للفحص البيوكيميائي و أخيرا تم اعدام الجرذان وتشريحها و استخراج الكبد و الكلى من أجل تحليل الأنسجة. قسمت مجموعة من الجرذان في مرحلة الحمل المبكر الى مجموعتين؛ حقنت المجموعة الأولى بمحلول فسيولوجي (كلوريد الصوديوم) كمجموعة ضابطة، المجموعة الثانية حقنت بجرعة سامة مقدارها( 0.08مج/كجم) من سم الأفعى المصرية، وتمت الملاحظة اثناء فترة الحمل ومن ثم فحص الأجنة. النتائج: وجدت الدراسة ان سم الكوبرا المصرية هو الأكثر سمية و الأسرع فتكا من بين الأفاعي الأخرى (الكوبرا النوبية و الأفعى القرناء) اذ يساوي الحدالأدنى من الجرعة المميتة لسم هذه الكوبرا(0.1مج\كجم) مع متوسط زمن حدوث الوفاة مساو ل46±3 دقائق. بينما الحد الأدنى للجرعة المميتة و متوسط حدوث الوفاة للكوبرا النوبية و الأفعى القرناء هما(0.4 مج\كجم و 0.5 مج\كجم) و(90±15و 3ساعات±20دقيقة) على التوالى الجرعة نصف القاتلة لسم الكوبرا المصرية هي(0.28 مج/كجم). ظهرت التأثيرات السمية العصبية لسم الكوبرا متمثلة في تشنجات و شلل ، بإلاضافة الى انخفاض في مستوى الجلكوز في الدم في كلتا المجموعتين. فيما يخص التغييرات البيوكيميائية فقد أظهرت التحاليل ان سم الأفعى المصرية سبب إرتفاعا ذا دلالة إحصائية في مستويات إنزيمات الكبد اسبارتات ترانس امينيز و الانين ترانس امينيز و مستويات معلمات الكلى اليوريا و الكيراتينين لكلا المجموعتين. بين فحص الأنسجة أن سم الكوبرا المصرية قد أحدث تغييرات في أنسجة الكبد و الكلى لكلا المجموعتين. و بينت تحاليل صورة الدم الكاملة أن سم الكوبرا المصرية سبب إرتفاعا ذا دلالة إحصائية في عدد كريات الدم البيضاء و الصفائح الدموية في المجموعة التي حقنت بالجرعة القاتلة، ايضآ وجدت الدراسة أن الجرعة السامة من سم الكوبرا المصرية لم تتسبب في حدوث تشوهات خلقية للأجنة و كذلك لم تؤثر على استمرارية الحمل بشكل طبيعي. الخاتمة: الجرعة المميتة و الجرعة السامة من سم الكوبرا المصرية ذاتا تأثيرات سمية عصبية وتسببان ضعف في وظائف الكبد و الكلى و ذلك استدلالا بارتفاع مستويات انزيمات الكبد و معلمات الكلى اضافة الى التغيرات في أنسجتهما. أظهرت الجرعة المميتة من سم هذه الكوبرا تأثيرات سامة في الدم و ليس لدى الجرعة السامة أي تأثيرات على الأجنة. التوصيات: يوصى بان تجرى مزيد من الدراسات على سموم الأفاعي الأخرى المذكورة في الدراسة (الكوبرا النوبية و الأفعى القرناء)

    الهدايات القرآنية في الآيتين (190/191) من سورة آل عمران

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    أثر القراءات القرآنية في نشأة وتطور وحفظ اللهجات العربية

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    الرقابة على الإبقاء في الحبس لأغراض التحري: دراسة مقارنــة

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    The study dealt with keeping in detention for the purposes of investigation in jurisprudence and law. The importance of the topic stems from the fact that it represents an addition to the legal library and the legal field in its practical aspect. The importance of the practical importance of this research lies in that it deals with an important topic, which is imprisonment for the purpose of investigation and its periods specified in the law. Investigation for up to six months, in order to prevent abuse of the prisoner for the purposes of the investigation, but this limitation must have an appropriate control to be extended to him, which in many cases leads to the suspect’s stay in prison even after the end of the investigation work, and then this research was to address the legislative shortcomings in the Procedures Law current criminal court. The problem of the research was what is the Sudanese legislator’s approach to keeping the suspect in detention for the purposes of investigation and what is the extent of control available to monitor the acts of imprisonment for the purposes of investigation. This subject was dealt with within the framework of the descriptive, analytical, inductive and comparative method, with reference to the legal and legal texts that were received in this regard and from their analysis in addition to other approaches whenever this was necessary or required by the nature of the research. His detention for the purposes of trial or investigation is necessary and within the limits of that necessity. One of the recommendations of the research is the importance of intensifying the means of communication between detainees pending investigation and those under trial, including positive results on the progress of the case and the speed of adjudication of it or ending it in peace

    Biological Activities and Phytochemical Analysis of Some Selected Medicinal plants

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة الأنشطة البيولوجية والخصائص الكيميائية النباتية لبعض النباتات الطبية المختارة وهي نبات المانجو M. indica، أكليل الجبل R. officinalis وعرق الحجر T. bakis. تم استخلاص النباتات المختارة في الدراسة بطرق الاستخلاص والعزل المعروفة، واستخدمت لها العديد من الطرق التحليلية والبيولوجية. وعلاوة على ذلك، تم إجراء التحديد الهيكلي للمركبات المعزولة من مجزئيات خلات الإيثيل بواسطة مطياف الكتلة (MS) والرنين المغناطيسي النووي (NMR). أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن المستخلصات، الجزئيات والمركبات المعزولة من النباتات الطبية المختاره لها فعالية عالية ضد الميكروبات والطفيليات والرخويات والأكسدة. و أظهر مستخلص المانجو أدني تركيز تثبيط للميكروبات (0.78 مجم / مل) وكذلك أظهر مركب الميثايل جاليت المعزول من نبات المانجو أدنى تركيز تثبيط للميكروبات (15.62 ميكروجرام / مل). و وجد أن مستخلص نبات المانجو أعطى أعلى نشاط مضاد للأوليات ضد طفيلي الأنتاميبا هوستيلتكا والقارديا لامبيليا ) 3 ميكروغرام / مل). ومن ناحية أخرى، أعطت فعالية مستخلص نبات المانجو نشاط عالي ضد الرخويات 0.3 ميكروغرام / مل. أظهرت المستخلصات والجزئيات من نباتي اكليل الجبل والمانجو نشاطًا عاليًا لمضادات الأكسدة وبلغت أعلي نسبة 50%تركيز مثبط (= 0.00225 ± 0.001 و 0.0083 ± 0.0001 مجم / مل، على التوالي). بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أظهر مركب الميثايل جاليت المعزول من نبات المانجو نشاطًا قويًا وبلغت نسبة تركيزة المثبط 50% وهي (0.03 ± 0.01 مجم / مل). وعلاوة على ذلك، لم تظهر المستخلصات والجزئيات المدروسة أي تأثير سام. أظهرت نتائج المسح الكيميائي وجود الفينولات، التانين (العفص)، الفلافونيدات، القلويدات، التيربين، الاسترويدات، الكومارين والصابونين. بينما، الأنثراكينون وجد فقط في مستخلص اكليل الجبل. كذلك، كشفت نتائج تحليل كروماتوغرافيا الطبقة الرقيقة (TLC) وجود الأنثراكينون والوفلافونويدات بتراكيز عالية في مستخلصي المانجو واكليل الجبل. و من ناحية أخري أظهر التحليل الكمي وجود تراكيز عالية من الفينولات والفلافونويدات والتانينات في مستخلص المانجو. وأظهر التحليل عن طريق GC-MS وجود 66 مركبًا تم تحديدها من جميع المستخلصات المستهدفة فى هذه الدراسة لها أنشطة بيولوجية متعدده. تم عزل سبعة عشرة (17) مركبا مختلفا من مجزئات خلات الإيثيل من نباتي المانجو وعرق الحجر، منها أثنا عشر مركبا أظهرت نشاطًاً مضادًا للميكروبات وواحدًا من أصل سبعة عشر به نشاط عالي كمضاد للأكسدة. في الختام، هذا عمل جديد ومهم مع الإمكانات الواعدة للدراسة العلمية لأنشطة مضادات الميكروبات والأوالي ومبيدات الرخويات ومضادات الأكسدة. ومع ذلك، يحتاج المزيد من الدراسات والتحقيقات التجريبية، خاصة بالنسبة للمركبات الجديدة


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