137 research outputs found

    The C-Terminal Domain of the Bacterial SSB Protein Acts as a DNA Maintenance Hub at Active Chromosome Replication Forks

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    We have investigated in vivo the role of the carboxy-terminal domain of the Bacillus subtilis Single-Stranded DNA Binding protein (SSBCter) as a recruitment platform at active chromosomal forks for many proteins of the genome maintenance machineries. We probed this SSBCter interactome using GFP fusions and by Tap-tag and biochemical analysis. It includes at least 12 proteins. The interactome was previously shown to include PriA, RecG, and RecQ and extended in this study by addition of DnaE, SbcC, RarA, RecJ, RecO, XseA, Ung, YpbB, and YrrC. Targeting of YpbB to active forks appears to depend on RecS, a RecQ paralogue, with which it forms a stable complex. Most of these SSB partners are conserved in bacteria, while others, such as the essential DNA polymerase DnaE, YrrC, and the YpbB/RecS complex, appear to be specific to B. subtilis. SSBCter deletion has a moderate impact on B. subtilis cell growth. However, it markedly affects the efficiency of repair of damaged genomic DNA and arrested replication forks. ssbΔCter mutant cells appear deficient in RecA loading on ssDNA, explaining their inefficiency in triggering the SOS response upon exposure to genotoxic agents. Together, our findings show that the bacterial SSBCter acts as a DNA maintenance hub at active chromosomal forks that secures their propagation along the genome

    Molecular determinants of the DprA−RecA interaction for nucleation on ssDNA

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    International audienceNatural transformation is a major mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria that depends on DNA recombination. RecA is central to the homologous recombination pathway, catalyzing DNA strand invasion and homology search. DprA was shown to be a key binding partner of RecA acting as a specific mediator for its loading on the incoming exogenous ssDNA. Although the 3D structures of both RecA and DprA have been solved, the mechanisms underlying their cross-talk remained elusive. By combining molecular docking simulations and experimental validation, we identified a region on RecA, buried at its self-assembly interface and involving three basic residues that contact an acidic triad of DprA previously shown to be crucial for the interaction. At the core of these patches, DprA M238 and RecA F230 are involved in the interaction. The other DprA binding regions of RecA could involve the N-terminal ␣-helix and a DNA-binding region. Our data favor a model of DprA acting as a cap of the RecA filament, involving a DprA−RecA interplay at two levels: their own oligomeric states and their respective interaction with DNA. Our model forms the basis for a mech-anistic explanation of how DprA can act as a mediator for the loading of RecA on ssDNA

    Crystal structure of AFV3-109, a highly conserved protein from crenarchaeal viruses

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    The extraordinary morphologies of viruses infecting hyperthermophilic archaea clearly distinguish them from bacterial and eukaryotic viruses. Moreover, their genomes code for proteins that to a large extend have no related sequences in the extent databases. However, a small pool of genes is shared by overlapping subsets of these viruses, and the most conserved gene, exemplified by the ORF109 of the Acidianus Filamentous Virus 3, AFV3, is present on genomes of members of three viral familes, the Lipothrixviridae, Rudiviridae, and "Bicaudaviridae", as well as of the unclassified Sulfolobus Turreted Icosahedral Virus, STIV. We present here the crystal structure of the protein (Mr = 13.1 kD, 109 residues) encoded by the AFV3 ORF 109 in two different crystal forms at 1.5 and 1.3 Å resolution. The structure of AFV3-109 is a five stranded β-sheet with loops on one side and three helices on the other. It forms a dimer adopting the shape of a cradle that encompasses the best conserved regions of the sequence. No protein with a related fold could be identified except for the ortholog from STIV1, whose structure was deposited at the Protein Data Bank. We could clearly identify a well bound glycerol inside the cradle, contacting exclusively totally conserved residues. This interaction was confirmed in solution by fluorescence titration. Although the function of AFV3-109 cannot be deduced directly from its structure, structural homology with the STIV1 protein, and the size and charge distribution of the cavity suggested it could interact with nucleic acids. Fluorescence quenching titrations also showed that AFV3-109 interacts with dsDNA. Genomic sequence analysis revealed bacterial homologs of AFV3-109 as a part of a putative previously unidentified prophage sequences in some Firmicutes

    Crystal Structure of the PP2A Phosphatase Activator: Implications for Its PP2A-Specific PPIase Activity

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    PTPA, an essential and specific activator of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), functions as a peptidyl prolyl isomerase (PPIase). We present here the crystal structures of human PTPA and of the two yeast orthologs (Ypa1 and Ypa2), revealing an all α-helical protein fold that is radically different from other PPIases. The protein is organized into two domains separated by a groove lined by highly conserved residues. To understand the molecular mechanism of PTPA activity, Ypa1 was cocrystallized with a proline-containing PPIase peptide substrate. In the complex, the peptide binds at the interface of a peptide-induced dimer interface. Conserved residues of the interdomain groove contribute to the peptide binding site and dimer interface. Structure-guided mutational studies showed that in vivo PTPA activity is influenced by mutations on the surface of the peptide binding pocket, the same mutations that also influenced the in vitro activation of PP2Ai and PPIase activity

    Evf, a virulence factor produced by the Drosophila pathogen Erwinia carotovora, is an S-palmitoylated protein with a new fold that binds to lipid vesicles

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    Erwinia carotovora are phytopathogenic Gram-negative bacteria of agronomic interest as these bacteria are responsible for fruit soft rot and use insects as dissemination vectors. The Erwinia carotovora carotovora strain 15 (Ecc15) is capable of persisting in the Drosophila gut by the sole action of one protein, Erwinia virulence factor (Evf). However, the precise function of Evf is elusive, and its sequence does not provide any indication as to its biochemical function. We have solved the 2.0-angstroms crystal structure of Evf and found a protein with a complex topology and a novel fold. The structure of Evf confirms that Evf is unlike any virulence factors known to date. Most remarkably, we identified palmitoic acid covalently bound to the totally conserved Cys209, which provides important clues as to the function of Evf. Mutation of the palmitoic binding cysteine leads to a loss of virulence, proving that palmitoylation is at the heart of Evf infectivity and may be a membrane anchoring signal. Fluorescence studies of the sole tryptophan residue (Trp94) demonstrated that Evf was indeed able to bind to model membranes containing negatively charged phospholipids and to promote their aggregation

    Abundance of intrinsic disorder in SV-IV, a multifunctional androgen-dependent protein secreted from rat seminal vesicle

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    The potent immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and procoagulant properties of the
protein no. 4 secreted from the rat seminal vesicle epithelium (SV-IV) have been
previously found to be modulated by a supramolecular monomer-trimer equilibrium.
More structural details that integrate experimental data into a predictive framework
have recently been reported. Unfortunately, homology modelling and fold-recognition
strategies were not successful in creating a theoretical model of the structural
organization of SV-IV. It was inferred that the global structure of SV-IV is not similar
to any protein of known three-dimensional structure. Reversing the classical approach
to the sequence-structure-function paradigm, in this paper we report on novel
information obtained by comparing physicochemical parameters of SV-IV with two
datasets made of intrinsically unfolded and ideally globular proteins. In addition, we
have analysed the SV-IV sequence by several publicly available disorder-oriented
predictors. Overall, disorder predictions and a re-examination of existing experimental
data strongly suggest that SV-IV needs large plasticity to efficiently interact with the
different targets that characterize its multifaceted biological function and should be
therefore better classified as an intrinsically disordered protein

    Structure of the yeast Pml1 splicing factor and its integration into the RES complex

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    The RES complex was previously identified in yeast as a splicing factor affecting nuclear pre-mRNA retention. This complex was shown to contain three subunits, namely Snu17, Bud13 and Pml1, but its mode of action remains ill-defined. To obtain insights into its function, we have performed a structural investigation of this factor. Production of a short N-terminal truncation of residues that are apparently disordered allowed us to determine the X-ray crystallographic structure of Pml1. This demonstrated that it consists mainly of a FHA domain, a fold which has been shown to mediate interactions with phosphothreonine-containing peptides. Using a new sensitive assay based on alternative splice-site choice, we show, however, that mutation of the putative phosphothreonine-binding pocket of Pml1 does not affect pre-mRNA splicing. We have also investigated how Pml1 integrates into the RES complex. Production of recombinant complexes, combined with serial truncation and mutagenesis of their subunits, indicated that Pml1 binds to Snu17, which itself contacts Bud13. This analysis allowed us to demarcate the binding sites involved in the formation of this assembly. We propose a model of the organization of the RES complex based on these results, and discuss the functional consequences of this architecture

    Validation of Coevolving Residue Algorithms via Pipeline Sensitivity Analysis: ELSC and OMES and ZNMI, Oh My!

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    Correlated amino acid substitution algorithms attempt to discover groups of residues that co-fluctuate due to either structural or functional constraints. Although these algorithms could inform both ab initio protein folding calculations and evolutionary studies, their utility for these purposes has been hindered by a lack of confidence in their predictions due to hard to control sources of error. To complicate matters further, naive users are confronted with a multitude of methods to choose from, in addition to the mechanics of assembling and pruning a dataset. We first introduce a new pair scoring method, called ZNMI (Z-scored-product Normalized Mutual Information), which drastically improves the performance of mutual information for co-fluctuating residue prediction. Second and more important, we recast the process of finding coevolving residues in proteins as a data-processing pipeline inspired by the medical imaging literature. We construct an ensemble of alignment partitions that can be used in a cross-validation scheme to assess the effects of choices made during the procedure on the resulting predictions. This pipeline sensitivity study gives a measure of reproducibility (how similar are the predictions given perturbations to the pipeline?) and accuracy (are residue pairs with large couplings on average close in tertiary structure?). We choose a handful of published methods, along with ZNMI, and compare their reproducibility and accuracy on three diverse protein families. We find that (i) of the algorithms tested, while none appear to be both highly reproducible and accurate, ZNMI is one of the most accurate by far and (ii) while users should be wary of predictions drawn from a single alignment, considering an ensemble of sub-alignments can help to determine both highly accurate and reproducible couplings. Our cross-validation approach should be of interest both to developers and end users of algorithms that try to detect correlated amino acid substitutions