23 research outputs found

    Adopsi Inovasi Program Keluarga Berencana oleh Akseptor dari Komunitas Adat Terpencil Baduy diKecamatan Leuwidamar Kabupaten Lebak

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    Adanya trend peningkatan akseptor Keluarga Berencana (KB) pada Komunitas Adat Terpencil (KAT) Baduy Kecamatan Leuwidamar Kabupaten Lebak Banten. Data menunjukkan Tahun 2006 Akseptor KB di Baduy Luar berjumlah 647 peserta, per bulan Pebruari 2014 jumlah akseptor KB Baduy Luar 1403 peserta, dan akseptor di Baduy dalam 16 peserta. Selain itu ada variasi penggunaan alat kontrasepsi yang dipakai, pada masa awal KAT Baduy menerima konsep KB kebanyakan mereka menggunakan implant. Dari gejala tersebut penelitian ini dirancang dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan ciri inovasi KB, saluran atau media apa dalam penyebaran KB; faktor-faktor karakteristik adopter apa saja yang mempengaruhi penerimaan KB. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Survai explanasi. Jumlah sample penelitian sebanyak 100 orang. analisis dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar peubah dilakukan analisis korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanUsia responden sebenarnya relatif terdistribusi mulai umur 13 sampai 45 tahun, paling banyak adalah usia 18-25 tahun. Jumlah putra yang dimiliki paling dominan antara 2 anak dan 4 anak.Jenis Pekerjaan responden sebagian besar adalah penenun kain. Jarak rumah tempat tinggal responden  ke klinik kesehatan sebagian besar berjarak 2 jam perjalanan kaki ke klinik. Jenis alat KB (kontrasepsi) mayoritas perempuan Baduy Luar menggunakan suntik. Masa lama telah ber-KB, sebagian besar 1-3 Tahun, ada juga sudah 7-9 tahun  dan yang lebih dari 10 tahun ber-KB ternayata cukup besar. Lama memutuskan ikut KB sebagian besar yakni 6 bulan. Saat awal ber KB mayoritas alat kontrasepsi yang merteka pilih dengan cara suntik. Alasan  ber-KB jawaban yang paling banyak disebut adalah demi menjarangkan anak. Diperlukan pengembangan strategi agar perubahan terencana dapat dilakukan untuk lebih memenuhi kebutuhan akan keluarga berencana masyarakat adat baduy. Terdapat korelasi yang positif antara karakteristik akseptor KB dengan efektifitas penerimaan inovasi.Korelasi antara sistem sosial dengan efektifitas penerimaan inovasi bernilai negatif atau hampir tanpa pengaruh.Korelasi antara jenis saluran komunikasi dengan efektifitas penerimaan inovasi mempunyai hubungan yang cukup kuat

    Perbandingan Cerita Rakyat Danau Toba dengan Cerita Rakyat Tsuru No Ongaeshi: Pendekatan Struktural

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan perbandingan cerita rakyat Indonesia dan Jepang dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural genetik. Cerita rakyat diperbandingkan terdiri dua cerita asal Indonesia dan Jepang yaitu Cerita Rakyat Danau Toba dan Cerita Rakyat Tsuru No Ongaeshi. Pendekatan struktural genetik menganalisis struktur cerita dan membandingkannya dengan menggunakan unsur instrinsik dan ekstrinsik pada masing-masing cerita . Hasilnya yaitu terdapat beberapa persamaan dan perbedaanya cerita dari Indonesia maupun Jepang contohnya alur dalam cerita menggunakan alur maju, latarnya sama-sama di rumah lalu, perbedaannya cerita rakyat danau toba mempunyai 2 tokoh pemuda bernama Toba dengan Ikan Mas, lalu cerita Tsuru No Ongaeshi mempunyai 3 tokoh yaitu kakek, nenek dan seekor burung soang yang menjalma sebagai putri yang dikutik. Lalu, beramanat tentang tidak boleh menyia-menyiakan kepercayaan orang lain serta mengingkari janji yang telah kita buat sedangkan cerita rakyat Tsuru No Ongaeshi tentang jangan meremehkan balas budi seseorang maka akan tahu akibatnya, seseorang yang telah berjanji akan berbalas budi namun dikecewakan tidak akan percaya lagi pada orang itu

    The Role of Self Concepts on Achieving Motivation in RSBI Students and Regular Students

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    Not quarantee RSBI students have good achievement in academic and be success people if they do not have motivation in it. Achievement motivation is one factor to hold academic achievement that can be influenced by student self concept. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between self concept and achievement motivation. How percentage self concept role emerge achievement motivation. The result of this study is founded significant correlation between self concept and achievement motivation. 13,3% self concept play role in RSBI students\u27 achievement motivation and 35,4% in Regular students\u27 achievement motivation. In other, there is differences between RSBI students\u27 self concept and Regular students\u27 self concept. Despite there is no differences achievement motivation between RSBI and regular students

    Heterogeneous Batch Distillation Processes: Real System Optimisation

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    In this paper, optimisation of batch distillation processes is considered. It deals with real systems with rigorous simulation of the processes through the resolution full MESH differential algebraic equations. Specific software architecture is developed, based on the BatchColumn® simulator and on both SQP and GA numerical algorithms, and is able to optimise sequential batch columns as long as the column transitions are set. The efficiency of the proposed optimisation tool is illustrated by two case studies. The first one concerns heterogeneous batch solvent recovery in a single distillation column and shows that significant economical gains are obtained along with improved process conditions. Case two concerns the optimisation of two sequential homogeneous batch distillation columns and demonstrates the capacity to optimize several sequential dynamic different processes. For such multiobjective complex problems, GA is preferred to SQP that is able to improve specific GA solutions


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    Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah mendorong masyarakat petani buah kesemek di Desa Tamansatriyan Kec. Tirtoyudo Kab. Malang untuk mampu mengolah kesemek menjadi produk bernilai jual tinggi. Sehingga perekonomian masyarakat dapat meningkat. Mengingat selama ini potensi kesemek sangat besar di daerah sasaran, namun harga jual sangat rendah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah workshop dengan prosentase 70% partisipasi dan 30% demonstrasi. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Juli 2018 dan dihadiri oleh 35 orang perwakilan masyarakat petani buah kesemek. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat mendapatkan pengetahuan baru mengenai cara mengolah kesemek menjadi velva (es krim) dengan nilai jual yang lebih tinggi daripada buah kesemek biasa. Hasil kegiatan sangat berguna bagi pengembangan perekonomian masyarakat karena melalui kegiatan pengabdian, tersusun pula rencana pembentukan kelompok usaha masyarakat dibawah naungan PKK Desa Tamansatriyan sebagai pusat produksi serta penentuan sasaran pasar yang akan dijangkau dalam waktu dekat. Secara umum dapat dikatakan kegiatan workshop telah mampu mengoptimalkan upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat di sektor perekonomian dengan potensi lokal

    Safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2: an interim analysis of four randomised controlled trials in Brazil, South Africa, and the UK.

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    BACKGROUND: A safe and efficacious vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), if deployed with high coverage, could contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in a pooled interim analysis of four trials. METHODS: This analysis includes data from four ongoing blinded, randomised, controlled trials done across the UK, Brazil, and South Africa. Participants aged 18 years and older were randomly assigned (1:1) to ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine or control (meningococcal group A, C, W, and Y conjugate vaccine or saline). Participants in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group received two doses containing 5 × 1010 viral particles (standard dose; SD/SD cohort); a subset in the UK trial received a half dose as their first dose (low dose) and a standard dose as their second dose (LD/SD cohort). The primary efficacy analysis included symptomatic COVID-19 in seronegative participants with a nucleic acid amplification test-positive swab more than 14 days after a second dose of vaccine. Participants were analysed according to treatment received, with data cutoff on Nov 4, 2020. Vaccine efficacy was calculated as 1 - relative risk derived from a robust Poisson regression model adjusted for age. Studies are registered at ISRCTN89951424 and ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04324606, NCT04400838, and NCT04444674. FINDINGS: Between April 23 and Nov 4, 2020, 23 848 participants were enrolled and 11 636 participants (7548 in the UK, 4088 in Brazil) were included in the interim primary efficacy analysis. In participants who received two standard doses, vaccine efficacy was 62·1% (95% CI 41·0-75·7; 27 [0·6%] of 4440 in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group vs71 [1·6%] of 4455 in the control group) and in participants who received a low dose followed by a standard dose, efficacy was 90·0% (67·4-97·0; three [0·2%] of 1367 vs 30 [2·2%] of 1374; pinteraction=0·010). Overall vaccine efficacy across both groups was 70·4% (95·8% CI 54·8-80·6; 30 [0·5%] of 5807 vs 101 [1·7%] of 5829). From 21 days after the first dose, there were ten cases hospitalised for COVID-19, all in the control arm; two were classified as severe COVID-19, including one death. There were 74 341 person-months of safety follow-up (median 3·4 months, IQR 1·3-4·8): 175 severe adverse events occurred in 168 participants, 84 events in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group and 91 in the control group. Three events were classified as possibly related to a vaccine: one in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group, one in the control group, and one in a participant who remains masked to group allocation. INTERPRETATION: ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 has an acceptable safety profile and has been found to be efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19 in this interim analysis of ongoing clinical trials. FUNDING: UK Research and Innovation, National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR), Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lemann Foundation, Rede D'Or, Brava and Telles Foundation, NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Thames Valley and South Midland's NIHR Clinical Research Network, and AstraZeneca

    Safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2: an interim analysis of four randomised controlled trials in Brazil, South Africa, and the UK

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    Background A safe and efficacious vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), if deployed with high coverage, could contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in a pooled interim analysis of four trials. Methods This analysis includes data from four ongoing blinded, randomised, controlled trials done across the UK, Brazil, and South Africa. Participants aged 18 years and older were randomly assigned (1:1) to ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine or control (meningococcal group A, C, W, and Y conjugate vaccine or saline). Participants in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group received two doses containing 5 × 1010 viral particles (standard dose; SD/SD cohort); a subset in the UK trial received a half dose as their first dose (low dose) and a standard dose as their second dose (LD/SD cohort). The primary efficacy analysis included symptomatic COVID-19 in seronegative participants with a nucleic acid amplification test-positive swab more than 14 days after a second dose of vaccine. Participants were analysed according to treatment received, with data cutoff on Nov 4, 2020. Vaccine efficacy was calculated as 1 - relative risk derived from a robust Poisson regression model adjusted for age. Studies are registered at ISRCTN89951424 and ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04324606, NCT04400838, and NCT04444674. Findings Between April 23 and Nov 4, 2020, 23 848 participants were enrolled and 11 636 participants (7548 in the UK, 4088 in Brazil) were included in the interim primary efficacy analysis. In participants who received two standard doses, vaccine efficacy was 62·1% (95% CI 41·0–75·7; 27 [0·6%] of 4440 in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group vs71 [1·6%] of 4455 in the control group) and in participants who received a low dose followed by a standard dose, efficacy was 90·0% (67·4–97·0; three [0·2%] of 1367 vs 30 [2·2%] of 1374; pinteraction=0·010). Overall vaccine efficacy across both groups was 70·4% (95·8% CI 54·8–80·6; 30 [0·5%] of 5807 vs 101 [1·7%] of 5829). From 21 days after the first dose, there were ten cases hospitalised for COVID-19, all in the control arm; two were classified as severe COVID-19, including one death. There were 74 341 person-months of safety follow-up (median 3·4 months, IQR 1·3–4·8): 175 severe adverse events occurred in 168 participants, 84 events in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group and 91 in the control group. Three events were classified as possibly related to a vaccine: one in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group, one in the control group, and one in a participant who remains masked to group allocation. Interpretation ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 has an acceptable safety profile and has been found to be efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19 in this interim analysis of ongoing clinical trials

    Axial capacity evaluation of rock-socketed cast-in-situ concrete piles

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    Axial compressive capacity estimations determined from pile load tests (PLTs) are compared with theoretical methods for 13 rock-socketed cast-in-situ concrete piles constructed for different projects in Pakistan. Rock strata encountered at the project sites were mostly shale, siltstone, and sandstone. Rock quality designation (RQD) values fall within 20% to 50%, indicating that the rock mass is in fair to good condition, whereas the rock mass rating system yields a classification of poor to fair. The unconfined compressive strength of the rock cores ranges from 1.5 to 18 MPa. The PLT results show the axial compressive capacities are within 2 and 6 MPa. Axial compressive capacities were also calculated using theoretical methods. An equation is presented to determine the relationship between ultimate capacity and RQD using multiple linear regression analyses. The findings provide useful guidelines for selecting suitable and economical methods for the axial compressive capacities of rock-socketed cast-in-situ concrete piles

    Strategic Agility of SMEs in Emerging Economies: Antecedents, Consequences and Boundary Conditions

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This study investigates the effects of firm-level capabilities, and their relationships with strategic agility and the international performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Using time-lagged data from 233 internationalizing SMEs from Ghana, we test the direct relationships between SMEs’ capabilities and strategic agility. Additionally, we examine the indirect relationships between technological and networking capabilities and superior performance in international markets through the mediating mechanism of strategic agility. We also investigate the moderating effects of environmental dynamism and internationalization knowledge on the relationship between strategic agility and international performance. Our findings provide a nuanced view of the relationship between the firm-level capabilities, strategic agility and SMEs’ international performance