Journal STTII Surabaya (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabay)
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    212 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Pelayanan Gembala Jemaat Menurut 1 Petrus 5:1-4 dan Implementasinya Bagi GPdI Zion Altar Malang

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    The characteristics of effective pastoral service, as outlined in 1 Peter 5:1-4, entail that pastors are expected to serve as role models for the congregation. Peter expresses hope that these shepherds will be good leaders for the existing flock. Rather than following behind their sheep, pastors are to lead them. The objective of this research is to enable congregation leaders at the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia Zion Altar Malang (hereafter referred to as GPdI Zion Altar Malang) to implement the service characteristics of pastoral care according to 1 Peter 5:1-4. This is prompted by the suboptimal nature of the service characteristics of pastors in their oversight of local churches. The research, conducted using qualitative methods, involved data collection from several participants, including pastors and supporting servants involved in pastoral care at GPdI Zion Altar Malang. The findings of the research revealed issues such as poorly organized financial management, suboptimal implementation of teaching programs, and exacerbated by the absence of counselling services for congregation members grappling with issues in their faith journey. Pastors acknowledge the necessity of enhancing competency to realize the characteristics of pastoral care in accordance with God’s Word, particularly as outlined in 1 Peter 5:1-4, for the spiritual growth of congregation members

    Jemaat Laodikia (Wahyu 3:14-22) Sebuah Tinjuan dari Bahasa Yunani

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    The congregation of Laodicea stands out as the sole assembly within the Book of Revelation that does not receive commendation from Christ. This article undertakes an examination of various factors contributing to the lack of praise bestowed upon the Laodicean congregation by Christ, employing a linguistic analysis encompassing Greek syntax, aspect, and aktionsart. Through a detailed exploration of these linguistic dimensions, insights into the theological implications surrounding the Laodicean community's portrayal in Revelation are elucidated, shedding light on its significance within the broader narrative of the text

    The Influence of Pastor’s Leadership Style on The Faith Growth of The Congregation at GBT Kristus Ajaib Surabaya

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    Every member of the church is expected to experience ideal faith growth. However, in reality, many congregations still struggle to achieve this ideal growth. Even at GBT Kristus Ajaib Surabaya, several congregations face challenges in attaining ideal faith growth. These challenges include a tendency to become complacent with online worship, leading to laziness in attending physical services, and a misguided motivation for worship, driven by expectations of economic assistance in the form of money or groceries. The objective of this study is to investigate whether the pastor's leadership style influences the faith growth of the congregation at GBT Kristus Ajaib Surabaya. This research employs quantitative methods, with 78 church members participating as respondents. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire and analyzed using simple linear regression. The leadership style instrument utilized in this study is based on the dimensional theory proposed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, while the faith growth instrument is based on the dimensional theory by Benson, Donahue, and Erickson. The analysis reveals a positive correlation between the pastor's leadership style and the congregation's faith growth. The study concludes that the pastor's leadership style significantly impacts the congregation's faith growth at GBT Kristus Ajaib Surabaya, accounting for 60.1% of the variance. Therefore, collaborative efforts are necessary from government bodies, synods, and local churches to foster further growth in the congregation's faith

    Studi Eksegesis 1 Korintus 2:14-3:1 Sebagai Kajian Psikobiblika Dalam Memahami Perilaku Umat Kristen

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    Interpretations regarding the meanings of the phrases "spiritual man" and "natural man" as found in the text 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:1 have led to differences of opinion among scholars and theologians. There are at least three concepts related to the terms "spiritual man" and "natural man". First, these entities refer to the core of human nature which possesses contrasting characteristics. Second, there is a gradual development of the spiritual dimension within a person. Third, the inner state of humans is also characterized by the alternating dominance between spiritual and worldly aspects. The possible causes of variations in interpretations related to the terminology of "spiritual man" and "natural man" may be due to differences in the usage of different original texts, especially "natural man" which uses ψυχικὸς ἄνθρωπος in chapter 2 and σαρκίνοις in chapter 3. Differences in textual sources indicate variations in contexts and usage, which can lead to diverse understandings of these terms. Research conducted using Grassmick's nine-step qualitative exegesis method aims to seek the meanings of the phrases "spiritual man" and "natural man". From a series of exegetical processes that have been carried out, the analysis results show that the concept of "natural man" (ψυχικὸς ἄνθρωπος and σαρκίνοις) has fundamental differences with the "spiritual man" (ὁ πνευματικὸς), as these terms not only refer to sequential or interchangeable spiritual conditions, but also describe a fundamental status in someone's regeneration in Christ.         &nbsp

    Doktrin Pilihan Allah Dalam Roma 9 Bagi Peneguhan Iman Jemaat

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    The doctrine of God's choice of believers is a concept that is difficult to explain and has become a theological polemic to this day. This concept polemic occurs in groups that emphasize works as the basis of salvation and groups that emphasize grace as the basis of salvation. The Bible explains that the doctrine of choice of believers (predestination) is a very important part, and this doctrine is closely related to the teaching of salvation. Specifically, the Bible explains the doctrine of God's choice of believers in the letter Romans 9. Therefore, the author uses the exegetical method to find the meaning of God's choice of believers as an effort to strengthen the congregation's faith. God chooses His chosen people based on God's covenant, God's purposes, God's generosity, and God's sovereignty. And Allah chooses His chosen people through faith, and not because of good deeds. Faith here is faith in the Lord Jesus who is the center and target of faith

    Unveiling the Meaning of Love אהב: Between Politics and Romance in the Story of David and Jonathan

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    This study investigates the evolving interpretation of the relationship between David and Jonathan in the book of Samuel. Recent scholarship has sparked controversy by suggesting a possible homosexual connection between the two figures. This research challenges such interpretations by revisiting the concept of love (אהב) within ancient Near Eastern and biblical covenants, drawing on the foundational work of William Moran. Employing textual criticism and exegesis, the analysis focuses on the Hebrew terms חפץ and נעם used in 1 Samuel 19:1 and 2 Samuel 1:23, 26. By examining these terms alongside supporting evidence from the Hebrew Bible and ancient Aramaic texts, the study argues that these words carry primarily political connotations, signifying "delight" or "pleasantness" (חפץ) and "loveliness" or "beauty" (נעם), rather than romantic love. This novel interpretation reframes the understanding of David and Jonathan's bond, emphasizing its political significance within the broader narrative

    Analisis 1 Timotius 2:11-12 terkait Perdebatan Kepemimpinan Wanita dalam Gereja

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    One of the most controversial texts in the history of biblical interpretation relating to women's participation in church teaching and leadership is 1 Timothy 2:11-12. This text is seen as completely inconsistent with the total testimony of the NT. The Complementarian group used this text as the basis for prohibiting women from teaching and leading in the church. Meanwhile, the Egalitarian group believes that Paul's statement in 1 Timothy 2:11-12 is not a manual for church order that must be applied universally to limit women's ministry in all times and places. This research analyzes the text of 1 Timothy 2:11-12 regarding the debate on women's leadership in the church. The method used is exegesis, with the aim of finding meaning according to the original author's intentions when the text was written. The results of this research found that there are certain women who have exercised authority with dominance that demeans men. For that reason, Paul instructed certain women not to teach and command men

    Persembahan Persepuluhan Menurut Maleakhi 3:6-12

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    This research discusses the tithe offering according to Malachi 3:6-12, which is one of the topics with a high level of complexity, resulting in various interpretations. Tithing is also a highly sensitive issue in the lives of believers in relation to the church, causing controversies and even divisions. The method used is topical/theological exegesis with an emphasis on contextual-historical analysis. As a result, it is found that tithing is one of God's commands for the nation of Israel who deviated from the Torah law. Regarding the location of tithing, it is the house of God, which in the Old Testament refers to a place within the house of God, but nowadays it can refer to the church, organizations, or individuals in need, not limited to the local church, as long as it is to advance the work of God and not for the personal interests of the recipient. The purpose or result of obedience in giving tithes is gratitude and the glorification of God's name. Tithing represents a discontinuity because believers today do not live under the Torah law, but under the grace of God through the death of Christ

    Alusi Anti-Imperial dalam Misi Universal: Elaborasi Matius 28:18-20

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    Matthew 28:18-20 is unique material from Matthew that is not found in other synoptic gospels. Considering the political situation under Roman imperialism and the initial recipients' Jewish background, it is worth asking how Matthew structured his unique material so that it was relevant to the conditions prevailing at that time. The purpose of this article is to prove that there are allusions to the Old Testament in Matthew 28:18-20 so that the intended use can be understood and fits the context. The methods used are structural analysis, style analysis, and allusion analysis. The results of the discussion prove that Matthew 28:18-20 contains allusions to Daniel 7:13-14 and Isaiah 7:14; 8:8,10 which is anti-imperial in nature so that recipients of Matthew's Gospel are given the basis and encouragement for courage in carrying out the Great Commission even in a situation of Roman imperialism

    Christian Final Year College Student: Preparedness and Consciousness in Adopting Biblical Principles to Survive and Thrive in Exile During the One-Year NYSC Program

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    This research aims to investigate the level of awareness and readiness of final year Christian students in adopting a biblical-based exile lifestyle model. Two research questions and two hypotheses were proposed to guide this study. A descriptive survey research design was employed. The sampling technique used proportional multistage stratified random sampling method to obtain a sample size of 340 final year Christian students in State-owned colleges in Imo Province. The researcher-developed assessment scale titled "Christian Students' Awareness and Readiness Scale for Facing Life Challenges in Exile (CAPLCERS)" was utilized for data collection. This assessment scale comprises two clusters, A and B, with internal consistency reliabilities measured using Cronbach's Alpha of 0.78 and 0.82 respectively. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questions, while z-test was employed to test hypotheses at a significance level of 0.05. The research findings indicate that the level of awareness among final year Christian students regarding life challenges in exile during the one-year mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program is significantly below the expected average. Meanwhile, their readiness level to adopt biblical models for survival and growth in exile is significantly above the expected average. Based on these findings, the research recommends several actions: college authorities need to equip final year students with awareness of potential life challenges they may face during the one-year NYSC program; campus Christian fellowships also need to help prepare their members with biblical models and principles that can assist Christians in surviving and thriving in exile situations; and Christian fellowships or organizations in NYSC training camps need to assist Christian Corps members in integrating and striving for welfare in their placement areas while learning to love and contribute to the growth of communities that may differ in beliefs and cultures


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